Čini se da je ipak bilo istine u sada davnim glasinama - MGS HD kolekcija (osim MGS1, od core naslova) ipak stiže, za PS3 i XBox 360.
The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection will contain Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. The Zone of the Enders HD Collection will pack Zone of Enders and Zone of the Enders 2. Both collections have been optimized and rebuilt for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with new user interfaces for the HD resolutions, redrawn art, brand new Trophies/Achievements, right analog stick and rumble support, and improved audio.

Another feature both collections support is Kojima's new "lifestyle" called "Transfarring." That is not a typo -- Transfarring. Using this system, PlayStation players can have one save that works with PS3 and PSP copies of certain games. Konami announced Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker as the first (and so far only) Transfarring capable title. Start your Peace Walker game on the PS3, copy the save to the PSP, play on the go, and then copy it back to the PS3 to pick up where you left off.