Od tvoraca igre Blacklight: Tango Down koja je brzo umrla dolazi novi besplatni FPS naziva Blacklight: RetributionSkoji za čudo ne zalazi u Pay2Win vode, a ističe se produkcijskim vrijednostima jedne AAA igre. Probao sam malo danas putem Steama gdje je isto dostupna igra i premda sam osobno loš, igra je jako dobra. Hyper Reality Visor aka legalni wallhack čini igru dosta dinamičnijom i prirodni je neprijatelj kempera.

Blacklight: Retribution is a fast paced, adrenaline pumping first person shooter based in a futuristic urban warzone. Building upon Zombie Studios� predecessor, Tango Down, Blacklight: Retribution provides FPS enthusiasts with a massive arsenal of weaponry and gear ranging from bleeding edge side arms to massive mechanized Hardsuits. Customize your weapons and gear for the perfect load out, earn credits in game to change the tide of battle by deploying flame throwers, automatic grenade launchers and even airstrikes.