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Tema: Miniature Highlight

  1. #181
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Jedino ko bi ovo mogao kupiti je neki ne-GW hobby centri i slične grupe..Ne vidim zašto bi pojedinac uzeo ovo nešto...neko ko je dugo u hobiju i ima marince vjerovatno nema potrebe za ovim stvarima jer vjerovtno ima 25-50% stvari....a neko nov u hobiju nije lud da na prvu troši tolike pare...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  2. #182
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Cak se ni hobby centru ne isplati jer jeftinije prodje nabavkom svako pojedinog boxa i jos k tome bi te iste marince trebao prodati. Za te pare moze radje kupiti malo od svake rase i povecati sansu za prodajom.

  3. #183
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    To da, ali ja sam mislio na one hobby centre koji neće preprodavati to, već će ih u klubu za igranje koristiti... ali ni njima nije baš isplativo...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  4. #184
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Sickpetey, ti ono Dark Elfove skupljaš?
    Hoćeš da te obradujem informacijama, ili ćeš sam da se iznenadiš uskoro?
    - Always angry, all the time -

  5. #185
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Znam da se pricalo a velikom updejtu al ak imas nesto konkretno sure.

  6. #186
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Space marinci su imali veliki update....ovo se može opisati kao masivno ogromni....

    Lets do quick roundup
    1) NEW Plastic Dark Elf Warrior Box(Makes Spearmen, swordsmen, & crossbowmen)
    The new Warriors look quite different to me. But then again I am a big geek that notices stuff like that. They have cloaks that come down their back and all the helmets don't cover the eyes any more.
    The cloaks hang down from underneath the shoulder armor and cover the back of the chain mail. It definitely is new for them but it looks really cool. The Druchii warriors also have shoulder armor. It makes them look simply awesome. The skull embossed on their shields looks great too.
    The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
    It does not appear that any of the banners have designs sculpted onto them. The pictures we have of the warriors show 2 regiments, one armed with swords and shields and one armed with spears and shield. Our source tell us that they will make crossbows but we don't have a picture of them.
    2) NEW PLastic Dark Riders/Warlocks
    Warlocks appear to have one hand weapon
    The warlocks are bare chested, and the weapons look mundane...aka not glowing. They look like large jagged daggers. They are held in reverse grips which looks pretty slick. The warlock champions eyes are glowing which IMO hints at some magical abilities.
    The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings.
    The Dark Riders are very cool looking. Sleek looking horses with only a bit of armor. All of the Riders are hunched over in the saddle to give the illusion of speeding fast cav. The helmets appear to be open faced and they are armed with spears in the picture I have, once again that doesn't mean they wont get crossbows (in the pictures we have they are in the back ground behind the Warlocks).
    There does not appear to be a command group for the Warlocks, only a unit champion.
    3) NEW Plastic Blackguard/Executioners
    The Warriors, Black Guard, and Dark Riders all have cloaks. None of them appear to have face coverings. The Executioners appear to have skull faced helms. The theme to me appears to be a more sinister version of their High Elf bretheren. The plate armor has very spiked and jagged edges. The style will still fit well with the Shades and Reaper but next to these new models they will look very dated.
    -Black Guard look very stalwart with large halberds and high helms with 3 spikes on each side with a flowing plume on top. Their armor is black trimmed in gold and they have dark purple cloaks. The unit champion is holding a sword by the hilt with the blade planted in the ground. Musician is a drummer.
    -The executioners have what look like skull helms, and their armor is a brighter silver than the Black Guard. Their tunics are red in color and the Draiches are all held on the left hand side of their bodies (their left our right). They look very cool ranked up.
    The Executioner champ is armed with an axe and is holding the decapitated head of a High Elf. Pretty dang cool.

    4) NEW Plastic Coldone Chariot/Scroungerunner(Pulled by horses)
    The new chariot crew is armed with spears and what looks to be a large crossbow or bolt thrower on the chariot.
    For the Scroungerunner charoit the crew look similar to Corsairs. The passenger shooting the crossbow/boltthrower has what appears to be a sea dragon cloak on. There are reins but they look like just normal black leather. The horses look awesome and angry. Both are black in color with red eyes. The chariot only has one wheel that is centered on the back part. Sounds stupid, looks cool. And as usual nasty spikes and blades al
    And yes the Cold Ones on the chariot match the current Cold One Knights.

    5) NEW Plastic Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne(This model is AMAZING)
    The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne look very cool. If you are a fan of the newer larger models GW has been putting out for WHFB you will really dig it. It is a bit toned down compared to the Empire Celestial Hurricanum/Luminark of Hysh and has blades and hooks on it to make it very sinister and Dark Elf.
    The Cauldron of Blood/Blood Throne are on a bigger base than the chariot base.
    Yes the Cauldron and the Blood throne both have 6 wheels. They are on the same chassis, just with different stuff on the altar. I just noticed that the Witch Elves on Blood Throne have metal masks that cover the front of their face with the exception of their chin and mouth area and of course their eyes.
    Ok and now to answer the Medusa question: She has the lower body of a snake and it appears there are other snakes on her base. The right side of her torso is bare, including her breast. In her right hand she is holding a spear. She has armor over her left breast and has a nasty looking clawed gauntlet on her hand. Her mouth is agape and she has snakes for hair. There is also a significant amount of blood on the model.

    6) NEW Plastic Hydra/Kraken
    About Hydra:It looks bigger and beefier.
    Yes the Hydra does have 2 handlers.
    -The Kraken has 5 heads/fanged maws. The have spines and scales with smooth neck and belly flesh. Scales are painted a Dark Grey with the softer flesh painted blue. Looks awesome.
    The Kraken doesn't have tentacles, it has four legs with webbed appendages ending in claws and it also has a tail.
    Yes the Kraken has multiple heads. From the pic it looks like there is one main head with eyes and the other four necks end with fanged maws. Very cool looking. It may sound stupid to people as it is walking but wait until the picture comes out before passing judgement.
    You have to clear your head of any preconceived notions of what a Kraken is or looks like. Because lets face it, an 8 legged octopus creature flopping around on land would just not look right. It has 4 limbs that end in webbed feet with claws on them. It also has 5 heads. The main head has beady little eyes right above the mouth. The lower jaw on the main head extends kind of like an octopus tentacle but with teeth on it. The other heads end in an mouth with teeth and 4 claws around the head that look to facilitate grabbing their next meal.

    7) NEW Plastic Witch Elf box
    -The pictures we have of the Witch Elves has them with two hand weapons.
    The witches are also sporting thigh high boots and are very dynamic with their poses. I wonder how much of a pain in the butt it will be to get them to rank up.
    The Witch Elves look great. No mowhawks or anything like that. Long flowing hair, thigh high black boots and red loincloths and for lack of a better terms bras. They appear to have open mouths so lord only knows what they are saying before they come in and hack my poor High Elves to bits.
    There appears to be a command group for the Witch Elves.

    Crone Hellebron?
    -Apparently one of the pics we have is Crone Hellebron. She is a little more armored up than a normal WE. She has a sword and a small blade (I am thinking Deathsword and Parrying Blade). She definitely has the big hair like in her artwork in the current army book.She looks young like a regular WE. She has a a bit more clothing, but not much. She has a gold mask covering her face that extends upwards in a crown like fashion. Both arms are raised towards the sky.

    - Always angry, all the time -

  7. #187
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Re: Miniature Highlight

    It has been said. Kad god da izadju i ako izadju morat cu pricekati jer imam vec previse zaostalog posla sa eldarima. A i faks stisce bijesno ovih par tjedana.

  8. #188
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Holy %&$#"!
    Neuporedivo bolje od Abaddon vs Loken minijatura...koje su liga za sebe po kvalitetu, ali voje je stepen iznad...jedva čekam da vidim kako će Sevatar da izgleda...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  9. #189
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Moram reci ovo je lijepo. Jos bolje po tome sto Kor Phaeron-a kaos igraci mogu bez previse problema staviti kao HQ choice.

  10. #190
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Ferrus Manus
    - Always angry, all the time -

  11. #191
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    malo Dark Elfova
    Drugi talas će biti sljedećeg mjeseca...

    takođe Forge world postavio teasere kakophoni marinesa i circle of ashes marince
    - Always angry, all the time -

  12. #192
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Okej je. Nisam odusevljen al je ok.

  13. #193
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Realno meni se sve čini onako, prosječno...dopada mi se poluzmija...najviše očekujem da će Blackguard/Executioners rulati...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  14. #194
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    KharibdyssSmi je previse cudan za dark elfove. Nadam se da ce hidra biti ljepsa.

    Cauldron of Blood je dobar, svidja mi se statue al cauldron je premalen, u pravome se cauldronu covjek moze kupati u krvi a ovo je...kadin.

    Bloodwrack Shrine. Nikad vidio,cuo o tome, jedina dobra stvar na cijeloj stvari je medusa koja se nadam ce biti Lord choice tako da ne trebam cijelu tu ruznu postavu, al pretpostavljam po istoj velicini "kadina" i izgledu svega na Cauldron of Blood da ce to biti jedan od onih kitova di mozes napraviti od dijelova Cauldron ili Bloodwrack (gubi se dosta para kad se kupuju ti packovi jer se dobije samo jedan item i extra par glava i jedan glavni lik.)

    Dreadspears.SNaspram par detalja identicni su starim. Armor i chainmail je isti samo sto eto ovaj put na kraju chainmaila ima malo kože. Helmeti su ogavni. Bolje je naruciti glave Cold Knightsa i staviti umjesto njih. Spear, banner, maci truba su drugacije al nista pre-pre. Svaki konverter sa dovoljno volje i vremena je mogao napraviti slicno bez potrebe za cijelim novim boxom. Dobra stvar kod istih armora je sto se nece previse isticati od starijih modela, i aj par drugacijih glava ce dati na raznolikostu u regimentu al su meni jos uvijek retardirane. Helmet ornament je duzi od mrtve kacige ffs.

    Sisters of Slaughter.SNo comment. Ne svidjaju mi se. Igraci koji skupljaju Sisters of Battle ih mogu iskoristiti kao one sestre reppentia il kako se vec zovu.

    Shadowblade- lajk. Nabavljam definitivno.

    Witch Elves- uglavnom su svi novi witch elfovi dobri. Izgled im je dosta slican kao novi Dark Elf Sorceress koju imam i moram reci da detalji i izgled je zadovoljavajuc. Poze su malo cudne though.

    Sto se tice executionera i blackguarda. Oni su i prije bili najljepse jedinice Dark Elfova. Samo da ih previse Sne promijene i ja sam zadovoljan.
    Jos je pitanje kakav ce armybook biti jer koliko se sjecam executioneri su prije bili beskorisni.

    Gajim nade da ce biti i novih harpija i manticore-a jer su stari ogavno...well dobro manticore moze proci al bilo bi ljepse imati novi koji nije cijeli metalan.

    EDIT: I bolje im je da dostave novog Malekitha.

  15. #195
    Senior Member Lock'n'Load
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    The Eye of Terror

    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Word Bearersi su zakon i red nakon his grace, the great ADB. Iako bih volio da se može zasebno Erebus kupit...

    Also, slijedeći primarh? Mortarion?
    herp de derp

  16. #196
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Nigdje nije najavljeno direktno, ali se u više navrata spominjalo da je Horus sljedeći...
    Jer GW i BL su shvatili da se njihova flagship serija zove HorusSheresy a da se Horus sve manje pojavljuje, te kreću u ofanzivu kako bi njega predstavili kao najvećeg međ' primachima...
    Takoće skulptori su indirektno potvrdili da je Horus sljedeći...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  17. #197
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Ih što nisam u pravu...Horus će biti peti primarch...četvrti je Lorgar

    BTW games day UK traje...tona legion specific stvari prikazana...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  18. #198
    Senior Member Lock'n'Load
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Ajme to je jedan od dva koja actually želim imat.. Al ovo je totalno razočaravajuće. Nikakva poza, nikakav karakter. Uopće ne bih mogao reć da je primarh osim veličine.
    herp de derp

  19. #199
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Lorgar je prvi primarch kojeg ne bi želio imati...Ali meni se dopada poza...hvata se za neki ritualni nož...podsjeća na scenu iz First Heretic...BTW Horus je rani WIP, a nakon toga, napokon će M14Ok biti hepi jer dolazi Morty...

    Vezano za HH...svaka legija će imati svoje generic i specifične terminatore (aka atramentar, deathshroud i sl)...od sljedeće godine FW planira 5 primarcha godišnje da izbaci, takođe neće biti samo jedna verzija (osim Ferrusa)...

    Usput što se tiče prikazanog ljudi su razočarani, jer je čitav games day izgledao više kao Forge world open day
    - Always angry, all the time -

  20. #200
    Senior Member Lock'n'Load
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    The Eye of Terror

    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Upravo zbog The first heretic mi je Lorgar najdraži lik iz hh serijala. Jedan od razloga. Al ok tek ga releaseaju oko nove godine tako da ima vremena da ga srede.
    Morty mi je simpa čisto zbog estetike i koncepta, mislim da nije imao veće uloge u knjigama osim Eisensteina i A thousand sons.

    Vidio sam one prototipe grave wardena il tako nešto od Death guard i mislio sam "kolko terminatora po legiji Đizs?!"

    A ovo za više verzija primarha kužim, jer će prolly napravit Angrona iz Betrayera i podemoniziranog Fulgrima or something.

    And besides, games workshop ne valja više, samo je Forgeworld ostao dobar.
    herp de derp

  21. #201
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Mene interesuje kakvog će Mangunsa Magnusa, u kom on nema fizički ukoliko izvedu kako treba može biti najbolja minijatura ikad....

    Usput...HH će još osam godina trajati...sad su na 50% knjiga...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  22. #202
    Senior Member Lock'n'Load
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    The Eye of Terror

    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Mislim da su rekli 20-25%...

    Al malo me muči to što su sve traitor legione stavili u prve 3 knige osim Thousand sonsa (koji nisu traitor u tradicionalnom smislu), što znači da će ostale knjige bit mostly featuring loayalists... Oh wait, I don't care about loyalists.

    Daemon primarsi će svi biti zakon...

    A moj san o Words Bearers, Death Guard i Night Lord armijama će bit financijski i kronološki ostvaren za 15 godina...
    herp de derp

  23. #203
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    U suštini to i nije neki svakom novom knjigom traitori će dobiti po neki novi unit, sigurno (npr Thramas Crusade - atramentar za NL)...Tako da bi s svakom knjigom u stvari traitori bili još više eksponirani...

    I poprilično (100%) sam siguran da su rekli da su na otprilike 50% knjiga...
    - Always angry, all the time -

  24. #204
    Senior Member Lock'n'Load
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    herp de derp

  25. #205
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Kaže da su na trećini ratova raznih...Ali BL/HH vikend negdje u 3-4 mjesecu ove godine, su rekli da su na 50% knjiga...
    Realno Istvaan V i Clath su pokriven u koliko knjiga? 3 svaka mislim...A sigurno će biti i još Istvaan V dešavanja vjerovatno iz ugla Death Guard-a možda čak i Night Lords-a, Calth takođe još nije gotov... (u stvari sigurno, ADB veli da će "Nightfall" objasniti zašto Sevatar ima obilježene ruke)....Prospero isto ima dve knjige...Istvaan III ima dve...A tu su i raznorazne novele...previše su razvodnili serijal po mom mišljenju...10-ak knjiga za tri rata...jesu to bitni događaji ali 50% do sad knjiga samo o njima govore...
    ALi ima BL tema, pa bi tamo trebalo nastaviti diskusiju možda...
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  26. #206
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer Srle's Avatar
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    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Čisto da objavim radosnu informaciju...GW ukida finecast!!!
    Neće biti ni metalnih modela, sve prelazi na plastiku...
    Resin će od sad biti privilegija Forge Worlda
    - Always angry, all the time -

  27. #207
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

  28. #208
    Moderator Fight fire with fire sickpetey's Avatar
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    Mar 2010

    Re: Miniature Highlight

    Imperijalna garda dobiva novi kodeks pod nazivom Militarum Tempestus tj Storm Trooperi. Storm trooperi ce izgleda odsad biti vojska za sebe ali to je vrlo dobra stvar posto ce zbog alliance rule-a koji je dosao sa novim rulebookom Strm Troopere biti moguce ubaciti sa Imperijalnom gardom i Marincima.

    Trooperi i novo vozilo izgleda kul a i ocekuju se novi dodaci. Nisam siguran oce li se moci kupiti stari storm trooperi vise al ako su se nekima svidjali bolje da ih uzmete sto prije jer ne vjerujem da ce ostati u prodaju zadugo.



    P.S.-Boz matere ti ne kupuj ovo jos dok si ne ofarbas ovo garde sto vec imas

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