Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Wasteland 2

Arbiter of Change
25-02-2012, 16:19
Izgleda da nam stiže nastavak igre koja je više-manje bila preteča Fallout serijalu, premda je trenutno tek u konceptualnoj fazi. Djelomično financiran Kickstarter projektom, čak je i NMA zainteresiran toliko da su sredili jedan solidan intervju.

Do you have any solid plans on what kind of engine to use, proprietary or otherwise, 2D or 3D?

We need to spend a bit more time investigating which engine we would use but it's unlikely to be an engine of our own. We need as much of the budget as possible to be spent on assets and design and not technology. Clearly this will be a top down game for the reasons I stated above. I would also like people to know that I am not personally going to take any salary from the money raised through Kickstarter. Those monies will be spent on only the team itself and any outside contractors we need to make the game.

14-03-2012, 05:23
Znate što vam je činiti :D (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2)

14-03-2012, 07:18

A bogati. :pray: Kolko to nisam vidio. Može, dajem pare.

Duke of Earl
15-03-2012, 16:38
Ostalo još mjesec dana za doniranje, a već se nakupilo milijun dolara, vrlo ugodno iznenađenje.

Arbiter of Change
15-03-2012, 16:46
Spojio teme.

Vjerojatno bi bilo više para da ljudi znaju što je to uopće Wasteland. Na kraju krajeva, igra je izašla još '88.

Kid A
15-03-2012, 16:46
Upravo dao 75$, dobit cu i pristup beti na Steamu

15-03-2012, 17:13
Jebemu ja bi uplatio al nemam karticu :-x

15-03-2012, 19:31
Upravo dao 75$, dobit cu i pristup beti na Steamu

Zar ti ne treba ono amazon sranje sto ne radi kod nas?

Kid A
15-03-2012, 19:50
Prebacio frendu iz USA, onda on na kickstarter. Koliko znam amazon payment kod nas jos ne radi

18-03-2012, 19:53
Sta Wasteland vec nema nastavak koji se zove Fountain of dreams ili tako nekako?

19-03-2012, 08:45
Nisu Fargo & co radili kolko znam.

Horny Devil
30-03-2012, 20:55
Obsidian mozda na Wastelandu dvojci...

Obsidian lined up to co-develop Wasteland 2

Fallout: New Vegas developer Obsidian will co-develop RPG sequel Wasteland 2 as long as Brian Fargo and inXile Entertainment can raise $2.1 million on Kickstarter in the next 17 days.

Random link. (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-30-obsidian-lined-up-to-co-develop-wasteland-2)

30-03-2012, 22:04

30-03-2012, 22:52
Za sada sve iznimno obećava^^

Horny Devil
07-04-2012, 15:44
Intervju s Chrisom Avelloneom na Rock, Paper, Shotgunu povodom skupljenih 2.1 milijuna za Wasteland Kickstarter.

Link. (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/04/07/interview-obsidians-chris-avellone-on-wasteland-2/)

Arbiter of Change
10-04-2012, 16:39
Zašto uživaju biti bez izdavača.
http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/1681 ... lisher.php (http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/168168/Why_InXile_Wasteland_2_are_better_off_without_a_pu blisher.php)

"The great part about this game being funded by the fans is that I don't need to figure out how to get to a different audience," Fargo said. "I've had a lot of people ask me, 'Well, what will you do for the console crowd?' But it doesn't matter!"

He was quick to note, however, that InXile can't put complete faith in this fan feedback. Fargo said that while the backers have effectively taken the place of a traditional publisher, InXile isn't willing to give up any creative control.

Arbiter of Change
08-05-2012, 14:26
Chris Avellone i Wasteland 1. :)
http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/1/entry ... -symphony/ (http://forums.obsidian.net/blog/1/entry-164-wasteland-1-and-that-old-school-skill-set-symphony/)

So skills contributing to role-playing: As an example, when building my Wasteland party of four Rangers again, all I knew to start is I wanted a Brainiac, a Thief, a Jack of All Trades/Gunslinger as party leader, and a Melee Specialist because I like bashing the **** out of things with clubs, axes, and chainsaws. With those basics in mind, I went ahead and went through the Wasteland stat and skill set and built personalities formed by the random roll (although biased toward accepting characters with a high IQ, since IQ is a big “win” in Wasteland – and this should remind me to do a blog on how prevalence of usefulness of skills and abilities can ruin role-playing and a lack of balance can do the same) and also based on the skills that were provided to me and what points I put into them.

Arbiter of Change
11-06-2012, 22:21
Temeljni W2 dokument koji sadržava njihove stavove i ideje.
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxMevjN ... 1&sle=true (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxMevjNSr2EjbDBpZ2ZMdmNnc28/view?pli=1&sle=true)

RPGs haven’t kept pace with time - they've regressed and even worse, taken pride in less role-playing than before. Important elements have been lost over time, sacrificed to technology, art constraints, voice-over expenses, and multi-platform console constraints. Wasteland 2 has no such limitations, it brings these RPG elements back, takes them out of the attic, and makes them part of gameplay again.

Neven <R>
11-06-2012, 23:10
Predobro je sve. Music for my ears kak se veli, al sad trebaju to isporučit

Neven <R>
20-07-2012, 21:00
Prvi screenshot:


21-07-2012, 00:19
Ovo izgleda savršeno. :pray:

21-07-2012, 10:25
Ja bi malčice tamniju paletu boja, al što se tiče dizajna, gg :)

Neven <R>
21-07-2012, 11:03
Imajte na umu da je to neki mega rani screenshot bez shadera i nekih stvari

21-07-2012, 11:47
Ma da izgleda bolje, ne bi valjalo.

3/10 :yuck:

21-07-2012, 12:19
Imajte na umu da je to neki mega rani screenshot bez shadera i nekih stvari

Razumljivo, ovo je nekakva pre-alpha faza razvoja. Al kažem, dizajn rula već sada.

13-08-2012, 08:58
Wasteland 2 Recruits Planescape: Torment And Fallout 2 Veteran (http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/08/12/wasteland-2-recruits-planetscape-torment-and-fallout-2-veteran.aspx)

Colin McComb, who has a long history in the world of video games working on titles like Planescape: Torment and Fallout 2, has been confirmed to be involved with the Wasteland 2.


09-02-2013, 18:56
Prvi poduži gameplay video :)


I novi blog update (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2/posts)

This first level you will see is one of the first areas you will encounter in the game. The agricultural center was also a part of Wasteland 1. It was an area that Chris Avellone had some affinity for and he did the design for the level. Also thanks goes out to Nathan Long, who provided this area’s clever writing. We had a chance to show Chris the level last week, and when we commented that it was coming together he said “not coming together … it has COME together.”

09-02-2013, 19:23
Je*eno savršeno. Na stranu briljantan gameplay, zvuk i dizajn okoline su :pray:

09-02-2013, 19:33
Ane :D
Više-manje drže se svega što su obećali. Pored Project Eternitya, na ovo sam nahajpan gotovo kao na Witcher 3 :D

Horny Devil
09-02-2013, 20:17
Pogledao video. Igra dobro napreduje.

Arbiter of Change
31-05-2013, 11:01
Inventorij screen, još nije konačna verzija. Nadam se da će se vratiti na grid sistem.


Arbiter of Change
11-07-2013, 14:24
Oh my.
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inx ... sts/535779 (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/wasteland-2/posts/535779)

http://i.imgur.com/EFTkdvg.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/4pPTWW2.jpg)

Arbiter of Change
02-08-2013, 09:51
Poduži preview na RPS-u.
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/08 ... steland-2/ (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/08/01/a-day-with-wasteland-2/)

It’s here that you’re handed your first Ranger mission: investigate some seriously creepy radio signals that are clogging the airwaves all throughout your parched paradise of a homeland. Here, Fargo and co briefly demonstrate the ever-controversial keyword-based dialogue system. Now, when you mouse over a keyword, you actually get a readout of what your Ranger will say, thus preventing Commander Shepard/Cole Phelps-style rage explosions when you were just wondering where to find the little Scorpitron’s room. It still wasn’t the most elegant-looking solution ever, but it got the job done. Plus, inXile promised that most of the interface – admittedly rather clunky looking – was still placeholder. A few mock-ups of newer versions looked much cleaner.


Skills are everywhere in Wasteland 2. They are its protruding backbone, and you absolutely must choose them wisely. The system heavily ties into the extreme levels of reactivity and choice inXile is in the process of honing, on both micro and macro levels. For example, a traveling salesman needed assistance moving his merchandise out of a ditch. Brute force was the obvious solution, and it got us reduced prices for our troubles. Hurrah! But we also could’ve possibly talked him down to that price point – no miserable peasant labor involved – or dug deeper into a roster of 32 possible skill types for some other option. The only problem? All I saw were very early, fairly basic skills. inXile told me that things get markedly more interesting as time goes on, but that remains to be seen.

Duke of Earl
02-08-2013, 15:16
Jedva čekam ovo.

Arbiter of Change
28-08-2013, 18:42
Nova prezentacija/gameplay video. Dotjeran UI i dobra glazba.


28-08-2013, 20:02
Hodanje je apsolutno grozno :D

Klize po terenu doslovno.

28-08-2013, 20:04
SDotjeran UI i dobra glazba.

Mark Morgan, normalno da je dobra :)
GG ovo izgleda, jedino vidim da ljudima smeta square grid umjesto hexa.

Duke of Earl
28-08-2013, 22:42
Ima tu još puno stvari za ispolirati, ali u globalu izgleda dosta dobro.

28-08-2013, 23:53


29-08-2013, 08:05
ljudima smeta square grid umjesto hexa.

Hex je najbolji.

29-08-2013, 11:47
Isus bog ovo izgleda odvratno u pokretu, nadam se da je pre alfa ili nešto :/

Duke of Earl
29-08-2013, 11:57
U jebote, planirani datum izlaska je za mjesec dana, nadam se da će to malo odgoditi.

29-08-2013, 19:31
Odgođena je igra za kraj godine ako se ne varam.

Isus bog ovo izgleda odvratno u pokretu, nadam se da je pre alfa ili nešto :/

Pa alfa je to.

Arbiter of Change
12-12-2013, 12:38
Backer's beta je izašla.

12-12-2013, 13:26


Horny Devil
12-12-2013, 16:59

Gledam malo.

Duke of Earl
21-12-2013, 13:57
Ima beta na sumnjivim stranicama, igra se vuče u 20-30 fpsa na HD7850 i FX-6300, nadam se da je to do bete, inače imamo kandidata za najgore optimiziranu igru ikad, s obzirom da je grafika na razini naslova od prije 5-6 godina.

21-12-2013, 14:28
Sigurno da ce se to popravit do izlaska.

24-05-2014, 17:49

19-09-2014, 09:24
Vani je!!!! Pripreme za no life event iduca dva tjedna :)

19-09-2014, 09:36
Krenule i recenzije.
Ok su ocjene, malo su ljudi ostali razmaženi nakon odličnog Divinityja, al' u svakom slučaju u skladu s očekivanjima. Can't wait :)

22-09-2014, 19:38
AG centar cist, dobrih 6-7 sati na jednoj mapi. Zanimljivo je da se Highpool mapa totalno promini ako odaberete AG centar šta totalno smrdi na ponovno igranje :)

Inace korisni skilovi za svaki aspirirajuci team rangera, lockpick, safecracking, perception, demolitons. Dobro je imat 2 melee lika sa sekundarnim oružjima, energy guns ili heavy guns. Sniper je dobar tek kasnije i onda rastura, assault rifles također. Small guns i brawling za puno napada u jednom turnu, uvik dobar izbor.

Moj tim:
Glavni lik karizmatik - assault rifles, energy guns, smart ass, perception, demolitions
Brawler pack mule - blunt weapons, heavy guns, brute force, hard ass
Sniper medic - sniper, surgeon, medic, safe cracking
Jack of all trades lik na kojem sejvam skill poene do momenta kad mi zatribaju. Za borbu energy guns i sniper, lock pick, electronics, weaponsmith

Zasad dobro ide i guštam u igri. Old school zabava :)

22-09-2014, 23:08
Ja mislio ovo probat pa pogledah jedan jutub video kad ono Ninja Kornjače glavni likovi. Koji kurac?

22-09-2014, 23:25
Mislim da smo gledali isti video. Brijem da igra nema nikakve veze sa kornjačama nego je lik možda sam ubacio portrete. Mislim ne znam, ja sam baš sad maloprije igrao i nema nindži :)

edit ovo


Duke v2.0
23-09-2014, 17:36
U highpool water centru mi se počeo pojavljivat nekakav čudni flickering efekt po ekranu, ko da sjene ili svjetlosne mape pucaju, i od tada mi se javlja svugdje :( Samo u Wastelandu, nije do grafičke.

Duke v2.0
23-09-2014, 20:48
Otkrio problem, nije do igre već mi je Catalyst control centeru Vsync bio forsan always on, očito je izazvalo neke konflikte. Inače se čini kao genijalna igretina, meni bolja i od novog Divinitya jer mi ovaj setting puno više paše. Jedina zamjerka koju navode i reviewovi je možda malo prejednostavan combat, što ne znači da je loš, daleko od toga, ali moglo je i bolje.

29-09-2014, 19:10
Kalifornija! Vec igram godinama i tek sad sam tamo :)

30-09-2014, 19:02
Jel to neka igra iz 1998.?

30-09-2014, 20:16
Iz 1988. Skoro si pogodio.

30-09-2014, 20:19
Valjda je mislio na zadnju godinu prije pojave konzolaškog šunda.

17-10-2014, 22:26

Ako zanemarim bugove pred kraj igre 9.5/10, igra po mom guštu.