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Tema: Distant Worlds

  1. #1
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Distant Worlds

    Distant Worlds je nova space strategija koju radi Code Force, a izdavač je Matrix Games. Ono što me najviše privuklo ovoj igri je ovaj feature:

    Private Enterprise: the private citizens of your empire automatically take care of mundane tasks like mining resources, transporting cargo, migration between colonies, tourism and much more. This frees you from micro-management and instead allows you to focus on a macro-scale
    Više o featureima ove igre na ovome linku.

    Igra je trenutno u beti i još se ne zna datum izlaska.

    Par slika:

    Par trailera:

  2. #2
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Izašao novi video koji daje detalje o ekspanziji vašeg carstva:

  3. #3
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Izdavači su izbacili customization guide za ovu igru, da vidite kako će to otprilike izgledati. Guide je u pdf formatu, a skinuti ga možete ovdje.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006

    Re: Distant Worlds

    hoćeš i tu morati ratovati?
    Wolf guy - The author seems to be playing a game called "how many murder, rape, and torture scenes involving minors can I stick in a book before people stop reading completely"

  5. #5
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Ne nužno, ti si možeš staviti mapu veličine i do 1400 zvjezdanih sustava, a u njima će biti i razne stvari za istraživanje, anomalije i slično, tako da se ti možeš baviti samo kolonizacijom i istraživanjem, a možeš i ratovati ako želiš.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Wolf guy - The author seems to be playing a game called "how many murder, rape, and torture scenes involving minors can I stick in a book before people stop reading completely"

  7. #7
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

  8. #8
    Senior Member You have been warned Aral's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    May 2006

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Za one koje ovo zanima, igra je vani. Ja ću svakako chekirati, pa javim dojmove.
    "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan

  9. #9
    Senior Member You have been warned Aral's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    May 2006

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Probao, ovo kao da je radila ekipa nadrogiranih klinaca u centru za odvikavanje od droge. Fail, skippam.
    "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan

  10. #10
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Stvarno? A tako je dobro izgledalo... Budem probao za svaki slučaj, možda mi se svidi.

  11. #11
    Senior Member You have been warned Aral's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    May 2006

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Probaj naravno, meni jednostavno ne paše. Lagav zoom, po izlasku igre su odmah izdali 2 patcha i sl. Možda se tebi i ostalima svidi, ja ću rađe probat neke druge 4x igre, volim ih igrat al ovo mi je previše.
    "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." - Carl Sagan

  12. #12
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Nakon dosta vremena, jedan update ovog topica: započeo opet danas igrati, skinuo patcheve (obavezno) i moram priznati da je igra stvarno začuđujuće kompleksna i dosta teška za igrati, što je super, jer baš pruža dobar izazov. Nažalost, još uvijek je ostao lagav zoom, no igra se stvarno istaknula u ostalim poljima. Dakle, vi razvijate svemirsku civilizaciju. Fora je u tome što se ne morate brinuti baš za svaku sitnicu, već npr. vi izgradite rudarsku stanicu kod nekog planeta/asteroida/mjeseca bogatog rudom i onda se privatnici prihvate posla transportiranja tih resursa do drugih planeta ili svemirskih stanica. Naravno, što se više prijevoznici bave time, moraju kupovati brodove i to vam daje dodatne novce jer zapravo u vašim svemirskim stanicama izgrađuju te brodove.

    Tek sam počeo igrati, pa baš ne znam kako se ratovi odvijaju, trenutno vojne brodove koristim kao pratnju ranjivim brodovima tipa constructor itd. da ih ne bi napali gusari ili neka svemirska čudovišta. Stvarno treba dosta vremena da se sve pohvata, ja se još uvijek jedva snalazim gdje imam što izgrađeno i gdje bih nešto mogao kolonizirati, no u principu vi samo morate izgraditi rudarske stanice kod bogatih nalazišta te osigurati rutu da transporteri mogu mirno prevoziti robu, pa se možete posvetiti važnijim državnim pitanjima, špijunaži, diplomaciji itd. Sve u svemu, igra kakvu bi svaki strateg mogao poželjeti. Preporuka svima koji vole ogromne strategije. Inače, za vašu informaciju, najmanja mapa koju možete igrati je galaksija sa 100 zvijezda.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    Feb 2006

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Ideja mi se sviđa, barem da neka od velikih firmi napravi nešto ovako
    Wolf guy - The author seems to be playing a game called "how many murder, rape, and torture scenes involving minors can I stick in a book before people stop reading completely"

  14. #14
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Ne mora te odbijati činjenica da je igra napravljena od strane malog i nepoznatog studija, ta ideja je stvarno dobro realizirana.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Evo par mojih screenova, da vidite kako to izgleda.
    Moj glavni planet, ili bolje rečeno, mjesec. Ovi brodovi s isprekidanom linijom oko njih su privatnici.

    Pregledna mapa cijele galaksije, dobro dođe kad imate mnoštvo kolonija da se lakše snalazite.

    Diplomatski screen.

    Ima tu još dosta toga, ako netko želi još kakve informacije, mogu mu screenshotati ili reći.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Jedan zanimljiv detalj na koji sam naišao. U donjem lijevom kutu primijetite kako se zove dizajn broda:

  17. #17
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Ako nekoga zanima, izašao je Star Wars mod, dodaje vam novu rasu: Carstvo, te su ubačeni modeli svih brodova is stanica.

    Na ovome linkuSse nalaze sve informacije o modu i download linkovi.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Mar 2008

    Re: Distant Worlds

    Developeri konstantno rade na igri, izišao je novi patch koji dodaje brdo stvari u igru

    Bug Fixes:

    1. Fixed bug where construction ship would occasionally get stuck in loop rebuilding same item at same location
    2. Fixed crash that occurred when bombarded the last colony of an empire
    3. Fixed crash in new Diplomatic Message Queue (at top-left of screen)
    4. Fixed tech bonus received from disassembling advanced ships - now much lower than before and focussed in area where disassembled ship is advanced (e.g. torpedo weapons, shields, etc)
    5. Fixed some special cases where military ships may not always attack an enemy in a timely manner
    6. Fixed crash that occurred when you colonized a planet that previously had a blockade and was then bombarded to extinction
    7. Fixed bug where ships would sometimes not attack targets (engagement range was corrupted)
    8. Fixed bug where abandoned ships and bases with RepairBot components were auto-repairing themselves prior to discovery (e.g. in debris fields)
    9. Fixed bug where independent colonies were not generating their own defending militia. This makes independent colonies more difficult to invade
    10. Long range sensor display is now properly updated in galaxy view when ships/bases retrofitted with better sensors
    11. Resupply ship designs now need only 25% of their components to be either cargo/docking bays/gas extractors (previously was 30%). This ensures that default designs are valid
    12. Fixed the following bug: 1) discuss negotiating an end to war with a warring empire in diplomacy screen, but do not end the war. 2) then discuss a trade offer with another empire, including a request to "declare war on XXXX" 3) clear the offered items using the button at the bottom of the screen 4) instead of clearing, the offer changes to "end our war with you"
    13. Fixed bug where player is sometimes not notified of an end to war with another empire
    14. Fixed bug where newly colonized planets sometimes rebel due to high taxes
    15. Fixed rare bug where colonized planets will no longer allow investigation of ruins (this could also lead to exploration ships clustering around the planet)
    16. Quameno and Zenox no longer repeatedly offer knowledge of the same secret location
    17. Scrapped long range sensors no longer leave sensor range on the galaxy map
    18. Fixed a bug where crash research was not completing when you traded that tech with another empire
    19. Diplomacy messages (top-left of screen) now correctly use custom race images if a theme is in use
    20. Fixed a bug where some races and starting locations where swapped in some situations
    21. Fixed a bug where you could colonize ice asteroids
    22. Fixed a bug where ships and bases would sometimes have more docking bays or construction yards than specified by their design
    23. Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when zooming
    24. Fixed a display problem (garbled fonts) when viewing information on construction yards in the Component Guide (Design Detail screen)
    25. Fixed a bug where investigating an abandoned ship or base sometimes caused an infinite loop of messages
    26. Fixed another crash that sometimes occurred after using a planet destroyer
    27. Fixed a bug where Galaxy Map screen was no longer showing potential colonies
    28. Ensured that empires do not perform spy missions against themselves
    29. Fixed another rare GxBO crash
    30. Fixed tutorials (were broken in beta)
    31. Fixed images for refugee ships (discovered from some ruins)
    32. Fixed situations where wars or trade sanctions would sometimes unilaterally end without negotiation
    33. Fixed additional rare GxBO crash
    34. Fixed bug where construction ships could not be retrofitted
    35. Fixed bug where large ships would sometimes not move (i.e. top speed was zero or below)
    36. Asteroids no longer have ruins on them
    37. Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when colonizing a planet (GxBO crash)
    38. Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when assigning a fleet to patrol a system
    39. Fixed bug where centering on multi-selected ships would not properly center (either by clicking in Selection Panel or using 'Lock to Selected&#39
    40. Fixed bug where colony ships would sometimes not be built at colony with sufficient population (100 million)
    41. Pause/spacebar keys no longer active when game screens are open, thus cannot accidentally resume a game while paused in a game screen
    42. Can now build bases at top-left quadrant of colonies (right-click > build XXX)

    New Feature: Habitat Quality determines colony value (income and max population)

    1. Colonies with quality below 50% cost an empire money to maintain, instead of earning income
    2. Continental and marshy swamp planets usually have high quality, desert and ocean medium quality, ice and volcanic low quality. But there are occasional exceptions to this, with some high quality ice and volcanic planets
    3. Abundance of quality planets can be altered with new slider setting in galaxy settings at game start
    4. Home system favorability determines quality of home planet – planet type is now determined by native planet type of race
    5. Each race receives a 10% maximum population bonus for their native planet type
    6. Independent colonies now always have a quality of at least 50%, making them always worth colonizing.
    7. Planets and moons with Quality below 50% are also listed in red in the Expansion Planner (along with those in hostile territory).

    More Realistic Colonization and Migration:

    1. Cannot build colony ships at a colony until population reaches a threshold of 100 million
    2. Colony ships take population from the colony they are built at (e.g. 10 million people)
    3. Some new colonization tech increases population growth rate for colonies (as well as unlocking new colonization components)
    4. When planet type is not native type for a race, then population growth rate is slower, BUT colonization research progressively improves the growth rate for these non-native planet types
    5. Passenger ships now carry less people when migrating

    Planetary Combat and Rebellion Changes:

    1. Troops now receive a 10% bonus when fighting on their native planet type (for either attack or defense)
    2. Troops now have higher deterrence of rebellion/defection at colonies
    3. Rebelling colonies may raise militia forces (their own troops) to battle garrisoned empire troops
    4. Independent colonies recruit their own troops to deter invasion
    5. When conquered colonies rebel against their new owners, they are likely to return to their previous empire instead of simply becoming independent, but if a rebelling colony with quality below 50% leaves an empire, it will generally become independent instead of joining another empire (because it is a net drain on an empire)

    Automation and AI Improvements:

    1. Empires are now more likely to invade independent colonies that are likely to resist colonization (due to racial animosity)
    2. AI colony tax rate setting is now more accurate and less prone to 'jumping around'
    3. Target prioritization altered so that distance is more important, i.e. closer targets more preferred - thus in wars, AI empires much more likely to attack border colonies, thus maintaining more coherent empire borders
    4. Improved AI colonization logic so that AI empires expand better
    5. Increased targeting priority for enemy colonies so that they are more likely to be invaded when at war
    6. Construction ships and colony ships now remember dangerous areas (pirates and space creatures) and attempt to avoid them. This information is also reflected in the warnings in the Expansion Planner screen for colonization and mining targets
    7. Automated ships in a fleet will make a better effort to keep themselves loaded with troops
    8. AI expansion improved - other empires will now consider more planets for colonization, thus improving their rate of expansion
    9. Empires will now be more careful about declaring wars - will not do so unless they have forces available to attack the enemy
    10. Creature threat detection now works properly in restricted areas, so that military ships will auto-engage creatures
    11. Improved exploration ship scouting so that they do not cluster
    12. Default construction ship designs now have 3 energy collectors (instead of one), so now fully meet their static energy requirements without consuming fuel

    Improved Fleet Operations:

    1. New fleet mission types: Prepare and Attack, Prepare and Bombard: if the fleet requires refueling or is dispersed then the fleet will first refuel or gather prior to attacking/bombarding the assigned target. To assign these new mission types either select them from the right-click pop-up menu (when zoomed out to sector or galaxy level), or hold down the ALT key when right-clicking a hovered target (i.e. attack or bombard).
    You can fine-tune how this behavior works in the new "Fleet Attack Settings" section of the Empire Settings screen (from Game Options). This allows you to specify when fleets will refuel or gather before engaging in attack/bombard missions.
    2. Changed behaviour of fleets when attacking or bombarding planets: will not complete their mission until all ships in the fleet have arrived at the target planet (even when the fleet cannot otherwise carry out the mission, e.g. no troops to invade)
    3. Fleet load troops command - right click fleet for pop-up menu item, or use new button in Fleets screen (F
    4. Ships in fleets will make a better effort to remain together, new ships assigned to fleets will travel to the fleet location after completing their current mission
    5. Troop loading for individual ships and fleets will now pick up more troops from each colony

    New Target Engagement Stances and Improved Ship Behavior:

    1. New Auto-Engagement Stance: engage targets when attacked, engage nearby targets, engage system targets
    2. New default Empire-level engagement stances for mission types: patrol, escort, attack/bombard, other (See Game Options screen, Empire Settings sub-screen)
    3. New Empire overkill factor, determines firepower (and thus number of ships) auto-assigned to targets within engagement range: 1:1, 1.5:1, 2:1, 3:1, 5:1 (see Game Options screen, Empire Settings sub-screen)
    4. Set engagement stance for an individual ship or an entire fleet: use the comma key to cycle settings when an individual ship is selected
    5. More careful evaluation of targets – ships do not auto-attack bases (e.g. pirate bases) stronger than self unless other nearby forces available
    6. Manual attack mission assignment always sticks with assigned target until complete
    7. Auto-refuel refinements – ships do not auto-refuel when colonizing or invading a colony
    8. Fine-tuned ship maneuvering when firing weapons at moving targets so that target movement is better accounted for when attempting to maintain ideal firing range
    9. Ships will no longer continue an escape mission if all of their attackers are destroyed (i.e. they will stop fleeing)
    10. Troop Transport ships now engage enemies more aggressively
    11. Improved attack maneuvering so that military ships better stay within weapons range of moving targets

    Interface Improvements:

    1. New display of diplomacy messages at left of screen - click a message to discuss with sending empire. Some important message types still popup a window as previously: declarations of war, ending wars, threats of war or trade sanctions, requests to honor mutual defense pact
    2. New Slider settings in game startup to alter level of Corruption for player empire and galactic Habitat Quality
    3. Design Detail screen updated - design components consolidated so that multiple components of same type are now listed as a single entry (e.g. 5x)
    4. Can now select special government types for other empires in Start a New Game screen (when their race allows them)
    5. Extra command buttons in Ships and Bases screen: Refuel selected ships, Retire selected ships, Scrap Selected Ships
    6. Added explanation of racial bonuses at colonies in the Colonies screen (Population tab). If dominant race at one of your colonies provides a bonus (lower war weariness or higher happiness) it will be explained directly underneath overall colony happiness ("The inhabitants of XXXX are happy with you (+20)")
    7. Grid row selection in expansion planner screen properly reverts to previously selected row after assign colony ship or construction ship to a target
    8. Grid row selection in ships and bases screen properly reverts to row above when ships or bases are scrapped using the 'Scrap' button
    9. Double-clicking a column heading in any sortable grid (e.g. expansion planner targets, colonies screen, ships and bases screen, etc) will 'forget' any sorting
    10. If a planet/moon can or can’t be colonized, the details for that planet/moon will now tell you why.
    11. Expanded the maximum number of colonization targets displayed in the Expansion Planner screen from 100 to 500
    12. For retrofit missions, selection of the retrofit location now pays more attention to travel distance to the location, as well as retrofit time at the location
    13. Galaxy backdrop no longer 'bounces' when move to galaxy edge (galaxy zoom level)
    14. Music sound volume now honored when exploration event occurs (when discovery screen appears) - i.e. if music volume is zero, no discovery music will play
    15. Designs for new ships and bases added to your empire when conquer another empire are set to obsolete so that they are not your default designs for a role
    16. All moons now have unique names
    17. Can set galaxies to have no space creatures in game setup (except for story-related locations)

    Game Balance Changes:

    1. Weapon components rebalanced: Beam Weapons should now be more viable in comparison to Torpedos
    2. Invading independent colonies now has less negative reputation impact than before
    3. Lower reputation hit from using planet destroyer and bombarding colonies - more viable option, especially against other empires with low reputations
    4. Some racial bonuses now apply to individual colonies instead of your entire empire: war weariness, mining and happiness bonuses
    5. Changed threshold for full empire-wide racial bonuses to 20% (from 10%)
    6. Espionage mission to change another empire's government type is now more difficult, especially against large empires
    7. Player empire will no longer be offered gifts unless the other empire likes them a lot
    8. Slightly expanded the spread in component tech levels in Habitation category
    9. Colonies that leave an empire and become independent now lose any bases at the colony
    10. In game setup, the "(Random)" setting for other empire proximity to your empire now excludes "same system" - i.e. other empires will not start in the same system as you when you select random proximity
    11. Attacking non-allied military ships in your empire's systems will no longer cause any drop in your empire's reputation, though it will still negatively impact your relations with the attacked empire
    12. Starting max ship construction size increased to 230 (from 200). This means that empires should always be able to build troop transports from the start of the game, thus ensuring that wars will include colony invasions, even at game start
    13. When a civil war erupts in an empire, the new empire that splits away will now properly determine it's dominant race (based on the populations of its colonies), which may be different from the dominant race of the parent empire
    14. Corruption levels tweaked: normal, high and very high corruption rates now slightly lower than before
    15. Number of built-in docking bays for all planets and moons increased to 3 (from 2). Planets with super-rare luxury resources (Korabbian spice, Loros fruit, Zentabia fluid) now have 6 built-in docking bays
    16. Area weapons now damage space creatures
    17. Selection of resort bases as tourism destinations more balanced, so that no passenger ship pile-ups at a single resort

    Performance Improvements:

    1. Improved game Save/Load performance: saving approx 2-3 times faster, loading approx 50% faster, savegame files smaller
    2. Large Address Aware flag set on executable - on 64-bit Windows more memory is now available for use, eliminating any lingering out-of-memory errors. 32-bit Windows users can also configure their PC to make use of this setting
    3. Improved performance when zooming
    4. Added smooth keyboard scrolling and zooming: arrow keys and PageUp/Down keys now work more smoothly than before
    5. Improved CPU utilization on multi-core PCs

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