Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Glasina: Novi Silent Hill film baziran na Silent Hillu 3

04-11-2010, 15:18
Evo opet malo glasina oko nas, a ovoga se puta tiču - filma! No, da nije riječ o bilo kojem filmu, odmah je jasno čim se film zove Silent Hill. Nakon vrlo dobrog prvijenca, nastavak čekamo već doista dugo, no počele su izvirati informacije koje nam polaže nadu kako je drugi Silent Hill film doista u produkciji. Naime, doznajemo kako će Silent Hill: Revelation biti baziran na priči lika Heather Mason iz Silent Hilla 3, a film bi trebao biti i u 3D-u. Michael J. Bassett (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1068186/)Snavodno će pisati scenarij, Lionsgate će biti izdavač, a Konami i francuski studio Davis Films (radili su Resident Evil i nastavke, te Silent Hill) biti će odgovorni za produkciju.

Kid A
04-11-2010, 16:18
Odlicna vijest. Inace vec duze vrijeme prati na netu sva desavanja vezano za daljni razvoj na filmu i drago mi je da su napokon nasli novog scenaristu nakon sto je onaj debil zavrsio u zatvoru. Prvijenac je bio jedan od boljih ekranizacije neke videoigre i vjerno je prenio atmosferu serijala, tj. onoliko koliko se moze strpati u sat i po-dva filma.

Kid A
13-01-2011, 00:25
IgGy, zahvalit ces mi kasnije

World premiere: 2011
Directed by: Michael J. Bassett
Produced by: Samuel Hadida, Don Carmody
Written by: Michael J. Bassett
Starring: n/a
Companies: Lionsgate, Davis Films, Konami

For years, Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand. Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by terrifying nightmares and the disappearance of her father, Heather discovers she’s not who she thinks she is. The revelation leads her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her in Silent Hill forever.

13-01-2011, 15:34
Da, to je očito priča iz SH3. Ali još uvijek ništa o glumcima.

Kid A
13-01-2011, 15:39
Bez brige, pratim razvoj situacije na dnevnoj bazi :)
Cim nadjem nesto, stavljam ovdje

Kid A
14-01-2011, 08:21
Op op, ekskluzivno za PC Play forum - evo djelic ukradene stranice od scenarija iz filma :rotfl:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v438/Dac/166639_10150120409201147_533201146_8284381_7640837 _n.jpg
Btw Masahito Ito je na svom twitteru potvrdio da su mu pristupili s ponudom da radi kreature za film ali je odbio zbog previse posla
Zato me brine na sta ce to u filmu liciti bez njega :/

14-01-2011, 16:30
:) pa nemam riječi...

Kid A
09-02-2011, 04:23
Michael J Bassett:

All done with LA. Mission accomplished. 5:50 AM Feb 4th via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Drugim rijecima, nasli su glumicu za Heather, samo jos nije otkrio tko je

To call it crucial casting is an understatement – the whole movie rests on her slender shoulders. Not only has she got to be able to play the psychological complexity but she’s going to have to be pretty tough. I run a hard set and expect a lot from my actors. The girl I’ve got in mind brings all this and more to the table. She’s a gifted actress, tough but vulnerable – she’s going to rock your world, I promise. When deals and paperwork have all been finalised it will be announced but I can tell you, my quest is over.

Kid A
22-02-2011, 21:18
http://michaeljbassett.wordpress.com/20 ... ting-news/ (http://michaeljbassett.wordpress.com/2011/02/22/casting-news/)

22-02-2011, 22:26
Samo da neka deliciozna glumica glumi Heather...mmmm

Kid A
04-03-2011, 22:11
Jedna od glumica u predstojecem filmu - model Jacky Lai.
Leak sam dobio od jednog set decoratera koji trenutno radi na filmu tak da je ovo manje-vise PC Play ekskluziva s tim da vijest treba biti objavljena tek za tri dana. Sad ovo moze znaciti bilo sto, od tog da se pojavljuje svega 10 minuta u filmu do tog da igra sasvim novu, originalnu ulogu u SH3 filmu.
Iduceg tjedna se otkriva ime glumice koja tumaci Heather ali mozda donesem vijest i ranije

Kid A
06-03-2011, 20:43
The powers that be have now decided to withhold the official announcement of who is playing Heather Mason until Monday when we start principal photography. This is all to do with maximising the coverage they think they’ll get etc. So I guess you’re all going to have simmer for a while longer. What I can tell you is that I did camera tests yesterday with her and she looks absolutely awesome. I’m sure you guys are going to just fall in love with her. Tough but vulnerable and capable of delivering a knock-out performance. And because you’ve all waited so long, I’ll make sure a picture gets released with the news.

Kid A
07-03-2011, 23:30
Hebeno dobar izbor IMO
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188585_196549197032813_112170395470694_607405_7705 407_n.jpg
Kaj vi mislite?
takodje je za film potvrdjen i mladi britanski glumac Kit Harington, koji trenutno radi na Game of Thrones seriji ali je njegova uloga jos nepoznata

Kid A
16-03-2011, 17:45
Davis Films producer Samuel Hadida and Don Carmody announced today that the stars of Silent Hill, Radha Mitchell , Sean Bean and Deborah Kara Unger will return to join Adelaide Clemens and Kit Harington on Silent Hill: Revelation 3D.

Michael Bassett said: “It wouldn’t be the same without some of the original Silent Hill cast. Sean, Radha and Deborah’s return will certainly thrill fans of the franchise and compliment Revelations stars Adelaide and Kit.”

Alexandre added: “With the most advanced technology available, in particular the lighter, smaller and more flexible 3D Red Epic, we are able to take audiences deeper in the world of Silent Hill than they ever dreamed possible. Devotees will finally be able to enter this realm along side of Heather, Vincent, HarrySand RoseSand experience the psychological horror and the fear of the unknown with them.
Hebo me svako ako ovo ne bude dobar film.
Evo i prve slike

Kid A
23-03-2011, 18:52
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197356_200461229974943_112170395470694_634029_9708 49_n.jpg

Kid A
23-03-2011, 19:02
Double post blaaAAaagh~

Leakane prve slike od jednog IMDB forumasa koji igrom slucaja zivi u Galtu, Cambridge Ontario (gdje je trenutno lokacija snimanja)
Evo sta je rekao tj vidio do sad:

Currently the entire ground of that square is covered in white/grey ash. Other than that its empty except for those old cars you see and several cloth banners that read “UNBELIEVERS”. On my street there are a large amount of props and nearly all the buildings are now covered with wood planks and rusted metal grates. The props are old rusted wheelchairs,old baby carriages, traditional metal trashcans, bits of wood and metal, and wooden boxes/crates (some with Chinese lettering). I’ll take pictures of them later. The cars and props make it seem like the Silent Hill was abandoned in about the 70′s.
A sto se tice scene koju je gledao:

Basically the scene is her screaming then running across the bridge (which you cant see in the pictures) and then slowly walking towards the mounted camera you do see in the pictures and then stopping right in front of it.

Kid A
26-03-2011, 19:40
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/196576_10150112842700740_630700739_7184138_7145373 _n.jpg
Jos jedna svjeza sa seta i izgleda da ce Kit tumaciti ulogu Vincenta, sudeci po zadnjim informacijama

Kid A
06-04-2011, 11:46
Potvrdjena lokacija Lakeside Amusement Park

Kid A
07-04-2011, 03:49
Nova slika, Heather i Vincent
Doduse izgleda mi nekako promaseno bez naocala i krajnje pederski, kao onaj iz Twilighta

i jos nesto

Carrie-Anne Moss (The Matrix) and Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange) will be joining the cast of Silent Hill: Revelation. The two new additions will be playing the Wolf family. Carrie-Anne Moss will be playing the infamous Claudia Wolf, and Malcom McDowell her father, Leonard Wolf.

Kid A
16-04-2011, 20:33
Nego, jel citaju ljudi ovaj moj povremeni update :D
Cisto da znam.....nekako mi tiho ovdje

16-04-2011, 22:36
za Vincent mi više paše onaj Tvajlajt guy...nezz kak se zove...

Kid A
20-04-2011, 19:56
nova slika

Kid A
25-04-2011, 02:03

Kid A
27-07-2012, 18:53

27-07-2012, 23:18
Zasto Heather izgleda ko da joj je 30 godina?