Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone

Arbiter of Change
15-07-2011, 13:00
Uskoro stiže engleski prijevod, tj. službeni izlazak za zapadno tržište, za još jednu igru (nije nova jer je izašla 2008.) od tvoraca Recetteara i to naziva Fortune Summoners: Secret of the Elemental Stone. Side-scrolling platformer RPG sa poznatim anime stilom i tumaranjem tamnicama se čini zanimljiv. Ako vam ne smetaju curice.

http://kotaku.com/5821098/yup-another-o ... -to-the-pc (http://kotaku.com/5821098/yup-another-obscure-japanese-game-is-coming-to-the-pc)

Fortune Summoners is a "side-scrolling platformer action-RPG" originally released in 2008, with a fancier, more deluxe version put on shelves in 2009. Carpe's own release will include the upgraded graphics from the latter, while retaining the voice actors of the former (all the English will be subtitled).

A demo should be out later this year, with a release planned for the holiday season.


15-07-2011, 13:11
Najprije Chantelise, a sad još i ovo. Odlično!

Samo da glasovi nisu toliko piskutavi :/

Also, Kyubei-like creature. :>

15-07-2011, 15:27
"side-scrolling platformer action-RPG"

šta to znači, koliko će tu zapravo akcije biti? koja je razlika između ovog i klasičnog, zapadnjačkog rolpleja?

15-07-2011, 15:43
Kao Castlevania Syphony of the Night, predpostvaljam.

Arbiter of Change
12-08-2011, 12:59
Intervju koji se uglavnom tiče Chantelise, ali ima i spomen FS-a na kraju.
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/08 ... summoners/ (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/08/12/interview-chantelise-fortune-summoners/)

Setting-wise, Fortune Summoners is medieval fantasy – stridently so, in fact. Getting back to that “rebel indie spirit” thing we were mentioning earlier, many people may have noticed a trend in Japanese games, especially RPGs, to mix in a lot of high technology in with their settings over the past decade or so. MEL, by his own admission, doesn’t hold much truck with that at all, and he’s a very big fan of Tolkien, so he set out to make a setting that did away with just about all of the technology creep he’d seen in contemporary games. The school clock is about the most advanced piece of “technology” in the game – everything else is old-school, proud medieval fantasy. I mean, this is a setting in which the kids have to literally dodge slimes on their way to school, to both their and their parents’ mild dismay. It is fairly refreshing, on some level, especially if you’ve been a JRPG fan for a while. Although western gaming’s seen a bit of a resurgence of this sort of thing already, courtesy of The Witcher and Dragon Age; Fortune Summoners isn’t nearly as grim as either of those games, however.
Isto tako spomen da bi mogli prevest Territoire. Zakon.

Arbiter of Change
05-01-2012, 20:18
Demo na linku, a sama igra izlazi 17.01.

05-01-2012, 20:52
Previše... curica. Šta nema nijedan normalan lik?

05-01-2012, 21:57
Tvoj komentar spojen sa tvojim avatarom je neprocjenjiv soniče.

05-01-2012, 22:07
Previše... curica. Šta nema nijedan normalan lik?


Hehe, sad zvučim ko predo.

05-01-2012, 22:10

05-01-2012, 22:37
Tvoj komentar spojen sa tvojim avatarom je neprocjenjiv soniče.


Šuti, malo Konate za blagdane.

Arbiter of Change
30-01-2012, 23:19
Izašlo danas.

31-01-2012, 14:29
Jel vrijedi igrat?

Kid A
03-02-2012, 05:23
Kupio na Steamu, danas cu isprobat

06-08-2012, 14:26
Jel' netko igrao da nabaci par dojmova?

Sad sam u nekoj gaming weeaboo fazi...

09-08-2012, 11:24

11-08-2012, 15:20


Sad će mi se pridružit ona snobuša pa ću imati kompletan party.

Igra me je totalno očarala. Očekivao sam više-manje naporan moe, ali humor je odličan i Arche je presmiješna sa svojom naivnošću, pogotovo kod bossova :)
I super je vidjeti ovakav side-scrolling RPG platformer, kad bi se to uopće moglo nazvati žanrom. Očita usporedba je Wonderboy III, no je li uopće bilo takvih igara od 16-bit doba?
Borba je neobično kompleksna i zahtjeva pametnu upotrebu komboa. Igram na normal i smrt je nešto uobičajeno, no srećom igra nije frustrirajuća jer te baci na početak scene. Svejedno, bez dobre zalihe healing itema nemaš nikakve šanse.

Zamjerke su previše slični dungeoni i odugovlačenje priče (onu pećinu na početku nisu mogli duže usporiti da su htjeli), ali lako pređem preko toga kad vidim predivan pixel art i animacije. Igra je estetski savršena.