Naravno, jer je Blizzard inače poznat po neplaniranim leakovima.
Cataclysm Friends and Family Alpha to begin Tuesday [Updated]
by Alex Ziebart Jan 9th 2010 at 3:32PM
Earlier this afternoon, we received a tip stating the following:
* The Cataclysm alpha will be starting Tuesday, January 12th.
* The alpha will not be distributed digitally, but burned to disc.
This information has recently appeared on the Twitter account wowleak, along with the above image of what appears to be a Cataclysm DVD. We reached out to our sources on the topic, and while they were not able to confirm whether or not the DVD seen above is the real deal, they were able to confirm the alpha phase's tentative starting date. Barring any unexpected hurdles appearing in the next few days, the Friends and Family Alpha Phase will begin on the 12th of January.
Update: Various parties have come forth to confirm the suspicions that the disc in the original image is faked. However, our sources stand by the alpha starting within the next week. It is very possible that whoever faked the disc stumbled upon a convenient coincidence. If we hear any more, we will keep you updated.
Nadam se da ce bit dosta leakova
"L-l-look at you, hacker: a p-papathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you r-run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
Znaću da je to stvarno alpha kad dojde beta ili javno objavljena alpha od strane blizzarda
eto nisam znao taj info.
Znao sam da je postojale alpha i beta testiranja.
Nažalost nisam ni u jednoj sudjelovao od pocetka wow-a (radi stanki),a igram wow od samih početaka
Još sam i igrao na US serverima :/ nemogu se sjetit zake. Valjda nije bilo jos moguće na EU ili nisu mogli tolko isporučit kolka je navala bila pa sam morao čekat na svoj primjerak EU verzije
Slučanjo nisam znao taj detail i odma zoveš nekog nOOb.
Zadnji put kad sam provjerio nOOb je označavalo newbie - Neiskusni/novi u nečemu/igri
Bit ce malo cudno worgen druid, kao, zvijer se pretvara u zvijer al svejedno cu ga rollat
a jbga tak sam se i ja sjeba par puta
Well, as long as it's interesting.
prebacite se na pre paid...
i ovo je prepaid, mislio si na bonove =)
da, znate na kaj sam mislio
i jedno i drugo je prepaid, prepaid je kao sto samo ime kaze plati pa igraj, da ima mogucnost da igras i onda platis onda bi to bilo nesto drugo (preplata) kao s mobitelima...
Well, as long as it's interesting.
kada se ocekuje Kataklizma?
Izvorno postao Gu$ht3r
Nista se ne zna, ali mnogi pretpostavljaju da najranije moze doci u 4. mjesecu... mnogi se vrte oko 4.-6. mjeseca, sto ne mora znaciti nista naravno.
Meni samo nije jasno da ce si Blizz dopustiti da mu igra izade na ljeto, s obzirom da je onda najmanje igraca u wowu zbog ljetovanja i ostalih faktora... vidjet cemo...
"L-l-look at you, hacker: a p-papathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you r-run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
nekako mi je to prerano, a i nelogicno vrijeme za izdavati igru, nema nekih konkuretskih mmo naslova ove godine tako da nemoraju cekati da prodje njihov pocetni zamah, ali iopet sumnjam da ce doci prije 9-10 miseca, mislim tek se 2. wing otkljucao u icc, a kad se sve otkljuca vajda ce dati malo vremena ljudima za hcove i sl. valjda se nece hard na arthasu rijesiti nakon 2 tjedna
Well, as long as it's interesting.
Armory updejtan sa 3D viewerom i drugim goodiesima... fak yeah, napokon.
Every character profile now has a 3D model viewer that displays the character in his or her currently equipped gear, and accurately displays the character's physical features, hairstyle, and helm/cloak display as they appear in-game. Mousing over the character model window brings up a control panel with the following controls (try it now with the character to the right!):
* Camera controls: To rotate the camera around a character, click and hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse left and right, or click the arrow buttons in the top left of the window. To zoom in and out, use the mouse wheel while hovering over the character window, or click the zoom buttons in the top left of the window. To move the character within the frame, right-click and drag the character in the window (or on the small square in the bottom left corner of the window).
* Animations: Each character has a selection of animations that they can perform. Use the arrows next to the animation's name to cycle through them. The available animations are determined by the character's class and currently equipped weapons.
* Capture pose: If you are logged in, you can set the default pose of any character on your account. Use the camera and animation controls to create a pose, then click the save icon to set it as the default. All visitors to the character's profile will then see the character in that pose.
* Play controls: The rewind, pause, and fast forward buttons allow you to fine-tune a pose for a character.
* Fullscreen mode: You can view the character in a fullscreen display against a selection of backgrounds. All controls will continue to function in fullscreen mode.
* Embed: You can embed a standalone, interactive version of the character's model viewer in a compatible website, such as a social networking site, guild website, or forum.
* Options: Extra options include selecting a background in fullscreen mode and toggling the display of a character's helm, cloak, or tabard. ... cn=Flander
prestrašan sam
Izvorno postao flander
Bas gledam tvog chara i skuzio sam da jos uvijek nema boljeg tabarda od Shattered Suna
Inace svida mi se sto su napravili s armoryjem, nemam sta tu vise dodati
"L-l-look at you, hacker: a p-papathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you r-run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
Poduži Developer Chat sa Twittera. Ček it. ... lue-posts/
evo prihvatilo karticu
heben je taj novi patch, lfg je odličan, samo kliknem i čekam ^^
još kad završim Random group dobim gold i triumph, laganica za farmat
naj instanca mi je Pit of Sorrow, predobro ono kad trčim krož špilju, a ledenjaci padaju
btw uživam na max detaljima
Q. Will rogues/hunters ever be able to dual wield hand-crossbows or pistols?
A. The pistol idea for hunters gets suggested a lot. It could either be an alternate to the gun / bow / crosssbow or something they use for short-range attacks. Rogues probably have plenty of weapons at this point.