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Tema: Potentus, Universus Deus

  1. #1
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Potentus, Universus Deus

    ovo je prijedlog za novog heroja u doti. kad ovdje dobijem misljenja postacu ovo u official dota forum pa vas molim da mi date svoje misljenje te prijedloge za balansiranje ovog heroja jer cak i ja mislim da je imba.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________

    Potentus, Universus Deus

    Hero icon:

    Affiliation: Scourge
    Model: Invoker with some texture modifications
    Sound Set: custom
    Attributes and Growth:

    Strength: 13 + 1
    Agility: 16 + 1.3
    Intelligence: 29 + 3.2

    Starting Stats:

    Health: 683 (13 strength * 20 hp/strength + 155 base health)
    Mana: 377 (29 intelligence * 13 mana/intelligence)
    Armor: 2.3 (16 agility * 1 armor/7 agility + 1 base armor)
    Damage: 47-56 (29 intelligence * 1 damage/intelligence + 18-27 base damage)

    Movement Speed: 290
    Range: 600

    Long before creation of known world universe had its only habitant, called Universus Deus. He was the creator of the world. Creating the living world drained the most of his power and teared him out of existence in our dimension. Nobody knows which force has that much energy to awake him and return him a little part of his power. Now he is cruising in the unkown worlds and devours all living in his rage and thirst for taken power.


    Epotus Anima

    Potentus remembers the time when he lost his power and that activates a unstoppable thirst for it in him. In his rage he drains health and mana in his opponents and converts it in pure power.

    -Formula: HP + MANA = x
    Hero gains 2% AS, 2% MS, 10HP and 10 MANA for every 10 points from x.
    Ability lasts 7 seconds and cooldowns in 45 seconds for all levels.
    Manacost: 100 on all levels
    level 1 - 3% HP, 5% MANA
    level 2 - 5% HP, 8% MANA
    level 3 - 7% HP, 12% MANA
    level 4 - 10% HP, 15% MANA

    Insanio Pulsum

    Hero is focused on wielding his lost powers but he has taken only a small percentage of it. Energy is used as a catastrophic puls. Enemy takes great damage and is pushed back.

    Cooldown: 45 sec
    Manacost: lev1 =60, lev2 =75, lev3 =90, lev4 =110
    level 1 - 65 dmg, 50 push lenght
    level 2 - 80 dmg, 100 push lenght
    level 3 - 100 dmg, 120 push lenght
    level 4 - 120 dmg, 130 push lenght

    Malum Visum

    Eaten by his rage Potentus in his will to control tracks his enemy slowing itself. When Potentus masters this ability he wont be slowed so much.
    Cooldown: 20 sec
    Manacost: 50, 60, 65, 70
    level 1 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 45%. Lasts 10 seC.
    level 2 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 40%. Lasts 20 seC.
    level 3 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 35%. Lasts 30 seC.
    level 4 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 30%. Lasts 30 seC.

    Excellens Focus

    Potentus finaly focuses to the limit of his powers and reveals his true power. Longer he focuses stronger the explosion will be.
    Cooldown: 240 sec every lvl
    Manacost:300, 400, 500
    level 1 - charging 0-3 sec, dmg 500-800
    level 2 - charging 0-6 sec, dmg 800-1100
    level 3 - chance 30% for 0-7 sec charging, 1200 dmg

    Additional Information: If hero has Aghanims Scepter he will have the same effect Scepter gives with 200% mana regeneration. Without any improvements on his abilities.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nuke me please
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2008
    U sobi

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    pa heroj je dobar ali ulty mu je malo prevelik dmg radi al sve u svemu ice frog ga malo balansira i bit ce ok

  3. #3
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    zato sam i stavio da ima samo 30% sanse za lvl 3 ulti.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    ajde ljudi molim vas postove plz. ajde ko posta 100 post volim ga puno

  5. #5

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    Smanji ulti za 30% - 50% , Malo uredi Imena ovih spellova i smanji upotrebu tih "lost powers" gluposti i sve će biti okay : )
    eda ovaj treći spell, ovo 30 sekundi, nema šansi da prođe smanjuj to podhitno!
    ovom drugom povećaj manu, jer odguravanje neprijatelja koji te ganja može veoma dobro doći a prečesto korištenje će napraviti op heroja, to ne želiš jer će biti izbačen na početku, znači povećati potrošnju mane...
    također ovaj prvi je malkice prejak na 4tom levelu, kada sve zbrojiš heroju neće ništa ostati, znači smanji također... previše op ti je heroj, nema šansi da ovako prođe... inače je ok...

  6. #6
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    a ni meni se ne svidja to "lost powers" ali tako je sa svim herojima pa sam morao smislit nesto...

  7. #7

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    Onda kada već mora biti Lost, neka bude Lost Strength ili tako nekako, tipa ako je napad više orijentiran za def onda stavi nešto tipa using power of his mind, pushes his enemy away from him tako nekako.. dunno rly... Također što se tiče odgurivanja enemya, neka bude based on hp ako ikako može, ono tipa imaš ispod 70% hpa onda tek odgurne enemya, sa povećavanjem levela, taj postotak hpa se smanjuje...
    Potentus, Universus Deus
    Hero icon:

    Affiliation: Scourge
    Model: Invoker with some texture modifications
    Sound Set: custom
    Attributes and Growth:

    Strength: 13 + 1
    Agility: 16 + 1.3
    Intelligence: 29 + 3.2

    Starting Stats:

    Health: 683 (13 strength * 20 hp/strength + 155 base health)
    Mana: 377 (29 intelligence * 13 mana/intelligence)
    Armor: 2.3 (16 agility * 1 armor/7 agility + 1 base armor)
    Damage: 47-56 (29 intelligence * 1 damage/intelligence + 18-27 base damage)
    Movement Speed: 290
    Range: 600

    Long before creation of known world universe had its only habitant, called Universus Deus. He was the creator of the world. Creating the living world drained the most of his power and teared him out of existence in our dimension. Nobody knows which force has that much energy to awake him and return him a little part of his power. Now he is cruising in the unkown worlds and devours all living in his rage and thirst for taken power.


    Epotus Anima

    Assembling pieces of his long lost sanity, hero allows himself to use his lost powers again for just a short time
    -Formula: HP + MANA = x
    Hero gains 2% AS, 2% MS, 10HP and 10 MANA for every 10 points from x.
    Ability lasts 7 seconds and cooldowns in 45 seconds for all levels.
    Manacost: 100 on all levels
    level 1 - 3% HP, 5% MANA-ok
    level 2 - 5% HP, 8% MANA-ok
    level 3 - 7% HP, 12% MANA-ok
    level 4 - 10% HP, 15% MANA-previše, zamisli da uspije = 70%hpa i 105%mane da draina, malo op, ne?

    Insanio Pulsum

    Focusing lost Health in battle, hero pushes his enemy away.
    Cooldown: 45 sec
    Manacost: lev1 =60, lev2 =75, lev3 =90, lev4 =110 - povećaj mana cost x1.5, x2, x3 i cd 60 sec
    level 1 - 65 dmg, 50 push lenght x2 dmg
    level 2 - 80 dmg, 100 push lenght x2 dmg
    level 3 - 100 dmg, 120 push lenght x2 dmg
    level 4 - 120 dmg, 130 push lenght x3 dmg

    Malum Visum

    Eaten by his rage Potentus in his will to control tracks his enemy slowing itself. When Potentus masters this ability he wont be slowed so much.
    Cooldown: 20 sec
    Manacost: 50, 60, 65, 70
    level 1 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 45%. Lasts 10 seC.
    level 2 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 40%. Lasts 20 seC.
    level 3 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 35%. Lasts 30 seC.
    level 4 - Potentus has targets vision but it decereases Potentus speed by 30%. Lasts 30 seC. stavi da je cijelo vrijeme bez obzira na lvl lasts 20 sec... ili 15

    Excellens Focus

    Potentus finaly focuses to the limit of his powers and reveals his true power. Longer he focuses stronger the explosion will be.
    Cooldown: 240 sec every lvl
    Manacost:300, 400, 500
    level 1 - charging 0-3 sec, dmg 500-800
    level 2 - charging 0-6 sec, dmg 800-1100
    level 3 - chance 30% for 0-7 sec charging, 1200 dmg smanji dmg odmah!

    Additional Information: If hero has Aghanims Scepter he will have the same effect Scepter gives with 200% mana regeneration. Without any improvements on his abilities.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    ma bit ce promijena to cu rijesit svakako.
    ali meni fali model a ja neznam bas ga napravit. mislim znam radit 3d ali nezz kojim programom bi napravio model da izgleda najbolje?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    prvi spell na njemu je po meni previse useless jer nema nukova pa da dobija viska mane suxa drugi spell ti radi premali dmg a radi isto kao i ulta i bash od sb-a treci spell bi bio dobar kada bio moguc da kastas preko cijele mape i da je ovaj heroj support a s ultom 1shotas skoro sve int i agi.i jos 29 int napocetku je preimba niti jedan heroj nema ni priblizno tolko velike statse

  10. #10
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    ali zbog 29 inta sam mu smanjio str i ag te njihovo povecanje kroz lvl. a toliki int sam stavio zbog velike potrebe za manom jer ult treba 500 a stavit cu da druge moci trebaju 150 ili vise.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    pa puck kada je izaso je imo iste statse ko ovaj heroj pa su ga odma nerfali jer je bio preimba

  12. #12
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    ma najlakse je balansirati nego jeli concept dobar?
    necu stat n ovom heroju imam ja jos puno ideja i za heroje i iteme...

  13. #13

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    Elemenata za stvaranje heroja ima itekako, samo malo pričekaj da SyS vidi ovo pa će ti on to ulaštiti kako treba

  14. #14
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    imam ideju za odlican item. ne zelim pretrpavat ovaj Warcraft forum sa idejama ali ako ocete mogu napravit topic??

  15. #15

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    Nema potrebe za još jednim topicom kada već imaš "svoj" ... stavi ovde ideju, tko zna možda potakneš još koju tintaru da posta svoju ideju

  16. #16
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    Plague Spider

    Normal icon
    Attack icon

    Item Suggestion for DotA


    Long ago assasains used this spider to kill enemies. When Plague is activated spider is seeded into a target. Many people used this in the past so spiders are spreading all over the world. Its not hard to find them, maybe you have one or two on yourself. Spider wont attack his bearer, but he makes the bearer a little more weaker.


    • -0.4 hp per second
    • Plague (active ability)
    • Attack (ability is possible after activating Plague)

    Explanation of Plague and Attack:

    • Plague – when activated spiders are planted in enemy hero`s body (only possible to plant on heroes but later spiders can infect creeps). Number of spiders in enemy body is growing with time.

    • For every second after spiders infested unit`s body, dmg that Attack will deal is rising (1sec = 0.5 dmg). Attack can be activated from anywhere in the map with no time limit.

    Other information:

    • Plague Spiders is buyable in the Leragas The Vile 'Secret' Shop.
    • Item is not shareable. If hero (enemy or ally) tries to pick this item he will be struck with DoT spell (50 dmg per sec, lasting 3 seconds).
    • Broodmother is not affected by this item, neither she can use it.

    Price: 4100

    Feel free to give me suggestions and ideas considering this item!

  17. #17
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    kolko traje? kolki mana cost kolki cd itd itd

  18. #18
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    = Citat = Izvorno postao AVGstar
    pa puck kada je izaso je imo iste statse ko ovaj heroj pa su ga odma nerfali jer je bio preimba
    a concept heroja mi je dobar.svida mi se ovo kako je izgubio moci.samo sto mu trebas svaki spell promjeniti.bilo bi uredu posto je on kao izgubio moci da s ultom napravi neki massive blast s kojim unisti sebe ali kao heala allies a nuka druge ali samo ako ima vise od 60%hpa ili da s ultom uzmen neciji spell ali da ga moze samo castat jednom(slicno kao prijasni morf itd itd)
    srry za dbl post ali neznam ja double qoutat i ta sranja xD

  19. #19
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    no problem nez ni ja to. mislio sam da sam stavio manacost i cooldown. stavljam odmah...

  20. #20
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    = Citat = Izvorno postao _cryphx_
    Plague Spider

    Normal icon
    Attack icon

    Item Suggestion for DotA


    Long ago assasains used this spider to kill enemies. When Plague is activated spider is seeded into a target. Many people used this in the past so spiders are spreading all over the world. Its not hard to find them, maybe you have one or two on yourself. Spider wont attack his bearer, but he makes the bearer a little more weaker.


    • -0.4 hp per second
    • Plague (active ability)
    • Attack (ability is possible after activating Plague)

    Explanation of Plague and Attack:

    • Plague – when activated spiders are planted in enemy hero`s body (only possible to plant on heroes but later spiders can infect creeps). Number of spiders in enemy body is growing with time.

    • For every second after spiders infested unit`s body, dmg that Attack will deal is rising (1sec = 0.5 dmg). Attack can be activated from anywhere in the map with no time limit.

    Other information:

    • Plague Spiders is buyable in the Leragas The Vile 'Secret' Shop.
    • Item is not shareable. If hero (enemy or ally) tries to pick this item he will be struck with DoT spell (50 dmg per sec, lasting 3 seconds).
    • Broodmother is not affected by this item, neither she can use it.

    Price: 4100

    Manacost: 150
    Cooldown: till hero respawns
    Feel free to give me suggestions and ideas considering this item!

  21. #21
    Senior Member My way or the highway Paran0a's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2006

    Re: Potentus, Universus Deus

    ja bi ipak stavio vrijeme koliko plague moze biti na nekom heroju.

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