Pogledaj cijelu verziju : OUYA (android kickstarter konzola)

Neven <R>
11-07-2012, 19:39
Konzola za indie developere (i gejmere valjda?), bez restrikcija itd.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ouy ... me-console (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ouya/ouya-a-new-kind-of-video-game-console)

Već su skupljene pare. Succes ili failure? Je'l android uopće može bit dobar za gaming na taj način?

inb4 0 postova

11-07-2012, 19:52

Inače, skeptičan sam, čak ni uz ovoliko novca mislim da iz ovog imaju jako male šanse da proizađe nešto dobro. Vjerojatno će se dogodit da ovo ohrabri sve one ljud koji misle da je pravljenje indie igara za ovu konzolu super biznis i onda ćemo imat hiljadu loših igara na svaku dobru. Druga mogućnost je da propadne slavno jer nema dovoljno publike za ovaj tip proizvoda i onda bacili novce u vjetar. Puno novca.

A možda stvarno revolucionizira gaming industriju. Only time will tell.

Kid A
12-07-2012, 22:55
http://penny-arcade.com/report/editoria ... uld-be-ske (http://penny-arcade.com/report/editorial-article/the-reality-of-the-ouya-console-doesnt-match-the-hype-why-you-should-be-ske)

12-07-2012, 23:37
Jeste vidjeli koji patetičan hardver koristi?
Nema ni jedan jedini dobar fičr. Ovo je isključivo za hipster retarde.

13-07-2012, 12:58
Ovo je baš...nepotrebno. Apsolutno se slažem s Babitzem.

18-07-2012, 13:56

And not a single fuck was given.
Jedva cekam rage kad objave da nece bit nista od konzole ili ako se, nedajboze, desi da ju uspiju izradit pa zavrsi na trzistu.

18-07-2012, 15:58
Reklama im se svodi na "lol bolje je igrat na tv-u nego drukčije".

Kid A
18-07-2012, 16:30
The developers behind Kickstarter-funded Ouya will continue to look for funding outside the crowdfunding platform despite raising $4,876,890, millions over their original $950,000 goal, founder Julie Uhrman confirmed to Develop.

"This is a really big undertaking and it's going to be expensive," said Uhrman. "We're looking for additional funds of money but more importantly we wanted to take it to Kickstarter regardless.

shit nigga

18-07-2012, 16:50
Šta tu sve može pokupit kickstarter, ajmo mi smislit neku igru i skupit 5 milijuna.

Arbiter of Change
04-04-2013, 18:06
Može recenzija.

For $99, everyone who backed Ouya's Kickstarter has unwittingly signed up to beta-test a game console. Alpha-test, even: this is a product with some good ideas and a potentially promising future, but it's a million miles away from something worth spending your money on. Even if the concept is right, the Ouya misses the mark. The controller needs work, the interface is a mess, and have I mentioned there's really nothing to do with the thing? I'm not even sure the concept is right, either: there are plenty of fun Android games, but currently few that work well with a controller and even fewer that look good on your television.

Kid A
24-06-2013, 15:27