Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Curiosity

15-08-2011, 13:35

Premieres Sunday on Discovery channel, August 7th at 8pm e/p

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could live forever? What would happen if aliens attacked? Why sex is fun? Welcome to Curiosity. More than just a landmark television series, Curiosity is an adventure of discovery, an expedition to uncover the truths behind life's most challenging questions. With an insatiable thirst for answers and experiences, we're prepared to do anything, go anywhere and ask anyone to get to the heart of the matter. Whether it's jumping out of an airplane to confront fear, having neuroscientists implant false memories, or donating tissue to test the possibility of regeneration, there is nothing stopping us as we embark on a global journey of learning and surprises.

Curiosity asks and answers the most fundamental questions facing the world today. Each episode of Curiosity will focus on a single enduring question in science, technology, and society. As is always the case, one single question cascades into several more, making each episode of Curiosity a rich and textured experience. From the micro to the macro, we tackle provocative and insightful questions. Is there a Creator? Is it likely there's an alternate universe? Could you find out exactly how you are going to die and would you want to know? Are some people genetically prone to violence? Is time travel really possible? Why is it that we dream? What don't we know about gravity and does it hold the secret for exploring the universe?

Premiering August 7th, 2011, Curiosity promises a television experience unlike any other. Join Stephen Hawking, Morgan Freeman, Michelle Rodriguez, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Morgan Spurlock, Adam Savage, Mike Rowe, Brendan Fraser, Eli Roth, Robin Williams and many more celebrity hosts on the journey for truth, as we go to extremes to uncover answers that will surprise even the most curious among us...

evo za sada ima dvije epizode... Druga je super. Bismo li bili spremni obraniti se od napada aliena

The Fury
16-08-2011, 16:24
Nadasve zanimljivo. Pogledam i javim kaki je. :D

20-08-2011, 12:34
Nadasve zanimljivo. Pogledam i javim kaki je. :D

jesi pogledao?

Death By Sexy
20-08-2011, 13:12
Bacit ću oko.

The Fury
21-08-2011, 10:31
Jesam zapravo i to onu 2. ep.

Dobro je napravljeno i zanimljivo je. Jedino mi je ''glupavo'' kako alieni naprave kinetičku energiju ... Pobacaju ogromne cijevi u more, not cool.

Čekam i ostale ep pa ću tek onda donijeti konačni sud, kada izađu naravno.