Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Dungeons of Dredmor

Arbiter of Change
13-07-2011, 21:14
Konačno izašao Dungeons of DredmorSna Steamu. Stari roguelike pristup sa modernim UI-om? Me gusta.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/catego ... f-dredmor/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/category/dungeons-of-dredmor/)

Key features:
- Classic Roguelike gameplay with the sweet, refreshing taste of point-and-click interfaces. No longer must you press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-x to drink a potion.
- Randomly generated dungeons entice you with the sweet, sweet promises of treasure and … things.
- Old-school pixel goodness. Face lovingly hand-animated monsters and enjoy the great taste of beautiful, individually rendered items on top of a sea of gorgeous, potent tile-work.
- Wield the awesome power of the Anvil of Krong, lest it wield you!
- Incredibly complicated crafting system! Wield relics of the Great Elven/Dwarven conflict; grind down ingots to make - powdered aluminum and shove it directly up your nostrils!
- Hordes of monsters never-before-seen in a video game!
- Deploy cunning traps to defeat your foes!
- Infinite replay value: choose from a selection of mind-boggling skills to create your character. A new gameplay experience awaits every time!
- Did we mention there’s lutefisk?


14-07-2011, 16:52
dizajn je super. još da nije randomly generated, i da ima neku priču, odmah bi se prihvatio igranja. ovako...

Arbiter of Change
17-07-2011, 07:57
A ono, roguelike je.

17-07-2011, 16:01
danas se pojavljuje dosta indija koji uzimaju osnovni koncept matorih uzora i nadgrađuju ga, to jest, eliminišu ono što nije valjalo. evo, baš ovaj dungeons of dredmor ima ovo "No longer must you press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-x to drink a potion."

e pa, vođeni sličnim načelom lako su mogli i da ubace kvalitetnu priču. recimo, družina ratnika kompleksnih ličnosti i odnosa zatočena ispod zemlje traži izlaz, istovremeno otkrivajući fascinantnu prošlost tamnica.

17-07-2011, 16:03
Pa ista priča je sa Din's Curse, lako se mogao napraviti osjećaj napredovanja u igri, recimo, da imaš mapu koja prati koliko si sela spasio, da te ljudi prepoznaju kao heroja i slično. Ovako mi nema smisla igrati kad mogu uzeti lika i samo napraviti novi world.

17-07-2011, 16:20
Meni baš odgovara da nema priče. Predah od igara u kojima imaš dojam da moraš doći od točke A do B i zatim gledati završnu cutscenu.
Uostalom, igra je lagano komična. Mislim da je stvari poput kvalitetne priče i dobro okarakteriziranih likova koji mare jedan za drugog bolje ostaviti igrama koje nastoje biti ozbiljnije od ovoga.

17-07-2011, 18:35
ne mora ni to da ide zajedno, dobra priča i "treba doći od tačke a do tačke b uz završnu scenu".

što se tiče mog predloga, to je upravo to - samo predlog, moglo se tu svašta drugo stavit, pa da bude i neozbiljno. mada, dobri i duboki likovi itekako idu u komediju, jer znaš ono, nekom je život komedija a nekom tragedija, neko voli i da pogleda (odigra?) komediju kad ona pogađa u suštinu. ali, koliko sam shvatio, ovo je u neku ruku parodija, tako da si u pravu, just saying

lično, u igrama bez priče osećam se kao da gubim vreme i to ne mogu da igram. ali, ko voli nek izvoli

Arbiter of Change
17-07-2011, 20:02
Mogli su, ali to ne bi bio roguelike jer je krajnje osnovna priča ("An Ancient Evil Awakens" meme je potegao iz roguelikea) odlika tih igara.
Priča jednostavno nije bitna kod njih.

Inače, patch notes za nadolazeći patch.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/0 ... ext-patch/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/07/16/whats-in-the-next-patch/)

What is in said patch? Krong is so very, very glad you asked.The following bugs have been fixed:
- Fixed: Anvils of Krong spawning in hallways for no good reason
- Fixed: crash that occurred when moving up stairs or down stairs, randomly
- Fixed: Knightly Leap now covers the full span of Knight Movements.
- Fixed: shopkeepers doing odd things when picking up and dropping items after load/save
- Fixed: crash when using invalid missile sprites
- Fixed: merchandise not cleared when you go downstairs
- Fixed: backwards conditional logic on ranged monster attacks means that monsters were not consistently casting spells; fixing this makes the Dungeon 95.2% nastier.
- Fixed: Current Active Skill crossing over between new games
- Fixed: the bug with save games overwriting themselves if you have two characters with kind of the same name.

And the following new things shalt be added:

- Key binding interface.
- Automatic Saves in the Case of Crashes.
- Changes to how Permadeath works. We’ll now delete the file when you actually die.
- Auto-loot toggle.
- SHIFT-Click and Click Reversal Button. (Makes SHIFT-Click work like CLICK! Makes CLICK work like SHIFT-Click!)
- Rapid selling of items in the store, yea, by holding the SHIFT-Click button and smacking the inventory while standing in a shop.
- Fifty New Achievements
- Steam Overlay Support, yea, though it is Experimental and Requires your Graphics Card To Support OpenGL
- In-game Leaderboards, Yea, For Messing With Your Friends
- Steak Grilling
- Magnification of UI elements to TWICE their Size (Yea, Though We Know Not How Far We Can Get With This In The Allotted Time, Though We Are Working On It)

All Glory Unto Krong!

EDIT: There will be future patches. We’re not dealing with content and gameplay balancing yet because we want to get this stuff fixed. Likewise, we’re not turning on the Mod Support yet because we want to get the core gameplay fixed. Et cetera, et cetera.

17-07-2011, 23:35
lično, u igrama bez priče osećam se kao da gubim vreme i to ne mogu da igram. ali, ko voli nek izvoli

S tim se definitivno mogu povezati. Mislim, igram ja svakakve sandboxove, gubim vrijeme na njima, ali to je daleko od onog ispunjenog osjećaja kad se baš ufuraš u priču neke igre.

Arbiter of Change
15-10-2011, 09:48
Vijesti sa službene stranice. :)
http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/1 ... this-here/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/10/13/ill-just-leave-this-here/)


Kid A
15-10-2011, 10:00
Nisam znao da si otvorio temu, jako zarazna igra natukao sam vec nekih 16 sati u nju

15-10-2011, 10:17
Odlična igra ali sam grozan u njoj, zakolju me nakon par soba.

Oh well, budem naučio tajne necronomiconomije i kožokovanja.

15-10-2011, 11:16
Ja se uvijek sribam sa questovima - prvi i drugi niivo očistim bez frke, onda dođem do one božice i uzmem njen quest, dođem do moba... i krepam.

15-10-2011, 11:50
Evo igram ali imam osjećaj da nešto ne radim dobro (imam hrpu itema ali jebemu ništa što mi treba... valjda). Hrpa mana potiona a igram warriora, umjesto mačeva imam gomilu staffova pa ih bacam.

Ne kužim ni autoloot, malo mi je iritantno prebacivat item > inventory.

Arbiter of Change
15-10-2011, 12:05
Nisam znao da si otvorio temu, jako zarazna igra natukao sam vec nekih 16 sati u nju
Vidio da se igra, a i radi se dosta na samoj igri, pa sam izvukao postove iz Indie teme. :)

Ima ti dućan u igri gdje možeš prodati stvari, ali sam character build ti je bitan, tj. razlika između laganice i paklene muke.

15-10-2011, 13:08
Evo pohvatao sam osnove. Totalno genijalno zarazno, a nisam ni prvi dungeon do kraja otkrio :pray:
Igram valjda s Woodcuterom (tako mi se zove lik nakon odabira skillova) i sviđa mi se što ima dosta statova iako je sve na prvu VRLO konfuzno. Imam osjećaj da će ovo biti the igra za dosadne večeri :D

Arbiter of Change
15-10-2011, 13:34
Permadeath ON i random skillovi. Jedini način za [kratko]Sigrati DoD. :)

15-10-2011, 19:58
Evo malo dojmova. Igram ovo negdje 5-6 sati i stvarno je zarazno.
Tek sam na trećem dungeonu što dokazuje koliko su veliki leveli. Istražio sam sve do kraja pa je dosta dugo trajalo. Itema nema baš mnogo (bar onih korisnih) što mi se sviđa, i većina njih ima i prednosti i mane. Jedino me smeta što craftanje npr. lvl 1 crossbowa nije moguće ako imaš samo Smithing, da bar imaju neki scrollovi za to ili nešto. Al dobro. Čeka me ogromni monster zoo kojeg moram poklat :)

15-10-2011, 20:30
Permadeath ON i random skillovi. Jedini način za [kratko]Sigrati DoD. :)

Ako nije permadeath, nije roguelike.

Kaj se random skillova tiče, to da, ako dobiješ neku zbrćku totalno nepovezanih skillova, jao tebi.

Ja kad igram na sigurno, uzmem specijalizaciju sa jednim od oružja, asassination, artful dodger, shield bearer, master of arms, archeology i berserk. Puno pasivnih bonusa i šansi za dodatne efekte na neprijateljima, a isto tako dosta dobbra obrana i survivability.

Kid A
17-10-2011, 23:38
Koliko igra ima dungeona? Ja sam sad u desetom

Duke of Earl
17-10-2011, 23:46
lol, ja nikad nisam dospio dalje od 3. levela. Koje skillove koristiš ?

Kid A
17-10-2011, 23:56
Sword skill, Berserk, Mastery of Arms, Deadshot, Assasination, Smithing i onaj vikinski skill. Samo idem na close combat i nekad se nabacam magija za armor/attack kad ih ima vise oko mene
al igra je prepuna referenci na svasta (Cloak of Sagan, Half-Life stit, monolith iz Odiseje u svemiru, Hellsing itd)

Kid A
20-10-2011, 00:54
http://www.diygamer.com/2011/10/exclusi ... announced/ (http://www.diygamer.com/2011/10/exclusive-dungeons-dredmor-sold-expansion-announced/)
ekspanzija uskoro

Kid A
24-10-2011, 17:17
Presao 8)

Fakat teska igra, zavrsio na easy i poginuo oko 30-35 puta (najgore kad se zaigras pa nisi sejvao sat vremena)

Duke of Earl
24-10-2011, 17:41
A ti si na Easy igrao, a ja se čudim kako tako daleko dospjevaš :)

Kid A
24-10-2011, 17:45
Easy ti se vrlo lako pretvori u hard samo ako odaberes bezveze pocetne skillove :)
Mislim to nije bio moj slucaj al ono...

I da, igra ima 10 dungeona sveukupno al opet mi je otislo 20 sati na jedan prelazak

26-10-2011, 14:57
Meni igra uvijek dojadi dok dođem tamo negdje do 3-4 dungeona. Šta ja znam, fali mi varijacije u gameplayu. :(

26-10-2011, 15:19
A je, malo je dosadna ali za ubit sat vremena je super. Nikako nemam sreće, treći put da me ubije Acid Bolt trap a da zaboravim na sami trap :(

26-10-2011, 15:28
3 ujutro, namjeravam prekinuti i otici spavati.

Just one more game wouldn't hurt, would it?

26-10-2011, 23:19
Ova igra je zlo.

Arbiter of Change
27-10-2011, 11:33
Presao 8)

Fakat teska igra, zavrsio na easy i poginuo oko 30-35 puta (najgore kad se zaigras pa nisi sejvao sat vremena)
Ajde sad sa permadeath. Roguelike se samo tako igra. :)

Inače, 1.0.7 preview screen sa ženkom i drugim promjenama.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/1 ... creenshot/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/10/25/dredmor-1-0-7-preview-screenshot/)

http://s7.postimage.org/sxvbzlmpz/107_teaser.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/sxvbzlmpz/)

Kid A
27-10-2011, 14:55
Pa ovo izgleda apsolutno isto osim sto je zenska lik

Arbiter of Change
27-10-2011, 17:44
Veći UI, hlače i pojas kao equipment slotovi, itd. :)

27-10-2011, 18:02
Neznam, nekako mi nešto fali. Treba više itema. I malo bolji crafting, jerbo ono je bezveze.

Arbiter of Change
08-11-2011, 08:05
Još malo 1.0.7 slika.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/1 ... nd-beyond/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/blog/2011/11/04/a-bit-more-of-dredmor-1-0-7-and-beyond/)

Arbiter of Change
08-12-2011, 11:52
Ime ekspanzije je The Realm of the Diggle Gods. :)
http://www.gaslampgames.com/2011/12/06/ ... -and-more/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/2011/12/06/realm-of-the-diggle-gods-roadmap-post-and-more/)

So what else doth he have in store for you?

- 1.0.7: Now that the Humble Bundle is over, Krong is free from the chains of his period of exclusivity and is eager to spread the gospel of a new patch, with a female hero and mod support and all manner of good and crafty things besides.

But lo,

- 1.0.8: is just about done, and should be out either Thursday or Friday. So he shalt simply wait until then, and pass the savings on via Steam and Desura (and yea, to the Humble Bundle customers besides.) All praise to Krong, for he doth not force you to run the auto-updater more so than usual.

08-12-2011, 11:55
Funny thing - neki dan sam primijetio da imam tu igru u Steam libraryu, a ne sjećam se da sam je kupio. Jel dolazila možda kao dio nekakvog paketa? :D

08-12-2011, 12:00
Kolko se sjećam, dodali su je naknadno u jedan Humble bundle.

08-12-2011, 12:02
Aha, imam u historyu Humble bundle paket.
Tnx na infu^^

14-12-2011, 02:06
Izašao 1.08 :) Ima colorblind mod. Haha

Arbiter of Change
14-12-2011, 12:12
Puni patch notes za 1.0.8 i trailer za The Realm of the Diggle Gods.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/2011/12/12/ ... lc-is-not/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/2011/12/12/patch-1-0-8-is-up-the-dlc-is-not/)

CHANGELOG (from 1.0.6 to 1.0.8 )

- A female hero has been added to the game.
- Added Modding Support! (Use at your own risk.)
- Added No Time To Grind mode: shorter dungeon levels, more monster XP.
- All skill trees now have a minimum of 5 skills.
- Added support for polymorphing. (More of this in the DLC.)
- Wand tree has been completely revised. Wands now use traditional charges, and the wand lore tree now contains Wandcrafting instead.
- Added n-dimensional lathe to craft wands.
- Added new crafting interface; we stole the old one from Minecraft, we stole the new one from Terraria.
- Added belt, glove, and pant slots. Added belts, gloves, and pants (10 of each)
- Added some more items.
- Added anti-magic field sprayers and anti-magic effects.
- Added monster taxonomy flags.
- Removed the Deadshot skill tree; pushed its stuff into Perception and Crossbowery.
- Fountains will now occasionally give you a ring or amulet.
- Added the Powder of Ibn Ghazi. Go see those Eldritch Horrors.
- Added a colorblind correction mode, for players with red/green colorblindness (proteranopia/deuteranopia)
- Added mute buttons to start panel.
- Set some custom blockers to be immobile (fixes the “mad flying grate” things.)
- 2X inventory.
- spellmines now fire on each gameplay tick, rather than if you move through them
- Changed XP giving formula for “It Belongs in a Museum”
- Added grated cheese and meat!
- Added new key binding support.
- Added unique items for all buff effects.
- Added new “unarmed attack” sound variations.
- Added a new vending machine for craftables.
- Some work on the Minimap.
- Added % chance flag for room blockers.
- Added room scripting support.
- More robust item spawning.
- Added monster AI improvement: “chicken flag”
- Secret hidden fun rooms.
- FIXED: flying pets.
- FIXED: Armour now correctly gives damage bonuses. (Cybertronic Orb, Magma Orb)
- FIXED: timing bug with clicking allows the player to bypass monster turns
- FIXED: The Axekeytar now actually shoots rocks.
- FIXED: Broken magic tutorial in 1.0.7.
- FIXED: various monster stealing issues.
- FIXED: monsters will now corrupt anything, not just your artifact weapons.
- FIXED: passable flags being reset on save/load
- FIXED: various things not giving you blasting damage
- FIXED: Used inconsequentia statues now look different from Spent Ones.
- FIXED: probably some other bugs, but we can’t remember what they are.
- REBALANCING: like crazy. Post your favourite nerf here and win a small, meaningless prize.
- ACHIEVEMENTS: Some new achievements. (Some of which are DLC only.)


15-12-2011, 14:00
Izašao i danas In the Realm of Diggle Gods za 2,99€. Nabavljam uskoro :) Pa vam javim šta ima novoga.

Kid A
15-12-2011, 17:54
Uzeo ^^

Sad jedno 40-tak sati izgubit uz ovo opet :(

15-12-2011, 18:45
Igraj bez permadeatha bogati :)

Arbiter of Change
01-05-2012, 23:21
Stiže poveći besplatni DLC - You Have To Name The Expansion Pack.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/04/30/ ... sion-pack/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/04/30/free-dlc-for-dungeons-of-dredmor-you-have-to-name-the-expansion-pack/)

S Steam Workshop; mod integration with Steam! We’re turning it on! It’s Steamy!

Battle Geology, a wizard-like warrior skill with earth-shattering consequences by the terribly mysterious Null (how mysterious? terribly.)

Clockwork Knight and Rogue Scientist, a pair of crafty steampunk skill lines by the too-clever-by-half Ruigi

Warlockery, the wizard skill for wizards who would rather by warriors, by the utterly mad Essence — he wrote over 500 lines of xml for one spell.

A mess of twisty little rooms, all different, created by the deranged architect our mortal speech renders “Bergstrom“; The geometry is all wrong.

And to inhabit the renovated Dungeons of Dredmor we’ve summoned a pack of new monster variations dug up by one FaxCelestis, from the existentially troubling Poorly Cloned Hero to the lofty Diggle Rocketeer.

Naturally there are some new items and other such nonsense happening which you’ll have to discover on your own.

05-06-2012, 10:33
Danas dolazi dlc, kaj ne?

Kid A
05-06-2012, 19:35

Arbiter of Change
06-06-2012, 09:14
Yup. I besplatna je naravno + Steam Workshop (http://store.steampowered.com/news/8146/).
http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/06/05/ ... lable-now/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/06/05/dungeons-of-dredmor-free-expansion-available-now/)

What’s new? Here’s what:

Rebalancing of many original skills (now you can smith more flesh into zombys with Fleshsmithing, find more loot with Perception, fire more cannons at the same time with Piracy, and much more)
29 new skills in 4 skill lines from the minds of mad Dredmor modders
100+ new rooms filled with Tesla coils, lots of breakable stuff, and fine dining furniture (which is also breakable).
20 new monster variations (including one new monster type)
30 new crafting recipes
47 new items from the Clockwork Grappling Bolt to the Rusty Caltrop Eruptor Trap

You want to know the details? Well it’s a good thing we have all kinds of details:

Battle Geology, a wizard-like warrior skill that involves killing people with rocks and a solid appreciation for tectonics – by Null
Clockwork Knight and Rogue Scientist, crafty steampunk skill lines that grow more powerful as your craft skills increase – by Ruigi
Warlockery, the wizard skill for wizards who would rather be warriors and want to blow stuff up with brute force application of mana as well as a massive overhaul of a large number of core skills and abilities -by Essence
Scads of twisty little rooms, all different, and decorated as befits the lich’s dungeon – by Bergstrom
And a horde of new monster variations from Poorly Cloned Heros to Diggle Rocketeers - by FaxCelestis

Arbiter of Change
20-06-2012, 22:29
Najavljena ekspanzija naziva Conquest of the Wizardlands.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/06/19/ ... zardlands/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/06/19/dungeons-of-dredmor-conquest-of-the-wizardlands/)

For the past four months, a secret strike team of game development commandos has been secretly crafting arcane components into something for you… something about wizards. Something about their lands. Yes, this summon you must join the Conquest Of The Wizardlands.

New Features:

- Explore the Wizardlands! Trade Wizarding Graffiti with your friends and enemies alike to gain access to the fractured extra-dimensional domains of the Wizards using an innovative retro-inspired magic password system.
- Harness the expanded storage space of your very own Pocket Dimension where interdimensional gnomes probably won’t steal all your crafting-junk.
- Encrust your Equipment with our powerful new Encrusting System! Upgrade weapons and armour with powerful crusts, offering special abilities and horrifying instability effects as crust is encrusted upon crust!
- -Tackle new foes from the terrifyingly fun Baron Samedi to the small and annoying Cloud Gremlins who shoot small and annoying lightning bolts at you! Beware the Monstrous Rutabaga, scourge of the Vikings, who will run you down at unexpected speed with the monstrous dash ability.
- Drunkenness!
- New trophy screens, including a rewrite of the achievement system for off-line play (and people not using Steam)
- Two new weapon types: Daggers and Polearms! (No really, they’re not Swords and Staves anymore!)
- A whole WHACK of new Skills: Daggers, Polearms, Bankster, Communist, Paranormal Investigator, Magical Law, and more!
- Minibosses!
- A small, pleasant handful of usability fixes! (Which everyone with the core game will get for free, naturally.)
- Enhanced sneakiness, monster sight cones, and alertness levels for more roguish gameplay! The only thing missing is a box you can carry around to hide in — unless you count an extra-dimensional box (see the first item in this list).
- Diggle Hell. It’s a real place.

21-06-2012, 09:52

Ovo se iz poprilično nepoznatog indie naslova pretvara u sasvim dobru igru.

21-06-2012, 12:25
Meni je dll-bilnim 'explore the galaxy' skillom, poatala najbolja igra u zadnjih 5 godina. Dont forget your towel. :)

Kid A
21-06-2012, 12:31

23-06-2012, 20:11
imas nas team workshopu HGTTG skill tree za downloadati kao mod :)

Arbiter of Change
02-08-2012, 21:04
Ekspanzija je izašla zajedno sa novim patchom.
http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/08/01/ ... tch-1-1-1/ (http://www.gaslampgames.com/2012/08/01/dredmor-patch-1-1-1/)

Some choice highlights:

Two new skills and weapon types have appeared: Daggers and Polearms!
Larger UI controls are now on a per-element basis, rather than a global setting.
Minibosses has been added!
Nerfed Promethean Magic again! We can’t send eagles to attack your abdomen so this is the best we can do.
Oh, and we added a Raven. I guess we could have used that, but it get its own bullet point.
Added a Pocket Dimension for all your storage needs! Requires finding a suitable set of Wizard’s keys.
Total rewrite of savegame system. Saved games are now stored in directories, and mods are now embedded in those saved games. Now, when your Steam Workshop mods update, it won’t update in the game you have been playing (which was a bad idea).
Mods published to the Steam Workshop are now automatically tagged to describe their content (new rooms, skills, monsters, et cetera).

Kid A
14-08-2012, 17:57
Kupio sve ekspanzije i poceo opet prelaziti, zaboravio sam koliko je igra zarazna

14-08-2012, 17:59
Ja sam došao do desetog levela, iskreno malo me trta Dredmora jer imam warrior/rogue build a kažu da je bolesno jak.

14-08-2012, 18:00
Jel' vi to igrate bez permadeatha ili ste samo jako dobri?

14-08-2012, 18:04
Priznajem, sve na najlakše na prvi run s DLCom i ekspanzijom. Još eksperimentiram s buildovima.

14-08-2012, 18:13
Pfft, to bi mi totalno ubilo doživljaj.
Zaigrao prije par dana, stigao do drugog levela i već mi je postignuće. Ali sumnjam da ću dugo preživiti s onim orkovima.

Kid A
14-08-2012, 20:33
E nista od ovog. Imam neki game breaking bug u Wizardlandsu di udjem u zadnji portal i igra mi crasha svaki put. Uninstalao sam pa cu opet jednom kad me dodje volja

Kid A
26-08-2012, 15:45
Za Steam overlay u igri (koji prije nije bio dostupan) samo dodajte -opengl u launch options i mozete napokon sejvati screenshotove