Pogledaj cijelu verziju : hitno trebam pomoc - rezolucija - nece se upalit

12-12-2011, 21:48
ovako, meni je normalna rezolucija 1280x1024 i slucajno sam stavio 1280x960 i odjednom mi se na monitoru pojavilo "out of frequency" i sad ga ne mogu upalit, cim se makne onaj logo od windowsa pojavi mi se ta poruka, samo zato sto sam zabunom stavio 1280x960... pomoc

12-12-2011, 21:56
1. Boot in VGA mode by keep pressing F8 key during boot-up.
2. Un-install the display driver
3. Set the display settings to some supported value
4. Restart, install display (video) driver and set the appropriate settings which your monitor supports.
5. Restart again and it is Fixed.

Preuzeto s: http://www.troublefixers.com/monitor-go ... -anything/ (http://www.troublefixers.com/monitor-got-out-of-frequency-and-does-not-display-anything/)

Možeš probati i ovo:
Start your PC on Safe mode, set the resolution to 800 x 600 and the refresh to 60 Hz.
Then reboot and set your screen under a normal boot to what is should be.
If you had mentioned what type of screen, what video adapter etc it would have been a huge help. A lot less guessing would be needed.
The message you get suggests that the computer is driving the screen at a resolution or refresh rate which it is not capable of displaying.

12-12-2011, 22:01
Out of Range znači da je rezolucija postavljena veća od monitora (ako grafička nema opciju scrollanja velike rezolucije po monitoru).
Out of Frequency znači da je prevelik refresh rate.

12-12-2011, 22:11
hvala vam, popravio sam