Nemaju mira. Nekakvi novi "RapidPointsi" za Premium accounte, dobio sam bio mail u kojem neznaš tko pije tko plaća. Poslje toga ovaj mail:

Since you have exceeded either your storage volume of 10 GB or your daily traffic volume of 1 GB you have been automatically upgraded from your RapidSmall to a RapidMedium account. Your total storage space is now 50 GB and you dispose of a daily traffic volume of 5 GB. Furthermore, you will now be able to access our additional feature ?Folder Management? which gives you the opportunity to create your own folders and subfolders. In case of a downgrade your folders will not be deleted. The RapidMedium account costs 20 Rapids per day.

Thank you for using RapidShare. We hope you are happy with our service.

Best regards

Your RapidShare team

Može li netko barem (dok ja pljujem po svim ovim promjenama koje nikako da skužim nakon 4 (slovima: ČETIRI) čitanja) objasniti ovaj sistem koji nikako da skužim? Treba nešto dodatno platiti? Istjecanje accounta? RapidPoints = novac? wtf.
