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Tema: DotA 2

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  1. #1

    DotA 2

    I shit you not i radi ju Valve u Source engine-u. Don't kill the messenger. ... tails.aspx ... es-dota-2/

    What Does Valve Bring?

    Valve's approach to Dota 2 is unusual in that the gameplay itself is remaining almost entirely untouched. "Our first reaction is to assume that [design elements are]Sthere for a reason," project lead Erik Johnson explains. "IceFrog is one of the smartest designers we've ever met. He's made so many good decisions over the years in building the product. He virtually never makes a decision that doesn't have some reasoning behind it and a way to pick apart the logic behind it." This approach means that Dota 2 basically is DotA-Allstars with new technology.

    DotA-Allstars' roster of 100+ heroes is being brought over in its entirety. The single map games take place on is functionally identical to the one that you can download for free today in the Warcraft III mod. Items, skills, and upgrade paths are unchanged. Some hero skills work slightly better due to being freed from the now-ancient Warcraft III engine, but Dota 2 will be instantly familiar to any DotA player.

    A few things will make significant differences to players making the transition. Dota 2 uses Valve's Source engine, so the game is much prettier. Source itself is getting a few upgrades, including improved global lighting and true cloth simulation.SDota 2's integrated voice chat is a huge step up from having to set up your own Ventrilo server, and the speed of voice communication is very nearly a requirement for a game as team-focused as DotA.

    AI bots will take over for disconnected players, and will be available to play against in unranked training matches as well. However, don't get your hopes up for a full-fledged single-player game, though. Johnson says, "Our goal with the AI is just that their experience isn't destroyed just because one person couldn't finish the game."

    The visual style is remarkable for retaining the somewhat cartoony feel that the Warcraft III version of DotA-Allstars is built around, while going in a few different directions. "I think there are functional aspects to the art that are pretty significant to the players," Johnson muses. The environment, particularly in the forests that fill in the map between the three lanes that the NPC armies follow, uses a desaturated color scheme to give the colorful heroes and abilities some visual pop. The sizable art team is putting a lot of work into making the shapes and animations of each hero distinct to the point that players will be able to instantly identify any hero they see and quickly gauge the threat level of any situation.

    The game will also feature a ton of custom voice work. You'll get amusing lines from heroes as they deny the enemy team last hits on creeps, and champions who have backstory connections will trade quips when nearby.

    The bulk of innovation in Dota 2, however, is ancillary to the gameplay itself. Valve is upgrading Steamworks (the company's backend technologies for matchmaking and other gameplay and community-related things) to allow them to create in-game rewards for participating in the Dota 2 community. The idea is to have everything a player does in or out of game tie back into their online identity. Like the improvements to Source, the Steamworks upgrades will be available to third-party developers who choose to use Valve's tools when Dota 2 launches in 2011.

    At a basic level, posting useful feedback or participating in constructive discussions on the forums will contribute to your standing in the community in a visible way. Valve doesn't have the specifics on how this will work nailed down yet. Will you get points that contribute to a visible ranking, like a Gamerscore? Will your posts need to be recommended by other community members to count for anything? What counts as a constructive discussion? These questions are all being actively explored at the moment. Valve assures us that the designers have a slew of awesome ideas for how to implement rewards in a way that’s visible to the rest of the community, but there are no details to announce yet. "When we talk about this identity that exists inside and outside the game, we don't think we're anywhere near it with what exists on Steam right now," Johnson admits.

    If this was just about getting points for posting comments, though, we wouldn't waste your time by telling you about it. Dota 2 goes much farther than that. Everything from unlocking new skins for your favorite hero to getting a unique title for writing a strategy guide is on the table. Valve has ambitious plans (for which, again, there are no specifics to share) to host everything themselves and provide the best framework for the community to interact with each other. The idea is to reduce the social friction inherent in having to dig around a bunch of different fansites and wikis to find what you're looking for.

    Ultimately, two things will make Dota 2 stand out: the coaching system and interactive guides. Read on to find out more.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    alliance vs fnatic
    fnatic ih je outdrafto da to nisu istine, plakalo mi se dok sam gledo draft. na kraju je fnatic izgubio gejm jer su se poceli debilizirati i uzeli pretpostavku "dosta smo ih gankali sad idem ofarmati". trebali su samo nastaviti pritisak na top i mid lane, na botu wispa gaziti malo vise i to bi bilo to, good game. cim ti duo roam pocne pullati mos odma zaboraviti na gejm.... da su se skoncentirali na naix/wisp lane, slark bi bio tako ogroman da to nebi bile istine, ovako je sam ukurac sve otislo..
    ukratko, alliance nije dobio, fnatic je izgubio

    jel tko vidio kako je courier crko gore kad je nosio point booster trixiu?

  3. #3
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    zato je sad navi stompao alliance u finalu.


    admiral 'two heroes' bulldog ftw.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    nijen i loda nsita bolje odigro
    trash gonna stay trash
    zao mi je fnatica, gro su bolji od sigme al eto, potrefilo se...

  5. #5
    Senior Member It lives by night
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2014
    kako je ta dota tužna kad su ti loši timovi stalno u finalima, a ovi loši ispadaju od njih :S

  6. #6
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    = Citat = Izvorno postao rejndjer Pregledaj post
    kako je ta dota tužna kad su ti loši timovi stalno u finalima, a ovi loši ispadaju od njih :S

    ja neznam jel mi gledamo iste gejmove kad su tebi ti timovi loši.

    @kina i to

    navi još uvijek ima više osvojenih turnira od dk-a.

    po meni su navi i dk vrh tho, ostali su ispod.

  7. #7
    Senior Member It lives by night
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2014
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Systematic Reverse Pregledaj post

    ja neznam jel mi gledamo iste gejmove kad su tebi ti timovi loši.

    sarkazam jel, samo sam se osvrto na komentare dežurnih proova u ovoj temi

  8. #8
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    briem da alliance zamjeni lodu sa pajkattom, vrate captna na staro i nadu dobrog offlanera, da bi opet mogli biti tier1 tim koji bi stompao i navi i kinesku scenu. ovako su samo smece sa 2 ljudi sta ih kriplaju. loda nebi mogao kerijati ni 1600 ranked match u soloq, a admiral2hero igra 2 heroja. nazalost lode se nece riejsiti jer jebe njihovu menadericu. steta za egma/akke/s4...
    mislim da kinezi igraju na razini iznad i navija i cjele europske scene, dk, vg, ig

  9. #9
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    navi ima vise osvojenih tourneya, al racunaj da je prije 5-6mjeseci bilo gro turnira po europi, a svega 2-3 u kini. ig i vici odlicno igraju u zadnje vrijeme, tong fu nazalost ima sam1 strategiju koja im radi (push push and push) ali maju potencijala da jos nesto naprave. dk i navi su daleko ispred konkurencije, al slijede ih ig, vici, fnatic te alliance
    ostalo mozda jos vrijedi spomenuti speed i sigmu, al sigma je uzasna kad ne igra protiv navija jer su samo njih "studirali"

  10. #10
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    aha, trebao sam assumat to ali mi je bilo prerano.

    alliance baš lijepo funkcionira u situacijama gdje im netrebaju loda i bulldog :<

    jučer su fino genkali sa relocateom i magnusom.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006
    Kak da dobivam iteme dok gledam gameove? Znam da treba kupit onaj drek u storeu i onda gledat valve-supported tournamente. A kak da znam koji su valve-supported?

  12. #12
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    svaki game koji ima ticket mozes dobiti drop. kupis kartu za gledanje turnira, odes gledati i ak si sretnik dobijes drop. i to je to

  13. #13
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006
    Al ima i ono da supportaš team neki pa ako oni igraju isto dobivaš iteme tak neka fora.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    to ti ide kroz tickete u prizepool (nije svaki turnir, samo neki), setovi koji je neki team napravi (navi qop set, navi chen set, uskoro i navi pudge set) te pennanti (nema svaki tim)

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    glupi tb.

    ali sviđa mi se patch.

    tinker aghanims branch 50g NEW META.

    nerfali mi najdraži item, necro al' jebiga, i trebali su.

  17. #17
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006
    Timbera i dalje nerfaju ((( al ajde polako buffa morpha sa svakim patchom.

  18. #18
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    tek sam sad primjetio lionov agha upgrade, lol.

    also, void u kronu će bit strašniji nego ikad.

    supportam buffanje morfa.

  19. #19
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006
    1000 ms koji kurac :d

  20. #20
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    + phase.

    scary sranje kad si zamislim nafarmanog voida.

  21. #21
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    briem da voida jos uvijek se nece pickati, tu i tamo kada se mozda moze s time igrati, neki pocketstrat il nest kada je SVE drugo bannano (rade b skeleton kinga imo ko kerija xD)
    morpha MOZDA, jos nije na onom starom nivou i mislim da ga jak trilane jos uvijek pojede (tri vs tri lane jel). mozda nece direktno morpha ubijati zbog silnog morh stat swappanja, ali nemre on spasiti supportove nikako..
    napokon terrorblade, fak jea, dugo sam ga cekao

  22. #22
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    rijetko kad se vidi trilane vs trilane tho, tak da ćemo vidjet.

  23. #23
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    nije bas da je ot rijetkost, dosta se toga vidja.
    no, inace dolazi LoD u igru valjda ce to ostati za stalno.
    koji su vam najdraze kombinacije skillova? impetus/take aim/psy blades/thirst na lini (650 range) sa mask of madness i aghanimsom mi je preawesome. 1400 rangea (sad vise jer je sniper dobio buff). 4 shota se bilokoga sa pola mape a pobijeci nemru jer je thirst tu a akciji

    zatim tiny grow, sleight of fist od emberspirita, crit od juggera i crit od skeleton kinga/ck/brewmastera (jugg mislim da iam najveci postotak)
    i ima par trolly buiuldova tipa
    shakerov aftershock, zeusov chain lightning, quill spray, essence aura. permabash u malom aoe.
    dispersion, backtrack, rot, blur. uz heart, pipe i blademail nitko vas nece zajebavat a i ima se oko 130 dmp u aoe oko sebe +radience na to moze ici, ali heart i blademail su msuthave.

  24. #24

  25. #25
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006

    The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.

  26. #26
    Senior Member Fight fire with fire
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2006
    dosao patch u test client

    terrorblade ima PREZAKON look, aniamciju kao range crappy kao i u doti1, melee je very nice.
    q mu je op as fuck ako si neki squishy heroj u 1v1 situaciji na lvl1 (tipa drow vs tb), ranged form zakon izgleda, stavarno dobro odraden art work.
    pheonix isto, ODLICAN model, skillovi kao i u doti1 dobro napravljeni. jedino bi da kada ima onaj sunray da se moze automatski micati,a ne da stoji na mjestu pa movement treba aktivirati

    drowov silence je sada neka vrsta wave of terror koji pushbacka 250 distsanca i sielcna na 3456 sec, ostalo nisam gledo

  27. #27
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer ProzoЯ's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Sep 2009
    Phoenix, barem znam sto cu igrati sljedecih mjesec dana

  28. #28
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum FaTaL_mRkvA's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2006
    Oćemo tičizaaaaaaaaaaa

  29. #29
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Systematic Reverse's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jul 2006
    = Citat = Izvorno postao FaTaL_mRkvA Pregledaj post
    Oćemo tičizaaaaaaaaaaa
    smiješno mi je kak sad svi seru da hoće techiesa a kad dođe techies i budu imali nesposobne techiese u timu budi svi plakali.


  30. #30
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006
    Sretna konjska godina peć je lajv

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