Izgleda užasno retardirano, jedini plus je Elba.
Netreba puno predstavljanja Guillermo del Toro in d haus. U kina dolazi 12.06., barem američka.
Madafaking Cherno Alpha!
"Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan
Već sam vidio trailer, bit će jebene akcije. Ništa više ni ne očekujem.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
australci imaju jebenog robota
Mecha šora, može. Samo da ne bude neke dosadne ljudske priče za koju nikog nije briga (primjer: Transformeri).
kako smo samo skromni, a?
Možda zato i jesu takvi traileri, da ne pokažu previše (kao neki), možda nas ugodno iznenadi kad pogledamo cijeli film.
"Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan
Meh, izgleda totalno bezveze, al ništa nisam ni očekivao.
Won't Bow Don't Know How.
Izgleda ko trailer za igru prepunu QTE-a i cover pucanja
Jel se još nekome čini da je malo op po statovima u odnosu na druge?Izvorno postao Aerial
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
"If the leaked scripts are any indication, Australia gets into a disproportionate amount of trouble. They have the newest, most expensive, beefiest Jaeger, and it gets sent around to deal with everything because of the high tech level.
It gets in an awesome three-on-one late in the movie and trashes them all, but after its ammo is expended and its energy is low, a fourth shows up to ruin the day. America gets sent to help. Cue THE REAL HEROES showing up"
Još malo infoa - Guillermo Del Toro on Pacific Rim: We built several blocks of Hong Kong to destroy, and then we destroyed them!
Ma zvuči obećavajuće.
Izvorno postao Kid A
Amerika spašava dan
"Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan
Kad hipsterčina kao Devin ostane osupnuta onda je to to
I was on my feet at the end of the WonderCon/Cinemacon exclusive trailer for Pacific Rim. I was on my feet and clapping and cheering. I was covered in goosebumps....but it all built to a moment so transcendent, so awesome, so fucking incredible that when they showed the trailer again I still got choked up with excitement.
A huge monster stomps through the streets of a city (Hong Kong?), towering above the skyscrapers, smashing everything underfoot. A Jaeger enters the frame, the camera set at a worms-eye view, and as the robot steps into the middle of the shot we see that he is dragging behind him a tanker. A giant fucking boat, which he is dragging along a destroyed avenue like a heavy axe before lifting it up and hoisting it like a bat and smashing the goddamned kaiju straight in the face with it.
A giant robot hit a giant monster in the face with an enormous boat.
Šta reć nego brutalno. Valjda će bit neki novi trailer.
"Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan
Novi poster i malo opisa one famozne scene s tankerom. Jaaaoooo kad će ovo
I saw that footage at WonderCon and it was amazeballs. The Jaeger is kind of dragging the tanker behind it, like a cartoon of Captain Caveman dragging his club behind him as he nonchalantly walks through the jungle. Then the Jaeger approaches a Kaiju and hits the Kaiju with the tanker boat, not unlike a ten year old taking a swing at a tee ball. The roars of approval at WonderCon were near deafening, including from my ten year old son who normal does not like anything even remotely considered scary. My son jumped up on his chair and loudly cheered when they replayed that sizzle reel.
Najbrži pištolj Policije Okusa. Može da pogodi sve od bilo gdje. Također piše i poeziju.
Ovo i mene zanima.Izvorno postao Windwalker
Cemu ovoliki hajp?
Veliki roboti , nevidjeno!
Ili mi je jednostavno dosadno gledat filmove na istu šemu.
Al dobro, recite mi par razloga zbog kojeg se vi veselite ovom filmu ?