Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Silent Hill 2: The Movie

Kid A
13-01-2011, 00:10
Trznuli ste se malo, jelda? :)
Radi se o tome da su decki iz silenthillmemories.net ukomponovali cijeli gameplay i sve cutscene u jedan cjelovecernji film od nekih 94 minuta i funkcionira jako dobro (ima i jedan slican projekt vezano za SH3, mislim da sam cak i otvorio temu, searchajte malo)
Kako i sami kazu:

I've heard many people are actually too scared to pick up the controller to finish the videogame, but are also very intrigued with the story, also, some people love the story, but would rather sit back with a bowl of popcorn than a game controller from time to time. This film is for anyone to watch and enjoy, so now you can finally show your friends and family Silent Hill 2 without worry of them losing interest because of long loading screens, messy battles, or unfortunate deaths.
Imate na youtubeu sve uploadano ali to nije toliko zanimljivo. Skinite si free dvd ovdje (http://www.silenthillmemories.net/fan/sh2_the_movie/SilentHill2TheMovie-Fungo-DVD.torrent), sprzite, zavalite se i uzivajte.
Taman prije nego nam stigne Downpour da vidite sta je SH nekad bio

13-01-2011, 00:13
Jebena ideja, moram baciti oko :D Mada sam se nadao da će biti pravi film pošto mi je jedinica bila odlična.

Kid A
13-01-2011, 00:19
Evo nasao sam i trojku sto sam prije postao
Silent Hill 3 special edition

This is not the game, nor is it some nonexistent second sequel to the movie. This is, in fact, a professional quality capture of the game, formatted to DVD video. The entire plot line is present, as well as many extras that you can't see unless you play it through several times. So burn this to a DVD and watch it on your big screen! Please see the readme in the ISO for more information. This is the first of what I hope to be many similar projects.
download (http://www.silenthillmemories.net/fan/sh3_special_edition/Silent%20Hill%203%20Special%20Edition%20DVD5.iso.t orrent)

13-01-2011, 11:18
sporo ide dvojka :/

Kid A
13-01-2011, 12:02
Aha i meni, ostavio sam torrent preko noci a sad je na nekih 20%
A skinuce se jednom :/
Bitno da nije mrtav torrent

Kid A
27-01-2011, 21:19
Evo, skinuo, pogledao
Maestralno kako su momci sve cutscene izmiksali i ukomponirali kao da gledas CGI film, znaci nije samo cisti gameplay od tacke A do tacke B

27-01-2011, 23:55
OK, svaka im čast na trudu, no nije li bolje još jednom prijeći igru, nego gledati taj film?

Taman prije nego nam stigne Downpour da vidite sta je SH nekad bio

Ovaj, SH nije nekad bio. SH je to i sad. SH 1, 2 i 3.

Oni ispljuvci od 4 nadalje nisu Silent Hill.

Kid A
28-01-2011, 00:03
To sam i htio reci, samo se nisam dobro izrazio valjda