Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Scrolls

Arbiter of Change
25-06-2012, 18:16

Igra koja je bila razlog pravnog dvoboja između Mojanga i Bethesde konačno ima trailer. Je li bilo vrijedno dizanja prašine i čekanja?

Scrolls is Mojang’s next game that aims to take the genre of Collectible Card Games to a whole new level. Streamlined gameplay aimed towards digital online gaming, auction houses, single-player campaigns and an array of multi-player gaming modes such as friendly matches, tournaments and ranked matches are only some of the features we are looking to implement to give the CCG-fans a never before seen online experience.

Arbiter of Change
28-05-2013, 16:14
Open beta idući tjedan, kupnja omogućena.
http://scrolls.com/2013/05/launch-trail ... date-price (http://scrolls.com/2013/05/launch-trailer-release-date-price)

We also have a confirmed release date. Scrolls will hit Open Beta on June 3rd, one week from today. You’ll be able to buy Scrolls for £13/€15/$20, depending on where you live. It will be available for PC and Mac.

28-05-2013, 17:35
Hm izgleda zanimljivo.

28-05-2013, 19:14
Gdje je Bethesda da ih tuži?

28-05-2013, 21:35
Mogli su je komotno nazvati i 'Cards' lol.

28-05-2013, 21:38
Mogli su nazvati i "Crap", budući da igra tako izgleda.

28-05-2013, 22:09
Al fakat loše izgleda. lošiji je jedino Minecraft.