Što je The Fang, čije je i gdje se nalazi?
Neću da mi umre, stoga ću vam reći da je odgovor:
Neka netko drugi zada pitanje.
Mislim da je ovo ipak bilo malo preteško^^
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Što je The Fang, čije je i gdje se nalazi?
"Fornicate and take drugs against the terrible strain of idiots who govern the world."
- Albert Szent-Gyorgy
The Fang je SW utvrda na Fenrisu.
Kako se zove Titan čiji top se pojavljuje u igri Dawn of War: Dark Crusade?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
mozda cete mi sad opalit flisku ali nemogu se sjetit...
davno je bio DC...
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Hellstorm top pripadao je Imperator-class titanu zvanom Aquila Ignis.
Kako se zove seksi varijanta Banebladea sa Plasma Blastgunom?
Najbrži pištolj Policije Okusa. Može da pogodi sve od bilo gdje. Također piše i poeziju.
Stormblade, preseksi je .
Tko je Omnissiah?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Teh machine god, ili nejgov tajni identitet(kojeg začudo svi znaju) teh Void Dragon
Koji SM chapter je uništio Necronski World Enegine?
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
odgovori na jedno pa postavi WH pitanje
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Ček, ček. Jopax bi ownao temu? E nemože
Astral Knights.
Kako se zove baza Blood Ravensa u Warhammer 40k - Dawn of War: Soulstorm?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
što je to Mono-molecular edge i gdje se koristi?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Vrst oštrice za mačeve, koja je široka jednu molekulu.
E da, zaboravio sam napomenuti da je trebalo reći kako se zvalo prije nego li su Blood Ravensi ga preimenovali u čast Indrick Boreale-u
No to sad nije bitno
Kako se zove Primarch iz Inwit clustera, tj. Car ga je pronašao na Inwitu ?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Rogal Dorn of the imperial Fists
u kojem je tisućljeću Adeptus Mechanicus otkrio nepravilnosti u The golden throneu koje su van mogucnosti popravka?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Što je Ossmodula?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Organ koji kontrolira (potiče) rast kostiju
who was Bubonicus?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Jedan od Nurgleovih SM-turned-demona.
Što je Cyclonic torpedo?
Najbrži pištolj Policije Okusa. Može da pogodi sve od bilo gdje. Također piše i poeziju.
Planetary attack weapon imperiuma (tocna snaga nepoznata) procjenjuje se da moze raznet planet
wats a Extremis Diabolus?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Najveća optužba koju Inquisitor može izreći.
Što je Aptus Non (Adeptus Non)?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Oslobođenje od plaćanje poreza Administratumu zbog posebnih usluga imperiumu itd...
tko je Omegon?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Alpharius Omegon je Primach Alpha Legiona.
Što je Commorragh, i gdje se nalazi?
BTW, ovo je prva tema u planu oživljavanja ovog podforuma
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
pa to je lagano
Grad dark eldara lociran duboko u webwayu
Koju mutaciju u genima imaju Space wolwes?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Trče za štapovima.
Najbrži pištolj Policije Okusa. Može da pogodi sve od bilo gdje. Također piše i poeziju.
kek, nije al ovo je malo tricky pitanje javite ak treba hint
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Fur fetish
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
btw sviđa mi se ideja o buđenju podforuma
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
AFAIK imaju 2 mutacije, prva je da se pretvore u Wulfena, a druga da im nenormalno brzo i tijekom cijelog života rastu očnjaci.
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Ty, ty. Settle down
Što je Canis Helix?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
sad cu onako long shotat i rec Insignia Space wolfa apothecariesa
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
You overshot it
Ali ima veze sa SW.
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances