Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Hackeri

24-12-2010, 20:42
Jel vi mrzite te takozvrane "hackere" koji rade viruse? Meni su više puta bili virusi kada idem kada idem na internet ili skidam igrice. Onda trebam cijelo računalo ponovo formatirati :twisted:
Stvarno mi idu na živce :-x

24-12-2010, 21:42
Vise mrzim one hackere koji nauce par pojmova tipa "IMAM TI IP I SAD CU TI HAKATI FEJS" onda uleti drugi "NEMOZE TI HAKAT FEJS TO JE NEMOGUCE NEMA KEYLOGGER" ili tako nesto *facepalm*

24-12-2010, 21:59
Vise mrzim one hackere koji nauce par pojmova tipa "IMAM TI IP I SAD CU TI HAKATI FEJS" onda uleti drugi "NEMOZE TI HAKAT FEJS TO JE NEMOGUCE NEMA KEYLOGGER" ili tako nesto *facepalm*

Pa da oni ti uđu u Facebook pa stave status Ja sam gey ili stave da si u vezi sa nekom kozom iz 4.C razreda :(

24-12-2010, 22:03
Da, to najvise mrzim...

24-12-2010, 23:51

Niko Bellic
24-12-2010, 23:53

25-12-2010, 00:18
The Jargon File, a compendium of hacker slang, defines hacker as "A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and stretching their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary." [1]SThe Request for Comments (RFC) 1392, the Internet Users' Glossary, amplifies this meaning as "A person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular." [2]SThese hackers are disappointed (see definition controversy) by the mass media and general public's usage of the word hacker to refer to security breakers, calling them “crackers” instead. This includes both “good” crackers (“white hat hackers”) who use their computer security related skills and knowledge to learn more about how systems and networks work and to help to discover and fix security holes, as well as those more shady crackers (“black hat hackers”) who use the same skills to author harmful software (like viruses, trojans, etc.) and illegally infiltrate secure systems with the intention of doing harm to the system.[citation needed]SThe programmer subculture of hackers, in contrast to the cracker community, generally sees computer security related activities as contrary to the ideals of the original and true meaning of the hacker term that instead related to playful cleverness.

The prevalent meaning of hacker meaning security breaker is so strong that even within the computer context, many incorrectly believe the programmer subculture to be computer security related, too, and confusing it with white hat hackers. The actual ideals of the programmer subculture hackers have nothing to do with computer security. Rather, they are about the right to have a software system that can be freely studied, modified and shared with other hackers. This implies the rejection of any monopoly on knowledge of such systems. However, it does not, neither in theory, nor in practice, imply breaking into computers or exploiting security holes to achieve these goals.

Naučite termine više, najčešće ukradu the accove tako da stave među one glupe kvizove link na pishing stranicu.