Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Age of Wonders 3

Arbiter of Change
07-02-2013, 08:05

It's happening. :D

Age of Wonders 3® marks a modern reimagining of the series, where players join a clash of kings, queens and dark lords for the spoils of an ancient paradise. By introducing unique RPG-inspired classes and specializations, players are able to craft empires of their own design, developing unique strategies and play styles. The world-changing conflict plays out on sweeping landscapes, loaded with mythical locations waiting to be uncovered, conquered and exploited.

Key features include:

- Explore, expand and exploit a living fantasy world. Discover wondrous locations and gather legendary heroes.
- Develop your domain, with many classes having the ability to change terrain and climates to suit your needs.
- All new 3D graphics that provide a crisper and more detailed overview of the world and battle maps.
- New styles of play are possible with the introduction of RPG style leader classes like warlord, theocrat, rogue and sorcerer, along with a wide selection of specializations.
- Command a variety of races. Pick your starting race and shape your people’s destiny using your leader’s unique skills.
- A brand-new tactical battle system renders each battlefield and siege in great detail; new rules include flanking and a massive set of special unit abilities.
- An epic story campaign with two playable factions; Choose the mighty Commonwealth Empire or join the Court of the High Elves, founded after the reunion of the Dark Elves and Wood Elves.
- Compete online in extensive multiplayer modes and scenarios.
- High replay value through random maps, difficulty modes and tools allowing user created content.


07-02-2013, 10:26
ne valjda :D

ovo mi odmah ide na vrh liste najiščekivanijih naslova...u međuvremenu ponovno instalirati dvicu 8)

07-02-2013, 10:49
U više navrata sam imao Age of Wonders 2 demo u rukama, na nekim od pc play i hacker cd-a, pa kasnije na netu skidao, i nikad ikad ga nisam uspio odigrati, ne znam zašto. Ovo izgleda lijepo, trailer je nabrijan, i onih sekundi dvije ingame što pokažu je baš lijepo. Dodajem na svoju listu igara koje nisam odigrao radi faksa, brojka je sad na preko 110. :cry:

08-02-2013, 19:43
Ne. Ja ne vjerujem! Mislim sanjo sam o ovome al nikad nisam mislio da ce se stvarno dogoditi. I am.....I am so happy :cry:

Arbiter of Change
27-03-2013, 10:33
Prvi gameplay video. All of my shekels ili kako već ide. :)


28-03-2013, 12:26
Sve izgleda ko stari aow samo sa boljom grafikom sto mi se svidja, borbe ce sad izgledati masivnije zbog squadov-a a i povecali su takticki dio sa flankingom i slicnim. Igra izgleda obecavajuce .Svidja mi se sto namjeravaju ostaviti dobar dio stvari iz prvog dijela, jedino mi je u fight sceni bilo cudno sto je dosta udaraca uspijelo connectati, sjecam se u aow2 kako bi ponekad hit chance bio u vecini slucajeva 60%.

Jedino sto me jos zanima je kakav ce biti naval combat, oce li archery sistem biti isti ko iz prijasnjeg aow-a, oce li se moci koristiti cover kao zastita od strijela i slicnog i oce li flying uniti moci biti osteceni samo retaliationom,strijelama i magijom ko od prije. Jednostavno sa ovom grafikom bi bilo prekul imati bitku na moru protiv nekih letecih bestija :D.

Arbiter of Change
08-06-2013, 10:45
O bojištima i stvaranju istih na osnovi world mape.
http://www.ageofwonders.com/dev-journal ... tlefields/ (http://www.ageofwonders.com/dev-journal-visualising-the-battlefields/)

The Maps are a combination of hand work, asset swapping, procedural algorithms and modular building sets. Level designers are able to pinpoint what obstacles will spawn and in which area. When entering the battlefield a random seed is generated to make the gameplay area unique but still controlled and in the proper setting. Assets are swapped across climes in order to reduce the amount of handwork in creating maps.

08-06-2013, 12:15
Kul,kul, vec me lagano zabrinjavalo sto nije bilo novih vijesti vise od mjesec dana.

Arbiter of Change
23-08-2013, 11:25
Video sa Gamescoma. Može. Landship ruši šume kad se kreće preko njih. :)


27-08-2013, 22:35
Noice. Dobar nerf za cannone.

10-11-2013, 19:36

Jos jedan gameplay al na njemackom. Neki znaju i taj jezik

Arbiter of Change
05-01-2014, 11:25
Izgleda da imaju kasni ožujak izabran za izlazak, premda sam se već pripremio za odgode. :)

We’re looking forward to bringing you this long awaited game. Age of Wonders III is now targeted for a release date late March, with Pre-orders starting sometime before that. Thanks for all your support thus far. In the meantime, please register and share your thoughts on our forums - who knows, you might be selected for the beta.

13-01-2014, 18:35
Ja se nadam da bude odgoda tj da rade na igri što duže moguće. Predugo sam čekao ovaj nastavak ne bih volio da me povrijede.

Baš sam pogledo malo ove klase. Makar mi izgledaju uredu ipak će mi faliti princip gdje si mogao customizirati svog maga i odrediti koliko će biti jak
u odredjenom krugu magije.

Ovako izgleda da će samo sorcerer,archdruid i možda theocrat koristiti magiju dok će ostali biti ko ork fakcija u HOMM-u. Ne vjerujem da će svi biti sretni zbog toga.

23-01-2014, 16:32

..dwarf succubuss

Arbiter of Change
23-02-2014, 13:32
O borbi.

This week we’re going to have an in-depth look into the Age of Wonders III tactical combat mechanics. Tactical combat is one of the most important parts of the game, and we’ve worked very hard to refine the rules to make it more exciting and tactical. Our main goal was to make combat faster, and more lethal, while maintaining and improving the depth and tactical options that people expect from the series.