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15-01-2013, 20:44
Nije službeno najavljen, no stigla je ova fotografija:


Najava 5. veljače?
Da ne spamamo po Cyberpunk topicu, raspravu oko settinga i ostalog možemo preseliti ovdje.

15-01-2013, 20:46

15-01-2013, 20:54
Sad se ovomu veselim više nego Cyberpunku. I GTAV.

The Boz
15-01-2013, 20:56

15-01-2013, 20:57
Svatko tko se ovom ne veseli više od ičega drugog je glup. I smrdi.

15-01-2013, 20:58
Valjda Poljaci mogu raditi istovremeno na dva tako velika projekta.

15-01-2013, 20:59
Vidio sam im studio u nekim trailerima i intervjuima. Kao da su neka zla korporacija iz Cyberpunka. Super.

15-01-2013, 21:00
Svatko tko se ovom ne veseli više od ičega drugog je glup. I smrdi.
QFT! Jedva čekam.

15-01-2013, 21:02
inb4 hardverski zahtjevi

Arbiter of Change
15-01-2013, 21:05
Prokleti vukovi umiru od cereka. Čeka se.

15-01-2013, 22:22
Witcher je najnahajpanija low-budget igra uz Metro i Stalker. U maniri pojednostavljivanja jedinice u dvojku, očekujem da će u trećem nastavku Geralt biti Pokemon trener.
Ne znam, očekujem smeće kao i dosad. Uostalom, izlazi Dark Souls II, pa koga briga za neku pogansku neozbiljnu igru sa štrigama i nekakvim puž-kukcima.

15-01-2013, 22:26
Zraka... :pray:

15-01-2013, 22:28
ako nešto zrači minimalizmom, low budgetom i nedovršenošču onda je to dark souls. 'nuff said.

The Boz
15-01-2013, 22:31
2/10, would not bite.

15-01-2013, 22:51
Witcher je najnahajpanija low-budget igra uz Metro i Stalker. U maniri pojednostavljivanja jedinice u dvojku, očekujem da će u trećem nastavku Geralt biti Pokemon trener.
Ne znam, očekujem smeće kao i dosad. Uostalom, izlazi Dark Souls II, pa koga briga za neku pogansku neozbiljnu igru sa štrigama i nekakvim puž-kukcima.

Srećom pa se Zemlja ne okreće oko tvojeg ukusa.

15-01-2013, 22:57
Bilo bi zakon igrat kao Geralt pokemon trener.

15-01-2013, 23:53
Wedrane zašto se praviš da ne voliš dobre stvari?

16-01-2013, 08:07
Ne znam kako je točno drugi dio pojednostavljen? Dvojku sam odigrao 2, 2 ipo puta u vrlo kratkom roku, a jedinici ću opet prismrdit tek kad je kompletno zaboravim. Možda taman kad trica bude na obzoru.

16-01-2013, 09:18
Aj super, sad sam nekak dobio volju da pređem dvojku...barem drugi act, pošto još nisam xD

16-01-2013, 10:17
Obavezno! Ne znam ima li tko da je odigrao W2 i ostao ravnodušan ili da mu je igra bila prosjek.

16-01-2013, 11:46
vjerojatno ljudi bez ukusa o kojima tolko često čujemo.

16-01-2013, 13:47
Meni je jedinica neigriva. Dosadna borba i milje koje treba pretrčati da bi se obavio najobičniji quest. Pa opet natrag do questgivera. Pa opet do drugog NPC-a. Pa natrag početnom. I tek onda mogu ubijati čudovišta. Ne. Also, voice acting, većina kvestova saka, dosadna čudovišta itd.

16-01-2013, 14:00
Vidim da si se pronašao u Ivanovom postu.

16-01-2013, 14:13
Ivan priča o dvojki. Stormcrow priča o jedinici, i uglavnom je čak u pravu. Dosadna borba i questovi i nelogična suvišnost alternativnih oružja i možda cijelog inventoryja (zašto mogu equippati sjekire i daggere kad je witcherov mač jači od svega?)

16-01-2013, 14:28
Obavezno! Ne znam ima li tko da je odigrao W2 i ostao ravnodušan ili da mu je igra bila prosjek.
Daleko od toga, igra je odlična. Jedino mi ne paše setting, odnosno fantasy i te fore. Srećom, tu je Cyberpunk.

16-01-2013, 15:00
Witcher 1 EE je druga najbolja igra ikada! I gotovo.
Za dvojku još ne znam kakva je (ne mogu je igrat :( ), ali bit će u Top10 sigurno.

16-01-2013, 18:16
Ivan priča o dvojki. Stormcrow priča o jedinici, i uglavnom je čak u pravu. Dosadna borba i questovi i nelogična suvišnost alternativnih oružja i možda cijelog inventoryja (zašto mogu equippati sjekire i daggere kad je witcherov mač jači od svega?)

To me iritiralo u jedinici. Baš sam htio koristiti mace umjesto mača da mogu lomiti beštijama kosti al igranje sa drugim oružjem je bilo ko igranje sa hendikepom.

16-01-2013, 18:55
Witcher je najnahajpanija low-budget igra uz Metro i Stalker. U maniri pojednostavljivanja jedinice u dvojku, očekujem da će u trećem nastavku Geralt biti Pokemon trener.
Ne znam, očekujem smeće kao i dosad. Uostalom, izlazi Dark Souls II, pa koga briga za neku pogansku neozbiljnu igru sa štrigama i nekakvim puž-kukcima.


16-01-2013, 19:50
što se tiče jedinice, onaj moj post i dalje važi. neko ko je utrošio stotine sati na skyrim mi nemože reći da ga od w1 odbija silno hodanje(kojeg ako imaš malo mozga i pratiš šta se dešava, uopče nema toliko puno).

što se tiče ostalih oružja osim mačeva, oni su korisni ako se ide na magic build, a osim toga, služe za prodaju.

16-01-2013, 20:47
što se tiče jedinice, onaj moj post i dalje važi. neko ko je utrošio stotine sati na skyrim mi nemože reći da ga od w1 odbija silno hodanje(kojeg ako imaš malo mozga i pratiš šta se dešava, uopče nema toliko puno).
Točno to lol. Najednom je "hrpa" hodanja problem u Witcheru 1, dok je u Skyrimu nešto najbolje ikad.
Čak su im i combat sustavi jednako loši.
Witcher ipak ima bolju priču. I Geraltov VA rula.

16-01-2013, 20:50
combat system u w1 je turn based, i kao takav je prejeben.

16-01-2013, 20:55
kako je combat u w1 turn based?

16-01-2013, 20:57
combat system u w1 je loš


16-01-2013, 20:58

16-01-2013, 21:02
Slažem se.


16-01-2013, 21:06
Combat model u prvoj igri je prejednostavan. Na hardu ne trebaš koristiti gotovo niti jedan napitak, a o nekakvim bombama bolje da ne govorim. Bez obzira na to, igra ima fantastično odrađeno sve ostalo. Preko grind questova možeš prijeći ako si odigrao u životu barem jedan mmo.

Dvojka je najbolji RPG unatrag par godina. Osim što nudi (nakon par zakrpi) odličan combat model (šteta što nisu igru još otežali na Dark modu), u ostalim elementima briljira. Nakon tri prelaska, čak mi je priča bolja od jedinice. Savršeno opisuje kompleksnost društva kao takvog i koliko odluke pojedinca mogu biti dalekosežne. Dovoljno je pogledati onu bitku u drugom aktu, odnosno do kojih granica je išao kaos one čarobnice kada je pozvala onu vatrenu kišu.

16-01-2013, 21:16
kako je combat u w1 turn based?

kad god klikneš za napad, u biti se odigrava "1 turn". dodgevi/critovi/i tomu slično zavise od šansi. also ako prekineš animaciju dok npr. mlataraš neko đubre mačem, ono će primiti full damage, bez obzira što je animacija bila prekinuta.

to se očitava i u character developmentu, jer kad otključavaš level u onim sword stanceovima, u biti povečavaš maximalni broj poteza, gdje je svaki novi potez jači od prethodnog. osim toga bili su mi kul oni posebni potezi koje si mogo na lv4 stance otključat.

16-01-2013, 21:27
Da barem je pravi turn based combat, možda bi malo taktike ubacili.

16-01-2013, 21:44
true dat, glavni problem combata u w1 je njegova lakoća. no opet, nemože se reć da nema par nezgodnih neprijatelja(cococadium, ona jebena biljka u močvari, flederi te lako mogu zgankat etc.)

18-01-2013, 16:02
što se tiče jedinice, onaj moj post i dalje važi. neko ko je utrošio stotine sati na skyrim mi nemože reći da ga od w1 odbija silno hodanje(kojeg ako imaš malo mozga i pratiš šta se dešava, uopče nema toliko puno).
Točno to lol. Najednom je "hrpa" hodanja problem u Witcheru 1, dok je u Skyrimu nešto najbolje ikad.
Čak su im i combat sustavi jednako loši.
Witcher ipak ima bolju priču. I Geraltov VA rula.

U Skyrimu bar imaš konja, al su obje igre smeće.

Deadwalker lol. Kakvi crni patchevi? I nakon EE, igra je još uvijek bugovita i neigriva.

18-01-2013, 16:41
Jer je tvoje mišljenje najobjektivnije u svemiru.

18-01-2013, 16:47
Bugovi su činjenica, a ne mišljenje.

18-01-2013, 18:50
Onda ja imam ludu sreću pošto nisam vidio ni jednoga.
Ili sam dobio neku drugačiju verziju igre.

18-01-2013, 19:01
S kim se ti raspravljaš...

Istina je da je TW2 jedna od najboljih igara unazad par godina. Ni na jedan bug u 2 prelaska nisam naletio.

18-01-2013, 19:02
Wedran polako posustaje u zadnje vrijeme. Nema više žara u njemu.

18-01-2013, 19:06
lol tw2 je imo bugova, a dark souls? u tw2 nisam ni na jedan naletio, dok u dark souls neznaš šta je posljedica bugova, a šta loših kontrola, a šta čisto loših dizajnerskih odluka.

18-01-2013, 19:37

18-01-2013, 20:05
Ahem... jeste li čuli za špekulacije da bi igra mogla biti Sand-box tip? Daj mi biranje rasa i znam da igram naslov koji napokon ima sve elemente savršenog RPG-a.
Samo kako napraviti Witcher igru u kojoj ne igraš sa glavnim likom. Više priča za svakog lika ili gledanje questova iz drugačije perspektive? Može!


18-01-2013, 20:10
Ne može. Geralt je zakon.

18-01-2013, 20:11
Ahem... jeste li čuli za špekulacije da bi igra mogla biti Sand-box tip? Daj mi biranje rasa i znam da igram naslov koji napokon ima sve elemente savršenog RPG-a.
Samo kako napraviti Witcher igru u kojoj ne igraš sa glavnim likom. Više priča za svakog lika ili gledanje questova iz drugačije perspektive? Može!


Da više nitko nije ovako pričao i davao takve ideje.

Witcher mora biti upravo ono što je.

Niti sandbox mi se ne sviđa. A nekakvo biranje rasa??? UŽAS!!!

18-01-2013, 20:18
Alo, nemojte biti smješni, zašto nebi vidjeli priču iz Trissine, Zoltanove i na kraju krajeva Geraltove perspektive?
Hoću da igram u ulozi dwarfa, da se napijem nakon izgubljene kartaške igre i porazbijam čitav lokal.

18-01-2013, 20:19
To i Geralt može napravit.

18-01-2013, 20:20
u witcherima nikad nisi igrao glavnog lika(dobro u tw1, možda i da), već je poanta prikazat kaos i licemjerje svijeta prema mutantu, koji postaje izumrla vrsta. imo.

18-01-2013, 20:24
Lol baš imaš rasa za birat u Witcheru.

18-01-2013, 20:32
Okej, neću više objektivno argumentirati, samo ću napisati da igru rade Poljaci.

18-01-2013, 20:49
Najbolji narod ikad!

(Jer su napravili Witchera.)

18-01-2013, 20:55

The Boz
18-01-2013, 21:07
Okej, neću više objektivno argumentirati...
Impliciraš stvari.

18-01-2013, 21:23
Okej, neću više objektivno argumentirati...
Impliciraš stvari.

A bokte... filozofija odma.
Ne znate normalno raspravljati.grozno :yuck:

18-01-2013, 21:38

Arbiter of Change
05-02-2013, 15:00
Forumski rollback se urotio protiv Witchera 3. Postaje opet nove informacije.


05-02-2013, 15:48
Fak, mislio sam da smo vas sjebali.

05-02-2013, 15:56
Evo info:

World supposedly 20% bigger than Skyrim's, says development team. [Tentative, obviously]
30-40 minutes to cross world on Horseback
New streaming technology (CDRED Engine 3)
Geralt's Memory is restored
No chapters/acts
Dude is DONE fighting for everyone else
Everything from solving MYSTERIES to slaying monsters
Coming out on "all top-of-the-line" consoles

Monster hunting:

Clues build up information (like a Bestiary perhaps?)
Books garner information about monsters
Townsfolk provide information
Potions and such are important
Time of day and other conditions affect where monsters appear, and their abilities

Combat info

Critical strikes in areas that matter depending on how much you learn about said monster
You can disable a vampires poisoning attack by hitting its venom gland (Vampires are poisonous?) or skewer BOTH ITS HEARTS with a thrust attack (instant kill)
Monsters drop loot like unobtainable alchemical and crafting ingredients for unique potion, mutagen and item crafting.
Provides income as well

Narrative info

Lowest level = free form activities like crafting, monster slaying (seems to be much more extensive this time around) and questing.
Next level = Political situation of Nilfgaardian invastion is resolved through a core plotline for each area. These areas? -> Skellige, Novigrad and No Mans Land!
Final level = Geralt's main plot line, his search for his loved ones, and the chase of the Wild Hunt.

Other info:

Enemy AI completely rebuilt, scripted bosses out
Environmental combat 'contributions' (a dozen types of interactive objects) - wasp hive irritated using Aard
Magical signs retooled
The magic tree advancement allows secondary sign forms = ie. Igni and a 360-degree blast
Other trees, Swordsmanship and Alchemy
New strikes under Swordsmanship, boosts like improved stamina and parrying
Mutation mechanic under a different development path
Team aware of frustrations of inventory management in The Witcher
Crafting critical to maximize Geralts potential, but weapons and armor can be found in many ways
Players can customize their crafted weapons with some components, ie, monster scales for leather in armor
Each armor piece has unique appearance, new cloth simulation tech.
Barber is in from the get go. Dyeing hair is OUT OF QUESTION, White Wolf.



05-02-2013, 15:58
Geralt izgleda kao rumunjski ljudožder.

05-02-2013, 16:19
Najbolja igra ikad?

Arbiter of Change
05-02-2013, 16:21
Zvuči kao da bi mogao biti skok sličan onom iz W1 u W2. Može.

I da, brada.

05-02-2013, 16:52
Brada owna nekoliko svemirskih dimenzija.
Meni je fantastičan koncept nove generacije open worlda - ne znam kakvi su to bijesni algoritmi, al za razliku od suhoparnog Skyrima, ovdje će se cijeli svijet automatski prilagođavati svemu što radiš. Dakle više nema actova - doneseš neku odluku i njezinu posljedicu vidiš pitaj boga gdje i pitaj boga kada.
I jako mi se sviđa onaj dio kada kažu da nema skaliranja snage neprijatelja. Još da izbace kompas, bilo bi to fun fun fun :D

Onaj zadnji artwork, ne znam kako vas, no mene s vizualne strane jako podsjeća na štimung jedinice. Kao da su malo ubili šarenilo dvojke.

05-02-2013, 16:57
Kričave boje i snijeg ne pašu nikako.

05-02-2013, 17:02
True, no opet...


Arbiter of Change
05-02-2013, 17:06
Biti će boja, ali pretpostavljam da će imati još više različitih lokacija u odnosu na W2 tako da će se naći i sivila malo.


05-02-2013, 17:17
Već sam se poveselio. Fantastičan engine, no Witcheru mnogo bolje odgovaraju zagasite boje.

Sgt. Bull
05-02-2013, 17:27
Samo da ne bude trilion kratkih misija tipa odi tamo i ubi onog. Malo kompleksnijem se nadam. :D

05-02-2013, 18:00
Vidim snijeg, open world i prevelike ambicije za CD Projekt. Ukratko, Witcher 3 bi trebao biti nešto kao low-budget plagijat Skyrima?

05-02-2013, 18:07
Ovo dobro izgleda. Mogao bih odigrati prva dva dok ovo ne izađe.

05-02-2013, 19:08
Jedinicu sam prošao jednom, htel sam još jedamput, ali sam onda promjenil komp i na Windows 7 mi nije radio(crashao je stalno). Dvojku imam na steamu EE verziju i čeka bolji komp. Sve u svemu, imam kaj igrat dok ne izađe Wild Hunt. :)

05-02-2013, 19:22
Već sam se poveselio. Fantastičan engine, no Witcheru mnogo bolje odgovaraju zagasite boje.
Čitav setting je takav, pa bi i kolorit trebao biti odgovarajući...
A sudeći po naslovu trećeg djela volio bih da ima malo gameplaya dok je Geralt bio član Wild Hunta...

05-02-2013, 19:24
Kad je Geralt bio "član" Wild Hunta?

Arbiter of Change
05-02-2013, 20:37
Shit's getting real. Samo teaser.


05-02-2013, 20:41
Čeka se prvi cinematic.

05-02-2013, 22:16
Kad je Geralt bio "član" Wild Hunta?
Zar niej mjenjao svoju dušu za Jenifernu i tako se pridružio huntu?
Ili sam nešto pogrešno pohvatao?

05-02-2013, 23:05
Fora. Ako ostvare to kaj su rekli, ovo bi stvarno trebala bit nezaboravna igra.

05-02-2013, 23:08
Kad je Geralt bio "član" Wild Hunta?
Zar niej mjenjao svoju dušu za Jenifernu i tako se pridružio huntu?
Ili sam nešto pogrešno pohvatao?
Pa mjenjao je dušu, ali to ne znači da im se pridužio. Ne znamo šta Wild Hunt radi sa ljudima koje otme.

05-02-2013, 23:54
Još da izbace kompas, bilo bi to fun fun fun :D
To se kaže opcijaSza izbacivanje kompasa, nemam vremena riješavati mizerni quest skupljanja gliva 3 dana samo zato što ne znam gdje rastu...

Ako ne naprave metalni privjesak tog vuka već jednom ja ću zaklati nekoga... (Mislim za normalnu prodaju ne CE.)

06-02-2013, 07:04
Pa ima na ibeju već godinama po 20 dolara lol

06-02-2013, 07:20
Možda je bilo... I cant find shit....

06-02-2013, 07:24
Vidi stvarno. Ja sam ubo na Amazonu, ali ni tamo nema više koliko vidim :D

Arbiter of Change
06-02-2013, 10:49
Slike iz Game Informera. Stari render tako da nije konačni izgled.
http://www.onlysp.com/2013/02/05/the-wi ... ed-online/ (http://www.onlysp.com/2013/02/05/the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-first-screenshots-posted-online/)


Duke of Earl
06-02-2013, 14:03
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/02 ... ore-141449 (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/02/06/the-witcher-3-to-be-cd-projekt-reds-final-witcher-game/#more-141449)

“We believe that we should end the series on a high note. Technology has progressed to where we can finally tell the story the way we want, with the visuals we want, in the world we imagined. This will be the ultimate fantasy RPG experience, and while we’re hardly out of stories to tell, we believe it’s time for us to look to new worlds and new horizons to keep pushing the boundaries of what we can create.”

Mogla bi bit najbolja igra ikad, ovaj put zaozbiljno.

06-02-2013, 14:09
Vidi stvarno. Ja sam ubo na Amazonu, ali ni tamo nema više koliko vidim :D
Kaj imaš vuka?
Ajd daj koju sliku.

06-02-2013, 14:44
Vrijeđaš me cijeli vijek a sad želiš slike? Nemože.

06-02-2013, 14:48
You shall suffer!

Arbiter of Change
09-02-2013, 08:23
O dizajnerskim odlukama i promjenama u Witcheru 3. Gothic kao inspiracija za težinu i level scaling, tj. nedostatak istoga, kad su neprijatelji u pitanju? Može.
http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/ ... -hunt.aspx (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2013/02/08/designing-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt.aspx)

09-02-2013, 08:51

09-02-2013, 10:16
Svaka igra kojoj je Gothic uzor je osuđena na propast.

09-02-2013, 12:21
To je ono kada serijal napreduje iz igre u igru.

Arbiter of Change
11-02-2013, 09:25

Sick burn. :)

11-02-2013, 12:48

18-02-2013, 10:22
U kreaciji "savršenog RPG-a", inspiraciju osim u Gothicu, tražili su u Skyrimu, Fallout: New Vegasu i Assassin's Creedu 3 :)

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt developers looked to other titles to create the perfect RPG (http://www.polygon.com/2013/2/18/4000220/witcher-3-wild-hunt-developers-looked-to-other-titles-to-create-the)

Konrad said another lesson they learned from Skyrim was that they needed to care about immersion all the time and not implement generic solutions.
"The story line is generic and the exploring is but when we combine it with our knowledge from the previous games it will be the perfect RPG," says Konrad. He went on to say that he couldn't recall five characters from the title because the storyline was so generic.

He also gave a hat-tip to Fallout New Vegas' for the storyline and for not having too many cutscenes, something he thought Skyrim had too much of. Unfortunately he felt that something was missing from New Vegas and that it showed him their task was to be a really big challenge.

I dalje miriši na najbolji RPG ikad.

18-02-2013, 11:25
Najgora igra ikad.


18-02-2013, 11:33
Samo da ne bude previše Skyrima i bit će ok.

18-02-2013, 11:40
Od svega navedenog, ti u Skyrimu vidiš najveći problem?

18-02-2013, 11:50
Realno, tak i treba radit, iz svake navedene igre uzet ponešto dobro i ukomponirat u jedno.

18-02-2013, 12:02
Od svega navedenog, ti u Skyrimu vidiš najveći problem?

New Vegas je odlična igra, Gothic je uglavnom hvaljen koliko znam, iz AssCreeda će ukrasti jahanje. Što točno je veći problem od sterilnog i nezanimljivog skyrima?

18-02-2013, 12:11
Nije da sam namjerno istaknuo kritiku Skyrimovog mrtvog svijeta megagenerične priče. Ja bi doduše još popljuvao i gameplay.

18-02-2013, 12:37
Napravili su dvije odlične igre, dajmo im malo kredita da će znati šta valja a šta ne iz drugih naslova, nije da će sad odjednom raditi kombinaciju tih naslova šta su naveli. Iako nije mi jasno čemu potreba da to opće iznose u javnost.

Arbiter of Change
18-02-2013, 12:39
Je li to CDPR baca rukavicu Bethesdi? :)
Witcher 3 dev says Skyrim's story and quests were "generic" (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-18-witcher-3-dev-says-skyrims-story-and-quests-were-generic)

"You can't show that you've got some generic solutions or engineering stuff in the game. And Skyrim, it was generic; you could make the same quest a few times and every time [the]SNPC didn't spot that you made it for him previously. To make this immersion every quest needs to be designed this way that NPC reacts for what you are doing.

"The second thing, thinking about Skyrim, is that they don't got very good characters," he added. "I tried to remember five characters from Skyrim and name them from my memory, and I can't, because this storyline is very generic and exploring the world is cool but they missed it."

18-02-2013, 13:05
Nije da sam namjerno istaknuo kritiku Skyrimovog mrtvog svijeta megagenerične priče. Ja bi doduše još popljuvao i gameplay.

Ne možeš reći da je Skyrim loš na temelju toga što je tebi priča megagenerična. Nekome je vjerojatno priča super i originalna. Isto vrijedi i za gameplay.

18-02-2013, 13:17

18-02-2013, 13:25
Hm da.
Ajmo relativizirati pojam kvalitetnog storytellinga i dobre karakterizacije likova. Jasno mi je kako se o ukusima ne raspravlja, no ako je pojedinac odigrao barem jedan RPG iz BioWare/Obsidian/CD Projekt lepeze naslova, ne znam kako ne može vidjeti kako je Skyrim pojam generičnosti, nezanimljivosti i dosade. Gameplay je u redu iz perspektive nekakve rogue klase, ovo ostalo ajme majko.

18-02-2013, 13:38
Isto kao što netko tko je odigrao HL2 ne bi trebao ne vidjeti koliko je CoD serijal spomenik svega što ne valja u modernim igrama od šugave kampanje do prežvakanog i već viđenog multiplayera natrpanog nepotrebnim glupostima, ali i sam si rekao da se radi toga ne može reći da je CoD loša igra. Čemu onda primjenjivati drukčija mjerila na Skyrim?

18-02-2013, 13:57
Lol, sada izvlačiš iz konteksta (rasprave oko subjektivne vrijednosti sadržaja igre) moju izjavu gdje sam rekao kako je CoD napravio u nekim elementima igrivosti određene pomake koji se fino mogu uklopiti u žanr te na neki način pojačavaju vrijednost ulaganja u igru.
Da ne skrenemo s teme, svima koji su odigrali u životu barem 10-ak RPG-ova jasno im je kako je Skyrim po pitanju priče, likova i svijeta plitak, dosadan i generičan. Nije mi jasno zašto guraš subjektivne dojmove i relativiziraš činjenice.

Horny Devil
18-02-2013, 14:09
Da ne skrenemo s teme, svima koji su odigrali u životu barem 10-ak RPG-ova jasno im je kako je Skyrim po pitanju priče, likova i svijeta plitak, dosadan i generičan.

18-02-2013, 14:14

18-02-2013, 14:20

18-02-2013, 14:28
Skyrim je užasno smećast, ali u svakom slučaju bolji od onog sranja zvanog Oblivion.

Ali blago mi idu na živce ove CDProjektove izjave da će ovo biti "ultimativno RPG iskustvo" i slične stvari. Od toga mi hype samo opada.

18-02-2013, 14:33
To govori svaki developer dok razvija igru. Ignore.
Al da, treba uzeti cijelu ideju sa određenom dozom zadrške - open world je sasvim drugačija filozofija i određeni kompromisi vjerojatno će biti nužni. Treba pričekati prve gameplay prezentacije.

18-02-2013, 14:38
Lol, sada izvlačiš iz konteksta (rasprave oko subjektivne vrijednosti sadržaja igre) moju izjavu gdje sam rekao kako je CoD napravio u nekim elementima igrivosti određene pomake koji se fino mogu uklopiti u žanr te na neki način pojačavaju vrijednost ulaganja u igru.
Da ne skrenemo s teme, svima koji su odigrali u životu barem 10-ak RPG-ova jasno im je kako je Skyrim po pitanju priče, likova i svijeta plitak, dosadan i generičan. Nije mi jasno zašto guraš subjektivne dojmove i relativiziraš činjenice.

Složio bih se u vezi priče i likova, ali ne možeš reći da je svijet dosadan i generičan. Pa upravo je zbog zanimljivog settinga i lore-a Skyrim toliko zabavan za istraživanje.

18-02-2013, 14:45
Atmosferičan, da. No i uz bogat lore, zabavnost istraživanja ima svoje granice pored manjka prva dva elementa.

18-02-2013, 14:54
Od svega navedenog, ti u Skyrimu vidiš najveći problem?

New Vegas je odlična igra, Gothic je uglavnom hvaljen koliko znam, iz AssCreeda će ukrasti jahanje. Što točno je veći problem od sterilnog i nezanimljivog skyrima?
Pa zašto nisu onda rekli da će jahanje ukrast iz RDR-a ili neke dobre igre?
Samo spominjanje Ass Creeda uz Witchera me baca u depresiju.

Atmosferičan, da. No i uz bogat lore, zabavnost istraživanja ima svoje granice pored manjka prva dva elementa.
Tzv. Amalur sindrom.

I Skyrim ga ima, ali ni blizu u tolikoj količini.

18-02-2013, 15:00
Al na kraju mi je Amalur bio draži, čisto iz gameplay perspektive.

18-02-2013, 15:03
Kod mene je ipak prevladale atmosfera i djelomična epskost Skyrima.
Amalur je bio na dobrom putu s gameplayom, točnije borbom.
Šteta što i ostalo nije na razini.
Ovako je bio kao MMO bez MMO-a.

18-02-2013, 15:17
Skyrim bi bio bolja igra da ima kakav multiplayer, barem co-op. Svako generično sranje postane bolje ako ima ok co-op.

18-02-2013, 15:19
To je istina, Borderlands i Saints row su živi primjer toga.

18-02-2013, 15:23
Pa coop je najbolja vrsta multiplayera.

18-02-2013, 17:39
Samo spominjanje Ass Creeda uz Witchera me baca u depresiju.

Developer je rekao kako ass creed nudi mnoštvo sadržaja koji nisu vezani za main storyline, ali da ni na koji način ne izgledaju privlačno, te da je njihov cilj da side questove načine zanimljivim i privlačnim...Dakle ass creed III se spominje kao loša igra....što i jeste

Arbiter of Change
21-02-2013, 14:03
Stiže za PS4. Baš me zanima hoće li ponuditi i Witcher 2.
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013- ... -4-in-2014 (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-21-the-witcher-3-wild-hunt-confirmed-for-playstation-4-in-2014)

21-02-2013, 16:46
I jedinicu s grafikom i combatom dvojke.

Ma, ak W2 i 3 dođu za PS4, neću niti kupovati novi PC.

21-02-2013, 17:44
I jedinicu s grafikom i combatom dvojke.

To je Witcher 2.

21-02-2013, 18:51
Mislio sam da zadrži priču, atmosferu, likove i questove prvog.
Dakle, Witcher: Mega Enhanced Edition.

21-02-2013, 18:55
Dvojka mi ima bolje okarakterizirane likove, no priča i atmosfera jedinice su nenadmašni. Questovi iz jedinice veliko ne hvala, dvojka rula u tom pogledu.

21-02-2013, 18:56
Witcher 1 je loš.

21-02-2013, 18:59

21-02-2013, 19:01
Dvojka mi ima bolje okarakterizirane likove, no priča i atmosfera jedinice su nenadmašni. Questovi iz jedinice veliko ne hvala, dvojka rula u tom pogledu.
Pa ne mogu cijelu igru promijenit.
Samo tehnikalije i combat.

Arbiter of Change
28-02-2013, 19:15
Treba hvatati informacije sa njemačkih stranica. :)

- 36 final states of the world and 3 epilogues (each 1 hour long)
- you can import your save game, but it's not going to change backstory of the game. Still, it will affect characters.
- you can buy horses or tame a wild ones by using Axii
- Geralt will be much more agile. Now he can jump and climb wherever he want.
- a wild animals will appear. Geralt may hunt them and take their furs, claws etc.
- main storyline is 50 hours long
- now people will call the guards, when they see Geralt stealing their stuff
- there is a new mechanic, which is similar to VATS from Fallout 3. You can aim at the specific parts of monsters bodies in slow-mo
- no more QTE
- Geralt now can achieve 60 level max
- PC and console versions have completely different UI
- you gain experience points only by completing quests, hunting will provide you money and crafting materials
- a two new minigames: axe trowing and card games
- economy depends from the area. In some places you can buy something for a lesser price, or sell it for higher price.

28-02-2013, 19:17
Nadam se da ovo "different UI" neće utjecati na korištenje gamepada na PC-u, dvojka se odlično igrala s gamepadom.

28-02-2013, 19:20
Ja se nadam da hoće.

28-02-2013, 19:55
Isuse kako iščekujem ovu igru :pray: 50 sati glavne priče nije ni jedinica imala.

28-02-2013, 20:19
I 30 sati je bilo previše.

28-02-2013, 20:28
Meni je jedinica durala 40h, odlična igra.

01-03-2013, 16:33
New Witcher 3 Screens Are Totally Wild, Gameplay To Last 100 Hours (http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/47840/new-witcher-3-screens-are-totally-wild-gameplay-to-last-100-hours)

Nema više QTE :(

01-03-2013, 16:40
Jebeno grandiozan gubitak uzevši u obzir da ga je u dvici bilo dvaput po 2 sekunde.

01-03-2013, 17:00
al je bio brutala

01-03-2013, 17:04
Bio je lošiji nego u drugim igrama.

01-03-2013, 17:09
Totalno. Ovdje se pokaže tipka koju trebaš pritisnuti i onda ju pritisneš. A inače pritisneš tipku koja ti se prikaže na ekranu.

01-03-2013, 17:15
Wtf, iduće godine se samo Witcher 3 i Dark Souls 2 igraju.

Btw ja se ni ne sjećam QTE-ova u Witcheru 2 ;(

01-03-2013, 17:21
Valjda misle na fist fighting?

01-03-2013, 17:27
Kod fighta sa Krakenom je bio jedan QTE. Bezveze. Iskreno, nemam pojma zašto su to uopće stavljali kao neku novost.

01-03-2013, 17:34
I kako možeš reć da je na istoj razini kao, npr. CoD ili novi Far Cry? Tamo bar imaš osjećaj da si nešto postigao, pas ti skoči na grkljan i moraš se obranit, čak i unosi dozu uzbuđenja. U Witcheru se QTE svodi na napinjanje baliste, kačenje za kayrana i pomicanje u stranu pred zmajevom vatrom. I to sve s jednom tipkom uslijed čega se gubi bilo kakav osjećaj sudjelovanja.

01-03-2013, 17:52
Jel ti toliko smetao taj proces koji ukupno traje 2 minute, možda manje?

01-03-2013, 17:53
Nimalo. Zašto?

01-03-2013, 18:02
QTE je sranje. Svugdje.

01-03-2013, 18:06
Ukoliko bude fight s zamjem, ima poneki QTE

01-03-2013, 18:14
Witcher je sranje. QTE je tu najmanje bitan faktor.

01-03-2013, 18:21
Ne trudiš se više :( A vi nabovi ne znate ni da se QTEvi u Witcheru mogu isključit.

Frost Commander
02-03-2013, 13:13
Sto je to QTE, pogledao sam na wikipediji ali nisam bas shvatio. Najbolji bi bio neki primjer iz witchera.

Jel je ono boksanje u dvojci QTE?

Sgt. Bull
02-03-2013, 13:31
Quick time events ilitiga stisnidugmedasedesinešto

02-03-2013, 13:54
Radije bih 40 sati stiskao QTE nego igrao Witchera. Svi s ukusom će se složiti.

02-03-2013, 14:53
Onda idi igraj RE6 i neki God Of War.

02-03-2013, 14:54
Ne Vedrane, jer kome QTE nije najgora stvar u igrama nema ukus.

02-03-2013, 15:49
Radije bih 40 sati stiskao QTE nego igrao Witchera. Svi s ukusom će se složiti.

Repriziraj još koji puta LA Noire, vidim da te hvata QTE kriza.

02-03-2013, 15:54
Prodao je odijelo i fedoru, nema povratka.

02-03-2013, 19:53
Onda idi igraj RE6 i neki God Of War.
Ti ne shvaćaš koliko je neizmjerno puta GoW bolji od sranja iz tvog avatara.
A i RE6.

02-03-2013, 19:56
Also, slažem se s ponijem.

02-03-2013, 21:13
Onda idi igraj RE6 i neki God Of War.
Ti ne shvaćaš koliko je neizmjerno puta GoW bolji od sranja iz tvog avatara.
A i RE6.
jest da je gow bolji, ali novi dmc uopce nije losa igra.
also, dmc uopce nema qtea, niti jednog u cijeloj igri

02-03-2013, 21:45
GoW je kurac i DmC kopija od početka.

02-03-2013, 23:52
Suzu sam prolio koliko sam tužan što ne možeš odigrati GoW i uvidjeti koliko je zakon.

02-03-2013, 23:59
Pa igrao sam ga. Izdrkavanje na brutalnost i masakriranje grčke mitologije sa lošom pričom i najgorim glavnim likom ikad. Borba je okej, ali ima QTEove što je odmah baca nazad u smeće sa ostatkom igre.

03-03-2013, 00:00
Di su moderatori kad ih trebaš

03-03-2013, 00:07
Već sam pomislio da si ignorantan, ali ovako ispada da si samo glup.

03-03-2013, 00:11
Dobro nema potrebe za vrijeđanjem. Vidim da te moja ekspertna analiza pogodila. Vjerovatno zato što znaš da je istina, ali si bojiš priznati.

03-03-2013, 02:46
Ja sam uvijek za oftopičarenje gdje god stignem, ali nemojte dirat Witcher 3 topic.

03-03-2013, 10:59
I raspravljati čije smeće od igre je veće smeće.

03-03-2013, 11:03
Q&A (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/podcasts/archive/2013/03/01/special-edition-podcast-witcher-3.aspx)

03-03-2013, 15:27
Suzu sam prolio koliko sam tužan što ne možeš odigrati GoW i uvidjeti koliko je zakon.
Ne bih GoW stavio na listu "must play" igara. Ako se može odigrat onda gg, ali ovako se ništa posebno ne propušta.
Gledajući PS3 (a općenito konzolaške) ekskluzive Uncharted serijal je daleko superiorniji.
Naravno, Red Dead Redemption najbolja igra na konzolama ikad.

03-03-2013, 16:00
God of War za svoje vrijeme je bila vrhunska igra i nije se pokvarila s vremenom. Da imam PS2 igrao bih s vremena na vrijeme.

06-03-2013, 10:58
RPS Interview (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/03/05/cd-projekt-on-the-witcher-3s-open-world-beards/)

Intervju je stvarno gg, lijepih su pitanja imali RPS, a odgovori mi se još više sviđaju. Danas će kako kažu bit part 2, jedva čekam :D

Arbiter of Change
06-03-2013, 21:13
Skrolajte dolje za engleski prijevod.
http://www.dagonslair.com/dossiers/the- ... interview/ (http://www.dagonslair.com/dossiers/the-witcher-3-interview/)

SCan you elaborate on game mechanics ? Is there still a skill tree ? What about inventory, weapons, alchemy, …magic ?

Almost every system in the game has been improved. We read fan opinions about the inventory and we decided to change it. The grid is back to give players a more classic RPG feel. We want the inventory to be user friendly and intuitive.

Kid A
06-03-2013, 21:15

07-03-2013, 00:19
RPS Interview, Part 2 (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/03/06/cdp-on-role-of-combat-sex-and-choice-in-witcher-3/)

Arbiter of Change
04-04-2013, 09:43
Navodne informacije sa ovogodišnjeg GDC-a. Hvala nekome sa /v/-a što je skupio sve na jedno mjesto.

>This is Geralt's final adventure.
>It'll be easy for new players to enter the game, and won't require knowledge of the past games to enjoy.
>I'll have more than 100 hours of gameplay.
>The sidequests and main story can be resolved in any order.
>The game is entirely open-world, and is 35 times bigger than The Witcher 2.
>It's a branching story and the world is "completely open."
>Quicktime events will be gone entirely. Sweet.
>There will indeed be 36 different "world states" that your decisions will cause to go into effect, and there will be three different playable 'epilogues.' I asked what the difference was between an ending and an epilogue, and it sounds like when CDPR says epilogue, they really mean ending.
>Dandelion will return in The Witcher 3, and he'll take on a similar duty to his role in The Witcher 2 narrating recaps of the story as you go. However, the format will be a bit different. There will still be a journal, but there'll also be a sort of "previously on The Witcher 3" animated story that plays at various points, or when you're coming back into the game after stopping. They're calling this feature "Storybook."
>Unsurprisingly, the learning curve will be much smoother in the new game. Players won't be thrown into the deep end.

>Geralt will react differently in combat—his stance will be more relaxed when he's fighting one enemy, because he knows he'll win. But he'll be more tense and more careful when he's fighting a group. Looking at your stance, you'll be able to tell whether your opponent is a threat or not. Pretty neat.
>While Szczesnik wasn't willing to put a hard number on the number of women Geralt can sleep with, they did say that romance in the game will be a more integral part of the story, and that the decisions you make with women will affect all sorts of things in the game. Much of the game revolves around Geralt finally finding his love, Yennifer--though Triss Merigold is still in the picture. Sounds like things will get interesting.
>They've built an animation system that has far more unique combat animations, which are somewhat randomly selected and chained together depending on where Geralt is swinging and what direction he's moving.
>Every button press gets you a single move in combat, meaning that you'll be able to break up your attacks much more easily than in The Witcher 2.
>The dodge is no longer a roll—now, Geralt will pirouette to dodge enemies. No more roley-poley combat.
>Parrying will now be active, and you can hold down a parry button and move, sort of like in Assassin's Creed.

>I couldn't get anything out of CD Projekt about the two smaller games and mobile gamethey're planning. They said those games are a part of their three-year plan, and wouldn't offer any details. Oh well.
>Signs will still be selected from a radial menu, but will also have shortcuts, and the shoulder buttons will let you toggle between them.
>There will be 10 Witcher's Signs instead of five, as there will be a second casting mode for each sign, which you can buy by leveling up.
>You'll also have combat "skills" that you can use, up to 4 active in combat.
>There won't be any arm-wrestling in the new game. Aw! But also… okay, that's fine actually.
>In addition to cutting QTEs, hand-to-hand combat will work completely differently. It'll be part of the main combat system, and will have moves that work and flow similarly to swordfighting.
>Alchemy will be "more supportive." Szczesnik said that as in past games players will be able to complete the game focusing on alchemy, and mentioned that while it wasn't as common to focus on alchemy in The Witcher 2, often it was the most hardcore players who chose to max those abilities out.
>You'll now be able to drink potions in combat, including healing potions. That's a big change, but The Witcher 3 will still have toxicity, and will retain the way that Geralt can become poisoned from drinking too many potions. There will still be potions you'll want to drink before combat.

>Several of the screenshots show Geralt in a boat--you'll definitely be able to control the boat, though you won't get to fight the whales. They'll be more of a hazard you'll have to avoid. Aw. I was hoping for next-gen whaling gameplay.
>You'll technically be able to fight from horseback, or at least, CDP is planning to let you do that, but it won't be a focus in the game. They were sure to point out that Geralt is a sword-master who is best at fighting on ground; he's not a cavalry knight. You won't be going after monsters on a horse, as that's not how Witchers work.
>Badowski described the process of of bringing the game to PS4 as quite comfortable, as CDP is a PC-oriented company and the PS4 is essentially a PC. "It's another platform, but PC-like. Which is cool."
>Another thing I noticed in was that the sun was constantly blotted out by dark clouds. However, Szczesnik says that the game won't always look like that—there'll be a full range of day and night, and weather settings. The dark clouds in the screenshots were because they're all part of the same quest, and that stormy weather fits with the vibe they wanted the first screens to capture.
>Doors will finally work properly in The Witcher 3, Szczesnik promised me. Hooray!

>I asked if CD Projekt Red would ever consider doing always-online DRM. Badowski's response: "No." "We are trying to get rid of DRM," said Szczesnik. "If someone wants to pirate a game, eventually he will." "Which is bad, of course," Badowski interjected. "But you can't do anything about it, so. We want to give the best user experience possible. When we removed DRM, people on those torrents were actually asking people not to download our game, because we [weren't using DRM]." While they were clear that they don't want people to pirate their games, both Szczesnik and Badowski said that invasive DRM isn't the answer.
>They said that CDP support The Witcher 3 in a similar way to The Witcher 2, with lots of post-release updates. Not all of the updates will necessarily be free—if, for example, they release a giant add-on, it'd cost money. But their support plan will be about the same.

04-04-2013, 11:58
>This is Geralt's final adventure.
>It'll be easy for new players to enter the game, and won't require knowledge of the past games to enjoy.
>I'll have more than 100 hours of gameplay.
>The sidequests and main story can be resolved in any order.
>The game is entirely open-world, and is 35 times bigger than The Witcher 2.
>It's a branching story and the world is "completely open."
>Quicktime events will be gone entirely. Sweet.
>There will indeed be 36 different "world states" that your decisions will cause to go into effect, and there will be three different playable 'epilogues.' I asked what the difference was between an ending and an epilogue, and it sounds like when CDPR says epilogue, they really mean ending.
>Dandelion will return in The Witcher 3, and he'll take on a similar duty to his role in The Witcher 2 narrating recaps of the story as you go. However, the format will be a bit different. There will still be a journal, but there'll also be a sort of "previously on The Witcher 3" animated story that plays at various points, or when you're coming back into the game after stopping. They're calling this feature "Storybook."
>Unsurprisingly, the learning curve will be much smoother in the new game. Players won't be thrown into the deep end.

>Geralt will react differently in combat—his stance will be more relaxed when he's fighting one enemy, because he knows he'll win. But he'll be more tense and more careful when he's fighting a group. Looking at your stance, you'll be able to tell whether your opponent is a threat or not. Pretty neat.
>While Szczesnik wasn't willing to put a hard number on the number of women Geralt can sleep with, they did say that romance in the game will be a more integral part of the story, and that the decisions you make with women will affect all sorts of things in the game. Much of the game revolves around Geralt finally finding his love, Yennifer--though Triss Merigold is still in the picture. Sounds like things will get interesting.
>They've built an animation system that has far more unique combat animations, which are somewhat randomly selected and chained together depending on where Geralt is swinging and what direction he's moving.
>Every button press gets you a single move in combat, meaning that you'll be able to break up your attacks much more easily than in The Witcher 2.
>The dodge is no longer a roll—now, Geralt will pirouette to dodge enemies. No more roley-poley combat.
>Parrying will now be active, and you can hold down a parry button and move, sort of like in Assassin's Creed.

>I couldn't get anything out of CD Projekt about the two smaller games and mobile gamethey're planning. They said those games are a part of their three-year plan, and wouldn't offer any details. Oh well.
>Signs will still be selected from a radial menu, but will also have shortcuts, and the shoulder buttons will let you toggle between them.
>There will be 10 Witcher's Signs instead of five, as there will be a second casting mode for each sign, which you can buy by leveling up.
>You'll also have combat "skills" that you can use, up to 4 active in combat.
>There won't be any arm-wrestling in the new game. Aw! But also… okay, that's fine actually.
>In addition to cutting QTEs, hand-to-hand combat will work completely differently. It'll be part of the main combat system, and will have moves that work and flow similarly to swordfighting.
>Alchemy will be "more supportive." Szczesnik said that as in past games players will be able to complete the game focusing on alchemy, and mentioned that while it wasn't as common to focus on alchemy in The Witcher 2, often it was the most hardcore players who chose to max those abilities out.
>You'll now be able to drink potions in combat, including healing potions. That's a big change, but The Witcher 3 will still have toxicity, and will retain the way that Geralt can become poisoned from drinking too many potions. There will still be potions you'll want to drink before combat.

>Several of the screenshots show Geralt in a boat--you'll definitely be able to control the boat, though you won't get to fight the whales. They'll be more of a hazard you'll have to avoid. Aw. I was hoping for next-gen whaling gameplay.
>You'll technically be able to fight from horseback, or at least, CDP is planning to let you do that, but it won't be a focus in the game. They were sure to point out that Geralt is a sword-master who is best at fighting on ground; he's not a cavalry knight. You won't be going after monsters on a horse, as that's not how Witchers work.
>Badowski described the process of of bringing the game to PS4 as quite comfortable, as CDP is a PC-oriented company and the PS4 is essentially a PC. "It's another platform, but PC-like. Which is cool."
>Another thing I noticed in was that the sun was constantly blotted out by dark clouds. However, Szczesnik says that the game won't always look like that—there'll be a full range of day and night, and weather settings. The dark clouds in the screenshots were because they're all part of the same quest, and that stormy weather fits with the vibe they wanted the first screens to capture.
>Doors will finally work properly in The Witcher 3, Szczesnik promised me. Hooray!

>I asked if CD Projekt Red would ever consider doing always-online DRM. Badowski's response: "No." "We are trying to get rid of DRM," said Szczesnik. "If someone wants to pirate a game, eventually he will." "Which is bad, of course," Badowski interjected. "But you can't do anything about it, so. We want to give the best user experience possible. When we removed DRM, people on those torrents were actually asking people not to download our game, because we [weren't using DRM]." While they were clear that they don't want people to pirate their games, both Szczesnik and Badowski said that invasive DRM isn't the answer.
>They said that CDP support The Witcher 3 in a similar way to The Witcher 2, with lots of post-release updates. Not all of the updates will necessarily be free—if, for example, they release a giant add-on, it'd cost money. But their support plan will be about the same.

04-04-2013, 12:45
Preorder pare su spremne.

04-04-2013, 13:05
Zvuči loše.

04-04-2013, 13:24
100 sati gameplaya, ne vjerujem.

Arbiter of Change
04-04-2013, 17:29
Novi intervju. Najjače mi je kako svakom prilikom oglašavaju da traže ljude za Cyberpunk 2077. :)
http://www.digitallydownloaded.net/2013 ... y-fan.html (http://www.digitallydownloaded.net/2013/04/interview-cd-projekt-red-on-why-fan.html)

Digitally Downloaded (DD): What are your priorities for the year ahead?

Michał Nowakowski (MN):Our main priority right now is The Witcher 3. The game will be released in 2014 and we are working really hard to achieve our goal – combining our unique way of storytelling with an open world. This is a really ambitious goal and we want to reach our fans expectations. Preparing for this launch is our top priority, thought his does not mean that we stop supporting our other projects.

We are still building the Cyberpunk 2077 team. We’ve got some great talents working on that project, but we are still expanding. Our HR does a great job when it comes to helping people move to Warsaw, so if you are interested in moving to Poland, please see what our expats have to say on cdpred.com. There’s a bunch of job offers there, so feel invited.

Kid A
04-04-2013, 17:49
http://www.cvgworld.com/2013/04/04/the- ... e-he-will/ (http://www.cvgworld.com/2013/04/04/the-witcher-3-is-drm-free-if-someone-wants-to-pirate-the-game-he-will/)

04-04-2013, 18:01
Wow. Ja bih se ipak bojao da bi to negativno utjecalo na prodajne rezultate.

Kid A
04-04-2013, 18:08
Ma ne vjerujem. Ljudi ce svejedno skidat igru, W2 je bila most pirated u godini kad je izasla a ne bih rekao da su zavrsili na nuli, dapace.

04-04-2013, 18:11
Ne mogu otvorit link. Ako je ovo ona "We won't chase pirates." politika to provode još od W2. Obrnuta psihologija, zato sam i kupio igru :)

04-04-2013, 18:16
Kome se to uopće isplati piratizirati kad je za dva tjedna igra na popustu za 5 Eura.

04-04-2013, 18:17
Šta nije bilo nekih slučajeva kad su pronašli IP od likova koji su skidali pa su ih osobno tužili?

04-04-2013, 18:18
Povukli su tužbe.

Kid A
04-04-2013, 18:45
Da i ispricali su se kasnije, rekli kako im je to bio glup potez

04-04-2013, 18:49
Pa ono, to je vjerojatno najkorektniji način borbe protiv pirata. Niti unište igru nekakvim groznim DRMovima niti zahtijevaju da telekom nadzire sve što radiš i narušava privatnost.

Je li moguće da je obrnuta psihologija toliko moćna?

04-04-2013, 18:49
Potez je bio odličan.
Uhvatili su ih da pokažu kako to mogu i da ih malo uplaše, a onda povukli tužbu da bi ispali kakti good guysi u očima gamer populacije.

04-04-2013, 19:32
Tužbe su bile jedini način da pokušaju zaštiti svoje intelektualno vlasništvo. Jbg, nije išlo.

05-04-2013, 07:40
hype level = beskonačnoljardu... :pray:

05-04-2013, 09:40
Kome se to uopće isplati piratizirati kad je za dva tjedna igra na popustu za 5 Eura.

05-04-2013, 09:45
Aral je u ta dva tjedna prođe već dva puta... barem... :)

05-04-2013, 09:57
Pa još nije ni dvojku prošao.

05-04-2013, 10:00
Samo zato što je mislio da će alkemija bit brutala pa je fulao build.

05-04-2013, 10:11
Aral je fulao build i u diablu 3 ak se ne varam... :D

05-04-2013, 10:20
I to dvaput.

05-04-2013, 11:53
Aral je fulao build u životu.

05-04-2013, 12:13
Aral je fulao build u životu.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

05-04-2013, 12:14

05-04-2013, 20:03
Aral je fulao build u životu.

Ahahahahahaha, ovo je fakat odlično... :rotfl:

nhf Aral.. :)

Arbiter of Change
24-04-2013, 18:49
Nema multiplayera i DRM je zlo.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/20 ... -industry/ (http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2013/04/24/talking-the-witcher-3-with-cd-projekt-red-single-player-only-drm-worst-thing-in-video-game-industry/)

CD Projekt RED has told me in no uncertain terms that this is not in the works, noting that “the game will be an epic, story driven, single player, open world RPG experience” and that they “strongly feel that this final saga of Geralt has no place for meaningful multiplayer.”

24-04-2013, 19:07
Zar jos onomad nisu rekli da ce Cyperpunk biti njihova prva MP igra

24-04-2013, 19:28
Zašto misle da svaka igra MORA imat multiplayer? Bolje SP only krcat sadržajem nego bljutavo, razvodnjeno iskustvo.

24-04-2013, 21:02
Dark Souls ima bogato SP iskustvo krcato sadržajem, ali ga ti nisi iskusio jer ti je i tutorial bio pretežak.

24-04-2013, 21:21
I ima savršeno ukomponirani MP.

24-04-2013, 22:32
I ima savršeno ukomponirani MP.

Jedini bad je što ide preko GFWL pa često ima strašnih jebada oko povezivanja igrača. Vidiš da sve vrvi likovima i pod pun summon signova, a na svaki mi izbaci da summon nije uspio. Sto pokušaja da summonaš nekoga ili da netko summona tebe... Portovi i sve podešeno kako spada.

Inače da, savršeno je ukomponiran.

Tegla Ajvara
28-04-2013, 22:17
bas gledam neki trajler i skontam mapa ispisana glagoljicom lol :D

Arbiter of Change
07-06-2013, 10:07
Screenovi na divlje iz EDGE magazina dok ne izađu u normalnoj rezoluciji. Orgazmično.


07-06-2013, 10:17
Ova zadnja slika izgleda kao selo iz intro cinematica.

07-06-2013, 10:37
Čak izgledaju ingame neke. I izgledaju prekrasno :cry:

Arbiter of Change
08-06-2013, 12:22
Stvari iz EDGE magazina.

-Reference art in the studio for TW3 includes Game of Thrones and the Big Ben
-Forest generation tools take into account water sources
-Level artist notes that the jump mechanic makes it easier for people to find things they shouldn't.
-The Fiend hits so hard you can't parry his attacks, you must dodge.
-Each Sign has 2 modes, burst or a stream (useful against swarms and flyers)
-New tech demo screenshots use the new renderer.
-All the next gen consoles use 64 bit Architecture and DX11 or similar, making multiplat easy.
-No tutorial, mechanics introduced through gameplay.
-Miniature tutorials as part of early quests.
-Pirouette Dodge move, you'll be able to spare or kill bandits, and loot them.
-Combat has geralt and his opponents walking instead of running, greater tension.
-Lots of the devs are medieval battle reenactment fans, and a lot of effort put into believability.
-Enemy AI takes advantage of surroundings, uses stalactites as weapons.
-Witcher Senses capable of removing attacks (slicing an arm off).
-Alchemy system not fully worked out yet, drank potions may not wear off until used.
-Map is 20% bigger than Skyrim's, but the story mode itself is much longer by comparison.
-Communities have day & night routines, give you monster quests and will react depending on your past choices.
-Each decision will have meaningful consequences, but not always obvious ones.
-Improved facial animations for NPC(40 more bones).

08-06-2013, 12:30
Uopće ne sumnjam da će bit najbolji erpege.
Samo nek mapa ne bude pusta i nek bude dovoljno dobrih kvestova.

08-06-2013, 12:31
Mda mislim da cu i ovo staviti sa strane za igrati. Bezveze mi je igrati dvicu i tricu ako ju nemrem pokrenuti na highest i igrat kak spada.

09-06-2013, 09:20
Da, to je istina :( Sad dobivam nekak poriv da prođem dvojku dalje od prvog acta...


Arbiter of Change
10-06-2013, 12:07
It's time.

http://s23.postimg.org/fkye6nupj/f_Yzj_Sw_L.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/fYzjSwL.jpg)

10-06-2013, 12:13
Kad će biti neki info, danas ili sutra?

10-06-2013, 12:51
Najbolja igra ikad

10-06-2013, 15:00
Di je rivian ponytail :(

10-06-2013, 16:45
Najbolja igra ikad

Nije ostavila beleg.

10-06-2013, 17:00

10-06-2013, 19:09

10-06-2013, 19:13
kupuje se collector's

10-06-2013, 19:15
RPG konkurencija nema šta da traži..

10-06-2013, 19:21
Mjuza u stilu jedinice. Nadam se da će je biti više takve.

10-06-2013, 19:31
kupuje se collector's

Opet će mi se zgaditi sve druge RPG igre.

Arbiter of Change
10-06-2013, 19:34
Bolesno izgleda, samo mi se Geralt čudan čini nekako. Neće valjda opet dizajnirati lice do zadnjeg tjedna. :)

10-06-2013, 19:35

10-06-2013, 19:36
Bolesno izgleda, samo mi se Geralt čudan čini nekako. Neće valjda opet dizajnirati lice do zadnjeg tjedna. :)

Nema rivian ponytail :(

10-06-2013, 19:38
Them chills, them fucking chills :o

10-06-2013, 19:49
Bolesno izgleda, samo mi se Geralt čudan čini nekako. Neće valjda opet dizajnirati lice do zadnjeg tjedna. :)

Nema rivian ponytail :(

Zato ima Snake.

10-06-2013, 19:51
Ako se dobro sjećam, dvojka je imala frizera. Ne vidim razloga zašto ne bi imala i trojka.

10-06-2013, 19:52
Super :3

Arbiter of Change
10-06-2013, 19:55
CDPR opet po svome. Tajna poruka. U E3 traileru.


10-06-2013, 19:57
Mogo bi im bacit mejl :)

10-06-2013, 21:00
Ja još nisam ni prvi prešao, negdje drugi treći chapter sam bio tek. :D

Al bar imam sve to za proći s guštom, kao i Dark Souls serijal.

Ovo se čini kao jedna od onih igri koje ti bude žao piratizirati jer se osjećaš da činiš zlo.

10-06-2013, 21:51

10-06-2013, 22:24

10-06-2013, 23:23
Duboko se nadam da će srebrne oštrice moć rezat ljude.

11-06-2013, 08:07

11-06-2013, 08:20
Upravo pustih suzu... :cry:


11-06-2013, 08:21
Ja se samo nadam da ću moć igrat barem na medium :)

Arbiter of Change
11-06-2013, 09:21
Je li ovo opet Baginski na djelu? Tko će dočekati. :)


11-06-2013, 09:22
Niš, kupuje se nova grafička.

Meni "novi" Geralt izgleda odlično. Stariji, ozbiljniji, više badass. Možda malo pretjeruju sa obećanjima, ali dosad nisu dali razloga za sumnju.