Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Lords of the Fallen

Arbiter of Change
16-05-2013, 20:01

Sjećate se one igre za koju je Tomasz Gop, bivši CDPR zaposlenik, davao nekakve nagovještaje? E pa uskoro više, točnije na E3-u.
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/arch ... allen.aspx (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/05/16/city-interactive-announces-lords-of-the-fallen.aspx)

SLords of the Fallen is a hardcore action-RPG featuring an advanced combat systems and robust class skill trees. Set in a richly created fantasy world where the Gods have failed mankind, players will take on the role of a human named Harkyn who sets out on a quest to stand against an apparently unstoppable supernatural force. Players travel across a world that is deeply dived by those that follow and others that resist, the Fallen God. Along their journey they will be faced with a series of decisions that will alter both the world and their character thus dramatically impacting the storyline.

“Our team is building Lords of the Fallen specifically for players who enjoy taking on huge challenges, where the odds are stacked against them,” said Tomasz Gop, executive producer, CI Games. “From the very beginning, Lords of the Fallen will intrigue and satisfy players’ hunger to explore each corner of a brand new world, freely customize and build their own character and take down some of the most epic enemies ever seen.”

16-05-2013, 20:10
biće grafiti

16-05-2013, 21:30

16-05-2013, 22:02
Glupo ime.

Arbiter of Change
17-05-2013, 08:22
Da, mogli su malo originalnije ime naći. Više me brine studijo koji nije napravio ništa pretjerano vrijedno spomena.

17-05-2013, 10:32
Da, baš to. Iako su doveli jednog od deva Witcher 2 ekipe.

17-05-2013, 11:21
CD Projekt RED ima 112 zaposlenika i napravili su sranje. Ako uzmeš samo jednog developera od te ekipe, hoće li napraviti 112 puta manje sranje od Witchera?

17-05-2013, 11:26
Ja obožavam prvi Witcher jer je uz svu tu "glavni lik je vila, ali nije peder" priču opet drugačiji i na mjestu.

17-05-2013, 12:00
Jer sam ja rekao da će igra biti super.

"Ne možeš doda(va)ti administratore(ice)/moderatora(ice) na listu gnjavatora/ica."


Smanji te standarne provale, postaješ polako naporan.

Arbiter of Change
08-06-2013, 09:55
Render i malo o glavnom liku. BALD SPACE MARINE.
http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/07/lords-o ... -revealed/ (http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/07/lords-of-the-fallen-main-character-revealed/)

Players will uncover and learn new secrets and abilities as their character is “the only one capable of ending the long battle of the Fallen God believers and those that have abandoned him long time ago.”

“Harkyn is not your ordinary hero. Our team is committed to creating a distinct character and a gameplay experience unique to every player, as well as a deep, secretive history that players will be rewarded for upon discovering. We’re excited to show LORDS of the FALLEN, our main character, Harkyn, and the advanced combat mechanics for the first time at E3 next week,” said Tomasz Gop, executive producer.

Arbiter of Change
15-06-2013, 17:10
Intervju sa Gopom i par screenova.
http://www.dsogaming.com/news/lords-of- ... -released/ (http://www.dsogaming.com/news/lords-of-the-fallen-first-screenshots-released/)


Arbiter of Change
17-01-2014, 08:51
Novi intervju. Ništa posebno novo.

The action-RPG is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One this autumn and takes places in a fantasy world where god himself has been imprisoned deep below the Earth; with only his arm sticking out of a vast mountain range, stuck there after one final attempt at escape. Without warning, his minions have sprung forth and are wreaking havoc on the land.


He explained, “Lords of the fallen is a game that is not a game about – and I don’t want to get this wrong because we do have storyline, we do have characters, NPCs and quest – but this is not a game where you would like to take out 100 hours of storyline and a thousand side-quests. This is a game about you crossing the gap, and the difference and distance between being a random noob at the beginning, and skilled pro player at the end. This crafting of your skill is what this is about, and I thought Dark Souls was exactly about the same thing.”

So Lords of the Fallen definitely places emphasis on personal progression and overcoming challenges. He added, “For me personally – and it was one of the biggest take-aways from Dark Souls – I could honestly say, that I was on the other side of the experience that people beginning the game have. Like, at the end of the day I could honestly say, ‘I owned the game.’ This is exactly what you’re trying to get with the right mind-set with games like Dark Souls, and I believe Lords is going to do the same thing.”

I asked Gop if people were dying often during internal tests, and he replied, “Of course, and this is going to depend on your approach, because there will be guys who will be trying to do everything at the high slope of the learning curve. For them, it will be an experience probably comparable to Dark Souls.” He stressed that those used to Dark Souls, and who have a mastery of melee and magic forms of combat will find the game relatively easier, but cautioned that there’s a difference between something being difficult and simply demanding a lot of your time.

Arbiter of Change
10-02-2014, 22:14
Gameplay uz Gopovu naraciju. Izgleda da će ovo više biti nekakav akcijski naslov.


10-02-2014, 22:51
Izgleda... dobro... čak štoviše i dapače... :shock:

11-02-2014, 00:29
Izgleda mi ko grafički vrlo napredni Dark Souls ali bez njegove kompleksnosti, jedinstvenog dizajna svega i atmosfere, ali igrao bi jer se čini fora i možda priča bude neš šta vrijedi pratiti.

11-02-2014, 02:48

11-02-2014, 11:33
Ahahaha kako ovo loše izgleda, svi neprijatelji mlate po zraku. :rotfl:

11-02-2014, 22:14
izgleda ko dobra verzija dark soulsa.

11-02-2014, 22:16
Hehe. Ban na neodređeno.

Arbiter of Change
22-04-2014, 18:13
Novi trailer. Opće je poznato da je Gop igrao previše Dark Soulsa.


22-04-2014, 18:17
Može itekako.

22-04-2014, 19:07
Od sad svaka igra treba bit Dark Souls.

22-04-2014, 19:15
Boss izgleda prelagano, ovaj koji je to igrao je neki noob pošto mu treba toliko pokušaja.

22-04-2014, 21:11
Djeluje šlampavo i amaterski. Cursed Crusade sindrom gdje je trailer izgledao ok, a igra bila rasulo žešće.

18-10-2014, 14:26
šta niko ne pominje, izlazi za 10 dana.


pari dobra

18-10-2014, 20:39
Skeptičan sam dosta, za ovo ću baš morat pričekat recenzije i vidjet jel liči na kaj.

18-10-2014, 20:58
Kaj je to snimka cijele igre? Pet sati bokte.

18-10-2014, 20:59
Bit će dosta dobra igra.

Middle-Earth i to ću prvo nabavit kad uzmem PS4 krajem godine.

18-10-2014, 21:00
Skeptičan sam dosta, za ovo ću baš morat pričekat recenzije i vidjet jel liči na kaj.
Pa, ako nema multi ne kupiš i gotovo. Sad će souls igre bit sam svoj žanar. Sve to treba igrat, ali samo OG soulse kupovat.

18-10-2014, 21:04
Bit će dosta dobra igra.

Middle-Earth i to ću prvo nabavit kad uzmem PS4 krajem godine.

A Destiny? Tad taman izlazi prvi DLC!

18-10-2014, 21:14
I'd rather eat a rotten asshole of roadkill skunk and drown it with beer!

(By the way, mrzim pivo.)

18-10-2014, 21:41
Vedrane kakav je Sherlock

18-10-2014, 22:39
Pa smeće, očito, kad nema Kumberbača.

19-10-2014, 15:56
sve serlok igre posle silver earringa su sranje i tako ce i ostati dok god ih frogwares pravi. poredjenje s telltaleovim igrama je neumesno

19-10-2014, 17:19
Slažem se. Novi Sherlock je jeben, a Telltale oduvijek radi neigriva i zamorna smeća.

25-10-2014, 23:40

Ovo je ok lik za Souls igre, i kaže da valja.

Čini se jako dobro i da bi moglo ispuniti sva moja očekivanja (koja su velika).
I neću govoriti gluposti da je ovo neka 'igrica' za popuniti vrijeme do Bloodbornea. O ne. Ovome se veselim gotovo jednako kao i Bloodborneu.
Jedini problem je što još nemam uređaj na kojem bi igru odigrao kad dođe. Ali vrlo vjerojatno će biti prva igra za taj uređaj.

26-10-2014, 01:50
Možda uzmem u prosincu, makar moram još odigrati Demon's Soulse i Metal Gear Legacy do veljače.

26-10-2014, 01:50
Sig mi pokazuje Old Snakea wat.

26-10-2014, 09:42
pa valjda si pokrenuo MGS 4...barem je tako na PSNProfiles

26-10-2014, 11:26
Brijem da nije upalio PS3 otkada je kupio PS4. To PSNProfiles zajebava, meni je nedavno pokazivao da iman skrivenih trofeja, a nitijedan nije bio sakriven. Na službenoj PSN stranici mi je bilo normalno stanje trofeja.

26-10-2014, 12:03

GG izgleda so far.

Ne znam jesi li vidio video gdje je dev komentirao dosadašnje kritike igrača.


26-10-2014, 12:06
Ma kod frenda konzola sa MG Legacy pa je slučajno pokrenuo sa mog accounta.
Veli mi da se ne može spojit na PS Store, odnosno da se konzola zblokira kad ga ide otvorit, a inače konzola radi normalno. Ima tko takvih problema?

26-10-2014, 13:10
u zadnje vrijeme je PSN često ''srušen'', no da se konzola zblokira dok mu pokušaš pristupiti - to još nisam imao...

26-10-2014, 17:40
Neki dan sam slučajno pročitao da je Dark Souls bio inspiracija pa me instant zaintrigiralo. U videu sve izgleda jako dobro, naravno treba pričekati prve recenzije da se vidi valja li i ostatak. Dobro je što su healing pokupili od prvog Dark Soulsa, a ne od ovog novijeg izroda.

26-10-2014, 18:14
U novom treba više healanja jer je igra ipak donekle teška za razliku od prvog Dark Soulsa.

Duke v2.0
26-10-2014, 19:10
Izgleda ok ovo, jedino mi se baš nesviđa taj WoW/Warhammer art dizajn i megaman laser kao jedina ranged opcija koliko sam skužio. Ostalo poput npr. težine nemogu komentirat dok ne odigram.

26-10-2014, 19:52
Armori i oružja jesu malo preglomazni i nisam baš fan toga, ali mi niti ne smeta puno.
Ipak izgleda bolje od WOW-a i Warhammera.
A što se tiče dizajna okoliša, bome mi se sviđa, i dvorac i planine.

27-10-2014, 17:34
Ma kod frenda konzola sa MG Legacy pa je slučajno pokrenuo sa mog accounta.
Veli mi da se ne može spojit na PS Store, odnosno da se konzola zblokira kad ga ide otvorit, a inače konzola radi normalno. Ima tko takvih problema?

da evo sad sam probal ps store i ne dela, zbrejka se pljeka, tj učita se glavni izbornik i stoji, nemogu ni vrit ni mimo

28-10-2014, 10:22
kolko vidim po reviewima je igra čist ok, jedino se čini da su PC verziju opet sjebali pa se često crasha...

Duke v2.0
28-10-2014, 18:34

Navodno neoptimizirani drek s konstantnim crashanjem, i ono najgore čega sam se bojao, prelagano što pobija čitav trud oko kvalitetnog combat sustava. ALI, navodno dolazi day one patch od 5 GB, i prelagano je s warrior klasom i korištenjem onog ranged gauntleta, a nijedno od tog mi nije bilo u planu tako da ima nade.

28-10-2014, 18:43
Koliko sam čitao recenzije samo je tom liku krešalo. I onda zbog toga da 50%. To je kao kad Windwalkeru nešta ne radi pa on kaže da je sranje igra.

28-10-2014, 18:59
Normalno da neću igri dati ogromnu ocjenu ako mi ne radi kako treba...

28-10-2014, 19:09

Navodno neoptimizirani drek s konstantnim crashanjem, i ono najgore čega sam se bojao, prelagano što pobija čitav trud oko kvalitetnog combat sustava. ALI, navodno dolazi day one patch od 5 GB, i prelagano je s warrior klasom i korištenjem onog ranged gauntleta, a nijedno od tog mi nije bilo u planu tako da ima nade.

Jel to ono smeće od sajta koje je prvo napravilo recenziju onog smeća Alien: Isolation i dali mu nerealno visoku ocjenu, a onda napravili tekst da popljuju druge sajtove jer im je bilo neugodno da su prenapuhali ocjenu? Rofl.

Duke v2.0
28-10-2014, 19:47
Oni su samo dali nižu ocjenu od drugih sajtova, ali sve ostale zamjerke su prisutne kod svih drugih...

28-10-2014, 21:10
I zato bi se sajtovi tribali libit ocjena. Zamisli tu ocjena 58, na nekom 85, a komentari na igru isti rofl.

28-10-2014, 22:22
Koliko sam čitao recenzije samo je tom liku krešalo. I onda zbog toga da 50%. To je kao kad Windwalkeru nešta ne radi pa on kaže da je sranje igra.

Misliš ono smeće ne-igra War in the North?
To je 0/10 iliti 0%, a ne 50%, lol.

50% dobiju srednje žalosti kao GTA4 ili Amalur.
A oni su mi radili.

Duke v2.0
28-10-2014, 23:31

Evo RPS nema ocjenu, i ispada iznimno prosječna igra koja nemože ni držat svijeću Soulsima, as expected.

"Overall, though, the combat and particularly the bosses end up underwhelming. The combat may have its own character, but it also features several noticeable compromises in execution. Problems have simply been fixed in a quick-and-dirty manner – for example, spacing. Let’s say you’re fighting an enemy and deliberately keeping it at a range where a swing won’t hit you. It will swing and magically zoom a few feet forward while doing so in order to make that blow connect. The hitboxes on enemy weapons are highly questionable, particularly with horizontal swings. And with the second boss, he’d sometimes stop moving and then hit me out of nowhere with an invisible attack. The latter might be fixed in a patch, but don’t hold your breath about the others."

"It all adds up to a combat system that’s great in theory but in reality feels terribly average. This superficiality extends across LotF. While the visuals are impressive technically, for example, it would be remiss of me not to point out that the aesthetic stinks. This is generic fantasy with a heavy dash of Diablo III, all smoking red eyes and ridiculous shoulderpads, and its pus-monsters and demon-knights and fat fire-throwers just lack any subtlety in their design. A brief digression encapsulates this: in Dark Souls there’s an undead dragon, and this is how its designer Masunori Waganai described the design process:
“When I was drawing the Undead Dragon I submitted a design draft that depicted a dragon swarming with maggots and other gross things. [Director Hidetaka] Miyazaki handed it back to me saying ‘This isn’t dignified. Don’t rely on the gross factor to portray an undead dragon. Can’t you instead try to convey the deep sorrow of a magnificent beast doomed to a slow and possibly endless descent into ruin?’”

Lords of the Fallen doesn’t have an undead dragon, that I’ve seen anyway, but if it did the thing would be swarming with maggots. "

Bleh, preskače se ovo.

28-10-2014, 23:56
Zašto slušaš recenzije?

29-10-2014, 00:36
RPS imaju dobre recenzije, a možda se čoviku ne skida koliko već gigabajta za probat igru, a možda nema ni novaca, hehe.

Duke v2.0
29-10-2014, 09:40
Zato jer imam već dovoljno igri na lageru za odigrat, ovo možda probam jednom kad se popatcha, sad očito nema smisla.

Duke v2.0
30-10-2014, 00:28
Fantastičan broken engrish opis igre sa gusarskog sajta:

"The King of the fallen is a fantasy action RPG game, the game is set in a magical world, tells the story of man and God, where God was defeated by the human, the player plays the human Harkyn requires repression against evil supernatural forces.

The Vice King also promotes ARPG battles to the next-gen levels. Players needed is patience and tactics in battle. Of course there are common RPG elements, but core is built around the tactics of the game, players have to think and make a choice, create your own fighting style. On the same enemy will have a different line of attack, sneak up behind him and is very harmful, but the enemy will also be prepared.

This will make many horny want to explore every corner of the player in the game to delight, also can fully customize their own characters, enemies scale comparable to "attack the giant", with the strongest combat system and skill trees, set in a world of spirits was defeated by the human, the player will play a human named Harkyn, fighting a series of supernatural forces.

Of course, the most critical enemy is still the title of "good God", some who supported him, some are against, our choices will impact on the world and their role, including the plot."

30-10-2014, 00:35

Duke v2.0
30-10-2014, 10:48
This will make many horny want to explore every corner of the player in the game to delight.

Rad R4C3R
30-10-2014, 13:22
Extremely underwhelming Gamespot 9/10