Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Google cenzura na BitTorrent, Rapidshare itd

Kid A
27-01-2011, 11:24
It’s taken a while, but Google has finally caved in to pressure from the entertainment industries including the MPAA and RIAA. The search engine now actively censors terms including BitTorrent, torrent, utorrent, RapidShare and Megaupload from its instant and autocomplete services. The reactions from affected companies and services are not mild, with BitTorrent Inc., RapidShare and Vodo all speaking out against this act of commercial censorship.

The entertainment industries’ quest to root out piracy on the Internet has yet again resulted in commercial censorship. A few weeks ago Google announced that it would start filtering “piracy related” terms from its ‘Autocomplete‘ and ‘Instant‘ services and today they quietly rolled out this questionable feature.

Without a public notice Google has compiled a seemingly arbitrary list of keywords for which auto-complete is no longer available. Although the impact of this decision does not currently affect full search results, it does send out a strong signal that Google is willing to censor its services proactively, and to an extent that is far greater than many expected.

Among the list of forbidden keywords are “uTorrent”, a hugely popular piece of entirely legal software and “BitTorrent”, a file transfer protocol and the name of San Fransisco based company BitTorrent Inc. As of today, these keywords will no longer be suggested by Google when you type in the first letter, nor will they show up in Google Instant.

All combinations of the word “torrent” are also completely banned. This means that “Ubuntu torrent” will not be suggested as a user types in Ubuntu, and the same happens to every other combination ending in the word torrent. This of course includes the titles of popular films and music albums, which is the purpose of Google’s banlist
What is most surprising about the new filter is that the keywords appear to be picked arbitrarily. It includes BitTorrent clients such as uTorrent and Xunlei, but not BitComet and Vuze. While cyberlockers such as RapidShare and Megaupload are banned, prominent sites such as 4shared, HotFile and MediaFire are not.

In addition, all the names of popular torrent sites including The Pirate Bay are not included in Google’s banlist either. BitTorrent’s Simon Morris agrees that this is odd, to say the least.

“There’s no reason for Google to throttle search results for our trademarks, including BitTorrent, µTorrent and torrent. Indeed, they do still enable autocomplete for many third-party clients that use the BitTorrent protocol, including BitComet, BitLord, and even sites like The Pirate Bay and Isohunt.”

Morris further points out that the inclusion of Xunlei is a little hypocritical since Google is one of the investors in the Chinese BitTorrent client
I sta se desava s forumom svako jutro, trebalo mi je 10 minuta da otvorim temu

27-01-2011, 14:16
Bravo gugl. Naguzio se za RIAA i MPAA i zaratit će s internetom. Rofl.

Lord Ragnarok
27-01-2011, 19:13
cek jel to uopce radi? meni jos uvijek dobre rezultate izbacuje za trazene rijeci..

Neven <R>
27-01-2011, 20:02
Samo auto complete ne radi, što je nevažno ionak

Duke of Earl
27-01-2011, 20:03
Daje dobre rezultate, samo ti ne daje sugestije. Probaj recimo upisat megaup ili rapids u tražilicu i neće ti izbacit nikakvu sugestiju. Pomalo smiješno, ne vidim što su točno postigli s tim kad svejedno dobivaš normalne rezultate.

27-01-2011, 20:53
Ionako je kratka rijec bittorrent,a brzo kucam

27-01-2011, 21:01
Kolko san ja skuzia najveca poanta je u tome kad upises ime filma/pisme, ovo ono da ti ne izbaci torrent nastavak.

Systematic Reverse
27-01-2011, 21:47

02-02-2011, 22:10
E moj gugl... Od njih sam zadnjih očekival takvu cenzuru.
Stvarno nepotrebno jer taj autocomplete koriste jedino ljudi koji jedno slovo traže pol minute na tipkovnici ( anjima je zadnje na pameti tipkati 'utorrent' ili nekaj u tom štihu). Jedino kaj su postigli je to da si budu nabili negativne poene.

Niko Bellic
02-02-2011, 22:35
Meni nema te cenzure? WTF? :o

03-02-2011, 08:55
Vjerujem da su to napravili zato jer je to takva glupost koja na ništa ne utječe, ali ipak ispada da sudjeluju u borbi protiv piratije i tako to.

03-02-2011, 10:26
E moj gugl... Od njih sam zadnjih očekival takvu cenzuru.
Stvarno nepotrebno jer taj autocomplete koriste jedino ljudi koji jedno slovo traže pol minute na tipkovnici
Auto complete je uz gmail najbolja stvar koju je google smislio.

03-02-2011, 11:46
Mmmmda, za one stvari tipa "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch" i takve slične da, ali za praktičnu primjenu baš i nije.
Puno brže otipkaš cijeli pojam nego da otipkaš prva tri četri-slova, pogledaš ekran i odabereš traženi pojam.

03-02-2011, 12:04
I ne. Ja koristim ovu malu tražilicu gore desno na browseru (fajrfox), i baš zbog tog auto completa olakšava, ubrzava mi rad, npr. pamti sva traženja, preferira nedavno (a možda i davno) korištena, plus još neke sitnice.
Nekome bolje i pristupačnije, nekome ne. Osobna navika jel.

04-02-2011, 02:10
Dobro, disejblali su torrente za autcomplete, to će sad preko noći prepolovit distribuciju ilegalnih sadržaja :)

04-02-2011, 02:59
Mmmmda, za one stvari tipa "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch" i takve slične da, ali za praktičnu primjenu baš i nije.
Puno brže otipkaš cijeli pojam nego da otipkaš prva tri četri-slova, pogledaš ekran i odabereš traženi pojam.
Ti ne gledaš ekran dok tipkaš?

05-02-2011, 00:06
Ti ne gledaš ekran dok tipkaš?
Sarkazam? :?