Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Babylon search na Google Chrome

26-01-2013, 18:46
Nekako sam instalirao taj program i sada mi se on pojavi kad god pokrenem Chrome.
Probao sam ga izbrisati na više načina (nije ga našao), skenirao sam s par anti-malware programa, ali je ostalo isto.
Ako stavim u Chromu da mi se prikaže novi tab kada otvorim, Babylon search se ne prikaže, ali ako stavim da otvori npr. Google, otvori se i Google i to.
Je li netko imao problema s tim? Zna netko kako se to rješi?

26-01-2013, 18:50
Provjeri ekstenzije i pluginove.

26-01-2013, 18:53
Da, tako se bar kod firefoxa riješi. Btw, to je virus, ili neki sličan qratz.

26-01-2013, 19:04
Provjerio sam, nisam ništa našao. Probat ću s nekim antivirusnim programom izbrisati.

26-01-2013, 19:10
Evo šta sam progugla, valjda će ti pomoći. Neki dan sam za isti problem googla jednoj prijateljici, samo je u pitanju bia firefox.

-If Babylon pages are opening up each time you start up Chrome, check in Chrome menu (previously Wrench icon) > Settings > On Startup > next to the radio button for Open a specific page or set of pages, click on Set pages > remove any unwanted URLs by hovering over the URL until you see an "X" appear to the right side of the URL.
-If all searches that you perform in the omnibox is returning with results from Babylon instead of your preferred search engine, check in Chrome menu (previously Wrench icon) > Settings > Search > Manage search engines > check the list of Default search engines, Other search engines, and Search engines added by extensions, and remove suspicious entries that you are not familiar with. Depending on your extensions, you may not see the last section for Search engines added by extensions.
-If Babylon is opening up when you click on the Home button, check in Chrome menu (previously Wrench icon) > Settings > Appearance > select the Show Home button checkbox > check if the URL that appears below it references Babylon.
-Also check that there are no extensions installed that may be causing these changes. Go to Chrome menu (previously Wrench icon) > Settings > Extensions > if you see any unfamiliar extension that you do not remember installing, try disabling/removing the extension to see it was causing these changes. To disable, uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox next to the extension. To remove, hover over the extension until you see a trash can icon appear, and click on the icon.

26-01-2013, 19:19
Tnx, to mi nije uspjelo ali sam reinstalirao Chrome. Više mi se ne pojavljuje ovaj Babylon :)

26-01-2013, 19:23
A niš, idući put kad budeš nešto instalirava baci pogled na šta pristaješ.