Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Of Orcs and Men

Arbiter of Change
05-05-2011, 13:27

Relativno nepoznati Cyanide Studios (Blood Brawl, Loki) i SPIDERS su najavili da rade na novoj igri naziva Of Orcs and Men. Ono što ju za sada čini zanimljivom je činjenica da je subverzija uobičajenih fantasy konvencija time što će igrač biti u ulozi jednog Orca i Goblina te što je ljudsko carstvo predstavljeno kao neprijateljska sila.

Igra je RPG i najavljena je za izlazak 2012. godine za PC, 360 i PS3.

Of Orcs and Men first puts you into the role of an elite Orc soldier from the legendary legion of Bloodjaws, a league of warriors deeply involved in the war opposing the Orcs and Goblins on one side to their persecutors, Humankind. As a veteran warrior who has seen the most brutal of battles, you are appointed by the Orc commander to complete a mission that could change the course of the war: kill the one man responsible for all of this bloodshed, the one who has, for years, exhorted the human masses to loath and fight the green-skinned people: the Emperor himself.

A Goblin will soon join you to aid you in your mission… he is everything the Orc is not. But you find that this works to your advantage as you fight on the battleground and off. Making advantage of their natural traits, they have their own skill trees you will develop. While the Orc focuses on power, reflecting his incredible strength, the Goblin will benefit from darker powers and stealth abilities, making him the perfect assassin.

From the filthy alleys at the foot of the Great Wall, to the depths of the Empire of Men, your two infiltrated heroes will face the greatest dangers through their epic quest. They will commune with the Wizards, fight the assassins and soldiers of the Empire of Men, and oppose the powerful Sisters of Laments.

http://s1.postimage.org/y5843gg4/of_Orcsand_Men01.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/y5843gg4/)http://s1.postimage.org/y5bf65fo/of_Orcsand_Men02.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/y5bf65fo/)http://s1.postimage.org/y5d2phxg/of_Orcsand_Men03.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/y5d2phxg/)

05-05-2011, 14:16

05-05-2011, 14:34
Nice. Samo se nadam da neće biti loše kao Loki.

05-05-2011, 17:52
Rekob' da se jako radujem, al' kad vidim da je prošla igra koju je taj studio izdao Loki, nekako mi raspoloženje blago splasne. Zanimljiv koncept, dakako, nadam se da neće razočarati.

05-05-2011, 18:16
igra mi se čini ko nekakva zajebancija, a ne ozbiljni rpg

DJ Not Nice
05-05-2011, 18:21
Izgleda zanimljivo i primamljivo..no da, Loki : (

05-05-2011, 19:19
Me likes. Jedva cekam da igram sa goblinom :D

05-05-2011, 19:24
Oj ca, rpg sa orkovima i goblinima. Nesto skroz drukcije i novo!

05-05-2011, 19:27
Zvuči zanimljivo, bilo bi super da uspije. Nego, da li sam ja jedini uspio pročitati "...an elite Orc soldier from the legendary legion of Blowjobs..." xD

05-05-2011, 19:38
I ja sam na sekund to pomislio XD

05-05-2011, 19:49
Kad ste perverzni.

05-05-2011, 22:25
Čini se zanimljivo.

Ulažem nadu u ovo.

Arbiter of Change
04-07-2011, 12:15
http://www.rpgitalia.net/uncategorized/ ... de-studio/ (http://www.rpgitalia.net/uncategorized/of-orcs-and-men-interview-at-cyanide-studio/)

RPG Italia: We know that we’ll be available a small party made up by an Orc and a Goblin. How much is important this dichotomy? Are you thinking about a co-op mode?

Cyanide Studio: The relationship between this duo is crucial to the game; every aspect of the gameplay will incorporate the use of either or both simultaneously. The synergy between the two was really a pillar of the fight. Regarding the co-op mode, we are not convinced that RPGs lend themselves to sharing interactive choices. We felt that it detracted from the player’s personal involvement in the game’s mythology. Know that we gave this considerable thought. In the end, we decided that simultaneous play did not allow players to fully appreciate the dichotomy of the two unique characters.

DJ Not Nice
04-07-2011, 15:34
Op! Op!
..ima par veoma zanimljivih stvari.

DJ Not Nice
07-12-2011, 18:59

07-12-2011, 19:30
Oce to vise :(? Jedva cekam da trckaram ko mali goblin i zabijam noz seljacima u ledja.

Devil Dog
18-04-2012, 18:20
Izlazi: Q2 2012.

Nema novih vijesti, web page comming soon već 5 mjeseci...
Jel ovo stopirano/odbačeno/propalo...?

18-04-2012, 18:37
Ja se nadam da nije. Al da manjak informacija i svega je dosta sumnjiv.

Arbiter of Change
31-05-2012, 09:02
Konačno i trailer.


31-05-2012, 09:56
Joj šta volim ovako pomaknute igre malo, super je ideja, baš sam čekao neke novosti o igri. Baš me zanima kakav će odnos imat goblin i ork, ma prefora su ih napravili, samo nek imaju i pokoji dijalog bilo bi lijepo.

31-05-2012, 10:09
Vec sam se uplasio da ce propasti ovo. Nadam se da ce uskoro vise informacija kao npr oce li
biti co-opa.

31-05-2012, 11:06

Devil Dog
31-05-2012, 12:44
Ork podsjeća na onog lika iz prvog Fighting Forcea.

Arbiter of Change
07-07-2012, 08:04
Novi trailer. Fora je vidjeti drugu stranu priče malo za promjenu.


07-07-2012, 09:42
Dobra mjuza poprilično.

Iz nekog razloga mi je bilo dosta neugodno vidjet kako probadaju onog goblina malenog. :(

EDIT: Filthy human dogs!

Devil Dog
07-07-2012, 09:53
Rulat će, još samo 2 mjeseca.

07-07-2012, 21:44

Jedina igra ove godine za koju sam actually nahypan :(.

07-07-2012, 21:50
A kad na kraju bude neka vrsta Hunteda, samo s orcima u glavnoj ulozi.

07-07-2012, 22:04
Hunted nisam ni htio probati bas zbog likova.

26-08-2012, 07:12
Totalno sam zaboravio na ovu igru lol


Bit će propast :cry:

Arbiter of Change
26-08-2012, 13:06
Totalno sam zaboravio na ovu igru lol


Bit će propast :cry:
Izgleda sasvim OK, stvar je što će sa pričom napraviti i hoće li iskoristiti neuobičajenu rasnu inverziju kako spada.
Inb4 "ima loš borbeni sistem" od dežurnih dušobrižnika.

Arbiter of Change
14-09-2012, 07:52
Igra izgleda stiže 11.10.

Now just a month from release on Xbox 360®, PlayStation®3 and PC, Of Orcs and Men, the role-playing game jointly realized by Spiders (Realization and Development) and Cyanide (Concept and Production) today reveals more in five new screenshots, recounting an excerpt of the quest of our two heroes: Arkaïl the Orc warrior, and Styx the Goblin!

Take arms, and lead the green-skinned people's rebellion on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC retail on October 11th (October 18th in UK, Germany, and worldwide for download on PC).

14-09-2012, 17:05
koliko ce trajati?

Arbiter of Change
04-10-2012, 16:04
Novi trailer, igra izlazi za tjedan dana.


04-10-2012, 16:18
Butcher of bay harbor. :)

04-10-2012, 16:20
Goblin će rulat. Vidim da je i Orc pokupio neke poteze iz Fighting Forcea :D

14-10-2012, 12:59

Totalno zaboravio na ovu igru :D

Vani je.

14-10-2012, 14:40

Bolje prezentirana borba i gameplay. Ovaj clip iznad saka.


14-10-2012, 14:43
Kaj je to vražji RPG???

Ja sam očekivao coop akciju tipa WITN, samo igrivu.

14-10-2012, 21:59
Da,to je razocarenje :(, vjerojatno cu igrati al nije to to bez co-opa.

Arbiter of Change
18-10-2012, 16:53
Podosta osrednjih recenzija sa tu i tamo kojom dobrom.
http://www.destructoid.com/review-of-or ... 6746.phtml (http://www.destructoid.com/review-of-orcs-and-men-236746.phtml)

Of Orcs and Men is for a specific audience -- its quirks and faults will be tough to forgive for the mainstream crowd, while its challenge and uniquely hectic combat can be offputting. It is, however, a game that a particular sort of gamer will fall deeply in love with. At times beautiful, hilarious, and even occasionally thoughtful, this is a one-of-a-kind action-RPG that deserves your consideration, if not your monetary vote. There's certainly nothing quite like it, and for all its foibles, when it hits its mark, it does so with vigor.

A name can say a lot about a project. Of Orcs and Men is a rare and tantalizing, if perhaps a little ponderous, appellation. The same can indeed be said of that which bears its title.

18-10-2012, 16:58
Jel igrao itko s foruma?

19-10-2012, 14:51
Jebiga nema se 40 eura za dat :P