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Tema: Heroes of the Storm

  1. #31
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Moram priznat da je trailer prilicno zakon ,sto me ne cudi posto je blizz majstor u tome Al to me ujedno i plasi,posto znam da mobe tako ne izgledaju,takodjer to je blizz pa ocekujem da ce ljudi koji placaju imat neku prednost.

    Klinci su na LoL-u, ovi malo stariji na doti ,tako da jedino kog vidim da ovo igra je ekipa kaj je blizzove igre igrala ( naravno vecina ce nas probat ako cemo imat priliku ) .

  2. #32
    Senior Member My way or the highway hansi's Avatar
    Datum registracije
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    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    = Citat = Izvorno postao mravojed20

    Presimpatičan CGI intro, baš mi se sviđa, ovo je jedina igra u žanru koju bi igrao.
    lol zašto, jer je od blizzarda? smiješno

  3. #33
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    najjači dio trailera mi je kad se diablo onako zaleti u onu gromadu a na ovu rokenrol(lel) podlogu stave i diablo 3 melodiju.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer ProzoЯ's Avatar
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    Re: Heroes of the Storm

  5. #35
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    fun fun ^.^

  6. #36
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    zgleda ko promasaj. nisam impresioniran nimalo nazalost

  7. #37
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
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    Re: Starcraft 2

    Nuclear Launch Detected Bitch!

    Predobro, jedva čekam...

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  8. #38
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Igra da bi dobila masu ljudi koju ce ju igrat mora ponudit nesto novo.

    Inace sad kad gledam trailer gameplay, meh. . .

  9. #39
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Planet: Char

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Ma tko mi je maknuo post iz SC2 teme!

    Btw, jel se zna da li je Heroes of the Storm još uvijek dio Starcrafta 2 ili je igra za sebe?

    Inače igra će biti odlična, jedina igra u kojoj mogu igrati sa Diablom kako glavnim likom. To sam oduvjek želio.

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  10. #40
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    = Citat = Izvorno postao hansi
    = Citat = Izvorno postao mravojed20

    Presimpatičan CGI intro, baš mi se sviđa, ovo je jedina igra u žanru koju bi igrao.
    lol zašto, jer je od blizzarda? smiješno
    Zato što su u igri legendarni likovi koje znam i volim dugi niz godina i to mi je puno interesantnije i kul za vidjeti kako se međusobno bore nego da su neki random likovi?

  11. #41
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Mirogamemasta
    Ma tko mi je maknuo post iz SC2 teme!

    Btw, jel se zna da li je Heroes of the Storm još uvijek dio Starcrafta 2 ili je igra za sebe?

    Inače igra će biti odlična, jedina igra u kojoj mogu igrati sa Diablom kako glavnim likom. To sam oduvjek želio.
    igra za sebe

  12. #42

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Nisam siguran je li tko već postao možda.

  13. #43
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    4/10 will try

  14. #44
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer ProzoЯ's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2009

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Nema microa?

  15. #45
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Zagreb-Lanište/ Šibenik

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    trailer je čudo!
    vaik ludlo

  16. #46
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    = Citat = Izvorno postao mravojed20
    Zato što su u igri legendarni likovi koje znam i volim dugi niz godina i to mi je puno interesantnije i kul za vidjeti kako se međusobno bore nego da su neki random likovi?
    što u doti nije slučaj?

  17. #47
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2012

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Koji warcraft heroj je u doti?
    Igrat će se.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Neven <R>
    Aral, StormCr0w i W3DR4N. Trijumvirat.
    Ispod toga su svi koji vole Scotta Pilgrima.
    May our only occupation be not having a job, and may the only cocktails that we make be molotov!

  18. #48
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Planet: Char

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    A MOBA by any Other Name

    Written by Travis Morrow on November 14, 2013. Posted in Blizzard Entertainment, BlizzCon, BlizzCon 2013, Heroes of the Storm

    Dota 2 is complicated. It doesn’t have a learning curve so much as a learning wall. The volume of information to memorize and master is immense and intimidating: the multitude of hero builds, items, crafting, ward locations, creep respawn timers, rune types and timers, the hundreds of hero powers and status effects that can change them. Factor in team fight tactics, lane strategies, and meta game organization and the game has moved from complex to daunting, even unwieldy. That’s just the knowledge required to play, not the mechanical skill required from the player like last hitting, hero ability timing, and map awareness. I’ve put more 500 hours into Dota 2, and about as many in the original, and I’m passable with a few heroes.

    I wasn’t sure what to expect with Heroes of the Storm so in my first game at BlizzCon I dropped my expectations. Whatever I played was whatever I was going to judge the game on. I’ve read the briefs from Blizzard, watched the videos, but I wanted to go in as open as possible. I did, I think. Over the course of the two day Blizzard celebration I spent about 4 hours with Heroes of the Storm and played 6 games with different heroes each time. My time certainly wasn’t wasted. Heroes is fun, but that’s almost unnecessary to say as a fan of MOBAs. It’s got the standard trappings – lanes, heroes, pushing, and frantic team fighting – but Heroes does a few things differently.

    First, there are no items (and no gold!). None. At all. No health potions, no tangos, no town portal scrolls. Your hero has a town portal ability that recharges. I don’t miss the items. They serve a purpose in other MOBAs but items usually come with the baggage of being boring most of the time. They improve stats or damage, rarely adding powers or altering the ones a hero has. It’s easy to be crippled by missing an item or two because you’re not attacking as fast as you should be. The lack of items means the hero powers improve significantly on their own or via talents. It’s a simple system that leaves more cognitive power for fighting and less for GPM and shopping.

    No last hitting. This isn’t unique to Heroes, *cough*League of Legends*cough*, but it’s not common either. Last hitting is usually the sign of a precise, skilled player in Dota. It’s how you earn most of your gold. With no gold to gather, last hitting has gone out the window. I don’t mind it in Dota but I didn’t miss it here.

    Shared XP. Not reduced XP when another hero is close by, but even, shared XP for all heroes. Everyone levels at the same time. Your carries won’t be 22 while your support are struggling at 10. The even power curve makes everyone solid in a team fight – no Crystal Maiden syndrome.

    Mounts! What’s a Blizzard game without animals you can sit on? Mounts do exactly what you’d expect – they help the heroes move faster. Easier grouping, more team fights. Everyone wins, except those that die.

    The differences Heroes has from the other MOBAs reflect the game’s thesis: it’s about the hero punching, plain and simple. There are creep waves and towers and forts but Heroes wants you and your friends to square off against 5 opponents and beat each other silly. It succeeds on that goal – no one I spoke with didn’t enjoy their time with Heroes and want more.

    So who were the heroes I played?

    Falstad and Nova from the Assassins, Sonya from the Warriors, Malfurion and Uther from Support, and Abathur from the Specialists type. The highlights:

    I enjoyed Malfurion the most but that’s because I’m biased – I love playing support and looking like a weirdo. He heals well, roots, and silences.
    Uther heals well, gives his buddies invulnerability through Divine Shield, and can stun. Like any paladin, he’s sort of a frustration to counter but rewarding to play.
    Nova is a sniper. Chances are that if she shot you, you’re not going to live very long. She hits hard, summons an annoying clone, and can call a nuclear strike. It’s as great as it sounds.
    Abathur is…different. He’s interesting. He’s a mix of Lifestealer and Wisp which makes him absolutely terrible to fight against. He’s rated “Very Hard” to play and it shows.
    It’s not that Falstad isn’t fun, it’s that the others were much more fun. I really liked flying over the jungle and descending on enemies as a hammer throwing alcoholic.
    Sonya didn’t feel particularly special. Her abilities are simple and straight forward, as one would expect a barbarian would be. Maybe for the carries out there that like fighting and fighting and fighting (any Alchemist fans?) but she was the lull in my hero selection.

    Heroes is a fun game so far. I want to play more. Boy do I want to play more. Hint hint, community reps. It’s got some room to grow and I look forward to watching (and hopefully playing) as it does so.
    Casual MOBA game znači. Može! Jedina stvar koja me odbijala od Dote je to što mi se čini previše hardcore.

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  19. #49
    Senior Member Ninja hurdle
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    nije moba...

  20. #50
    Senior Member Ninja hurdle
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    hero brawler je

  21. #51
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer ProzoЯ's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2009

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    = Citat = Izvorno postao StormCr0w
    Koji warcraft heroj je u doti?
    Igrat će se.
    Thrall, Vol'jin, Illidan(terrorblade), Arthas(omni, abaddon), Kel'Thuzad...

  22. #52
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Ima ih miljone.

  23. #53
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2012

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    = Citat = Izvorno postao ProzoЯ
    = Citat = Izvorno postao StormCr0w
    Koji warcraft heroj je u doti?
    Igrat će se.
    Thrall, Vol'jin, Illidan(terrorblade), Arthas(omni, abaddon), Kel'Thuzad...
    Da se razumijemo, pričamo o igri Dota 2, a ne custom mapi za WARCRAFT
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Neven <R>
    Aral, StormCr0w i W3DR4N. Trijumvirat.
    Ispod toga su svi koji vole Scotta Pilgrima.
    May our only occupation be not having a job, and may the only cocktails that we make be molotov!

  24. #54
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    nepričamo o doti2 nego o prvoj doti.

    dota2 je obv druga priča što se toga tiče.

  25. #55
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2012

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Dota = warcraft
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Neven <R>
    Aral, StormCr0w i W3DR4N. Trijumvirat.
    Ispod toga su svi koji vole Scotta Pilgrima.
    May our only occupation be not having a job, and may the only cocktails that we make be molotov!

  26. #56
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Planet: Char

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Lookin´ good...

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  27. #57
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Ne igram dotu 2 i nisam fanboj neki al mi izgleda miljon puta bolje od ovog

  28. #58
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Planet: Char
    Fan made trailer. Nije loše.....

    Još da znam kao stavljati youtube video bez dosadnog editiranja novom forumu...
    Zadnji uredio Mirogamemasta : 14-01-2014 u 18:08

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  29. #59
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Ok pogledao sam aplha gameplay, svi streamaju sad.

    - Prvi sam mislio da neko streama LoL.
    - Cini se da Blizzard nije svjestan svoje okoline ,posto nevidim koje su nove stvari uveli. Osim sto su si rekli " e ajmo skopirat stvari od drugih popularnih MOBA i nadat se da ce ljudi doc igrat zato jer smo blizzard" . To je trenutno njihov stav i prilicno mi se gadi. Ako iko ispadne da voli ovu igru topla preporuka je da probate bilokoju drugu MOBU za vise zabave.

    Grafika se netreba komentirat posto je trenutno u alphi.

    Eh da cini se da Model koji im se najvise svidjao iz LoLa je kupnja heroja

    Jebote ovo se meni cini tako ocajno.
    Zadnji uredio Paran0a : 14-03-2014 u 08:26

  30. #60
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Heroes of the Storm

    Kupnja heroja za prave pare hHAHAHAHaHAHhahahaHahha luđaci

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