Pogledaj cijelu verziju : East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game

Arbiter of Change
09-10-2012, 14:41

I to se konačno dogodilo - Paradox je stupio u hladnoratovski period sa svojom novom grand strategy igrom East vs West. Za sada je malo šturo sa informacijama, ali veliko crveno dugme je tu izgleda.
http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/east- ... -iron-game (http://www.paradoxplaza.com/games/east-vs-west-a-hearts-of-iron-game)

The RTS/war-game East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game takes place during the dangerous Cold War era between 1946-1991. This Cold War experience is crafted jointly by BL-Logic in collaboration with Paradox Development Studio. East vs. West: A Hearts of Iron Game, based on the Clausewitz engine allows you to relive the diplomatic, economical and military tension of the Cold War in this grand strategy game.

09-10-2012, 16:12