Nije organ, ali si sad još bliže. ^^
jel to onaj 20 organ sto SW-ovi imadu?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Nije organ, ali si sad još bliže. ^^
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
their Gene-seed? some sort of a chemical koju popiju/unesu venozno?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
AFAIK to je organ, dodatni za Space Wolf chapter, i zbog njega postanu vukoliki...
Najbrži pištolj Policije Okusa. Može da pogodi sve od bilo gdje. Također piše i poeziju.
@striker:dood you made me cross 1000...Izvorno postao str1k3r
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Neka netko zada pitanje.
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Elfovski bog smijeha, podvala, plesa itd.
Koji je "Glavni" a koji sporedni jezik imperija?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Low Gothic i High Gothic?
"Fornicate and take drugs against the terrible strain of idiots who govern the world."
- Albert Szent-Gyorgy
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
My turn.
Tko je ovaj ljepotan?
"Fornicate and take drugs against the terrible strain of idiots who govern the world."
- Albert Szent-Gyorgy
iz a puppy!!!!!
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
Logan Grimnar SW CM
Kako Inquisition (Grey knightovi) određuju čistoću nečije duše
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
To bi bili Marienburg u Wastelandu i više manjih gradova-država u Tilei, bar toliko ih ja znam![]()
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
Dajem sticky, pošto je ovoj temi cilj oživljavanje podforuma, nadam se uspjehu.![]()
"Fornicate and take drugs against the terrible strain of idiots who govern the world."
- Albert Szent-Gyorgy
Ordeal of the holy oils-Subjekt stavlja ruku u ulje (kipuće)da bi dohvatio neki holy relic, nakon što izvadi ruku pusta ga se da odmori nekoliko dana i ako mu rane počnu zacijelivati on je čist a ako se počnu gnojiti itd. on je chaos cultist
Ordeal of the inquisition-Subjekt sotji u koncentričnim krugovima koji su napunjeni tekućim srebrom i omogućuje pažljlivo ispitivanje duše subjekta
Judicium Imperator-subjekt se bez armora i oruzja bori sa grey knightom, ako pobijedi proglasen je hereticom i biva strijeljan na licu mjesta, a ako izgubi onda se sva krivnja čisti s njega.
ajde dalje pucajte![]()
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Idemo sad nešto malo teže, koje su titanske legije smještene na Marsu?
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
a long shot....dvije, Legio Ignatum i Legio Tempestus
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Jedni jesu a jedni su bili, ajde dalje
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
ko je ubio Night Hauntera (rebel primarcha)?
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Ubijen je od strane Callidus assasina, mislim da je bila M'Shen
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
jeste ajde dalje
Sensei replied, what is your woman?
Is she just a container for the child...
This great, pink matter
Cotton candy Majin Buu....
Nemam sad neke ideje, hmm
Eto da zadovoljim fanove fantasya, tko je champion chaos undivideda?
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
Archaon The Everchosen, Lord Of End Times.
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Correct, pilaj dalje
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
Imenujte planet kojeg je uništio Konrad Curze, "The Nighthaunter".
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances
Nostramo njegov rodni planet(pa ne baš rodni, više planet na kojem je odrastao), nedugo nakon njegovog odlaska da služi Emperoru planet se vratio u korupciju a to mu se nije sviđalo.
Zašto je Space Wolves-ima bilo naređeno da napadnu Thousand Sons-e?
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was... nice.
Careva naredba; opet je Magnus čačkao po Warpu.
Tko je Shira Calpurnia?
"O, words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away."
- John Clare, Remembrances