Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Rise of the Triad

Arbiter of Change
02-08-2012, 22:48

Svježe sa Quake Con-a je da oživljavaju Rise of the Triad remakeom. Je li se to samo meni čini ili je glazba odlična? :)
http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/8/2 ... iad-remake (http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/8/2/3214807/rise-of-the-triad-remake)

Rise of the Triad will honor its namesake with five different playable characters, each with their own attributes and play styles. Your chosen team member will shoot through more than 20 single-player levels and multiplayer matches — the latter of which will be moddable using Steamworks. The game will also feature the original soundtrack.


- Step into the shoes of the H.U.N.T. (High-Risk United Nations Taskforce) with five unique characters, each with different play styles.
- Blast through over 20 of levels of explosive single-player action.
- Unique multiplayer maps bring back all the fun and excitement of classic ROTT.
- The full arsenal of over-the top weapons is back, including the Flamewall, Firebomb, Split Missile, Drunk Missile and, of course, the Excalibat!
- The maniacal modes return, too, with God mode, Elasto mode, Mercury mode, Shrooms mode and everyone’s favorite, Dog mode!
- Build your own levels, mods and share them with Valve’s Steamworks.
- Offline single-player and multiplayer allows for instant action.
- Find tons of secrets, collectables, special events and hidden areas to explore.
- Get more than 100 achievements to add to your score, which is tracked on our worldwide leaderboard and stat-tracking system.
- ROTT is bloodier and more ludicrous than ever, with full character and enemy dismemberment.
- The iconic original soundtrack has been completely re-forged in the fires of heavy metal!
- Nostalgia abounds with the option to play with all the original sounds and music.
- Built on fully-licensed Unreal Engine 3 technology, ROTT will run on low-end PCs and push high-end PCs to their limits!

03-08-2012, 07:43
Za one koje zanima, kako je izgledao original:


Igra je bila dosta teška, i ako se dobro sjećam, nisam ju nikada do kraja prešao. :(

11-08-2013, 23:49
Evo izašla nedavno. Igra je u svim recenzijama popljuvana ali morat ću je probat iz čiste nostalgije. Vjerojatno je AI pametan ko klupa na Zrinjevcu, a mlađi igrači neće moći probaviti kaj rade novčići na mapama u jednom FPS-u, no bude se sjećanja...
Jel netko igrao čisto da znam što me čeka?

Kid A
12-08-2013, 07:00
Igrao sam ja. Igra je prokleto teska i na easy, vec od treceg levela moras planirati kako ces uci u koju prostoriju i pamtit di su neiskoristeni health packovi da im se mozes vratit kad zagusti. Odlicno su pogodili tu old school tezinu di gines svakih 10 minuta i opet se vracas ne bi li ovaj put nesto bolje napravio. Dugo nisam iskusio taj osjecaj pobjede na kraju zavrsenog levela s 10% HPa u odnosu na danasnje igre gdje dobijes 3-4 achivementa samo zato sto si presao arbitrarni tutorial. I da, igra je uzasno brza, bas poput onih Quake wall jump speedrunova na youtubeu. AI nije nista spektakularno, pucaju na tebe, traze zaklon povremeno i to je to, jedino patterne bossova moras memorizirat.
Ne znam kakve si recenzije citao al sjecam se da su prve bas hvalile igru za tezinu, frenetican gameplay i sto su vjerno kopirali feeling originala

12-08-2013, 07:56
omg, tek sad vidim ovu temu... kako sam original nekad igrao na školi informatike na pentiumu 100 valjda, ako nije bila i 486-ica... :D :D ovo mi je razveselilo dan... taman da ovaj revival bio totalno smeće, moram nabaviti igru čisto iz nostalgije ako ništa drugo... :)

12-08-2013, 09:28
Ajme ma ko je taj koji je popljuvao ovo? :D

Nisam original igrao ali ovo izgleda super :D Upravo igram prvog serious sama i baš mi treba još ovako hardcore pucačine.

Nesumnjivo da će mnogima danas ovo biti bezveze i loše ali to je samo zato jer su pičoke navikle na health regen i cover based gameplay.

12-08-2013, 09:48
Nisam uopće povezao sa imenom, tek nakon ovog videa od Gothmoga vidim da sam u tu igru ulupao pol djetinjstva iako je nikad nisam pretjerano volio :D

14-08-2013, 10:12
IGN je baš onako žestoko popljuvao - http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/06/ ... iad-review (http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/06/rise-of-the-triad-review)

...if you never played 1994’s RotT, and are thus incapable of wistfully experiencing this slavishly authentic regurgitation through nostalgia-colored glasses, it will probably – and hopefully, for your sake – be one of the worst shooters you’ve ever played.

14-08-2013, 10:20
On the other hand...

PC Gamer (http://www.pcgamer.com/review/rise-of-the-triad-review/)Sje dao sasma solidnu ocjenu od 74%

Neven <R>
14-08-2013, 10:31
IGN lol

Kid A
14-08-2013, 10:43
A jadni. Nema leana, covera i health regena ili im je mozda smetalo sto fali checkpointa di te respawna par metara od zadnje pogibije al ovaj put s full healthom

14-08-2013, 13:50
Volio bih kada bi napravili remake starog originalnog (prvog) Blooda, to mi je uz DN3D i ROtT jedan od najvećih kultova FPS-a.

Arbiter of Change
14-08-2013, 15:00
IGN je baš onako žestoko popljuvao - http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/06/ ... iad-review (http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/06/rise-of-the-triad-review)

...if you never played 1994’s RotT, and are thus incapable of wistfully experiencing this slavishly authentic regurgitation through nostalgia-colored glasses, it will probably – and hopefully, for your sake – be one of the worst shooters you’ve ever played.
Lik je kao fan oldschool pucačina, a prva reakcija mu je koristiti iron sights i biti nepokretan dok puca. :)

14-08-2013, 15:18
Možda je za njega prvi CoD oldskul pucačina.

15-08-2013, 18:04
...ili ispucavanje ptica u Angry Birds.