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Tema: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

  1. #121

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Prvi patch za sljedeći mjesec prikladno stiže 1.10. Zajedno s tim i novi besplatni trial koji traje od 27.9. do 3.10. ... r-01-2013/
    Lionguard intelligence reports have been pouring in regarding suspicious activities in the Twilight Arbor! Nightmare Courtiers are still pursuing their dark agenda, but now it seems like Scarlet is hatching some new plot as well. The sylvari hero Caithe is troubled by these rumors and has put out a call for heroes to put a stop to Scarlet’s machinations! It’ll take a daring group, armed with sharpened wits and blades, to infiltrate Twilight Arbor and put a stop to the mischief that’s afoot!

    New Events
    S Level 80 Path in Twilight Arbor:SPlayers can work with each other and Caithe to find a way into a secret, hidden facility where they’ll take on guards, navigate traps, and square off against the monster at the heart of the stronghold.

    SNew Rewards
    S Achievement Rewards:SPlayers completing Twilight Assault can earn the new (glowing) Slickpack back item, or a miniaturized version of one of the most powerful foes that lurk in Twilight Arbor.
    S Exotic Nightmare Weapons:SPlayers can obtain a new version of the Nightmare weapons via rare drops by foes in Twilight Arbor explorable mode.
    S Aether Chests:SPlayers can collect Aether Key Pieces from across Tyria, combining five to form a key that will open Aether Chests in Twilight Arbor.

  2. #122

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Novi patch stiže 15.10. kao uvod u Halloween. ... r-15-2013/
    In Blood and Madness, with Halloween fast approaching, Magister Tassi of the scholarly order Durmand Priory has detected some unusual energy readings that indicate another force is rising from the Underworld. This time, it’s Bloody Prince Edrick, son of Mad King Thorn, the insane tyrant who ruled Kryta centuries ago and now haunts Tyria as the powerful spirit of Halloween. Frightful new events and challenges await players as they confront the Bloody Prince and his growing, evil influence.

    New Events
    Mad Realm Doors:SPlayers can trick-or-treat at haunted doors across Kryta. Beware: Knocking isn’t without risk.
    Mad King’s Labyrinth: Bloody Prince Edrick has taken over parts of the Mad King’s Labyrinth and is controlling the undead armies in the Mad King’s Realm. The Skeletal Lich, Grand High Viscount of Candy Corn, and the Labyrinthine Horror lie in wait.
    Mad King’s Clock Tower:S Tyria’s most maddening jumping puzzle thrilled players during last year’s Halloween event and returns better than ever. Only the most skillful will navigate the insanity of the Mad King’s Clock Tower to reach the top in time.
    Lunatic Inquisition:SPlayers can put their PvP skills to the test in the Mad King’s Labyrinth. Play as a villager trying to survive the night or a lunatic courtier intent on destruction. Survival tools and hidden secrets are waiting to be discovered.

    New Features
    S Combat Quality of Life Fixes:SImprovements to combat include new ground targeting options, better targeting, and a new, optional way to display condition damage numbers.
    S Trait and Skill Tooltips:SUpdates to the tooltip system for traits and skills mean traits will now display numbers, and skill tooltips will show how skills are affected by equipped traits.
    S Balance Updates:SExisting skills and traits have received a balance pass with a focus on improving support builds in all parts of the game for all professions.
    Introducing the First World vs. World Season: Starting on October 18 and running through December 5, we’ll be hosting the first WvW season! We’ll be splitting up worlds into leagues, and each world within a league will compete against every other world over the course of the season. Not only will you be rewarded for your team’s season-long performance, but you’ll also be rewarded each week that you participate!

    New Rewards
    S Sweet Rewards:SPlayers completing the Blood and Madness meta achievement will receive a Mini Candy Corn Elemental, while following the storyline can earn players a Candy Corn node for their home instance.
    S Candy Cornucopia:SPlayers can trade Candy Corn for new Halloween items like a Mini Bloody Prince, a 20-slot Halloween Pail and special crafting items needed for Halloween weapons.
    S Mask of the Night:SPlayers can earn a Mask of the Night by proving their abilities to obey the maniacal monarch in rounds of Mad King Says.

  3. #123

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    29.10. već znate kako to ide. ... r-29-2013/
    Tower of Nightmares isn’t just about menace and the macabre; this release also introduces new rewards like the Antitoxin Spray, a new universal healing skill that allows any player to cleanse themselves and nearby allies of poison, toxins, and other nasty effects. Players who prevail against the krait and complete the Tower of Nightmares meta achievement will earn a Krait Obelisk Shard, a powerful artifact that players can erect in their home instance.

  4. #124
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Čujem da je previše ovog sadržaja šta štancaju samo privremena zafrkancija, i da kad 'prođe', ne može se više igrati? Taj living world dio il šta već. Meni to nema smisla, trošit lovu i vrijeme na razvoj sadržaja i onda ga 'bacit u smeće'. Baš su retardirani s tim, umjesto da maksimalno šire i obogaćuju igru oni sve podređuju tom 'living worldu', glupost.

    Koliko je stalnog sadržaja igra dobila od izlaska do sad?

    Budem kupio za Božić vjerojatno, ali jbte ne znam koju bi klasu igrao, mislim da ću morat imat od svih po jednog lika jer su sve super, ajde malo mi je necromance bezvz (boje spellova premonotone) ali ono, sve ostale se čine super.

    Igra ko osim Arbyja?

  5. #125
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Arby ti uopće ne igra, samo se uživio u svoju ulogu newsbota.
    Ja trenutno imam pauzu ali vjerujem da ću se uskoro ponovno aktivirat.
    Btw Necromancer je super, condimancer build kida živote.

    Što se sadržaja tiče ima dosta stalnog sadržaja, ali dosta toga bude samo prolazno. Ali i taj prolazni sadržaj ti je dizajniran na takav način da je jednostavan za napravit, a nema smisla da se zadrži (u potpunosti). Recimo Scarlet i njene invazije. U tih 2 tjedna (koliko je to trajalo) na random mapama bi ti počele te invazije. To ti je u principu značilo da bi se po cijeloj mapi u idućih 45 minuta spawnala cijela hrpa eventova koji bi se morali obavljati i onda, ovisno o uspješnosti servera u obavljanju tih eventova, bi dobili priliku borit se protiv Scarlet. Nakon kraja invazije bio bi neki cooldown od tipa 15 minuta i onda na iduću invaziju. Nakon ta 2 tjedna više nije bilo tih invazija tako često ali ih bude par na dan. Dakle to je primjer prolaznog, living world sadržaja, koji se u nekoj mjeri zadržao. I općenito se sad gradi nekakva priča na Scarlet i njene minione.
    A imaš i hrpu stvari koje su napravljene da se vrte na godišnjoj bazi (Halloween, Dragon Bash) ili čak i češće (Super Adventure Box).

    Uglanvom vidjet ćeš kad kupiš

  6. #126

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Imam igru na hardu, ali već mi se mjesecima svelo samo na updejtanje.

  7. #127
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Dosadila ti?

    Hmm, ma ja bi je najradije kupio da imam neku stalnu zanimaciju navečer dok ne nađem posao, a onda ću opet WoW počet isto. Igra mi se ovo radi atmosfere, glazbe, ne znam, lijepa mi je igra, 'topla' ko WoW, to mi je nešto što u biti najviše želim u MMO-ima, da kad uđem u krčmu da se osjećam ko da sam doma i da mogu zaspat tu. Onako žešći bijeg iz stvarnosti lol.

  8. #128
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
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    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Ako želiš imam ti ja account viška, buraz više ne igra. 150kn i nosi ga.
    Inače ogromna prednost buy2playja je ta što nikad nemaš osjećaj obveze prema igri. Igraš kad ti se igra, kad ti dosadi ostaviš i nakon nekog vremena joj se ponovno vratiš. Nema onog da uplatiš pretplatu za idućih mjesec-tri-šest i nakon par dana ti dojadi i neda ti se više igrat, a opet osjećaš da moraš jer inače propali novci u potpunosti.
    A i iskreno vjerujem da na tržištu nema boljeg MMO-a od Guild Warsa 2, pogotovo kad se napravi omjer uloženog i dobivenog.

  9. #129
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Već sam dobio ponudu od Kostolomca tu s foruma, ali hvala, budem si kupio, volim imat ''svjež box'', pre opsesivan sam s tim

  10. #130
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Sve 5, ni ja ne volim kupovat rabljene accountove

  11. #131

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    = Citat = Izvorno postao mravojed20
    Dosadila ti?
    Rekao bi da nemam vremena, ali to nije istina kad sam uspio natući 20 sata u novog Batmana. Jednostavno nemam volje već neko vrijeme. Ne znam, možda čekam dok najave ekspanziju ili tako nešto.

    Kad smo kod novog sadržaja evo informacija o novom patchu - The Nightmares Within. Ovaj put sa upitnom glazbom. ... r-12-2013/
    The dark tower in Kessex Hills has been breached! Now is the time to storm the tower and begin setting things to rights. Within the morbid stronghold of the Toxic Alliance, you’ll find new dangers, new challenges, and come face-to-face with terror incarnate.

    New Events
    S Lingering Poison:SThough the Tower of Nightmares has been breached, the Toxic Alliance’s nefarious presence remains. Players will find that Kessex Hills and the surrounding countryside still are befouled by poisonous pollen.
    S Face The Nightmares Within:SSpecial encounters await players brave enough to enter rooms within the Tower of Nightmares. What will they find? Agents of the evil Scarlet Briar? Or something much more insidious? Only one thing is certain: strength, determination and resilience will be required to survive.
    S The End of Nightmares?:SMarjory Delaqua, the human detective, developed a special antitoxin to destroy the deadly menace at the heart of the Tower of Nightmares, but the team she dispatched to inject it never returned. Players will get their chance to pick up the fight and succeed where those before them failed.

    New Rewards
    S Antitoxic Fashion:SPlayers completing the meta achievement for The Nightmares Within will unlock a special Gasmask Skin that features the latest design in air purification and toxin prevention. This universal skin can be applied to any piece of head armor.
    S Exclusive Looks: Players can complete their wardrobes with a new Air Filtration Device – a dry-land version of the starter aquatic helm – or get the new Toxic Spore back item.
    S Minis:SPlayers can earn two new Toxic Krait minis – one by destroying Toxic Alliance foes, the other by killing a special enemy hidden deep in the heart of the Tower of Nightmares.
    S Tri-Key Chest:SPlayers collecting three keys – either from foes within the Tower of Nightmares or by bartering for them with Marjory Delaqua’s helper, Dee – can open the chest for a chance to win special treasures.

  12. #132
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Koliko sam ja skužio prema poznatim informacijama, GW2 neće imati ekspanziju uopće, ili jedno jako dugo vrijeme bude bila bez nje, pošto se financiraju iz mikrotransakcija a za njih im je puno povoljnije da imaju stalan broj igrača koje drže izdavanjem novog contenta svakih 2 tjedna. Kod punokrvne ekspanzije bi se dogodilo da im populacija igrača drastično oscilira, mjesec dana oko ekspanzije bi bilo masa ljudi, onda opet značajno manje do sljedeće ekspanzije.

    Mislim da im je to i pametan potez, mi ne plaćamo ništa osim osnovne igre, content ide, oni zarađuju bolje nego da prodaju ekspanziju.

  13. #133
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
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    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Ekspanzije neće bit dok ncsoft ne odluči da treba više novaca

  14. #134
    Senior Member No Mercy Outmind's Avatar
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    The six-sided star

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Ovako je najbolje. Igru sam nabavio u 8. mjesecu i relativno ju intenzivno igrao do početka 10. Da nije guilda, a pogotovo nečeg novog svaka 2 tjedna mislim da bih ju već onda obrisao sa diska. Istina, living world nije svaki put dobar - trenutni pre nightmare dio je recimo slabašan. Ali da je i svaki drugi dobar, novi content koji ti se sviđa dobiješ barem svakih mjesec dana, a ne pola godine - godinu.

    Naravno i to ima nedostataka jer se ne mogu posvetiti velikim projektima, no ima neka čar u sudjelovanju stvaranja svijeta. Izvrstan je doživljaj biti dijelom launch eventa za nešto što će ostati i dalje u igri, kao invazije ili tequatl.
    Then a gypsy woman comes, says "There's one thing you should know;
    I've just read your fortune, and you died five years ago. "

  15. #135

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Problem sa living world pričom je kako su je sastavili, tj. epizodni sadržaj ih spriječava od stvaranja nekakvih velikih događaja koji bi zahtijevali da si odigrao sve do sada da pohvataš priču ili tako nešto. Šteta što nema nikakve ekspanzije u planu, ali bolje ovako nego da dodaju sadržaj na kapaljku budući da jedino Blizzard može štancati sadržaj sličnom brzinom kad pogledaš više dvotjednih updejtova sa pojedinačnim većim WoW patchevima u višemjesečnim razmacima.

    Još bolja stvar za igru je ta što je česti updejti stalno stavljaju u MMO vijesti tako da nikada nije zaboravljena.

  16. #136
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2009
    eo me

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    najveći je problem što nitko od vas ne igra WvW, jedini dio ove igre koji neš vrijedi.
    iako, ne bi ni ja više igrao da ima neka alternativa lolz.

    ova ponuda accounta za 150kn još vrijedi?

  17. #137
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
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    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd


  18. #138
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
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    Jun 2009
    eo me

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    dalo bi se neš sredit onda!

  19. #139
    Senior Member You have been warned Maloki's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    Duga Resa/Zagreb

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Kul, javi se na fejsu onda da se dogovorimo.

  20. #140

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Idući update stiže 26.11. Dobar trailer čak. ... r-26-2013/
    S Three Fractals:SIn addition to illuminating the strange circumstances of the Thaumanova Reactor meltdown, players can experience two more historical events thanks to further Fractals research. The Molten Furnace Fractal allows players to relive the daring raids on the Molten Alliance facilities, while the treacherous Aetherblade Fractal has players infiltrating the Aetherblade’s old base of villainy.

    S Two Boss Fractals:SThe Jade Maw of the Solid Ocean Fractal is no longer the only challenge awaiting players when they make it to the end of each set of three fractals. Special boss encounters with the Aetherblade captain Mai Trin and the two Molten Alliance champions from the Molten Facility have been added to the rotation.

    S Agony Resist Updates: Developers are evolving the way Agony Resistance works on items, so players will now be able to collect drops granting Agony Resistance and combine those to continually increase their level of Agony Resistance.

    S Fractals of the Mists Leaderboards:SPlayers soon will be able to earn the envy and adulation of friends and strangers thanks to new leaderboards. Players whose current personal reward level for the Fractals of the Mists is above 30 will be reset to 30 so the competition can begin in earnest.

    S Fractal Progression Changes:SThe difficulty curve in fractals levels 1-30 is being adjusted, and fractals beyond level 30 will have new, special challenges. Every fractal players enter with a fractal level above 30 will have a special Mistlock Instability which will add new difficulties to that level or change how it is played.

    S Obsidian Sanctum Update:SPlayers will now be able to enter the Obsidian Sanctum, the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle, directly through the WvW menu. Additionally, a new arena space has been added for combat between opposing groups of players, and the Borderlands Bloodlust buff will no longer apply in the Obsidian Sanctum.
    Zadnji uredio Arbiter of Change : 21-01-2014 u 19:37

  21. #141
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum Wolfwrath's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006
    The Abyss

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Recimo da ljudi nisu baš zadovoljni s novim armorima u gem storeu
    Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.

  22. #142

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    World XP izgleda postaje globalan.
    I’m here to announce a major change to the system: We’re making World XP account-bound.

    With all of this in mind, the system is receiving the following changes:
    All earned World XP on an account will be put into a single pool.
    The sum of those points will determine the world rank and World Ability Points available to each character on the account.
    World Ability Points can be allocated differently on each character; you are not creating a single, account-based, version of your characters.

  23. #143
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Jako dobro.

  24. #144
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2009
    eo me

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd


  25. #145

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    10.12. stiže ovogodišnji Wintersday. ... r-10-2013/
    The nights may be growing longer and colder, but Lion’s Arch is merrier than ever before! Wintersday is returning to Tyria, along with everyone’s favorite toymaking inventor – Tixx! Celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of the next in this six-week winter festival!

    Tixx’s Toybox
    Tixx’s marvelous miniature toys are available once again! Complete the Wintersday meta achievement to receive Tixx’s Toybox, which will grant you one of Tixx’s toys: a Mini Ventari, Mini Plush Griffon, Mini Princess Doll, Mini Toy Golem, or Mini Toy Soldier.

    Craft Ascended Armor
    The Armorsmith, Leatherworker, and Tailor crafting disciplines have a new skill cap of 500, which means that you can now craft your own Ascended armor! Refine, stitch, and hammer your way to 500 to become a Grandmaster Crafter and unlock the ability to craft Ascended armor!

    New Healing Skills
    Still trying to find just the right healing skill for your build? Perhaps this will help – we’re introducing a new healing skill for every profession!

    December 10 Balance Update
    Are you looking to fine-tune your build, or maybe hoping to try out something new entirely? Our next balance update is coming, and its focus is on improving traits and trait lines. You can read about incoming changes here.

  26. #146

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Fractalsi su mi dok sam jos igrao GW2 bili najphun dio iz jedinice i dvojke. SpeedClearovi UnderWorlda iz jedinice bi bio close second.

  27. #147
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Fractalsi jesu prilično zabavni.

  28. #148

    Prvi update nakon blagdana je live, prvi od zadnja četiri koji će završiti priču nepopularne Scarlet Briar.
    On one front, players must journey to the mountains of Lornar’s Pass where Scarlet is massing her armies to defeat the Twisted Marionette, Scarlet’s titanic new clockwork creation. It will require a coordinated assault by an army of players to challenge both the Marionette and Scarlet’s combined forces.

    The other threat lies in Bloodtide Coast, where Scarlet has awoken something ancient and dangerous. The Great Jungle Wurm is a huge beast with three ravenous heads and an arsenal of attacks at its disposal. Only a determined effort by a large group of players has a chance at defeating this menace.

  29. #149
    Isto tako su digli i video koji sažima Living Story priče do sada.

  30. #150

    Re: GW2 - patchevi, vijesti, itd

    Prvi update za veljaču je live.

    The introduction of the “Edge of the Mists” is also giving players a new way to experience the game’s popular WvW mode. In WvW, armies of players engage in PvP on an epic scale, competing to seize territory, lay siege to castles, raid enemy supplies, and spread mayhem on four vast maps in the Mists. Now, players will never again have to wait to participate in WvW. “Edge of the Mists” acts as an overflow map that gives them the option to continue playing in a PvP and PvE environment, with different zones that compose the map’s network of floating islands inhabited by creatures such as the kodan, ogres, and grawl. Players continue to build rank and gain loot and achievements while still in queue to join regular WvW matches. There’s also a new UI system in place that provides complete visibility on which maps are populated and anticipated queue times.
    Zadnji uredio Arbiter of Change : 04-02-2014 u 19:46

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