najočekivaniji mmo 2014 :S
f2p smeće
Objavili su po prvi puta detalje engleske verzije ArcheAgea! Ne možemo je još zaigrati, ali rekli su da se alfa očekuje za par tjedana
Balkanski MMO Community
najočekivaniji mmo 2014 :S
f2p smeće
pa i nije bas...mislin da se vise ocekuju ESO ili Blade & Soul
mada ja iscekujen BLESS al eto
Za ESO nevjerujem da će doživiti neki uspjeh, vjerujem da će biti na vrhuncu prva 2 mjeseca samo zato jer svi pričaju o njemu kako je super (ista stvar je bila s aionom i terom prije f2p). Za BNS stvarno vjerujem da će doživiti uspjeh jer je igra prehebena
ps: Site je u fazi testiranja
Balkanski MMO Community
A slušaj svi se žale na nešto. Evo npr kažu da su s 1.0 patchom ukakili trade, a ne žale se na trajanje pvpa, pvp završi u par sekundi. Svi su kakili na nedostatke korejske verzije pa japanske, pa ruske i evo naš publisher za na/eu će ostati zadnji pa se nadam da će naučiti na pogreškama ostalih publishera. Naš publisher će staviti 1.0 patch, ali samo neke stvari (još nisu odlučili koje).
Balkanski MMO Community
Nemogu edit, majko mila pa ono što valja nevalja ,a što nevalja valja dajte edit
Evo par vijesti:
japanska verzija prelazi u f2p idući mjesec
ruska verzija upravo dobila veliki patch:
*Otvorio se sjeverni kontinent
*Nova profesija - ribanje
*Možemo medvjede imati kao mounte
Balkanski MMO Community
bude li f2p igrat ce se
Biti će f2p, ali pitanje je što će biti s labor bodovima...
Balkanski MMO Community
Trion je dignuo FAQ na stranicu i pobliže objasnio neke stvari putem maila.
Let's clarify how free-to-play players can own land in ArcheAge! In case you're not familiar with ArcheAge, there's an inherently high value on real estate for building houses and farms because the areas where they can be built are part of the open-world environment and not instanced. This means that these areas are intentionally limited in size and quantity and do not scale with a server's population by design.
Since ArcheAge is a free-to-play game, there's a risk that malicious users may attempt to use multiple free accounts to claim the best real estate simply to deny access to that space from other players. Requiring Patron status to claim land removes this risk. Free players can still gain the benefits of houses and farms by way of guild-, family-, or friend-owned property (the family system is a special permissions-granting friends list).
Now, about the Patron Program. In ArcheAge, this optional account status grants players the ability to claim land and pay in-game taxes on their buildings as well as other gameplay benefits. It can be purchased either as a single payment for a Patron Pass which grants a set duration of Patron status, or as a recurring subscription which grants ongoing Patron status.
Additionally, we are planning to make a tradable, in-game item version of Patron Passes. This means that players who are industrious or creative entrepreneurs in ArcheAge will be able to trade with players who have purchased the Patron Pass item in exchange for in-game currency, goods, actions, services ... whatever the market will bear!
I hope this helps clear up what we were communicating (albeit a bit indirectly) in the FAQ, and we'll have more details on how Patron Pass item trading will take place in ArcheAge as we finalize this feature. As for right now, we'll go back and update the related questions with clearer wording.
Looking forward to seeing you in-game soon!
Balkanski MMO Community
Napravio sam tutorial kako napraviti account i skinuti client.
Balkanski MMO Community Gledam ovaj video, ajme pa ovo je faking nevjerojatno koliko malih detalja se u igri može raditi. Sviđa mi se igra nenormalno.
> 2014.
> tab targeting sustav borbe s milijun tabova sa skillovima
Fala, preskačem.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Ma to mi najmanji problem lol, igra je toliko bolesno detaljna u stvarima koje možeš raditi, i to je ono što me najviše impresioniralo, al sva ta usuđujem se reći grandioznost dizajna se ne vidi ako čovjek ne pogleda bar pol sata videa, drago mi je da jesam.
Kakve veze uostalom ima što je 2014. i ima taj sustav borbe? Pa to je dizajn odluka ko turn based, 3. lice ili FPS, igra sama po sebi neće patiti od toga, plus bindaš sve na tipke i dobro, ko ekšli klika po skill baru dolje is doing it wrong.
Izgleda da će zapadna verzija izaći već patchirana na 1.2.
Launching with Patch 1.2 is a challenge as it adds over 70,000 words to translate. Since we want a complete English translation before introducing a larger audience to the game, this does mean that our Beta schedule has shifted by a few weeks. That means that we can't announce a specific date for the first Beta right now, but we wanted to get the great news about the game itself out as early as possible.
Patch 1.2 also introduces a host of exciting improvements on its own, including increased experience per Labor Point spent, a searchable crafting folio that works with recipe or ingredient names, significantly reduced (from Patch 1.0) glider turbulence on the high sea, and the ability to earn experience from crafting with maxed-out professions and participating in PvP during a war. Additionally, the Marketplace (in-game store) will be available before Beta begins and we'll grant testers sufficient currency to test it out. It's important to note that our previously announced game improvements such as international trade routes granting Gilda Stars, storyline quests earning experience, and trade packs dividing turn-in rewards 80/20 between pack holder and pack owner will persist through this update.
Spam spam, flame flame, that's the way of PcPlay!
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Normalno, sada ovi koji čekaju mjesecima neče ni dobiti key na mail :/
Balkanski MMO Community
Uskoro počinje beta #2, pa za ljude koji planiraju igrati slobodno postajte svoj nick ovdje da vas možemo dodati. je u izradi
Balkanski MMO Community
Otvorena beta traje of 4.9 do 8.9 (počinje u 19:00 sati po našem vremenu), te par dana kasnije za sve koji su kupili foundera počinje Head Start od 12.9 do 16.9 (počinje u 19:00 sati po našem vremenu). Službeni izlazak igre počinje 16.9 (odmah nakon završetka head starta – ps: možda bude kasnio par sati).
Za sve one koji se želite pridružiti balkan gildu neka nas posjete ovdje
Vidimo se ingame
Balkanski MMO Community