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Tema: The Elder Scrolls Online

  1. #301
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2009
    eo me

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    igra nije ni izašla bila takoreć a već su počeli sjebavat PvP skroz. ukidanje onog retajnog questa koji ti jedini u PvPu daje XP za ikakav lvl progres je najveća glupost ikad i sad moram igrat jebeni pve. NAJGORE. SRANJE.
    a ak hoću igrat neku drugu klasu moram igrat OPET ISTE JEBENE SVE QUESTOVE IKAD kako bih lvlao jer ne želim igrati u drugom allianceu osim DCa.


  2. #302
    Senior Member It lives by night
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2014

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online


  3. #303

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Toliko o besplatnih 30 dana.

    Why am I being asked to pay for a subscription? I thought I got 30 days free.

    All players are required to set up and choose a subscription plan starting on Sunday, April 6th. The 30 days of free game time are granted to all players who fill out their billing information and select a subscription plan.

    For credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal, there is no charge made until after the included 30 days of game time has expired. For these payment methods, there is an authorization check performed to ensure the payment method is valid. Players may see a temporary account authorization hold put on funds in their account while the verification completes. Usually, this authorization hold lasts a short period of time before being removed. The duration of this hold can vary from bank to bank.

  4. #304
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Cek sta, dobijes 30 besplatnih dana ako se odlucis pretplatit?

  5. #305
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire Xero's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2009

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Najbolji MMO ikad.

  6. #306
    Senior Member My way or the highway Kostolomac's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2006

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Valjda ti skinu nešto radi verifikacije, pa vrate. Glupo ali što'š. Iako se može i bez toga aktivirati uključenih mjesec dana, ali onda treba ići preko supporta.
    Spam spam, flame flame, that's the way of PcPlay!
    Ryzen 5 3600X # Liquid Freezer II 360 # Asus Prime X370-Pro # 16GB DDR4 # MSI RTX2070S Ventus OC # Adata SX8200 Pro 1TB
    & Samsung 860 EVO 500GB # Corsair RM650 # Lenovo Y27q-20 IPS 165Hz

  7. #307
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Lol vjerojatno će ko i EA sa TOR-om onemogućit deaktivaciju pretplate jer će bit neki kao bug i da bi deaktivirao morat ćeš preko supporta koji će se pravit blesav i odugovlačit raskid pretplate.
    Najveći moneygrab još od TOR-a.

  8. #308
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum crnisokol's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Dec 2005

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Budem isprobao kad pređu na F2P

  9. #309
    Moderator God from the machine Kid A's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2009

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    = Citat = Izvorno postao flander Pregledaj post
    kolko se sjećam u First class Xavier je pokušao navest Magneta da ne napravi neku pizdariju, dakle isti klinac je i mind kontrol i čitanje misli

  10. #310
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Deadwalker's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2007

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Na dan izlaska ovoga GW2 se nudio u pola cijene, bez mjesečne pretplate.
    "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."

  11. #311

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Više o nadolazećem patchu.
    Here’s a summary of what’s new in Update 1:

    • Craglorn, the first Adventure Zone, specifically created for groups of Veteran Rank 1 and above characters
    • Trials, which are 12-player “raid”-type instances for Veteran Rank characters, featuring completion time leaderboards
    • Death recap: you can now see who killed you and what ability they were using. This is invaluable information in dungeons, PvP, and Craglorn
    • Underdog bonuses in Cyrodiil—you’ll get more Alliance Points and XP while fighting for an alliance with a lower population in your campaign
    • Animation tweaks and polish
    • Combat ability balance changes and fixes
    • Class ability tweaks and updates
    • Content bug fixes, especially edge cases where quests could become de-synced
    • And much, much more—check out the final patch notes when they are posted in the forums
    I o daljnim planovima za kasnije.
    For most of these, we don’t know yet which update they’ll be in, but they’re under active development right now:

    • A system that allows grouped players to see each other even when they’re in different phases
    • A justice system—steal from and kill NPCs and deal with the consequences if you are caught
    • Migration of European Megaserver to our European datacenter.
    • Field of View (FOV) adjustment
    • Armor dyeing and tinting
    • Two new Veteran Dungeons: Crypt of Hearts and City of Ash
    • New region of Craglorn with a new Trial (the Serpent)
    • Increased ability to pick up items in the world
    • Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storyline and quests.
    • Spellcrafting
    • Horse Racing
    • Dragonstar Arena—similar to Trials, but built for a group of four
    • Improvements to fishing
    • Crafting system improvements
    • Improved Looking for Group system
    • Better NPC facial animations
    • Guild functionality updates: guild store interface updates, customizable guild insignias, tabards, and guild ranks, and Guild Kiosks—guild stores open to everyone that are available to the highest-bidding guild.
    • Auto-leveling dungeons that level to your group leader
    • Awards when you repeat dungeons
    • Imperial City PvP dungeon

  12. #312

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Konzolaška verzija je odgođena za šest mjeseci.

    We continue to work on the console versions of ESO, and game development has been progressing steadily, but we are still working to solve a series of unique problems specific to those platforms. Integrating our systems with each console manufacturer’s networks—which are both different from the PC/Mac system as well as different from each other—has been a challenging process. It has become clear that our planned June release of the console versions isn’t going to be possible. Though we have made great progress, we have concluded that we’ll need about six months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve.

  13. #313
    Senior Member My way or the highway Kostolomac's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2006

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    ESO ide F2P 17.3.!

    Jedva se čekam vratiti. =)
    Spam spam, flame flame, that's the way of PcPlay!
    Ryzen 5 3600X # Liquid Freezer II 360 # Asus Prime X370-Pro # 16GB DDR4 # MSI RTX2070S Ventus OC # Adata SX8200 Pro 1TB
    & Samsung 860 EVO 500GB # Corsair RM650 # Lenovo Y27q-20 IPS 165Hz

  14. #314
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Kaj nije da postaje B2P, a ne F2P? Odnosno da postaje B2P2W?

  15. #315
    Senior Member My way or the highway Kostolomac's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2006

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    U da, zajeb. B2P. Ionako bolje da je B2P. Znači da neće postati kompletno sranje. Barem se nadam.
    Spam spam, flame flame, that's the way of PcPlay!
    Ryzen 5 3600X # Liquid Freezer II 360 # Asus Prime X370-Pro # 16GB DDR4 # MSI RTX2070S Ventus OC # Adata SX8200 Pro 1TB
    & Samsung 860 EVO 500GB # Corsair RM650 # Lenovo Y27q-20 IPS 165Hz

  16. #316
    Senior Member Master Blaster Markecgrad's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2008

    Re: The Elder Scrolls Online

    Ne znam dal još ima, al kupite si jeftine 30 day sub ključeve i aktivirajte igru da kasnije ne morate platiti punu cijenu. Našao sam svoj za 15 funti na g2a.

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