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Tema: Legend of Grimrock

  1. #1

    Legend of Grimrock

    Prvi Legend of Grimrock gameplay video.

  2. #2
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Indie Games

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Arbiter of Change
    Prvi Legend of Grimrock gameplay video.

    Stvarno izgleda odlično, dungeoni su mračni i creepy, a turn-based borba ne izgleda kao da je turn-based.

    Pratit ću ovo.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  3. #3
    Moderator No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007
    Olso novn as Cherry <3

    Re: Indie Games

    We&#39;re gonna bring that back!


  4. #4

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Vlastita tema konačno, odličan trailer iznad.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Master Blaster Feanor's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Prati se
    Look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality

  6. #6

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

  7. #7
    Administrator My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2006
    Uncanny Valley

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    That awkward moment when GoG offers a preorder...
    Najbrži pištolj Policije Okusa. Može da pogodi sve od bilo gdje. Također piše i poeziju.

  8. #8
    Senior Member No Mercy Outmind's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Dec 2005
    The six-sided star

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Igrat će se. Jedino mi je žao što su išli stopama igara poput eye of the beholder, pa igra nije turn based...
    Then a gypsy woman comes, says "There's one thing you should know;
    I've just read your fortune, and you died five years ago. "

  9. #9
    Moderator My way or the highway Raz's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2009

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Super izgleda.

  10. #10
    Moderator My way or the highway Grim's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2007

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Je se zna koja ce biti cijena ovog na Steamu? Na GoG-u je preorder $11.99 što je poprilično jeftino, i u dolarima. Ali bih ipak radije na Steamu imao.
    "Fornicate and take drugs against the terrible strain of idiots who govern the world."
    - Albert Szent-Gyorgy

  11. #11

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Dobiješ i Steam key ako kupiš direktno na službenoj stranici.

  12. #12
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Raz

    Super izgleda.
    Da, retro totalni, ali odlično što nije turn-based.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  13. #13
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    jedva čekam!!

  14. #14
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Igra tko? Ja sam jučer uzeo i fora mi je zasad.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Praetorian the Wise
    Ma "nove" igre su sto puta bolje od "starih". Napredovale su u apsolutno svemu, oni koji govore da su stare igre bolje lažu sami sebe.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    May 2009

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Evo ja igram. Fora mi je. Makar me malo hvata paranoja nakon dužeg igranja
    Nadam se da ovo neće ostat na ovome i da će uz fan-made mape i developer izbacit još nekoliko svojih, sa nadajmo se, novim teksturama zidova.
    Sensei replied, what is your woman?
    Is she just a container for the child...
    This great, pink matter
    Cotton candy Majin Buu....

  16. #16

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Patch 1.1.4 je vani. ... -released/
    - vsync is enabled by default
    - borderless windows are no longer topmost
    - pressing ESC closes character sheet
    - fixed unlimited frost arrow exploit
    - improved display resolution auto-detection at first launch
    - fixed a couple of typos and broken english
    - removed check that disables high texture resolution setting when running low on video memory (some graphics drivers seem to report available video memory incorrectly)
    - quick save/load
    - volume sliders
    - to avoid confusion autosave & quicksave slots can’t be renamed anymore
    - adjusted gui layout and camera fov so that user interface elements do not overlap with important screen areas on non-widescreen displays
    - invert horizontal mouse option
    - camera bobbing option (only available by editing the config file manually)
    - configurable tooltip delay (only available by editing the config file manually)
    - frame rate limiter (set to 120fps but can be changed by editing the config file)
    - custom character portraits
    - bug fix: very long map marker notes without spaces in them causes the automap to crash
    - bug fix: editing a map marker that is on the same exact spot as a marker on the other map page edits them both at the same time
    - bug fix: map labels are sometimes drawn partially underneath map symbols
    - bug fix: topmost menu item doesn’t work reliably in high resolutions such as 2560×1440
    - bug fix: wall text translations are not dismissed when right-clicking
    - bug fix: inanimate objects can be backstabbed
    - bug fix: projectiles go through doors in some very rare cases
    - bug fix: saving the game crashes if all save game slots are full and the autosave slot is deleted or unused
    - bug fix: Fighter’s Challenge doesn’t open if there’s an item in front of the door (only applies to new games, existing save games still have this bug)
    - bug fix: saving the game just after the end fight creates a corrupted save that can lead to crashes and the end sequence not getting triggered correctly
    - bug fix: auto pickup doesn’t pick up the correct amount of ammo in some rare circumstances
    - bug fix: standing on stairs and turning with the mouse, followed by a turn using q/e keys is buggy
    - bug fix: when a monster is damaged, experience point text sometimes (very rarely) flash in a square where a monster has been killed
    - bug fix: trying to load a save game that has just been deleted manually from the file system (e.g. in Windows explorer) crashes the game

  17. #17

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Odigrao neki dan. Igra isporucuje sve sto je obecala, po meni. Jedva cekam update koji ce omoguciti user content.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    igra se, zasad mi je prepredobra!
    jedva čekam nove mape i usermade content

  19. #19
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Krenuo sam ovo igrati, stvarno je totalni remake crawlera poput Dungeon Mastera i Eye of the Beholder, nisam se tome nadao. Fanovi žanra se imaju čemu veseliti, a i meni se dopada ta mehanika pošto sam igrao navedene igre. Survival u mraku i korištenje bilokakvog otpada kojeg uspiješ naći.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  20. #20
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    May 2009

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Jesam ja jedini kojem ova igra postaje poprilično creepy nakon malo više sati?
    Neki djelovi. U mraku.

    A možda sam samo pičkica.
    Sensei replied, what is your woman?
    Is she just a container for the child...
    This great, pink matter
    Cotton candy Majin Buu....

  21. #21
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Ja sam si malo sjebao party, nisam znao da mage ima skill zahtjeve da baca spellove pa sam sve stavio u Spellcraft. I lopuži sam stavio missile weapons, tko zna kad ću to naći.
    Doduše combat nije toliko stresan kad stalno možeš bježati.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  22. #22
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Borba je dosta loša, realno. Mislim, dosta je da samo circle strejfaš i bok. Lopuši je najbolje daggere. Kasnije dobije skill da može klat iz drugog reda. Alternativno, nabriješ mu dex i staviš ga u prvi red. Znam da ima neki luk negdje na početku, al ga nisam našao.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Praetorian the Wise
    Ma "nove" igre su sto puta bolje od "starih". Napredovale su u apsolutno svemu, oni koji govore da su stare igre bolje lažu sami sebe.

  23. #23
    Senior Member You have been warned
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Ma stavio sam bodove u thrown weapons, dosta mi je čekati da nađem neki luk/praćku. A i nije loše malo se razgranati zbog stat bonusa.
    Mage mi konačno dingao i sad kolje.
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


  24. #24

    Re: Legend of Grimrock

    Prodali su preko 600k kopija do sada i sad teasaju nešto novo. Ekspanzija, možda? ... ello-2013/
    But great success doesn’t mean we haven’t lost our passion for making great games. So, what’s next, you might ask. We thought we could share with you a glimpse of some new exiting things we’ve been working on. But beware, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy!

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