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Tema: Diablo III + ekspanzije

  1. #1
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2012

    Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Novi topik koji, gle čuda, radi!

    Eo Flanderu, uživaj.

    Ako fixaju stari lako se merga.
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Neven <R>
    Aral, StormCr0w i W3DR4N. Trijumvirat.
    Ispod toga su svi koji vole Scotta Pilgrima.
    May our only occupation be not having a job, and may the only cocktails that we make be molotov!

  2. #2
    Senior Member My way or the highway Hexfire's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Neću novi

  3. #3
    Senior Member You have been warned flander's Avatar
    Datum registracije
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    Ispod hrasta,zarađujem plaću

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije


  4. #4
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2012

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Onda nemoj cmizdrit kujo lol
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Neven <R>
    Aral, StormCr0w i W3DR4N. Trijumvirat.
    Ispod toga su svi koji vole Scotta Pilgrima.
    May our only occupation be not having a job, and may the only cocktails that we make be molotov!

  5. #5
    Moderator No Mercy IGoR_2803's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2007
    Mise Eire

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Hejteri su sabotirali d3 topic zato što je bio jedan od najuspješnijih, ako ne i najuspješniji, topic u povijesti PC PLAY foruma.

    The fools, the fools, the fools, They have left us our Fenian dead, And while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace!

    RAPALJE - wat zullen we drinken

  6. #6
    Senior Member My way or the highway Hexfire's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Uspješniji i od same igre

  7. #7
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    A dobro pa pišite ovdje pa će neki mod na kraju mergeat teme i gg.

  8. #8
    Moderator No Mercy IGoR_2803's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2007
    Mise Eire

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Možda je sam Blizzard sabotirao temu da ponovno usmjeri pažnju na igru za kojom je zadnje vrijeme palo zanimanje.

    The fools, the fools, the fools, They have left us our Fenian dead, And while Ireland holds these graves, Ireland unfree shall never be at peace!

    RAPALJE - wat zullen we drinken

  9. #9
    Senior Member You have been warned flander's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    Ispod hrasta,zarađujem plaću

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    no dobro bilo kako bilo, neznam dal pratite Diablo Fans stranicu, ali dnevno iskopaju zanimljive podatke o ekspanziji ... s-changes/


    novi UI

    nova težina : Torment

    famozni "Loot Runs" su preimenovani u Nephalem Rifts

    brdo novi passivnih i aktivnih skillova za sve klase

    iskreno veoma se jako radujem Blizzconu, jerbo sve ove promijene su kao da dobivamo novu igru lol

  10. #10
    Senior Member Small step for mankind System's Avatar
    Datum registracije
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    U.S.S. Discovery One

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Jesu li to oni povukli jednu liniju i nazvali nov UI.

  11. #11
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    To gore nije usporedba starog i novog UI-ja. Donji dio je UI za Demon Huntera, a gornji za ostale klase.

  12. #12
    Senior Member My way or the highway Hexfire's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Koji kok će nam nova težina...

  13. #13
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2012

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Konzole, treba olaksat
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Neven <R>
    Aral, StormCr0w i W3DR4N. Trijumvirat.
    Ispod toga su svi koji vole Scotta Pilgrima.
    May our only occupation be not having a job, and may the only cocktails that we make be molotov!

  14. #14
    Moderator No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2006
    Las Bjelkas

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    sad ćemo 5 puta moć preć igricu s istim charom.

  15. #15
    Senior Member You have been warned Aral's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    May 2006

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Mislim da će torment biti gori od najtežeg nivoa. Baš se veselim ekspanziji, čim bude preorder odma kupujem.
    "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan

  16. #16
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Planet: Char

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Hmm da nove ikone dobivamo. Ekipa se žalila da su ikone itema previše WoW-aste i šarene/cartoonish i odmah su to išli mijenjati.

    Meni osobno stare ikone su ok, više me smeta što se svaki char tehnički izgleda kao demon sa high lvl opremom.

    Mislim da će torment biti gori od najtežeg nivoa.
    What the fuck are you trying to say?

    Enivej slažem se sa Hexom, koji će nam kurac i ovako je igra preduga za grindanje...

    To nije novi UI to je Enhanced UI Nemam ništa protiv, dapače sviđa mi se... - Marauder's RageMarauder's Rage : Increase damage bonus to 15%. (Damange down from 30%

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  17. #17
    Senior Member My way or the highway Hexfire's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Al stvarno mi nije jasno čemu nova težina kad su i sami rekli da su pogriješili što su uveli čak 4 težine. Eventualno ako će neke maknuti. Problem sa Infernom je bio što su ga igrali svi (iako je Blizz nekom logikom mislio da će samo hardcore ekipa igrati inferno), pa wajnali da je preteško i Blizz ga nerfao. Sad ak stave težinu koja je veća od Inferna, a opet daje određene beneficije u odnosu na Inferno, opet će svi htjeti to igrati i wajnat će ako bude preteško...

  18. #18
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Veselim se Crusaderu i novom Actu koji je po mom ukusu bar što se settinga tiče.

    I veselim se ukidanju AH-a, igra je gotovo uništena zbog toga.

    I veselim se Lootu 2.0.

    Sve ovo ostalo mi i nije toliko bitno, sigurno će mac ljudi rejđat čim počnu brljavit po skillovima i mjenjat brojke, al to tako nema smisla, najbolje samo igrati i boli te k.

  19. #19
    Senior Member You have been warned flander's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    Ispod hrasta,zarađujem plaću

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    dakle evo nam Mystica, koji je u originalu bio izbačen ... 10-24-2013

  20. #20
    Senior Member My way or the highway Hexfire's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Ne izbačen nego odgođen za punu verziju igre.

  21. #21

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Stanje stare teme je misterij tako da je ovo postala nove službena tema. Rejoice.

  22. #22
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    baš je misterij.

    nikome ništa nije jasno.

    oh well.

  23. #23
    Senior Member You have been warned flander's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    Ispod hrasta,zarađujem plaću

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije ... -settings/

    BlizzCon sljedeći tjedan, a i stiže nam RoS beta soon...

  24. #24
    Senior Member Small step for mankind Gothmog's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    M5A97 R2.0//FX6300@3,8GHz//CM Hyper 212 Evo//Kingmax 8GB RAM//F3 1TB//ATI ASUS R9 280 3GB DDR5//Chieftec 550W//Thermaltake Soprano//Dell U2312HM 23"//Logitech G11//Razer Diamondback

  25. #25

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    I approve. Neka netko prati Blizzcon i posta ako objave nešto novo.

  26. #26
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2007
    Slav. Brod/Rijeka

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Za 2 sata pocinje blizzcon, ofišli.
    || Intel® Core™ i5-4570 @ 3.2 GHz || nVIDIA GeForce GTX260 || ASUS H87m Plus MBO || 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600 MHz || OCZ ZT 750 Fully Modular PSU ||

  27. #27
    Senior Member Master Blaster Mirogamemasta's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Planet: Char

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Paragon system... fuck yes...

    Lijepo smo vidjeli čemu služi mapa, ali nebi bilo loše da pomoću nje možemo prelaziti u druge aktove.

    AMD Athlon II X4, 2800 Mhz/Gigabyte 790XTA-UD4/Radeon R9 280X/2x 4 GB DDR3 -1333 Mhz/Intel SSD 240 GB, Hitachi HDD 2+3 TB/Seasonic 620W/Scyte-Mugen 2 Revision B/Windows 7

    The Arreat Summit

  28. #28
    Senior Member Small step for mankind Gothmog's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Btw. openin ceremony je free pa možete gledati...evo, već im je promaklo u uvertiri da je Warlords of Draenor nova WoW ekspanzija.

    M5A97 R2.0//FX6300@3,8GHz//CM Hyper 212 Evo//Kingmax 8GB RAM//F3 1TB//ATI ASUS R9 280 3GB DDR5//Chieftec 550W//Thermaltake Soprano//Dell U2312HM 23"//Logitech G11//Razer Diamondback

  29. #29

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    O Adventure modu. ... -11-8-2013
    n Adventure Mode, the majority of these story-driven elements have been removed and all waypoints have been unlocked, allowing players the freedom to explore and play the game however they like—even across all Acts. The world itself is your battlefield. Go anywhere, slay anything!

    These modes can be accessed at any time, and you're welcome to switch between them whenever you please. In addition, we've unlocked all difficulty levels, giving you even more control over your in-game experience. Don't want to play through the story four times on each of your characters? Done. Looking to farm in Adventure Mode at one difficulty, then switch over to Campaign Mode at a different difficulty? You've got it.

  30. #30
    Senior Member My way or the highway Hexfire's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diablo III + ekspanzije

    Evo nekolicina stvari c/p saDiablo III Balkan foruma.

    Promjene u težini:
    "In Reaper of Souls, the game difficulty settings have been updated to Easy, Normal, Hard, Torment, Demonic and Apocalypse. Similar to the way the tiered settings and Monster Power work in Diablo III, higher difficulty levels present more powerful enemies who will potentially reward players with more powerful loot! Unlike the previous tiered difficulty system, though, players are not required to defeat the game on a lower setting in order to unlock a higher difficulty setting. These settings can be selected at any time, for both Campaign Mode and Adventure Mode, making it more convenient than ever to find the level of challenge that’s right for you!"

    Paragon promjene:
    We’ve made three significant changes to the Paragon system:
    There is no cap on Paragon levels. Players can now earn as many Paragon levels as they please.
    Paragon levels are now account-wide per game type. Normal characters on an account will share a Paragon level. Similarly, all Hardcore characters on an account will share a Paragon level. Any Paragon experience you gain on your Normal or Hardcore characters will contribute to your account’s “Normal Paragon level” or “Hardcore Paragon level.”
    Players will now earn Paragon Points each time they level up. These points can then be spent to boost up various stats in four different categories: Core Stats, Offensive, Defensive, and Adventure. All characters on your account have their own version of the allocated points, which can be reallocated at any time.
    These changes are intended to be released as part of a pre-expansion patchSand will be made available to all players.

    Na lvl-u 70 se otključava četvrti slot za passive.

    Adventure mode will unlock the entire game and player will have access to everything at any time
    All the waypoints for all Acts are unlocked
    The sub-features are Bounties and Nephalem Rifts
    Bounties make you hunt monsters all over Sanctuary
    Nephalem Rifts is all about randomization. Example Act III and Act IV creatures are fighting you in Whimsyshire
    Nephalem Rifts have random weather.SFor example you can see Caldeum at night.

    Bounties will take you through all bosses, events, side-dungeons. You need to hunt monsters anywhere in
    25 Random bounties at the start of the game. You can still do everything else, but the Bounties are a nice bonus.
    Bounty types:
    Kill a boss
    Complete an event
    Kill a Unique monster
    Clear a dungeon
    All Unique monsters for Bounties will be found around the world, instead of their usual places in the game
    Bounties reward gold and experience and a Rift Keystone

    Nephalem Rifts
    Loot Runs are now Nephalem Rifts
    Everything is random and from all Acts - terrain, monsters, bosses
    Monster density is very random
    1-10 level dungeons
    You can start in the Cathedral, to a Zoltun Kulle dungeon, to an exterior area
    There will be random buffs in Nephalem Rifts
    Bosses are random and their powers and abilities will be randomized
    New Monsters and Behaviors
    Summoner - defiles the ground under it and raises ghosts
    Death Maiden - cutting heads off Westmarsh defenders
    Punisher - heavy shock trooper, smashing enemies with his massive fists
    Boggit - the Fallen equivalent in Bloodmarsh
    Bogan Trapper - bigger cousin of Boggit
    Brute - biggest of the Bogg family
    Scarab Swarm - crawls out of everywhere and overwhelms the player. The player can also through them, instead of get stuck
    Monsters live very short lives, so it's important that it's clear what they do when you see them
    Skeleton Archers need to turn around and run in order to avoid dying. Instead they now backup without turning their back
    Brutes throw Boggits on the field and then charge the player
    Terrorbat picks up Boggits, bites them and they turn to Brutes. In turn, Brutes spawn Boggits and bats can pick the new Boggits
    Realm Walkers spawn monsters from other realms. When it dies it overloads and explodes. He looses control of the portal, which the player can then enter and see the realm the monsters were spawning from
    Trapper Tower - monsters are up on a tower and they shoot at the player and throw traps. When the tower dies the monsters die in their own traps
    Exorcist -- he charges himself with electricity and shoots the player with lightning
    Westmarch Hound - treats the player with a chew toy. Grabs him in its mouth and chews him up
    If the hound kills the player it "marks" him as its territory

    Pandemonium is the Eternal Battlefield where Angels and Demons fight their conflicts. It constantly changes inhabitants
    Pandemonium is the end zone and end of humanity - if Maltael succeeds
    There were a lot of different early concepts of the zone (which you'll be able to see once we upload pictures!)
    It's very dark and otherwordly
    Features ancient angel architecture
    Malthael's domain is in Pandemonium

    Level Design
    Fully randomizedSexteriors for Pandemonium
    Direction and flow are completely random in both Campaign and Adventure mode
    Battles Frozen in Time are places where the player can see old battles... Frozen in Time
    There are traps all over the place left from Demons and Angels

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