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Arbiter of Change
09-03-2011, 18:54

http://www.arena.net/blog/andrew-mcleod ... ing-in-gw2 (http://www.arena.net/blog/andrew-mcleod-talks-crafting-in-gw2)
8 profesija? Nema borbe oko resursa? Eksperimentiranje pri craftingu? Oh wow. Ali vjerojatno najbolji detalj je ovaj:

Although a character can only have two disciplines at a time, they can change their crafting disciplines by visiting the master craftsmen NPC that can be found in all major cities.SWhen you change back to a crafting discipline that you’ve previously learned, you regain your skill level and known recipes from that discipline, but the cost of changing disciplines increases with the skill level in that discipline.

09-03-2011, 20:30
Šteta što su išli nekonvecionalnim imenovanjem, pa su klase ispale profesije, a profesije "discipline" :)

Malo konfuzno, ali nvm, za gameplay nebitno...

Arbiter of Change
11-03-2011, 13:54
Thief skills. Stylan. :)


11-03-2011, 15:18
And this

http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/p ... ons/thief/ (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/thief/)

11-03-2011, 15:53
Ovaj Shadow Shot mi izgleda predobro.

Arbiter of Change
12-03-2011, 20:52
Informacije sa GuildWars2Guru-a, samo pravim c/p.

Went to Boston yesterday to play the Guild Wars 2 demo and meet the developers at PAX East. I will forego most of my personal story and experiences in this thread, but needless to say I had a great time and got very lucky with the things I got and some of the priviledges I received.

The first thing I want to talk about is some new information about the game. Some of it MAY be known, but I doubt it.

* Areas from Pre-Searing Ascalon are returning for exploration such as The Catacombs.
* Any incline above 60 degrees cannot be climbed.
* Underwater caves are great shortcuts to other places rather than walking there.
* There is a high-level (50's) Volcano area.
* There is no breath/oxygen meter. You can stay underwater forever.
* The Ring of Fire Archipelago will NOT be returning.
* The Crystal Desert will NOT be returning but from one zone you can see into the Crystal Desert.
* Waypoints do NOT have level restrictions. A level 1 can theoretically obtain all the waypoints by running there.
* Durmand Priory is Beacon's Perch.
* Orr is described by the developers as a spooky and eerie environment with odd phenomenon. Orr is also a high level area (70-80).
* Codename for Gendarran Fields (Human starting area in the demo) is "Valley Settlement". The developers use these codenames to easily communicate with eachother when developing in the workplace.
* The developers stated that if there were mounts in the game that they would be Dragons.
* The demo at PAX East was approximately 9.8GB in size.
* The game client icon is a white background with the GW2 dragon on it. On top of the dragon is the word "DEV" in red letters (I will release a picture of this icon soon).
* When starting the game, the same "Connecting to ArenaNet" splash screen with the game logo and loading bar is implemented with a GW2 theme instead (I will release a picture of the splash screen soon).

There are also many bugs that we found when playing the demo.

* Draw distance bugs. Portions of far-away mountains disappear at a certain camera angle. Sometimes trees and their respective reflections pop out of nowhere.
* Issues with 3D. The cursor is drawn behind everything else except on menus making it difficult to see sometimes. When playing 3D on 3 monitors, there is angular distortion of the left and right monitors. Sometimes the entire game map scrunches up on the middle monitor, making it completely illegible (I will release a picture of this phenomenon soon).
* In the Norn starting area, you could walk through trees. This was most likely due to path-finding issues the developers are having with AI.

13-03-2011, 08:14
Lvl 80 je max level?

13-03-2011, 09:15

13-03-2011, 12:46
Kako ova igra izgleda je*ozovno, za ne povjerovati :D

Arbiter of Change
14-03-2011, 18:14
54 minute dug video sa PAX East-a. Početak je rezerviran za već poznato, ali kad počne Q&A onda otkriju neke nove stvari.
http://uk.gamespot.com/events/paxeast20 ... id=6303654 (http://uk.gamespot.com/events/paxeast2011/video.html?sid=6303654)

23-03-2011, 21:38
http://www.arena.net/blog/go-forth-and- ... -the-hylek (http://www.arena.net/blog/go-forth-and-multiply-the-hylek)

Arbiter of Change
26-03-2011, 13:19
Inače, Build Creator baziran na za sada poznatim informacijama. Ajmo na posao. :)

28-03-2011, 22:27
dosad objavljeni selectable skillovi za rejnđera su višemanje smeće :(

previše forsaju beast mastery i wilderness survival, očem vidjet šta nude u MM&expertise

31-03-2011, 18:04
Bilo bi ljepo da rangerima pet bude malo bitniji nego u jedinici.

Jeste, bilo je par dobrih buildova s petom, ali budimo realni, većina rangera na lvlu 20 peta nije ni prošetala ako ih nisu levelali za hom.

31-03-2011, 22:27
petovi su smeće.

Arbiter of Change
31-03-2011, 22:57
Petovi su integralni dio Rangera u GW2.
Ako misliš igrati samo kao čisti ranged lik odeš kao Warrior sa lukom/puškom.

01-04-2011, 12:23
integralni dio su i u gw1, što me ne sprečava da napravim mm/expertise build :S

nego očemo i ovdje imat dual class system ko u gw1 ili zbog ove opče odjebancije dedicated klasa će bit samo 1 klasa po liku?

01-04-2011, 14:08
1 klasa

New OP prof
http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/p ... /commando/ (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/commando/)

01-04-2011, 15:26

01-04-2011, 18:16
integralni dio su i u gw1, što me ne sprečava da napravim mm/expertise build :S

nego očemo i ovdje imat dual class system ko u gw1 ili zbog ove opče odjebancije dedicated klasa će bit samo 1 klasa po liku?
1 klasa.
A s obzirom na mogućnost odabira rasa, te činjenica da svaka klasa može koristiti više određenih vrsta oružja, mislim da je sasvim opravdano.
Inače bi bilo prekaotično.

01-04-2011, 19:58
commanda ti ascalonskoga :pray:

01-04-2011, 23:05

08-04-2011, 18:43

Arbiter of Change
15-04-2011, 20:02
Charr week incoming.
http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game ... oming.html (http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/473/view/news/read/20326/Guild-Wars-2-Charr-Week-Incoming.html)

15-04-2011, 20:28
dobro dokle nas oni misle zajebavat tim glupostima, oču pvp :(

Arbiter of Change
15-04-2011, 20:42
Dok god je Lore bitan.

15-04-2011, 21:20
dobro dokle nas oni misle zajebavat tim glupostima, oču igrat :(

15-04-2011, 21:52
gle nemam ja problema s loreom, štoviše mislim da ću i igrat charra kad igra krene, al nek daju bar nešto malo infoa o WvW i ostalom pvpu, pa nek onda govore o rasama, fakcijama i čemu god žele... zapravo bilo bi dobro da i o fakcijama malo više kažu uskoro, baš me zanima kako se order of whispers uklapa u sve ovo, pošto su oni iz elone :S

@fatalna mrkva - nečeš to do 2012.

16-04-2011, 01:24
baš me zanima kako se order of whispers uklapa u sve ovo, pošto su oni iz elone :S
"When Zhaitan rose, the Order was the main force which protected the knowledge of the library and moved the ancient texts and artifacts to the Durmand Priory for protection."

Znaci lijepo su se preselili kad su nastala sranja i to je to

16-04-2011, 14:20
@fatalna mrkva - nečeš to do 2012.
Onda će nas valjda do tad prestat zajebavat s tim "glupostima" i dat nam neki info o PvP-u.
Sumnjam da će o njemu davati previše informacija prije objave preostalih profesija.

16-04-2011, 16:33

16-04-2011, 18:19
Jel će se moć skakat? Jer to je odma zabavnost + 50%...

GW1 me jako živcira zbog toga kaj su likovi previše zalijepljeni za pod, dok npr. u WoWu se nekak osjećaš slobodno jednostavno zato jer možeš skakat i nemoraš uvijek ić okolo i po stepenicama nego neke ograde možeš preskočiti i skratiti si put. Neznam za vas ali meni takva "sitnica" puno znači...

I jel će se moć tankat (mislim na normalno tankanje s warriorom a ne neki glupi shadow form tankovi...) normalno, ne ko u GW1 neke šeme da mobovi napadaju ekipu s najmanje HP i kaj sve ne?

16-04-2011, 18:22
Jel će se moć skakat? Jer to je odma zabavnost + 50%...

GW1 me jako živcira zbog toga kaj su likovi previše zalijepljeni za pod, dok npr. u WoWu se nekak osjećaš slobodno jednostavno zato jer možeš skakat i nemoraš uvijek ić okolo i po stepenicama nego neke ograde možeš preskočiti i skratiti si put. Neznam za vas ali meni takva "sitnica" puno znači...

Da, moć će se skakat. Pathfinding neće bit tolko lineran ko u GW1 nego ćemo moći skakati s litica i slično.

16-04-2011, 20:13
mene zanima kakav ce bit PvE, vidim da tu nema klasicnog healanja, a oce barem biti klasicni tankovi. Baš ovo sto fatal_mrkva pita.

16-04-2011, 20:26
pa logična stvar da će jedna osoba morat držat aggro, nemojte ih toliko uzimat za riječ. rekli su da neće biti dedicated klasa, neznači da time i izbacuju određene uloge.

zapravo nevidim uopče način kak bi bilokakav rpg funkcioniro bez dps/healer/tank trojstva

16-04-2011, 21:30
Jel će se moć skakat? Jer to je odma zabavnost + 50%...

GW1 me jako živcira zbog toga kaj su likovi previše zalijepljeni za pod, dok npr. u WoWu se nekak osjećaš slobodno jednostavno zato jer možeš skakat i nemoraš uvijek ić okolo i po stepenicama nego neke ograde možeš preskočiti i skratiti si put. Neznam za vas ali meni takva "sitnica" puno znači...

I jel će se moć tankat (mislim na normalno tankanje s warriorom a ne neki glupi shadow form tankovi...) normalno, ne ko u GW1 neke šeme da mobovi napadaju ekipu s najmanje HP i kaj sve ne?

Moći će se skakati, a kažu da tankanja neće biti.
Što fali šemi da mobovi napadaju ekipu sa najmanje hp-a?

pa logična stvar da će jedna osoba morat držat aggro, nemojte ih toliko uzimat za riječ. rekli su da neće biti dedicated klasa, neznači da time i izbacuju određene uloge.

zapravo nevidim uopče način kak bi bilokakav rpg funkcioniro bez dps/healer/tank trojstva

Dedicated klasa su se riješili upravo zato da bi riješili mmo trojstva.

17-04-2011, 09:21
kao što rekoh. jesu se oni rješili dedicated klasa, al sumnjam da su se riješili tih uloga, kako god ispadne, neko mora pušit damage, neko teško lupat, a neko krpat sav primljeni damage i pri tom buffat ostale(guardian), baš me zanima vidjet scenu kad onak guardian dpsa i boli ga kurac za ostalo, nastalo bi epic rageova.

Arbiter of Change
17-04-2011, 11:01
neko mora pušit damage, neko teško lupat, a neko krpat sav primljeni damage i pri tom buffat ostale(guardian), baš me zanima vidjet scenu kad onak guardian dpsa i boli ga prozor za ostalo, nastalo bi epic rageova.
Ne mora jer je to posljedica uklanjanja dedicated klasa. Ne mora jer je svaka profesija sposobna za sve budući da igra nije složena oko Holy Trinitya.
Ako želiš igrati sa partijem punim Warriora možeš.

17-04-2011, 11:49
kao što rekoh. jesu se oni rješili dedicated klasa, al sumnjam da su se riješili tih uloga, kako god ispadne, neko mora pušit damage, neko teško lupat, a neko krpat sav primljeni damage i pri tom buffat ostale(guardian), baš me zanima vidjet scenu kad onak guardian dpsa i boli ga kurac za ostalo, nastalo bi epic rageova.
Svaka klasa moze "tankat" (drzat aggro na sebi a da ne umre odma, npr warrior ce primat dmg, ranger ce kiteat, necro ce koristit minione, assassin ce dodgeat), isto kao sto svaka klasa moze supportat (healat, buffat i slicno)

Guardian je napravljen tak da buffa i kad je ofenzivan i kad je defenzivan, tak da ce i bit ocekivano da dpsa, ovisno o situaciji u kakvoj se nalazi jer pritiskom jedne tipke ti si promjenis setove oruzja i cjelokupni nacin igranja. Tko bude igrao samo jedan setup znas da suxa

17-04-2011, 15:32
I samo da dodaju neki damage meter ili barem podršku za neki takav addon jer mi je to jedan od najboljih dijelova mmo-ova ( uz skakanje :P )

17-04-2011, 15:41
Ma kakve addone, nadam se da ih nece bit, ko u prvom dijelu

17-04-2011, 16:22
Pa zašto ne, nemoraš ih instalirat ako nećeš...

17-04-2011, 17:37

17-04-2011, 22:32
I samo da dodaju neki damage meter ili barem podršku za neki takav addon jer mi je to jedan od najboljih dijelova mmo-ova ( uz skakanje :P )

S obzirom da damage meter ima običaj privlačenja određene vrste igrača (http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/20080801)Sja ga nemam neku želju vidjeti u GW 2, a i mislim da ne bi imao previše smisla s obzirom da bi se borba trebala dobrim dijelom temeljiti na kontroli protivnika i potpori saveznika.

17-04-2011, 23:11
[quote=".":1r7w50an]neko mora pušit damage, neko teško lupat, a neko krpat sav primljeni damage i pri tom buffat ostale(guardian), baš me zanima vidjet scenu kad onak guardian dpsa i boli ga prozor za ostalo, nastalo bi epic rageova.
Ne mora jer je to posljedica uklanjanja dedicated klasa. Ne mora jer je svaka profesija sposobna za sve budući da igra nije složena oko Holy Trinitya.
Ako želiš igrati sa partijem punim Warriora možeš.[/quote:1r7w50an]

da možeš, i opet će bit određeni warrior koji će hilat onog koji prima dmg, a ostali će pokušat što više dmga izdilat.

uostalom, vidjet čemo kad izađe. kako god ispalo neće me smetat :)

18-04-2011, 08:13
A mislim istina je da dps meter pojačava hejt u partyu, no opet nekak daje natjecateljski duh igri, i na mene dps meter utječe tako da se bolje trudim i imam veći dps i nekužim zašto svi ne bi vidjeli onu gamad koja jede sendviče dok ja trgam tipkovnicu na frontu.

Ili ako ništa, da barem stave opciju da možeš vidjet jedino svoj dps, i da to možeš hideat tak da tetkice koji imaju premalog nemoraju gledat tu tugu, a mi ostali se možemo divit.

18-04-2011, 13:28
Jer dps je jedino sta utjece na rezultat borbe. Ne, kontrola, disejblanje protivnika igra ogromnu ulogu, tak da dps meter nema nikakvog smisla, jedino za e-peen

18-04-2011, 13:59
A mislim istina je da dps meter pojačava hejt u partyu, no opet nekak daje natjecateljski duh igri, i na mene dps meter utječe tako da se bolje trudim i imam veći dps i nekužim zašto svi ne bi vidjeli onu gamad koja jede sendviče dok ja trgam tipkovnicu na frontu.

Ili ako ništa, da barem stave opciju da možeš vidjet jedino svoj dps, i da to možeš hideat tak da tetkice koji imaju premalog nemoraju gledat tu tugu, a mi ostali se možemo divit.

Jer dps je jedino sta utjece na rezultat borbe. Ne, kontrola, disejblanje protivnika igra ogromnu ulogu, tak da dps meter nema nikakvog smisla, jedino za e-peen

Arbiter of Change
18-04-2011, 19:57
Here a we go.
http://www.arena.net/blog/creating-the- ... arter-area (http://www.arena.net/blog/creating-the-charr-starter-area)

Isto tako, raspored za Charr tjedan.

This week we’re going to take a closer look at the charr and go behind the scenes with ArenaNet devs to learn more about making the charr come to life in-game. Here’s what we’ve got planned:

Monday – On the blog today, designer Devon Carver explores the Village of Smokestead, a key location in the charr starter area and explains the iterative process behind this map’s creation.
Tuesday – In this blog post full of audio clips of charr chatter, writer Scott McGough will show how writing and sound design come together to create a compelling, immersive environment for players.
Wednesday – We’ll talk to the artists responsible for the visual look of the charr – Katy Hargrove, Kekai Kotaki, and Kristen Perry.
Thursday – We’re updating the charr page on GuildWars2.com with new charr background text by Jeff Grubb and a video tour of the charr homeland.
Friday – Lore and Continuity Designer Ree Soesbee illustrates the ferocious, competitive nature of charr society in this loreful charr blog post.

18-04-2011, 22:45
You might think that after we had put several months into the map, we’d have been resistant to making wholesale changes, but we thought it was more important to make the game right than to just get it done.

P.S. i ajde kak da se sad čovjek odluči koji će rasu igrat, još će mi i sylvarije i asure napravit simpatičnima :(

The Boz
18-04-2011, 22:58
Ja uz svog necrota planiram najfizikalniju klasu igrati upravo kao Sylvarija.

19-04-2011, 09:14
Jer dps je jedino sta utjece na rezultat borbe. Ne, kontrola, disejblanje protivnika igra ogromnu ulogu, tak da dps meter nema nikakvog smisla, jedino za e-peen
Baš to i zato želim da ga stave. Ne razumijem zašto nebi bila opcija da vidim vlastiti dps, stvarno mi nije jasno. Nemoraš gledat ak nećeš.

19-04-2011, 09:20
Sam ti daj, al kazem ti da to fakat nema nikakvog znacenja da si dobar igrac, jer overall dps nije nimalo bitan, bitan je dps koji napravis na called targetu i ak napravis najveci burst u tom trenutku, to vec ima neko znacenje

19-04-2011, 10:52
neznam baš kolko će to imat značenje u WvW bitkama, koje će kolko kužim biti nešto ko large scale rvr u WARu samo bolje :D

19-04-2011, 11:30
Ma zaboli me za WvW lol, strukturirani PvP je ono sta ce se igrat, WvW tek tolko kad ovdje izgubis zivce

19-04-2011, 11:49
strukturirani pvp u gw mi nije zabavan ko orvr u WARu, koji btw također može bit strukturiran.

reći da će se nešto igrat dok drugo neće, ili da će jedno imat veću važnost od drugog je bezveze, čista stvar koja je zakon kod dobrog MMOa je versatilnost.

19-04-2011, 11:55
RvR - kaos, zerg pobjeduje
Structured - jednak broj igraca na obje strane, puno zahtjevniji od rvr, skill i ugiranost pobjedjuje

Tak da ono, structured > open, u svakom slucaju

19-04-2011, 11:57
ne baš, kad sam presto igrat WAR, oni koji su imali veći bomb power su pobjeđivali, što je također sakalo, al rani orvr, pogotov pre t4 je rulao na tolko razina da to nije bilo moguče, kad 1 party obrani keep od warband+ napadača, jednostavno predobar osječaj :))

19-04-2011, 11:59
Pa da, stavis par Bright Wizarda da spamaju rain of fire i gg, fakat jeben osjecaj kad obranis sa op klasama lol

19-04-2011, 12:02
znaš da nije bilo tako u početku :(

isuse sad sam dobio flashback kad sam u t2 dobio onaj split arrows tactic... *idem svršavat*

19-04-2011, 12:12
Znam da je, u WARu je balans klasa uvijek bio u kurcu i o tom fakat nema smisla raspravljat ovdje jer WvW i RvR nisu bas slicni

19-04-2011, 13:47
neznam baš, ako ga izvuku kako spada, WvW će biti ono što je orvr prvobitno trebao biti(u t4)

kvragu, jedina dobra stvar koja se WARu sad može dogodit je da sruše servere i sve krenu ispočetka.

19-04-2011, 14:28
Zapravo WvW bi trebao biti ono što je RvR u DAoC jer za razliku o WAR-a u WvW će se sukobiti 3 strane, a ne 2 kao što je to slučaj u WAR-u.

19-04-2011, 14:44
Što je WvW a što je RvR? Nagađam da su to neke vrste PvPa al ipak mi nije jasno...

19-04-2011, 14:52
WvW world versus world

rvr realm versus realm- oblik pvp implementiran od mythica, prvo u daocu, pa u WARu, superzakon stvar, nadam se da će WvW bit zabavan kao isti.

Arbiter of Change
19-04-2011, 15:18
Vi naravno znate da WvW nije samo PvP? To je više kao kampanja neka zato jer uključuje igrače SVIH levela.

19-04-2011, 15:29
pa dobro i rvr je okvirno gledano, al srž toga je klanje neprijateljskih igrača :)

bar se nadam da će bit.

19-04-2011, 15:43
"Each world starts out with castles, mercenary camps, mines, lumber mills and villages. Separating the starting zones are neutral zones controlled by no one, also containing fortresses, mines, and villages. The resources gained from mines and lumber mills are used to rebuild walls, create siege engines, and generally defend the team's fortress."

Znaci ne, objective based je

19-04-2011, 18:06
gle tako je i u rvru cilj držat BOove koji daju resurse, poboljšavaju keep, kako bi se osvojio neprijateljski keep.

al rulat će bez sumnje.

Arbiter of Change
20-04-2011, 19:40
Jučer je bio Writting the Charr segment sa uzorcima glasova. Odlično i Charrovi zvuče malo kao Dunmeri. :)
http://www.arena.net/blog/scott-mcgough ... -the-charr (http://www.arena.net/blog/scott-mcgough-on-writing-the-charr)

04-05-2011, 11:47
Par novih informacija o WvW:
http://gw2.variance.hu/2011/05/04/varia ... interview/ (http://gw2.variance.hu/2011/05/04/variance-guild-wars-2-arenanet-interview/)

04-05-2011, 12:16

05-05-2011, 20:51

06-05-2011, 11:57
Sve mi izgleda predobro, samo bi bilo bolje da malo više potiču igru s drugim igračima.

Sorry ak sam nešto krivo shvatio jer nisam baš skroz u tijeku događaja, al kolko vidim (NE iz ovog filmića) i dalje će se veći dio igre prolaziti za herojima...

06-05-2011, 12:49
Pretpostavljam da si mislio "sa herojima".
U tom slučaju si nešto krivo shvatio jer heroji neće uopće postojati u GW 2.

06-05-2011, 18:17

onak bruje cijelo vrijeme o dynamic eventima i svemu tome i ovaj zabrije da će s herojima ić po instanciranom krajoliku.

07-05-2011, 11:55
Pa prije se govorilo nešto kao da ćeš imati henchmene i jednog heroja koji će bit ko ti i moći ćeš ga jako modificirati, itd.

07-05-2011, 12:39
Ne, za henchmene su govorili da ih nece bit. A ovo za heroja je bilo spomenuto prije 3 godine i nedugo nakon tog su rekli da nis od toga

Arbiter of Change
07-05-2011, 12:53
Nekakvoga henchmana ili njegovu ekvivalentu ćeš imati samo kad budeš igrao Story varijantu Dungeona. To su barem zadnje informacije.

Inače, poduži intervju s fokusom na VA koji potvrđuje da su Norn glasovi na PAX-u ipak bili placeholderi, a ne konačni.
http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/05/07/ex ... bby-stein/ (http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/05/07/exclusive-interview-arenanets-bobby-stein/)

07-05-2011, 14:23
Nekakvoga henchmana ili njegovu ekvivalentu ćeš imati samo kad budeš igrao Story varijantu Dungeona. To su barem zadnje informacije.
Em, link na to? Kolko sam ja skuzio bit ce NPC (netko iz Destiny's Edge) i pratit tebe u tom dungeonu, nece bit s tobom u partyu (npr kao escort quest u wowu, pratis nekog NPCa i ubijas mobove oko njega)

Arbiter of Change
07-05-2011, 18:57
Pogledao sada, nisam uspio naći što vjerojatno znači da sam krivo shvatio nešto. Moj bed ako je tako.

08-05-2011, 10:17
http://www.arena.net/blog/shadows-in-th ... -the-krait (http://www.arena.net/blog/shadows-in-the-water-the-krait)

izgledaju ko nage iz warcrafta >.>

08-05-2011, 11:12
http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/nex ... ml?t=16483 (http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/next-class-this-month-t16483.html?t=16483)

08-05-2011, 17:01

izgledaju ko nage iz warcrafta >.>

Krait su dosta izmijenjeni u odnosu na GW.
Sada dosta više sliče na Nage, što je pomalo čudno budući da Nage već postoje kao vrsta u GW-u i izgledaju manje-više kao oni sada.

09-05-2011, 13:53
Pa oni su i prije na prvi pogled bili slični nagama, tek sad kužim da su to zapravo zmije :D

Arbiter of Change
11-05-2011, 14:13
39. je još za sada upitan. :)


DJ Not Nice
11-05-2011, 14:50
haha xD

Duke of Earl
11-05-2011, 14:52
Ako je ikad postojala igra koja bi stvarno mogla zaslužiti onaj previše koristeni i izlizani naslov "WoW killer", onda je to Guild Wars 2.

11-05-2011, 15:13

najbolja igra ikad

11-05-2011, 15:49
samo da ne siluju s ekspanzijama svaka 4 mjeseca

DJ Not Nice
11-05-2011, 15:59
Nek siluju.

11-05-2011, 16:04
Ja bi se stvarno okladio da bude Mesmer.

I još jedna, heavy gunner klasa (budući da zasad jedino Thief koristi vatreno oružje, i to kubure, pa mora biti barem još jedna klasa s onim puškama koje razni Charrovi imaju u trailerima).

11-05-2011, 16:47
pa valjda ranger brate

11-05-2011, 17:16
Nebih rekao.
Dok su prikazali Thiefa, rekli su da je to prva klasa koja koristi vatreno oružje.

A za Rangera na službenoj GW2 stranici piše ovako:

A ranger is mostly a master of ranged weapons, however, he can use sword or greatsword in melee combat. The ranger weapons are:

Main Hand: Sword, Axe
Off Hand: Axe, Dagger, Torch, Warhorn
Two-Handed: Greatsword, Longbow, Shortbow

11-05-2011, 17:46
Err Warrior:
Two-Handed: Greatsword, Hammer, Longbow, Rifle


11-05-2011, 20:14
You got me there.

Neznam kako mi je to promaklo.

Arbiter of Change
12-05-2011, 10:19
Možda malo prekomično da bude prava vijest, ali hodanje je potvrđeno. :)
http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/wal ... ml?t=16598 (http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/walking-confirmed-in-gw2-t16598.html?t=16598)

Hey. So you know about the whole iterative development process thing that we do here at ArenaNet? We have talked about walking in the past and said it wouldn't make it into the game. However, things can change in the world of game development. I just talked to Eric to double check. He confirmed to me that your characters will be able to walk in Guild Wars 2.

The Boz
12-05-2011, 11:49
Da su Apple, ova vijest bi bila glavna vodilja nove marketinške kampanje.

12-05-2011, 15:05
Ne znam jel bio video, Lion's Arch. Uživajte :)

v0MzZyZ- ... r_embedded (v0MzZyZ-ty8&feature=player_embedded)

12-05-2011, 16:54
jebemti kako rula

DJ Not Nice
12-05-2011, 23:02
Bilo je : P
..no da, svakako, rula umnogo!

Hajp me more pls.

Arbiter of Change
19-05-2011, 18:21
Yup, Engie je. :)
http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/p ... /engineer/ (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/engineer/)

Masters of mechanical mayhem, engineers tinker with explosives, gadgets, elixirs, and all manner of deployable devices. They can take control of an area by placing turrets, support their allies with alchemic weaponry, or lay waste to foes with a wide array of mines, bombs, and grenades.

I Gamespot intervju.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/guildwar ... evealed?si (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/guildwars2/news/6314553/guild-wars-2-preview-the-engineer-revealed?si)

Interestingly, though most of the sequel's professions will have two different sets of weapons, and will be able to switch between them freely, the engineer will be one of the game's only exceptions here. The elementalist is one of the game's few exceptions to this system (elementalists "attune" their single weapon to different elemental forces, rather than equipping new weapons), and the engineer is another, since this class equips only one weapon set, but can instead carry multiple "kits"--sets of relevant skills that work along a theme.

19-05-2011, 18:25

19-05-2011, 21:37
Zanimljivo mi je ful kako mi se UOPĆE ne sviđa nit me impresionira niti jedna rasa u ovoj igri osim Norna, i niti jedna klasa osim Warriora. Nešto strašno.

Ovo je jedini MMo koji bi zaigrao, WoW je otišao u k, ali osim dizajna gradova koji su zaista nešto prekrasno, sve ostalo mi se čini loše, jeftino, ko da nešto fali. neki 'šarm' koji recimo Divinity's Reach ili Lion's Arch imaju a sami likovi s kojima budemo mogli igrat nemaju. Ne znam.

Npr. svi ovi official filmići koji pokazuju skillove su PRELEJM, bez glazbe, bez normalnog 'pogleda', a i ovaj engineer je jako...meh klasa, bar po ovom prikazanom.

Možda je još pre rano za suditi, no evo to mi je dojam zasad. Želim je, a u neku ruku mi se gadi 90% tog šta vidim. :D

19-05-2011, 22:42
ja želim vidjet video rangera di ide i puca arrowe on the run, skirmishing.

DJ Not Nice
20-05-2011, 08:57
..a u PM kako dobro izgleda.

20-05-2011, 12:01
Od svih klasa ova mi izgleda prelejm, nikako mi se ne uklapa s ostalim klasama...

Mystery In Space
20-05-2011, 19:58
Prvi mmo u kojem mi je ranger zanimljiv :oops:
Simpatičan mi je način na koji su maknuli čistog hilera iz igre a opet dali monk fanaticima šansu da igraju water elementalista ili engineera za dodatnim heal spellovima.

Hoće početni ranger petovi ovisit o rasi koju izaberemo (nisam uspio ništa nać u vezi ovog po forumima)?

Arbiter of Change
20-05-2011, 20:10
Svaka profesija može healati na svoj način. I da, početni pet ovisi o rasi.
Inače, zanimljivo mi je kako se community podijelio po pitanju Engineera. Neki tvrde da ne paše u GW settingu.

20-05-2011, 20:24
Pa od početka smo vidjeli razne Charrove s puškama.
Po tome ni Thief ne bi dobrim dijelom pasao u taj svijet.
A još manje Asure, koji imaju puno razvijeniju tehnologiju od par puškica, a tu su od prvog dijela (tj. ekspanzije).

Ja mislim da ću odbacit elea i probat tu novu klasu. Uostalom, to bi mi trebalo biti buduće zanimanje.

Mystery In Space
20-05-2011, 20:30
Vidio sam da svi imaju taj jedan heal spell koji mogu koristit na action baru ali nisam vidio da još neka klasa osim elementalista može hilat putem spellova koje dobije kod određenih oružja (staff, dagger...) u water elementu. Slobodno me ispravite ako sam u krivu :oops:

E sad, u glavi mi se vrti asura ili sylvari ranger ali me kopka kako će asura pet izgledati (Za sylvari već vidim nekog šumskog vuka, medvjeda ili možda čak stablo ali stvarno ne znam kakvu bi živinu asura mogao imati pokraj sebe).

20-05-2011, 20:46
Ja bi prije reko da će Nornovi imat medvjeda ili vuka.
Sylvari su više vodena stvorenja.

20-05-2011, 23:45
Pa od početka smo vidjeli razne Charrove s puškama.
Po tome ni Thief ne bi dobrim dijelom pasao u taj svijet.
A još manje Asure, koji imaju puno razvijeniju tehnologiju od par puškica, a tu su od prvog dijela (tj. ekspanzije).

Ja mislim da ću odbacit elea i probat tu novu klasu. Uostalom, to bi mi trebalo biti buduće zanimanje.

Nije stvar toliko pušaka ili pištolja koliko mina, turret-a, granata...itd.
U "Grenade satchel" videu onaj charr ima granadu koje je u biti današnji flash bang, ona mina u "Rifle Turret" videu mi više izgleda kao nešto što bi vidio u Star Wars igri negu u fantasy mmo-u, a da o Jump Shot-u i ne pričamo.
Kod Asura imaš osjećaj da je njihova tehnologija nekako više stvar magije nego tehnologije.

Mystery In Space
21-05-2011, 17:20
Svaka profesija može healati na svoj način. I da, početni pet ovisi o rasi.
Inače, zanimljivo mi je kako se community podijelio po pitanju Engineera. Neki tvrde da ne paše u GW settingu.
Istina je da engineer malo čudno djeluje ali ipak je 250 godina prošlo pa je i za očekivat takav napredak (ljudi su malo blesavi ali dovoljno je pogledati napredak pravog svijeta da se čovjek uvjeri kako je sve to moguće). Engineer je dobra klasa koja će privuć sve "WO" engineere (i sami su rekli da im je war engineer bio uzor) + svakog steampunk fanatika. Smatram da se ljudi stvarno ne znaju izrazit te jednostavno lupe kako im engineer sa flamethrowerom, bombama i turetima čudno djeluje kao klasa dok je u pozadini drugi problem a to je povezanost sa rasama. Nitko se neće bunit protiv Charr Engineera (iron legion) dok asura, sylvari i norn po samim principima odskaču od toga (barem meni). Ne mogu si predočit asuru kako koristi turete, bombe i kakve puškice kada imaju mogućnosti upravljanja golemima te "opasnoj" magiji (naravno nije sve to daleko na neki način ali je stvarno nategnuto). I norn bi mi prošao ukoliko bi spirit bio raven (mislim da je taj spirit za lukavost i mudrost) pa postavljanje bombi i taktična strana engineera prolazi (i dalje mi je ovo žešće nategnuto) ali onda dolazimo do sylvari (je da nije puno toga poznato o njima ali ajde da maštam malo). Snovi, priroda, povezanost sa drvećem, biljkama itd. (poznato? xD). Više mi djeluju kao netko tko voli maštati o svojoj ulozi na svijetu, voli prirodu, snove, sam život te prezire sve što bi moglo nauditi toj istoj prirodi/životu (industrija).

Ja bi prije reko da će Nornovi imat medvjeda ili vuka.
Sylvari su više vodena stvorenja.
Norni će imati vjerojatno medvjeda, vuka i snow leoparda ili ravena kao početne petove. Mislio sam da bi sylvari mogli imati šumsku verziju medvjeda (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/091/1/c/Bear_by_sandara.jpg)Srecimo a ne očekujem ništa manje od ovoga (http://www.tisakmedia.hr/var/ekiosk/storage/images/dvd_cd_blu_ray/crtani_filmovi/ostali_crtani_filmovi/mali_leteci_medvjedici_6/1020336-2-cro-HR/mali_leteci_medvjedici_6_lightbox.png)S(bolje i to nego nekakvi rozi leteći vilenjaci 8) )
Sylvari nisu vodeni po meni xD Nekako mi vuku na hodajuće ruže i koprive po fan artu ali kako će nakon re/designa izgledati vidjet ćemo :)

+ Ranger će imati vodene i kopnene petove (water combat here i come)

EDIT: Već kad je Boz započeo idem i ja xD Asura guardian (dynamic) i Sylvari Ranger (Rođen po noći/zima) ili Human ranger (Melandru) ukoliko mi se ne svidi Sylvari redesign :oops:

The Boz
21-05-2011, 17:29
Moji likovi: Human Necro, Charr Engineer, Asura Warrior, Norn Thief, Sylvari Guardian... najvjerojatnije

Arbiter of Change
21-05-2011, 18:49
@Mystery In Space:
Tehnički gledano, Sylvari nisu ekvivalenta fantasy elfova, tj. nisu u harmoniji sa prirodom i slično pa da odbacuju tehnologiju automatski.
Jednostavno su samo "rođeni" kao polu-biljke, bar koliko sam ja shvatio... ali s obzirom da prolaze kroz reviziju trenutno ništa nije sigurno.

inb4 samo 4 character slota. :)

Mystery In Space
21-05-2011, 18:58
@Arbiter of Change
Ma, mislio sam na film avatar (navi, valjda se ne gledaju kao elfovi xD). Tako sam i ja shvatio da su sylvari polu biljke. Nadam se samo da neće stavit neke kvazi elfove u igru i sve pet.
Samo 4 character slota? :-x

21-05-2011, 19:04
kolko ja kužim sylvari su otvoreni prema svemu, jer su jako mladi i sve to, pa žele što više spoznati, naučiti and stuff, tako da im engieneerac paše.

22-05-2011, 03:24
@Mystery In Space:
Tehnički gledano, Sylvari nisu ekvivalenta fantasy elfova, tj. nisu u harmoniji sa prirodom i sličnoSpa da odbacuju tehnologiju automatski.
Jednostavno su samo "rođeni" kao polu-biljke, bar koliko sam ja shvatio... ali s obzirom da prolaze kroz reviziju trenutno ništa nije sigurno.

inb4 samo 4 character slota. :)

Baci pogled na galeriju. (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari)
Ovo im je glavni grad. (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/92/2009_December_Sylvari_Grove.jpg)

26-05-2011, 18:10
http://www.guildwars2.com/en/contests/v ... nners.html (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/contests/video-contest/winners.html)


26-05-2011, 19:19
bokte rađe bi jedno onako kučište nego išo u seattle :D

inače pogledo pobjedničke videje. gg.

Arbiter of Change
26-05-2011, 19:48

Vikinzi su predobri. :)

27-05-2011, 00:59
Baci pogled na galeriju. (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari)
Ovo im je glavni grad. (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/92/2009_December_Sylvari_Grove.jpg)

Sali s obzirom da prolaze kroz reviziju trenutno ništa nije sigurno.

Arbiter of Change
27-05-2011, 22:54
Engineer FAQ (http://www.arena.net/blog/frequently-asked-questions-about-the-engineer)

Q: With Healing Turrets, Med Kits, and defensive skills like Absorb, does the engineer fit the dedicated healer/buff/support role in Guild Wars 2?

A: The engineer is no more a dedicated healer than an elementalist, necromancer, or guardian. The engineer’s healing turret and healing kit are both equipped in the character’s healing skill slot. You then need to consider how powerful each of those abilities are; the Healing Turret, for example, is very similar in power to the ranger skill Healing Spring. Absorbing a projectile is a slightly different version of skills that deflect projectiles, which we’ve seen from other professions. When built properly the engineer is a great support character, but no more so than most of the other professions.

29-05-2011, 04:03
Baci pogled na galeriju. (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari)
Ovo im je glavni grad. (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/92/2009_December_Sylvari_Grove.jpg)

Sali s obzirom da prolaze kroz reviziju trenutno ništa nije sigurno.

Koliko je meni poznato revizija bi se uglavnom fokusirana na sami izgled likova, ostatak stvari vezanih uz njih se ne bi trebao mijenjati.

29-05-2011, 18:08
Baš mi se sviđa Engineer, definitivno ću ga igrat.

DJ Not Nice
05-06-2011, 22:00

06-06-2011, 09:43
Dobar video, hype skočio :(

Arbiter of Change
12-06-2011, 21:02
Dobar intervju i Q&A o profesijama.
http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/06/10/ex ... han-sharp/ (http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/06/10/exclusive-interview-arenanets-jon-peters-and-jonathan-sharp/)

We didn’t feel like we could ship the game without the engineer for so many reasons. His playstyle, his tie to the lore, guns, technology and charr and generally everything about the world advancing. While all the other professions are important, there were two professions we didn’t feel we could ship the game without: the guardian and engineer. The guardian is the tie back to where we were, and the engineer is forward-looking. The other professions are our ‘constant’. These two classes really tell the story of our 250 year transition.


Jon P: Here is an example: Death Shroud does not work at all like it used to. It no longer auto-triggers when you go down; you have a regular downed state as a necromancer just like everyone else. Death Shroud is something you activate when you’re alive only, and it no longer brings you back to where you cast it. It’s now just a skill you use and when it ends you are just where you are. Both of those things were not only too hardcore and confusing but they also made the profession work poorly with others. We’ve also probably changed 30% of the necromancer’s skills from the last time they’ve been seen.

14-06-2011, 13:11
As far as group dynamics, and this applies to everywhere in the game, there isn’t an “OK, we run with two guardians, two warriors and an elementalist.” In PVP you could run with five warriors. A warrior with a mace and a warhorn using charge to sprint around the battlefield, giving people regen. Two longbow warriors doing AOE damage, a warrior with a sword and a warrior with an axe, which would be your melee-oriented pairing. Whilst we haven’t run that setup completely, it is close to being run. We’ve fought against very difficult creatures with setups like that.
Ovo mi se jako dopalo.

Također, baš su mi super dečki iz ArenaNeta, nekako djeluju fino opušteno, pristojno i lijepo priznaju gdje su pogriješili i tako to.
Baš su fora.

14-06-2011, 16:55
Ne znam, ne vidim onda svrhu profesija ak s warriorom možeš hilat ili radit aoe damage.

14-06-2011, 16:58
Nisu sve profesije jednako efektivne u tome?

Arbiter of Change
14-06-2011, 17:15
Ne znam, ne vidim onda svrhu profesija ak s warriorom možeš hilat ili radit aoe damage.
Jer, ovaj, želiš igrati kao Warrior? Oklopnjača, itd.

I da, ANet potvrđuje da su i dalje zakon.
http://www.gamerzines.com/mmo/previews/ ... 2-pt1.html (http://www.gamerzines.com/mmo/previews/interview-guild-wars-2-pt1.html)
http://www.gamerzines.com/mmo/previews/ ... 2-pt2.html (http://www.gamerzines.com/mmo/previews/interview-guild-wars-2-pt2.html)

ERIC:SI think it's fair to say we chose our business model before we even began development. We chose it when we chose to go with this model for the original Guild Wars. We feel like we made a promise to our fans that Guild Wars games will never have monthly fees and we wanted to uphold that promise.

We also truly believe that the no subscription fee model is better both for us as developers and for our fans as customers. Without being able to rely on a monthly income it puts us into the position where we have to justify any new content or features to our existing customers, which means that we have to give them what they want. This means we can focus development on the things that will make our customers happy and make the game better. It's a better situation for us than if we relied on a monthly fee.

Arbiter of Change
24-06-2011, 18:29
Konačno o dungeonsima i podvodnom sadržaju.
http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/d ... -dungeons/ (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/dungeons/into-the-dungeons/)
http://www.arena.net/blog/jonathan-shar ... #more-5324 (http://www.arena.net/blog/jonathan-sharp-talks-underwater-combat#more-5324)

That tale is told and resolved in the story mode, but what of the explorable version of this dungeon? This content happens in the same area as the story mode, but it takes place after the events of the story. What happens in story mode directly affects the circumstances of the explorable mode.
Dynamic Events

As a result of your actions in the story mode, a powerful darkness is welling up from the depths beneath the dungeon. Now the Durmand Priory is trying to figure out how to deal with this new problem. You and your party choose which of three approaches you'll use to handle the threat. Each of these three options creates a different version of the dungeon, with new areas, new challenges, and new and more difficult creatures.

If you want to go full-on underwater, just tilt your camera down and keep moving forward – you will dive below the waves. When this happens, you will automagicallySswitch to your underwater weapon set, your underwater skill setup, and your breathing device.


24-06-2011, 21:23
Kako ova igra sa svakim novim objavljenim detaljem izgleda sve bolje i bolje.

28-06-2011, 12:55
Underwater combat. (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/guildwars2/video/6321038/guild-wars-2--underwater-combat-demo)

Arbiter of Change
29-06-2011, 16:46
Evo malo Elementalista sa vatrom. Primjetite kako joj praktički odnesu 1/4 healtha sa par udaraca. I da, vatra pod vodom uzrokuje ključanje vode. :)


Arbiter of Change
04-07-2011, 12:00
Malo napredniji character building tool. Još uvijek je daleko od konačnog proizvoda.

05-07-2011, 18:27
Nema Engineera :(

Btw, ako nekog zanima, na Steamu je Guild Wars Trilogy 14,99€ i Eye of the North 7,49€.
To je sve skupa oko 165kn tako da ako nekog zanima - isplati se.

Arbiter of Change
12-07-2011, 09:11
Novi kraći intervju. Ništa posebno novo osim promjene da će WvWvW ratovi trajati 2 tjedna, a ne 1 kao što se do sada mislilo.

E da, zadnja knjiga bi mogla nositi naziv Sea of SorrowsSako su glasine točne.
http://books.simonandschuster.com/Guild ... 1416589624 (http://books.simonandschuster.com/Guild-Wars-Sea-of-Sorrows/Ree-Soesbee/9781416589624)

12-07-2011, 10:46
Dakle igru bi mogli očekivati do kraja 2012.

23-07-2011, 08:08
SDCC 11: Engineer Walkthrough (Cam) HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/sdcc-11-guild-wars-2/717923)

U videu:

- Engineer kits
- Engineer combat
- "Fight to survive" mechanics
- Underwater combat

Arbiter of Change
23-07-2011, 08:57
Turret se čini malo OP, ali drago mi je vidjeti da možeš umrijeti od random mobova. :)

23-07-2011, 09:22
Mene se dojmila, sama raznovrsnost klase, i dinamicnost iste :)

Iako sam do sada bio zadrti E/Mo, mislim da cu se u GW 2 okusati u Engineeru...

Arbiter of Change
25-07-2011, 18:30
ComicCon panel.


Arbiter of Change
29-07-2011, 12:23
Inače, 17.8. je važan datum.

The new demo will feature a ton of cool new content that we haven’t showcased before. “What exactly is in the gamescom demo, Martin?” I hear you say. Well, I’m glad you asked. Let me give you a high level overview of what you will be able to play at the NCsoft Booth (A11/B10, Hall 9.1).

Seven professions – Play all seven professions that we’ve revealed so far: engineer, thief, guardian, necromancer, ranger, warrior, and elementalist.

Charr starter experience – For the first time, you can forge your destiny as a member of the Iron, Ash, or Blood Legion in our charr starter area. You can also choose to play the human and norn starting experience as well.

Mid level demo – As always, we’ve prepared a higher level demo experience for players who want a challenge. Face powerful Orrian enemies on land, engage them in battle underwater and face off against a new boss.

Sylvari and asura – Did I mention that you’ll be playing sylvari and asura characters for this high level content? Yes, for the first time, players will be able to get their hands on these unique races – believe me, they are impressive!

Character appearance customization – Also for the first time, you’ll be able to play around with our character appearance customization feature and control the way your character looks.

PvP – Last but certainly not least, we’re premiering Guild Wars 2 Player vs Player (PvP) at gamescom! Swing by the ESL booth and head to the Guild Wars 2 area to get your exclusive hands-on PvP experience. Also check out our periodic exhibition matches that pit our valiant team of ArenaNet developers against the European guild BOON Control on the ESL center stage!

DJ Not Nice
29-07-2011, 12:48
http://www.badcartridge.com/index.php?/ ... our-story/ (http://www.badcartridge.com/index.php?/topic/24366-guild-wars-2-whats-your-story/)

Arbiter of Change
02-08-2011, 15:07
Inače, potvrđeno je da će se Transmutation Stone moći kupiti sa Karmom.

03-08-2011, 08:45
Field - recording (http://www.arena.net/blog/video-guild-wars-2-field-recording)

Arbiter of Change
05-08-2011, 20:21
Sylvari Week počinje sljedeći tjedan. Can't wait.

Here’s what we’ve got planned next week:

S MondayS– Artist extraordinaire Kristen Perry explains how the look of the sylvari has grown and evolved in a blog post full of cool art and character designs.
S TuesdayS– Writer Angel McCoy describes how the writing team brings the sylvari to life through dialogue in a blog post that features a load of audio clips from Guild Wars 2.
S WednesdayS- Lore & Continuity Designer Ree Soesbee and Kristen Perry discuss the roots and growth of this unique race in a video overview of the sylvari right here on the blog.
S ThursdayS– We’re updating the sylvari page on GuildWars2.com with new lore, screenshots, wallpapers, and an atmospheric new sylvari video!
S FridayS- Ree Soesbee returns with a lore-filled narrative blog post that explores the mysterious sylvari even further.

08-08-2011, 14:12
Sylvari week počinje danas, yes?

08-08-2011, 15:05

08-08-2011, 19:53
And here it is

http://www.arena.net/blog/kristen-perry ... he-sylvari (http://www.arena.net/blog/kristen-perry-on-designing-and-redesigning-the-sylvari)

Arbiter of Change
08-08-2011, 20:04
Može može.

http://s2.postimage.org/33sjg7h5w/Caithe_Series.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/33sjg7h5w/)

08-08-2011, 20:17
wow :O
Možda i najimpresivnija rasa, s obzirom na estetiku i dizajn. Očekivao sam nekakve emo zelene elfove (na što su bili nalik u ranim verzijama), ali ovo je nešto puno elegantije i elaboriranije, a opet nekako primitivnije i sirovije... seriously, ArenaNet ima vjerojatno najjebeniju art/design ekipu s ovu stranu Mliječnog puta :D

09-08-2011, 08:39
Lion's Arch Flythrough HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/lions-arch-guild-wars-2/718712)

Thief Skills Gameplay Trailer HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/thief-skills-guild-wars-2/718710)

Necromancer Skills Gameplay Trailer HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/necromancer-skills-guild-wars-2/718728)

Human Race Trailer HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/human-race-guild-wars-2/718726)

Norn Race Trailer HD (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/norn-race-guild-wars-2/718730)

10-08-2011, 08:27
Drugio dio (http://www.arena.net/blog/the-sylvari-soul)SSylvari weeka.

10-08-2011, 11:34
There are male and female sylvari, but none has ever produced a child as other races do. Because of this, traditional human-style gender roles have no meaning to sylvari, either in their society or in their romantic relationships.

Awwwwyeah, vruća botaničarska lezbo ljubav na pomolu :D

11-08-2011, 09:00

16-08-2011, 01:47
http://www.arena.net/blog/jon-peters-on ... escom-demo (http://www.arena.net/blog/jon-peters-on-the-new-gamescom-demo)

"Skills no longer cost energy. This means energy potions are also gone."

Arbiter of Change
16-08-2011, 06:52
Kontroverzno, ali onda i potioni su bili kad su ih najavili pa su ljudi mislili da će se moći spammati.

A weapon’s skills are now learned by fighting with that weapon. Because weapon skills are tied to weapon use, there is no reason to visit a trainer and make choices about which ones to unlock. Instead, it makes more sense to learn how to use the weapon by, you know, actually using it.


Jedan intervju.
http://crossingtyria.com/content.php?57 ... Jeff-Grubb (http://crossingtyria.com/content.php?573-Crossing-Tyria-s-Interview-with-Eric-Flannum-and-Jeff-Grubb)

17-08-2011, 08:48
Gamescom trailer

Some PvP info

17-08-2011, 09:31
http://www.arena.net/blog/the-battle-of ... arp-on-pvp (http://www.arena.net/blog/the-battle-of-khylo-jonathan-sharp-on-pvp)

Arbiter of Change
17-08-2011, 09:53
Iskreno? Sve redom odlično, premda je druga polovica trailera bila više-manje samo replay skillova. Ali prva je ekvivalenta vizualnoga orgazma.

Ovo je ipak najbolje od svega, posebno boldani dio:

Tournaments come in the following flavors:

Pickup Tournaments: These single-elimination tournaments wait for 8 teams to join before starting. Once they start, they go through 3 rounds of eliminations, with winners receiving qualifier points.
Monthly Tournaments: For monthly tournaments, you'll need a certain amount of qualifier points to join.
Yearly Tournaments: These grand tournaments feature the winners from the monthly tournaments slugging it out for the right to call themselves the best PvP players of the year.
S Player-Run Tournaments: These tournaments will be customized by players, allowing for great flexibility and unique bragging rights.

Arbiter of Change
18-08-2011, 05:46
1:20. I am Charr. :)


18-08-2011, 15:17
Neda mi se trazit linkove livestreama i slicno, al PvP fucking owna




22-08-2011, 07:24
Guild Wars 2 PvP Interview with Eric Flannum
http://www.tentonhammer.com/gw2/gamesco ... ic-flannum (http://www.tentonhammer.com/gw2/gamescom/2011/pvp-interview-with-eric-flannum)

23-08-2011, 20:22

40-minutni press demo s komentarima deva <3

25-08-2011, 11:30

Arbiter of Change
29-08-2011, 12:17
30 minuta Elementalist gameplaya. Na njemačkom, ali ionako je 90% borba.


Arbiter of Change
03-09-2011, 18:58
Toliko tome da je PvE prelagan i da su casteri bespomoćni kad ih se uhvati u melee.


Arbiter of Change
08-09-2011, 22:07
Asura week počinje u ponedjeljak. Nitko ne posjećuje podforum osim nas koji postamo informacije... za nas same izgleda. :(
http://www.arena.net/blog/prepare-your- ... #more-6217 (http://www.arena.net/blog/prepare-your-minds-for-asura-week#more-6217)

08-09-2011, 22:07
Ja stalkam. Shush.

09-09-2011, 16:35
Do kraja godine će, nadam se, objavit i zadnju profesiju.

The Boz
09-09-2011, 16:49

09-09-2011, 18:29
Javna tajna :P

10-09-2011, 09:55
Do prije mjesec dana sam bio uvjeren da ću rollati Char (rangera), ali čini se da će se ti nyan catovi morati ustupiti mjesto Asurama :D
Asurići imaju predobre animacije..

10-09-2011, 11:43

"the guy talking really needs to calm the fuck down" :D

10-09-2011, 11:48
Wat, fail linking

10-09-2011, 12:23
my bad, fixed :D

Arbiter of Change
12-09-2011, 10:25
Zagrijavanje za Asura week danas - rani preview Rata Suma. Najbolji glavni grad ikad ili šta? :)


12-09-2011, 11:55
Rata Sum izgleda prejebeno.

Ja se više ne mogu odlučit kaj ću prvo rollat ;(

Arbiter of Change
13-09-2011, 15:11
Mr. Sparkles? :)
http://www.arena.net/blog/mr-sparkles-a ... -the-asura (http://www.arena.net/blog/mr-sparkles-a-tale-of-the-asura)

In a moment of weakness, Flummox had let the sylvari name his latest invention, and was now unsure if the sylvari had chosen the name out of innocence or amusement. “Yeah,” he said through gritted teeth, “I mean…Mr. Sparkles.”

14-09-2011, 10:28

Yep, guardian mi je main

28-09-2011, 00:22

Halibutov commentary ^^

Arbiter of Change
29-09-2011, 08:53
Intervju sa Colinom. Airships. :eyebrows:
http://www.guildmag.com/community-inter ... n-johanson (http://www.guildmag.com/community-interview-with-colin-johanson)

Colin: *Laughs* Look at you, everyone wants to know about the airships.

So the airships do not have anything to do with the Dominion of Winds, no. They are different things. I’m not going into any other details, I will say there will be at least one airship in Guild Wars 2, there might be more than one.

(We then reminded him of the fact that there were more than one featured in the trailer.)

Colin: Yeah, I guess the trailer shows more than one, huh. They may play into the game and some of the gameplay of Guild Wars 2, but there are no mounts in Guild Wars 2. You can’t have an airship as a mount on initial release, but mounts will play into some of the gameplay in the game.

29-09-2011, 13:17
Colin: Yeah, I guess the trailer shows more than one, huh. They may play into the game and some of the gameplay of Guild Wars 2, but there are no mounts in Guild Wars 2. You can’t have an airship as a mount on initial release, but mounts will play into some of the gameplaySin the game.

Syntax error :D

Jel ima mounta ili ne?

29-09-2011, 16:30
Kolko kuzim, ne da ces ga moc kupit i dobit +xx% na movement. Vjerojatno ces ga moc koristit samo kao dio nekog questa personal storylinea, mozda i dynamic eventa.

29-09-2011, 18:54
malo pvp-a, nekako mi nije sjelo

Arbiter of Change
29-09-2011, 21:12
Normalno kad ne može dvije stvari raditi istovremeno. :)

Inače, odličan članak o GW2 i MMO reketarenju pretplatom.
http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/3753 ... Racket.php (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/37537/Opinion_Guild_Wars_2_Fights_The_Subscription_Racke t.php)

MMOs have been wasting your time, because, quite literally, time is money. If you didn't have all these little, cumulative time sinks, you might get bored. You might even, (gasp), cancel your subscription. So your time is wasted, just enough for you not to really mind, but enough to keep the spread of content thin enough to last to the end of the month.

Arbiter of Change
30-09-2011, 09:49
Poduži tekst prvenstveno fokusiran na PvP dojmove kroz više dana.
http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/09/29/im ... ld-wars-2/ (http://tap-repeatedly.com/2011/09/29/impressions-guild-wars-2/)

As a map though, it wouldn’t be sensationalist of me to categorically state Khylo is the finest PvP map I have ever played in an MMOG and is leagues ahead of anything Mythic, Blizzard or Trion have thrown out their door. I’m absolutely desperate to play it again and if other maps are as well balanced and presented, I’ll die a happy man.


The accessibility of the PvP is also masterstroke. In minutes of playing on Saturday to having sunk several more hours in on Sunday, I felt entirely confident in my class and realised that the skill ceiling on even the simplest of classes could reach dizzying heights. It isn’t a case of a class needing a mechanic or one class being more complicated over the other, it was all entirely personal; how good you were as an individual. In what could become a huge competitive E-Sport this level of user defined skill should be cherished, as in my limited PvP play time I’ve more stories to tell of fun PvP encounters than ten years of playing other MMOGs.

04-10-2011, 18:21


04-10-2011, 19:11
Armor izgleda prebolesno.

The Boz
04-10-2011, 19:25

04-10-2011, 19:29
Apsolutno da^^

Arbiter of Change
04-10-2011, 19:31
We heard you like spine so we put some spine on your spine.

04-10-2011, 20:06
...so you can suffer from scoliosis while you suffer from scoliosis.

05-10-2011, 11:11


05-10-2011, 19:13
Pa ti si živ :)

06-10-2011, 09:32
Pa ti si živ :)
Živ, zdrav hvala bogu :)
Tu i tamo malo navratim provjerit šta se dešava...u iščekivanju...jedvaček mode on :))

Arbiter of Change
15-10-2011, 07:58

Grawl are humanoid ape-like creatures—slightly larger than the typical human—and are covered with long fur of various shades of grey. Because their faces and postures are definitely simian, charr scholars have theorized that the grawl are a debased form of human, or that the humans are a type of grawl uplifted by their gods.


15-10-2011, 11:53
Baš mi smješno zvuči "Charr scholars" :)
Vidim hrpetinu njih obučenih u svilene halje, nose velike naočale i pričaju čistim britanskim naglaskom.

Arbiter of Change
18-10-2011, 10:47
Hold on to your butts. :)

This tool lets you step through character creation for all five races, with the exception of customizing your appearance. They've done a very good job of simulating the experience, and aside from the animations, it's very close to the demo itself. About the only thing that would make it closer is a full screen mode!

http://s1.postimage.org/wox6ct0t2/CT_image_Generato.jpg (http://www.postimage.org/)

18-10-2011, 17:35
Kratka je to zabava, za toliko cekanje :D

http://medias.luna-atra.fr/gw2/char_tool/CT_imageGenerator.php?pseudo=Drakon%20Purrhos&lang=EN&code=&code=TSwtLDQsLSwxLC0sMSw5LDE5LDIwLDIxLC0sNywzNSw3M Sw3Myw3OQ%3D%3D (http://gw2.luna-atra.fr/character_tool/)

Arbiter of Change
18-10-2011, 17:40
Gdje je play, GDJE JE PLAY?!?! :)

19-10-2011, 12:49
http://medias.luna-atra.fr/gw2/char_tool/CT_imageGenerator.php?pseudo=Pijanko%20Letva&lang=EN&code=&code=TSwtLDQsLSwyLC0sMyw5LDE5LDIwLDIxLC0sMTEsMzUsN zIsNzMsNzY%3D (http://gw2.luna-atra.fr/character_tool/)

04-11-2011, 14:23
http://www.arena.net/blog/guild-wars-2- ... jon-peters (http://www.arena.net/blog/guild-wars-2-development-update-by-jon-peters)

Arbiter of Change
04-11-2011, 14:47
Pets no longer evolve.SInstead, they are set to the level of the ranger, and their stats and abilities are determined by their species. Each pet belongs to a species and each species belongs to a family. For example, a snow leopard is a species belonging to the feline family of pets. Charming a species unlocks that species for you, allowing you to equip that species into any pet slot whenever you are out of combat. In Guild Wars 2, a single ranger can collect and use every type of pet in the game without having to worry about stables or leveling the pets from scratch.

The Boz
04-11-2011, 16:50
Fala bogu, dosadilo mi je levelanje petova nakon prvog.

DJ Not Nice
10-11-2011, 19:44

Arbiter of Change
11-11-2011, 00:04
Bishounen alert.

Inače, sažetak G-Star događaja i promjena u igri.
http://www.arena.net/blog/eric-flannum- ... -star-demo (http://www.arena.net/blog/eric-flannum-on-the-guild-wars-2-g-star-demo)

Stay tuned, because tomorrow cinematics artist Chuck Jackman is going to show off the improved cinematic conversation cut scenes that we’ve included in the G-Star demo. We’ll see you then!

Arbiter of Change
11-11-2011, 15:49
Nisam mislio da će lip-sync toliko doprinositi dojmu.
http://www.arena.net/blog/chuck-jackman ... versations (http://www.arena.net/blog/chuck-jackman-on-updated-cinematic-conversations)


Arbiter of Change
23-11-2011, 08:17
Više o nastanku cinematic dialoga.
http://www.arena.net/blog/jim-boer-on-t ... versations (http://www.arena.net/blog/jim-boer-on-the-evolution-of-cinematic-conversations)

Painting over the in-game scene gave us a few advantages as well. Since we don’t have to render the world during these scenes, we can ensure that the conversations will run smoothly no matter what the machine. At the same time, it masks background distractions from the player’s field of view—something that’s difficult to control in an MMO unless the player is alone in an instanced region. Finally, we feel that the painted backgrounds mesh seamlessly with our unique cinematic style, presenting a more coherent experience when presented with our full cinematics.

Triple post.

Arbiter of Change
01-12-2011, 13:15
http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/int ... post999006 (http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/interview-with-arenanet-s-eric-t24233.html?p=999006#post999006)

All that being said we're definitely getting closer, we'll be revealing the final profession before the end of the year, and we've got a few other things to talk about in the coming weeks as well.

01-12-2011, 15:52
Nadam se da će uskoro detalji o kakvoj beti.

01-12-2011, 18:50
Brijem da je closed beta pocela, al nece dijelit invitove. Ocekujem mesmer reveal koji dan prije bozica

03-12-2011, 20:47

04-12-2011, 16:59
PvP! oh yess :D

05-12-2011, 18:01
mint plant person <3

13-12-2011, 10:34
Aaaaaaaaaaand here it is


The Boz
13-12-2011, 10:59
I arrived.

Arbiter of Change
13-12-2011, 12:48
Bilo je neizbježno.

13-12-2011, 13:27
Šteta što se na ovakvim demoima ne vide one sitnice koje mesmera čine tako prokleto iritantnom klasom kad ga pustite da interrupta/debilitatea kako hoće :D

13-12-2011, 15:29
Interruptove vjerovatno nisi vidio zato što će ih u obliku u kakvom postoje u GW-u biti vrlo malo.
Već je rečeno da će imati manju ulogu nego u GW-u.

14-12-2011, 16:15
www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/mesmer/ (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/mesmer/)

14-12-2011, 19:05
Sad mislim da ću prvo rollat Mesmera lol

Arbiter of Change
14-12-2011, 19:11
Me gusta. :)

S SClones—Clones are illusions that look just like the caster, have the caster's name, and have basic behaviors. Clones have low health and tend to do little damage. For example, a mesmer equipped with a sword has two clone-summoning skills: Leap, which launches him forward, leaving a clone at his location, and Illusionary Leap, which summons a clone at his location that then jumps forward.

Phantasms—Phantasms are illusions that look like the caster but have their own names and carry special illusionary weapons, which look different and have specific behavior. Phantasms are more powerful, having more health and causing more damage. For example, a staff mesmer can summon an illusionary mage that attacks its target and deals extra damage for each inflicted condition.

14-12-2011, 20:04
Zašto im je tako dugo trebalo da pokažu klasu za koju smo svi već znali da će biti?

14-12-2011, 20:09
Jer ju nisu dovrsili do nedavno?

14-12-2011, 20:38
Već su par puta izjavili kako ne vole pokazivati stvari koje nisu u potpunosti dovršene i sređene.

Arbiter of Change
14-12-2011, 22:10
Dayum, son. :)
http://www.arena.net/blog/guild-wars-2- ... ions-today (http://www.arena.net/blog/guild-wars-2-devs-answer-your-questions-today)
http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/n ... ofessions/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nclu0/im_a_guild_wars_2_developer_ama_about_professions/)

We will officially enter Closed Beta Testing this Friday. It will be marked with an increase in our pool of testers. To clarify, this phase of testing is still under NDA and is not open to the public.
Izdvojena pitanja i odgovori.
http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game ... Qs-As.html (http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/473/view/forums/thread/335146/Reddit-AMA-Qs-As.html)

DJ Not Nice
19-12-2011, 11:26

Arbiter of Change
21-12-2011, 08:51
Nastavlja sa svim profesijama. :)

Inače, sažetak novih stvari.
http://www.arena.net/blog/guild-wars-2- ... ent-update (http://www.arena.net/blog/guild-wars-2-year-end-development-update)

So to sum up:

Achievements are long-term goals with purely cosmetic rewards.
Daily achievements are short-term, easy-to-complete goals that reward you with gold and experience.
Monthly achievements are medium-term goals that encourage a variety of play and reward you with gold and experience.
Titles can be earned by completing certain achievement tracks.

DJ Not Nice
23-12-2011, 13:53
Upravo tako, nastavlja sa svim profesijama.
Mal sam zaboravio na ovo, tako da evo i ostalih linkova.





27-12-2011, 23:58
Malo sam gledo po youtubeu filmice, ovo ce bit uber dobro, nabavljam odmah, jel ima kakvih nagađanja o datumu izlaska?

28-12-2011, 00:11
Malo sam gledo po youtubeu filmice, ovo ce bit uber dobro, nabavljam odmah, jel ima kakvih nagađanja o datumu izlaska?

http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/spe ... 24772.html (http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/speculative-release-date-part-seven-t24772.html)

01-01-2012, 08:15
Kaj vi mislite o tome?

Ja sumnjam da će doć prije rujna.
Vjerojatno će bit gotova do ljeta ali nekako mi nije baš isplativo izdat igru tik pred početak/za vrijeme trajanja sezone.

Empe Tri
01-01-2012, 10:47
mislim da ce to biti 2. ili 3. mjesec prije 3.mj jer su sad svi istroseni u 12om radi nove itd i dosta ljudi nebi moglo kupit igru, pa ce vjerovatno sacekat kojih mj ili 2 :)

btw. Sretna Nova ;)

01-01-2012, 13:16
Iz ncsofta su rekli da u najgorem slucaju investitori mogu ocekivat lovu u rujnu, to je pretpostavljam zadnji rok za release igre. Ako sve bude po planu trebalo bi izac ranije, znaci ako ne naidju na neke groundbreaking bugove koji mogu odgodit release i slicno.
Na ljeto bi prema tome moglo izac

01-01-2012, 13:39
Na ljeto? Ajmee nemogu cekat... :(

01-01-2012, 21:06
Ak izade prek ljeta nista od kupanja ove godine :D

Arbiter of Change
01-01-2012, 22:20
Malo vjerojatno. To bi bilo manje-više samoubojstvo za naslov koji planira opstati od konkretne prodaje same igre, a ne od mjesečne pretplate.

01-01-2012, 22:44
Ok, siguran sam da je ovo pitanje postavljeno vec jedno 10000 puta, ali probao sam guglati i nisam nasao nista korisno.


Hoce li u GW2 svaka rasa moci imati sve profesije?

01-01-2012, 22:45

05-01-2012, 19:57
Da se još jednom dotaknem izlaska igre - ako bi išli izdavat igru prije ljeta, a da ne bude komercijalni promašaj, onda bi morali ciljat na neki travanj.
A to mi se ipak čini prerano, pogotovo za ANet, ako uzmemo u obzir koliko već rade igru.

Empe Tri
06-01-2012, 10:05
ako je sad Closed Beta mislim da ce bit jos nekih 1-2mj i onda to sto ti govoris mozda naprave Open betu u 4.om mjesecu ja mislim da bi trebala trajat nekih 30-ak dana i oko 5-6 mj ce izac igra taman prije ljeta tj. praznika, ma da se ja nadam da ce i prije :)

06-01-2012, 15:07
"Later part of this year, but not too late" sluzbena izjava

Arbiter of Change
06-01-2012, 21:18
Par nagrada iz 2012. godine.
http://www.arena.net/blog/link-round-up ... ds-edition (http://www.arena.net/blog/link-round-up-year-end-awards-edition)

Arbiter of Change
08-01-2012, 14:28
Ne znate ništa o igri ili želite informacije na jednom mjestu? Vjerojatno najbolja tema ikad sa svim informacijama. Wall of text alert.
http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/t ... iated.html (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/337506/Guild-Wars-2-Mass-info-for-the-uninitiated.html)

08-01-2012, 20:06
Odličan tekst, pročitao sve do počtka opisa rasa i profesija.
I ovo za dodavanje svoje glazbe mi se čini kao odlična ideja, nisam imao pojma da će uopće bit taj feature :)