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Tema: Dragon Age: Origins

  1. #1
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2006

    Dragon Age: Origins

    Novi BioWare-ov RPG. Jos jedan "duhovni" nastavak, nastavak Baldur's Gatea. Za sada se vrlo malo zna o igri: planirali su radili multiplayer, ali su se usredotocili na singleplayer, zna se da ce prica biti smijestena u srednjovijekovni fantasy svijet, za pricu kazu da ce bit "Epic" (nikad mi nije bilo jasno kaj tocno misle pod tim). Knjige poput Goerge R.R. Martinove knjige "Igra Prijestolja" i "slikara" poput Franka Frazette su bili inpiracija za Dragon Age, ciljajuci na tamnu, zrelu i "odlucnu" atmosferu u igri za razliku od D&D na koju su BioWarovi fanovi naviknuti. Za razliku od prijasnjih BioWarovih igara u DA de vise nece pratiti alignment (dobar, zao), ali ce tvoje moralne odluke i dalje utijecati na pricu. Igra uvodi novi dizajn kamere, izvan borbe ce kamera biti u trecem licu, ali se onda u borbi prebacuje u RTS tip kamere kakav je vec otprije poznat u Baldur's Gateu. Igraci ce moci zadavati zadatke svojim npc likovima u realnom vremenu ili dok je igra pauzirana isto tako ce moci i napraviti listu akcija koju moraju izvrsiti (tipa KotOR).

    Neke od osobina:
    = Citat = Izvorno postao Wikipedia
    S * Epic open ended storyline
    * Cinematic story-driven single-player campaign
    * Full character customization (race, gender, class, abilities, spells, etc)
    * The character development is class-based; on higher levels, one can choose more specialized classes
    * The magic system is mana-based; there is only one kind of magic
    * Set in a new fantasy world created by BioWare for fans of its past titles
    * Party-based gameplay
    * Top down party-based tactical 'combat mode'
    * Cinematic 3rd person camera 'exploration mode'
    Sluzbena stranica
    E3 Debut Trailer

    Ovo bi moglo biti nesto dobro.

  2. #2
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    jel se to men čini, da će ova igra dost na witchera nalikovat...

    kao nema dobar zao, al utječeš na svijet, tamna atmosfera, jedino šta combat system ostaje isti i možeš imat NPCeve kojima zapovjedaš, u witcheru su se sami brinuli za sebe i to su dost dobro napravili...

  3. #3
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2006

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Nope... ovo je jedna tipicna BioWarova igra... mozda ima nekih slicnosti sa witcherom al to su samo slucajne slicnosti...

  4. #4
    Senior Member Lord of The Fleas
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2007
    Na tvojoj glavi, sjedim i meditiram.

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    ovo bi moglo vrlo dobro ispasti.

    ako ne zahebu, ofskroz.
    ASUS M2N4 - SLI
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
    SEAGATE 160 GB, WD 640 GB
    2 * DDR 2 GB
    HD4850 512 MB GDDR3 256 bit

  5. #5

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Iskrenom, znam da će igra biti dobra i kvalitetna (hey, pričamo o BioWare-u ne o EA-u), ali ja za sada vidim samo Witcher wannabe sa Doom-plastique grafikom.

  6. #6
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Deadwalker's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    ma ovo će biti hebena igra...Bioware ne zna složit lošu igru, svi rpg-i su im bili dosad savršeni...
    "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."

  7. #7
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2007
    on way to the moon

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    bila je u jednom pcp broju najava ove igre(ako se ne varam),i izgleda ok
    Ako se nekad osjetiš malen, zapostavljen i depresivan... Uvijek se sjeti da si nekad bio najbrži spermić u svojoj grupi

  8. #8
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
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    ispred faksa

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    još jedan RPG... ništa više, ništa manje.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2005
    Na kavi sa Samom i Maxom

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    ovo bi moglo vrlo dobro ispasti.
    ako ne zahebu, ofskroz.
    Bioware da zahebe? Skoro sve (ako ne sve) njihove igre su hitovi!

    ali ja za sada vidim samo Witcher wannabe sa Doom-plastique grafikom.
    Davno prije Witchera postojala je takva ideja da se stvori zreli svijet koji se ne dijeli na good&evil. Dapače, ima dosta starih igra a The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall je jedna od takvih.
    A George R. R. Martin je pisac čija su djela odmah ispod Tolkienovih (i koja imaju potencijal da ga preteknu jednom kad sve knjige budu napisan) i sve više fantasy igara uzimaju njegove ideje (mračan i ozbiljan svijet koji se ne dijele na dobro i zlo; glavni likovi nisu više sigurni od smrti do kraja igre). NWN2 je igra koja je dosta inspirirana Martinom i ne treba čuditi da je bratski dev studio također postao inspiriran tim piscem.

    još jedan RPG... ništa više, ništa manje.
    Još jedan RPG od najslavnijeg RPG tvorca je uvijek razlog za slavlje. Svaki ljubitelj standardnih RPG-ova gubi dane života na njihovim RPG-ovima.
    Sretniji sam kad pročitam da Bioware ili Obsidian rade igru nego kad čujem da je Diablo 3 u izradi.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2006
    Na rubu egzistencije

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Bioware radi na novom rpg,yay ovo ce bit dobro
    AMD Phenom x4 B35 @3.2 Ghz/Gigabyte HD6850@920/1150Mhz/DDR667 3gb/Dell U2311H

  11. #11
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007
    Alone in the dark

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Nadam se da će bit bolje od witchera

  12. #12

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Akul
    Davno prije Witchera postojala je takva ideja da se stvori zreli svijet koji se ne dijeli na good&evil. Dapače, ima dosta starih igra a The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall je jedna od takvih.
    A George R. R. Martin je pisac čija su djela odmah ispod Tolkienovih (i koja imaju potencijal da ga preteknu jednom kad sve knjige budu napisan) i sve više fantasy igara uzimaju njegove ideje (mračan i ozbiljan svijet koji se ne dijele na dobro i zlo; glavni likovi nisu više sigurni od smrti do kraja igre). NWN2 je igra koja je dosta inspirirana Martinom i ne treba čuditi da je bratski dev studio također postao inspiriran tim piscem.
    Nemoj me krivo shvatiti, nisam ja iznio tu usporedbi sa Witcherom zbog neprisutnosti "moralnog kompasa", da se tako izrazim, već zbog činjenice da je igra po opisu relativno slična Witcheru i jer me jednostavno podsjetila na njega.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2006

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Aj sam tocno objasni po cemu bi to ova igra trebala biti slicnija witcheru od nekih drugih rpgova??

    btw svaka cast Akul... +1

  14. #14
    Administrator You have been warned W3DR4N's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Dec 2005
    Moja je kuća na kraju sela, tu zorom dođem, a odem s noći, pa pijem vina crna i bijela...

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Ovu sam najavu čitao 2001. koliko mi se čini. Trebao je biti najambiciozniji RPG 2003. godine.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007
    Alone in the dark

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Nezanm kad je bila,ali čitao sam u jednom magazinu(PCPlay ili Gameplay),najavljena je kad i Jade Empire:SE.

  16. #16
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    e da btw jel več nije bila tema za ovu igru? i men je nekak poznato xD

  17. #17
    Administrator You have been warned W3DR4N's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Dec 2005
    Moja je kuća na kraju sela, tu zorom dođem, a odem s noći, pa pijem vina crna i bijela...

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    = Citat = Izvorno postao CHOLIK
    Nezanm kad je bila,ali čitao sam u jednom magazinu(PCPlay ili Gameplay),najavljena je kad i Jade Empire:SE.
    još ni prvi KOTOR nije bio najavljen kad se pričalo o ovom RPG-u, koji je trebao krenuti u proizvodnju odmah po završetku neverwinter nightsa

  18. #18
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    lol đuka forRPG ^^

  19. #19
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007
    Alone in the dark

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    = Citat = Izvorno postao W3DR4N
    = Citat = Izvorno postao CHOLIK
    Nezanm kad je bila,ali čitao sam u jednom magazinu(PCPlay ili Gameplay),najavljena je kad i Jade Empire:SE.
    još ni prvi KOTOR nije bio najavljen kad se pričalo o ovom RPG-u, koji je trebao krenuti u proizvodnju odmah po završetku neverwinter nightsa
    Ali tad su imali dosta skrinšotova,i objavili su dvije klase,nekog borca i žensku,nisam siguran jel čarobnica ili rogue.

  20. #20

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    = Citat = Izvorno postao Tsumetai Ryujin
    Aj sam tocno objasni po cemu bi to ova igra trebala biti slicnija witcheru od nekih drugih rpgova??
    Pardon, ali ja nisam spominjao koliko je igra sličnija Witcheru od drugihSRPG naslova, već samo činjenica me izrazito podsjeća na Witchera po samom pristupu kameri u video teaseru i općenito nekakvom "feelingu" kakav sam dobio iz istog videa.

    Ne znam, možda je u pitanju doista samo nekakav deja vu zbog nedostatka brutalnih i surovijih RPG igara koje nisu smještene u tipičan high fantasy setting ali koliko sam shvatio po opisima igre i iznešenim činjenicama Dragon Age ima neke sumnjive sličnosti sa samim settingom Witchera (toliko da ga fanovi već sada bacaju optužbe na BioWare kako je pokrao neke stvari od Witcher settinga) kao što su ta da su elfovi i ovdje praktički teroristi po nekim gledištima i kako će Alkemija i napitci biti vitalni za preživljavanje.

  21. #21
    Senior Member My way or the highway
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    lol ja nisam vidio nikakve videe, več sam to zaključio po tsumetaievom opisu igre...

    sad stvarno ak ovo ne liči na witchera... al jbg dobro je to dok god bude bilo igara ko witcher bit će dobro

  22. #22
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2006

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    J.R.R. Tolkien i Andrzej Sapkowski su vrlo slicni... Oba u svojim dijelima imaju elfove? i dwarfove? i zmajeve? usvari... oba pisu fantasy... cek... el to Sapkowki kopiral Tolkiena?

    Este li uopce primjetili ikakve slicnosti izmedu Tolkienovih dijela i Witchera, recimo dok ste ga igrali. Sumljam. Tolkien je imao veliki utjecaj na Sapkowskija (no veci utjecaj je ipak imala slavenska mitologija).

  23. #23
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2005

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Više je sličnosti s Tolkienom imao Overlord nego witcher. Ono - halflinzi - hobiti, minioni zvuče poput goluma, glavni lik izgleda poput jahača nazgula...
    back on topic, biowareova pc ekskluziva??? bit će dobro. Zasad pc-ijaši imaju dva obećavajuća rpg-a - Dragon Age i Project Offset.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Oct 2007
    Alone in the dark

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Mislim da PC-jaši imaju malo više od 2 obećavajuća RPG-a.Di je Diablo 3,A Gothic Tale,nova expanzija za NWN 2,....

  25. #25
    Senior Member Respawned sorcerer
    Datum registracije
    Nov 2005

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    = Citat = Izvorno postao CHOLIK
    Mislim da PC-jaši imaju malo više od 2 obećavajuća RPG-a.Di je Diablo 3,A Gothic Tale,nova expanzija za NWN 2,....
    naravno, ali d3 nekako gledam različito od ovih naslova jer je hack&slash rpg, A gothic tale se još treba dokazati, ekspanzije ne brojim.

  26. #26
    Senior Member Small step for mankind
    Datum registracije
    Aug 2006

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

  27. #27
    Senior Member No Mercy
    Datum registracije
    Apr 2008
    Under ur bed

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Igra izgleda hebeno. Vjerujem da BioWare neće zasrat igru osim ako ne stavi negu gluplju zaštitu.
    I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because whoever stole it is spending less than my wife

  28. #28

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Ne događa se često da moram povući nešto što kažem o igri, ali ovo je izgleda jedan od tih trenutaka - čini se više nego obećavajućim (valute i prisustvo vjere me privuklo) i čekam daljnje informacije.

    Informacije skinute sa službenog foruma:

    Setting details -

    * There will be ruins in DA, yup. I think it would be a very unusual setting that didn't have them. Something had to come before the current civilization, right? Unless you're playing immediately after the hunting/gathering stage of evolution (unless your setting bypasses that, which would be strange to me). When ruins are done right not only is it a cool setting, but it gives you a sense of history.

    * There are dragons during this age, as one would fairly expect. The game is not about dragons, however, and the main character has no special relation to them. Nor are they some dominant feature of the world or the story

    * Religion is a large factor in the culture of every race and background in Dragon Age.

    * There are, like, 8 whole Ages prior to the Dragon Age... and before that, you have to move onto the old Imperial calendar which is a completely different ball of wax.

    * 8 Ages might sound like a lot, but by the modern calendar they're each about 100 years long (if that offers any sense of scale for you), with a new Age being named according to some event or portent at the very end of the last one.

    * The previous Age was called the Blessed Age -- no idea if that means anything to you, but there you go.

    * The older civilizations weren't the epitome of everything... there has been general progress in some areas which the ancients never had... but we're also talking about a world which has seen some major upheaval and that means that knowledge is sometimes lost and things fall to the wayside.

    * Magic in DA is Low Magic in the sense that it is rare -- your average commoner is unlikely to encounter anything truly magical in his entire lifetime, and actual magic items are the things of legend

    * How each culture treats their dead and what they believe actually happens to a person after they die is a rather important distinction.

    * The cool thing about our world is that we can fit all sorts of religious beliefs into it.

    Each culture can have a different opinion of creation, heaven, and the afterlife, and we get to make them all up.

    * There are no alternate planes of existence that you can physically enter. Certainly no planes as they exist in the D&D sense.

    * No vampires at all -- or, at least, nothing that you would recognize as a vampire, I'm sure.

    * There are "undead" creatures in Dragon Age -- as in animated corpses of varying types, things that continue to move and act even though they are clearly dead.

    There is a distinct rationale for how and why these creatures exist, and it provides no further proof of the divine or in the existence of souls and an afterlife than anything else, though some may choose to believe otherwise.

    * Q: Is the DA world generally human-dominated or is it relatively diverse?
    A: Primarily human-dominated, though that domination is and has been occasionally contested.

    * Of the races that can inter-breed the child is of one race or the other -- there are no half-breeds.

    * ...the many dwarves who live on the surface are considered no longer part of the caste system and therefore beneath it.

    * Our dwarfettes don't have beards.

    Well, except maybe for the Silent Sisters.

    * If you mean that elves are supposed to be haughty, immortal, nature-loving super-beings who are superior to humans in every possible way -- then no, those won't be our elves.

    * Gnomes? Halflings? What are those?

    * It's a design rule for DA: no anthropomorphic races. Period.

    * Most people can't read…

    * No, education is not common. Like in our own, similar, period of history it's restricted to the privileged few.

    * The "common" tongue spoken is English (in the English version of the game anyway, yes) and it is a human tongue. It is also spoken by the other races of the area for economic reasons (in addition to their own, generally speaking).

    There are other human tongues, however, such as the one that was described as "Imperial" in the article. There are in-game reasons why we needed to develop the Imperial tongue for this title. Other languages might be visited and developed later.

    * Currency exists and has been spread by one particular culture (though the names for and appearance of currency varies from place to place). There are no banks, but some places have moneylenders (most often that same culture).

    * We will have different types of coinage (not just the standard "gold piece"), with names that vary according to the nation of origin. Why? For flavour, I guess. It's not much cost for the feature, after all.

    * Yep. But the land is in the southern hemisphere, and thus you have the wacky arrangement of things being cold in the south and hot in the north.

    * I think the feeling here is that culture should be the primary thing that differentiates a new race, yes.

    * There certainly wouldn't be organized sport of any kind in the DA world, though there are some cultures that have spectator sports of various kinds.

    * If I remember correctly it literally translates to "forest valleys", from 'ferre elden'.

    Ferelden is not the name of the world, but rather the Kingdom where the story primarily takes place. Other nations are referenced, and it's not unlikely that other stories will take one beyond Ferelden... you've got to start somewhere, after all.

    * The adjective for Ferelden is actually Fereldan. So you are Fereldans.

    * Well, literally translated it means People's Valley. But the language the name is rooted in isn't spoken anymore.

    * Kinloch Hold - the tower depicted in concept art
    Party System -

    * The encounters will probably be balanced for a full party. However, you will be able to solo the game. We've actually kept the solo-gamer in mind while designing the plots, and we hardly ever assume the PC has taken other NPCs with him.

    * [regarding henchmen]S: In this case, it is more like the BG series than NWN. As to whether or not you can run solo, we can't really say at this time.

    * Melirinda: All I want is a romantic male elf among NPCs! Dark, tall, slender and not starved.
    David Gaider: You might just get your wish.
    Melirinda: Ohhhh.... Damn, I knew I should have added "not a mage"!
    David Gaider: He's not a mage.

    * The subject of pets is a difficult one to answer without going into detail. If what you're imagining is some kind of pet system, however, whereby you can own any pet -- like a familiar or animal companion of some kind -- then no. There's no pet system.

    * There is no such thing as a familiar in DA

    * There will not, however, be animal companions or familiars, whether people want them or not.

    * We learned in BG1 that putting party members in past the halfway point of the game is pretty pointless. That said, you want at least enough characters available early on so that the player can form a reasonable party fairly quickly if he chooses (and finds them -- in DA we don't generally throw them into your path unless they're directly involved with one of the critical quests).

    It's entirely possible that the party members you are able to get later on will be less-used... it's hard to say, as beyond the beginning most of the party members you can encounter can be discovered in any order. The one you met really late in your game might be the one someone else met really early.

    * Some party members won't get along, some might take a serious exception to decisions you make

    * Dragon Age has a separate systems for tracking how much a particular party member likes (or dislikes) you, and what their particular motivation is -- which can be nudged by the player in various directions.

    * As for the party members themselves, there's only one who will always be at camp (if not in the party, which is entirely up to you). Everyone else you can elect to take with you when you meet them or send them on their way... and when you do they're gone forever. They don't stand around waiting for you to change your mind. I don't see a problem with that, really, as the only reason to not take them along is because you really don't care for them.

    * ...we're down to 1 NPC in DA being required -- and that's considering both the fact that you need never actually take him into your party and that there are... options... later on for removing him entirely, should you have developed a Carth-like antipathy.

    * Q: Can you fire someone later on?
    A: Yep. You won't be able to get them back again if you send them packing, however.

    * You have to travel back to the camp in order to switch out party members.

    * Your camp doesn't have a maximum capacity, and anyone you recruit who isn't in your active party is in the camp.

    * There is not a single plot in DA that forces you to take someone into the party temporarily in order to do it.

    * If we could include a tag-along temporary 5th party member, why wouldn't we just make it a permanent 5th slot?
    … if you have more than the 4 party members in a given fight, it's best if we know about it and plan for the balancing to reflect that.

    * Yep. Plenty of NPC-NPC banter. We had a bit of that in KotOR, but there's considerably more of it in DA.

    * Well, in DA there will be the opportunity for someone with a high Persuade skill to talk party members into agreeing with actions they might otherwise object to. So the persuasively evil player could be doing highly questionable actions and saying to the goody-two-shoes NPC, "You gotta bust some heads to make an omelette, am I right?"

    * The idea is that every party member is built with the idea that you can build a friendship with them...

    * You can give gifts to all your party members…

    * We got gifts.

    You can give gifts to any party member, which become their personal property once given, and the party member appreciates it more or less depending on the gift's value and their personal motivations.

    * Q: Are most of the recruitable NPCs humans, or are they varied?
    A: Half of them are human, I think.

    * Your relationship with a party member can have several different levels, including friendship and romance right up to fearful and hostile. Their opening lines when you talk to them differ in each instance, just as Valen's did.

    * No. Party members are available to all players, though their relationship with you might be different based on your background.

    * DA has both. There are critical path party members as well as optional ones. Most of them are optional... the ones that are critical path are logically so.

    * At the start of the game, you only make the one character and any party members you gain you do so during the course of the game.

    * You only create your own character right from the start. Even if there are custom-made party members to be had (and that's not a guarantee), you don't start with them.

    * The total size of the part (including the player) is still between 4 and 6. The exact size hasn't been settled on yet.

    [Editor Note: I believe this is now confirmed to be 4]

    * The only place where we quantify reputation is in relation to how your actions are viewed by your other party members, and that part does have a mechanic involved.
    Classes -

    [Editor's Note: It's been confirmed that Dragon Age will have three base classes: fighter, magic user, and rogue (a skill-based class).]

    * The abilities of non-mages can sometimes be considered spell-like, but they are not spells.

    * There is, in fact, nothing restricting mages from wearing armor, provided that they have the strength to do so.

    * A rogue will get to select from the skill pool more often, but there's nothing stopping you from having a dextrous mage or warrior specialize in lockpicking if you feel that's a must-have skill for your party. It simply means sacrificing other skills which might otherwise have been useful for that character.

    * Rogues fight quite well, certainly, but they can't take the hits as well as a Warrior and aren't likely to be heavily armored (although that might make for an interesting build, hmm). So their ability to protect others is questionable. Though I suppose sometimes the best defense is a good offense.

    * Many of the advanced classes cover these sorts of crosses. There are classes that allow fighters to become more "magical" at the expense of fighting ability. There is also a class for mages to move into that allows them to become more of a fighting spellslinger, sort of, but I wouldn't call it a classic fighter/mage as in someone who casts spells AND uses weapons AND wears armor. The "tank mage" scenario is never a good idea.

    * …here is a magical advanced class that focuses on healing and buffing -- though I would say that's more useful than an absolute necessity as it is in some systems.

    * …there is more than one tier of advanced classes.

    * Q: Is there a second tier of advanced classes?
    A: There is, indeed. It is up to the player to decide whether or not to move into a more specialized class or to continue purchasing talents in his current class. There are trade-offs at every level.

    * I should add that the backgrounds are only class-specific when that class has special requirements…

    * There is an example of a class or two which some races cannot learn, however, but only by way of it being logical that they couldn't.

    * The classes have access to an array of class-specific, role-specific and general purpose abilities that give you quite a bit more choice in what direction you want to specialize.

    * Some classes are more popular with or originated with a particular culture, but anyone can learn them.

    * If you mean mixing any two classes, then no. There's lots of customization paths for classes to take, but we have very distinct class roles -- magic, for instance, lies in the hands of the very few in the DA world and having anyone being able to pick up mage levels willy-nilly would rather dilute that.

    * [Wizards are]Snot a melee class, so yes... they don't have access to melee skills.

    There are development paths available, as well as other classes -- though if what you're asking is whether or not wizards in DA get access to anything beyond basic melee skills, no they don't. Nor should they, really, in light of the fact that we're using a class system and the way that the DA wizard works in particular.

    * We've chosen the level-based route. This doesn't mean it's D&D-style, though, as some believe -- there's quite a variety of level-based systems to choose from.

    * …we have no cleric class.

    * Christ on a pogo stick, there are no monks already.

    * There are no paladins in DA.

    * Hmmm. My qualified answer is that there are no classes that by design are tied specifically to nature like the D&D rangers and druids, no.
    Magic -

    * Magic in DA is Low Magic in the sense that it is rare -- your average commoner is unlikely to encounter anything truly magical in his entire lifetime, and actual magic items are the things of legend...

    But unlike a lot of Low Magic, DA's magic is very powerful and those who wield it have had a great impact on the world and on its history.

    * I said magic was powerful. I said magic has changed history -- not rolled across those non-magical losers in a display of uber-pwnage.

    * Magic can be powerful, but magic cannot do everything. It cannot, for instance, bring the dead back to life or be used for teleportation.

    * Spellcasting is subject to extreme scrutiny. Some uses of magic are very much forbidden.

    So while there is plenty of magic in the world and it has helped shape history in some large ways, it is not omnipresent nor without limits, and those who use it are relatively rare and subject to restrictions.

    * The potential for magic is innately born, yes, though not necessarily hereditary.

    * It operates under certain laws... magic is not something that can "do anything" provided one is powerful enough. There are indeed some very powerful mages in DA. It's not an issue of power level. The issue is that even those powerful mages must operate under the same laws of magic as everyone else.

    * There is no time travel, nor magic that affects time directly. Just like there is no teleportation (not even for NPC's), no dimensional portals and no resurrection. Zounds! Amazing, I know.

    * There's no "instant heal" magic…

    * As for teleportation, it's simply not something that magic can do. That's there as a rule as, while we want magic to be grand and powerful, we don't want it to trivialize the setting. Teleportation trivializes distance and obstacles (and makes it far too tempting for us to use for NPC's). Resurrection trivializes death. Certain things like mind control are allowed, but are considered abhorrent rather than 1st level spells that no-one thinks about.

    * …there's no reason a given magic system couldn't create illusions that hurt or create living animals out of thin air -- but that simply doesn't fit our vision of how magic works in DA.

    * At any rate, I'm afraid it ranks right up there with teleportation as not something that magic does in Dragon Age. An illusionary bear could be created, maybe, but certainly not a real one.

    * And the entire point is moot. Under no circumstances do you actually conjure, summon, transmute, transmogrify, doodle or call any kind of animal into appearing to do your bidding.

    * Who says there will be such a thing as an ability to charm someone? There won't, so no.

    * We have a mana system worked out, but I think the expectation is that it will change significantly as we move forward.

    As for where we're leaning vis a vis regeneration, it's more towards the slower side -- I'm not even certain there will actually be anything like a "mana potion".

    * There's no plan for any kind of potion that instantly provides health or mana. There's something like a mana potion, I guess -- but it has definite drawbacks and would be a more strategic decision to use rather than a no-brainer (more potions = more mana/health in a fight = duh).

    The closest we come is a potion that lets you stretch what mana you have a little further, but it has drawbacks to consider as well, making it more of a tactical consideration instead of a no-brainer.
    Combat -

    [Editor's Notes: Combat information is difficult to get, and many of these quotes are over a year old. In addition, I have repeated some entries from previous sections. ]

    Games for Windows Magazine:
    Knock over a table to fire arrows or shoot fireballs from behind cover, but only where it makes sense - emergence be damned, in BioWare's reckoning. "There will be a lot of ways of going through combat, and lots of different ways to interact with the environment...but out philosophy is that handcrafted is always better than random stuff."

    * The encounters will probably be balanced for a full party. However, you will be able to solo the game.

    * It will be real time but can be paused to issue orders... "pause and play" as many of our other games have been.

    * There is, in fact, nothing restricting mages from wearing armor, provided that they have the strength to do so.

    * There is no healing in the game, for instance, which instantly gives you back hits... at best we're talking about rapid regeneration. It changes the combat dynamic more than you think when you can't just rely on potions and/or spells for an endless supply of hit points

    * …dragons won't seem grounded and that combat with them will be impressively dynamic, even if they aren't flying about during melee as you might picture.

    * I suspect that your weapons will be sheathed unless you're in actual combat.

    * Weapons come out at the beginning of combat, but otherwise are sheathed.

    * I don't think everyone should be able to get access to "sneak attack". Everyone should be able to score a critical hit on vital areas, sure, but if you're going to make a distinction in the overall fighting style at the class level there's a distinction to be made between the tank fighter and the finesse fighter -- and using stealth and swiftness to your advantage definitely falls into the finesse side of things.

    * If your allies didn't actually "die" in combat when they went down, but were merely critically wounded and could be revived after the battle is over, then you wouldn't need to break the world rule of bringing them back from the dead somehow.

    * There's no plan for any kind of potion that instantly provides health or mana.

    * Like it or not, hitpoints and the "whittling" process (gradual decline of HP) gives the player excellent feedback about the eventual outcome of a fight.

    * The idea is that speed, strength, and skill are the biggest factors in hitting, and damaging your opponent.

    * The current plan for armour is to use a damage reduction system. I believe various weapons have different penetration values, though it's been a while since I've looked at the rules.

    * The speeds are all going to vary based on balancing. The current plan is 'slower' than a one handed weapon... there aren't really any numbers I could tell you that would be useful... as I know they're going to change

    * Weapons have different speed factors. They fall into a few categories, though I can't quite recall off the top of my head what they are or what the speeds are.

    * Each style of weapon should have a particular flavour, along with advantages and disadvantages. It will not be a purely aesthetic choice.

    * We have clear distinctions between our various combat styles, and I'm not very much in favour of things that will end up muddying the flavour and feel of each of those styles.

    * Weapons generally have one use... melee or ranged.

    * We currently have some plans for the use of cover [in combat.]

    * Current factors in damage computation:

    * Base Damage
    * Creature Strength
    * Weapon Strength
    * Target Armour
    * Weapon Penetration
    * Armour Material Type
    * Situational Modifiers

    Again, this is the current plan. Rules can change a fair bit based on balancing. So again, "not gospel"

    * Q: What about duel-wielding?
    A: I believe you get an additional attack every other attack with to hit penalties… Only certain types of offhand weapons are currently allowed. Sword/Dagger, I believe.
    Backgrounds/Races/Origin Stories

    * the backgrounds are a matter of location and social standing

    * That's about right. Once you've chosen your race and class, you get to choose your background from amongst the options that apply.

    Backgrounds are race-specific or class-specific.

    * …if there's one thing these background stories do, it's remind you from time to time that they're still around and still following you.

    * "Nemesis" makes it sound like every origin has a villain who is your archenemy that carries forward into the story. Every origin has a character (or more than one) that carries forward in a significant fashion, but not all of them are enemies.

    * Even if a background doesn't have a nemesis, it doesn't mean that you having come from that path of life isn't relevant to the story. Some paths of life don't lend themselves to having a Professor Moriarty.

    * Religion is a large factor in the culture of every race and background in Dragon Age. There aren't any priest origins, however, I suppose you could decide that your character always wanted to be one.

    * Q: .is there a barbarian background or a background that starts out in a place like this?
    A: We were thinking about it, but no.

    * In fact, we did consider implementing the "Mysterious Stranger" origin story for a while -- until it became clear that it simply didn't work for the type of game we were making.

    * You get bonus skills based on your background origin.

    * I should add that the backgrounds are only class-specific when that class has special requirements -- otherwise the backgrounds are race-specific and involve having cultural options that would be available to someone of that race.

    * It varies. Sometimes it's very minor, sometimes you get entirely different dialogue and even different plots or different rewards. Essentially what we want is for the player to feel the recognition of their race/gender/background at least a little bit everywhere they go. In one area you might just have one or two characters that bring it up, in another it will be very different for everyone, but the idea is for it to be at least noticeable throughout.
    * see relatively little point in the idea that there needs to be many different races, classes and class variations just to add choice and complexity for their own sake.

    I think it's important to make the choices meaningful instead of shallow (like the hundreds of prestige classes which come out for 3rd edition daily and which are best, in my opinion, ignored in their entirety) and focus on ensuring that the system is elegant and balanced.

    * The DA origin preludes are much, much longer. Unique areas. Plot. Combat. Lots of dialogue. Essentially a small chapter. They also have a big affect on the rest of the game, both in terms of dialogue as well as plot (like, say, characters from your past showing up later on).

    They are also not the tutorial. Not except in the story sense in that the world is introduced to the player therein.

    * The origins tell you little about your past. They mostly focus on your present. This is where you live. This is your family. These are your neighbors. Pretty much everything that game assumes about your "past" is based on events as they play out in your origin story. So whatever happens, you're there to make your choices and have your say in it.

    * The trade-off is that being that race will have an actual effect throughout the game. If you are an elf and you meet other elves, they treat you differently... perhaps have entirely different dialogue or plots.

    * I don't know exactly how the encounters are going to be set up, but there are portions of the later plot that vary quite a bit depending on which origin story you picked. That dungeon may be the same one you went through as a dwarf noble, for instance, but your elf character may know the prisoners and the jailor this time. And you'll encounter characters from the other origins in somewhat different circumstances than they would be had you chosen their origin, so you can see the people who in another lifetime might have been your family and friends going on as if you had never existed a la It's a Wonderful Life.

    [Editor's Note: Awesome]

    * It's not sparkly happy fun-time fantasy. Magic isn't fun. People don't react to magic as though it's fun. They react the same way you or I would react to a person who could blow your head off with a flick of their wrist. Your average teenager isn't going to have dreams of becoming an adventurer and finding 'quests' in a tavern. People become what you would traditionally call an 'adventurer' out of necessity. There are heroes, but they can be forgotten.

    There are no gods sitting on celestial planes waiting to heap divine spells upon you. There is no ultimate good and ultimate evil. Sometimes people have to choose between bad and worse. You can look at someone who seems evil and say "Yes, I see why he did this, and his intentions were good."

    But does this mean that the world is just overwhelmingly dark and bleak? No. If there are no gods that you can see, then you must have faith. People may be selfish, narrow-minded and hateful, but you can show generosity and kindness and nobility. Even if all the world is against you, you will have love, and friends that stand by you. There is darkness in Thedas, but you can be the light.

    * We're not trying to tell a story about there being no right and wrong and how everything is grey. We do, however, want being good to be a struggle -- an achievable struggle -- and I honestly like the idea of occasionally encountering dilemmas where there is no clear right thing to do, and you'll simply have to do what your heart tells you.

    * We're aiming for a Mature rating, so we're not avoiding any mature content if it serves our purposes -- but neither do we intend to dwell on it or use it in a gratuitous fashion. If a whorehouse is called for by the story, there will be a whorehouse, and it won't be just to see jiggly bunny-suited women bouncing about the bordello.

    And if there is, we'd have to make sure there are jiggly bunny-suited men bouncing about, as well. That way at least we'd be equal opportunity panderers.

    * If you're looking for multiple sides to any argument and allies who are sometimes more trouble than they're worth, Dragon Age is the game for you...

    * The world is a mess of power struggles, wars, disasters, etc. Bad things happen to good people. That's the backdrop of the game.

    * There is also a sense of menace or danger that permeates the game, and no one is immune to that. It means that the small pockets of blissful ignorance of world events are few and far between, that naive idealism is quickly transformed to grim determination, and laughter is, as often as not, forced from the belly to keep you from giving into despair.

    * …looking good in a sparkling turban while climbing a wall and listening to 80's tunes is what roleplaying is all about. Choices. Immersion. Feel the burn.

  29. #29
    Senior Member Giant leap for forum mravojed20's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jan 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Pa bilo je očito već iz trailera da će igra bit epic, Bioware je zakon. Čekam prvi gameplay video.

  30. #30
    Moderator Fight fire with fire Deadwalker's Avatar
    Datum registracije
    Jun 2007

    Re: Dragon Age: Origins

    Ja nikad uopće nisam sumnjao u kvalitetu Bioware-vih naslova...jos uvijek nisu uspjeli složit loš RPG...bit će to igra vrlo visoke kvalitete
    "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."

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