Meni izgleda ko TPS avantura tipa Tomb Raider ili Last of Us, al kažu open-world.;v=EJG0neK9cHI
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Meni izgleda ko TPS avantura tipa Tomb Raider ili Last of Us, al kažu open-world.;v=EJG0neK9cHI
Nisam uopće ubrao taj video. Biće onda kvazi sandbox ko i zadnji Tomb Raider.
"Here's more information from the PlayStation livecast.This is a project that the team of Guerrilla Games in Amsterdam has been working of for now 4 and an half years, when the work on Killzone 3 was wrapped, Mathijs and a small team of 20 people began brainstorming, doing prototypes and concepts about this new IP. Eventually the team at Guerrilla shipped Killzone Shadowfall and a bigger team began working on what we’re seeing now.
Horizon: Zero Dawn is set in a post-post-apocalyptic world, 1,000 years after the disaster in which the nature has entirely reclaimed the land, humans are no longer the dominant species and instead the “Machines” are the ones who rule the world. HUmans are grouped in tribes and one of the main factors of the game is the contrast between primitive tribes and advanced technological machines.
Aloy is the main character, she’s around 20 years old and is a machine hunter. She’s one of the best hunters of her tribe and she’s very agile. Mathijs goes on saying that “she has to be very clever” because in the game there is a lot of strategy involved, in the way you find out how to defeat these machines via their weak points. From hunting these machines you get the loot to craft new weapons, ammonition and tools.
Horizon: Zero Dawn is a “seamless open world”, and the game will have “a large variety” of machines, they go from small, like the “watchers” shown in the gameplay trailer, to the big ones and everything in between. The game is in Pre-Alpha but it looks already stunning. In fact, Hermes says that they have been pushing their art and tech “to the max” in terms of graphics. What helped the team in accomplishing all of this, is that they had a PS4 engine and accumulated experience with Killzone: Shadowfall as a launch title.
Since Horizon: Zero Dawn is an open world action RPG, Ryan asks what the RPG component in the game will be and Mathijs explains that you hunt small machines to be able to collect resources to then hunt bigger ones. The game will have a lot of quests, in fact the one we saw in the demo was one of the story quests."
Koliko sam ja shvatio iz ovoga, bit će slično Monster Hunteru. Što je dobro.
Mislim si Destiny uzet. :(
Ništa zanimljivo ne izlazi do MGS V, ni Batman mi nije napet.
Mislio sam igrati FF VII port prek ljeta, al odgodili su ga do zime.
Batman ti nije napet?
Užasan si. UŽASAN.
Ja nemogu dočekat taj 23. Bezveze vozam ova govna sad dok Batman ne izađe, neda mi se sad nešto započet pa uništavat satnicu Batmana.
Budem ga odigrao nekad nakon Batman Arkham Collection, ako uopće izađe.
Moram Arkham City odigrat, kad je izašao odigrao sam par sati i odustao.
Više sam htio reć kako igra izgleda brutala. Osvjetljenje mi je prejebeno.
Jel valja Final Fantasy Type-0?
To je Final Fantasy.
Normalno da ne.
A ono, solidna igra.
PSP grafika, fast-paced combat, 14 likova s kojima igraš, wtf priča, odličan soundtrack.
I dosta je kratka igra, možda najkraći Final Fantasy, 20-25h traje.
Imaš i NG+ gdje se otključaju dodatne stvari, animacije i slićno, ali nije vezano uz trofeje pa nije ni bitno.
Užasna reklama.
Worthaur, daj pozovi kad ćeš igrat flawless raider, i ja bi to odradio. A mislim da imam još bar jednog ili dvojicu koji bi htjeli taj trofej.
Dogovorit ćemo se. Nisam još ni jedan raid odigrao, budem probao sa randomima ovaj tjedan najlaksi da vidim kak ide.
Upravo došao na level 30. Igra je bolja nego što sam očekivao.
Flawless raider će biti zajeban.
Oba raida imaju jeftine smrti, koliko čitam po netu ljudi dosta exploitaju da bi to napravili.
Vault od Glass riješio na normal.
Sad smo išli na Crotu i whipali na njoj jedno 50 puta, idući put bi trebala pasti. Nije teško ali ak jedna osoba umre bude whipe.
U timu imali 12 godišnjaka, priceless.
Super mi je igra, obavezno nabavljam ekspanziju čim izađe.
Kako mi je ovo promaklo?
Kako će rulat. :pray:
Deadwalker, Windwalker i Worthaur, sjetite se prvog pravila uspješnog života.
Tko ne coopa CoD, ne kopa ni vagine.
Zapamtite to kad sljedeći put vidite Malokija i mene da igramo Advanced Warfare.
Tako je. Nema lopata.
Ajmo prvo Saints Row 4, pa onda možemo i COD.
Advanced Warfare je tako 2014.
Loša osobo, zašto prodaješ Vitu?
Zato da je ja mogu kupit.
Ja sam svoju prodao nedavno, odigrao sve što me zanimalo.
Btw pao Flawless Raider.
Vita je fora uređaj al mi je dopizdila i ne treba mi više, a dobro mi došli novci jer ću sad imat nekih sranja za kupovat/trošit. Ić će i X360 na prodaju ubrzo, čim odigram par ovih govana što mi je ostalo.
Ti nećeš nikad imati platinu iz te igre hahahahahaha.
Okupi ljude i objasnim vam šta i kako treba raditi.
Trofej se može i solo obaviti, al za to je potreban skill.
I potreban je prvi dlc, Crota's End je puno lakši od VoG.
Budem to riješio kad izađe Legendary Edition u rujnu. Jednom sam išao, došli smo do zadnjeg bossa, ostala mu je kurčina healtha i jedno tele nije ušlo pod štit.
Sad se možemo svi igrati lijepo zajedno.