Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Blade Kitten

23-09-2010, 21:50
Evo nam zanimljive Action/Adventure/Platform igre, pod imenom Blade Kitten. Igra je dostupna na Steamu za download.


Blade Kitten Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/9940/)

Welcome to Hollow Wish… On the surface, it’s your typical lawless frontier. Yet this mysterious shell planetoid is filled with dark secrets and cloaked figures. It’s here Kit Ballard, aka Blade Kitten, works as one of the best bounty hunters in the business. Don’t let her pink hair fool you, Kit is part cat, part girl, and wholly lethal. She is one of the last of her species, having fled her homeland after the genocide of her people at the hands of the ancient and mystical race known as the Darques. Kit has since made a name for herself rounding up some of the most deadly scum in the galaxy. With her unique Darque Blade hovering at her side and obeying her every command, Kit can cut through even the toughest rogue drone while hunting down soft targets to make the planet a safer place to live. Also along for the ride is Skiffy, Kit’s laid-back little sidekick who, when needed, serves as her protector.

23-09-2010, 22:20
Igram. Nije mi neš.

23-09-2010, 22:25
Isprobao, ali mi nije previše sjela. Možda joj dam još koju šansu kasnije.

24-09-2010, 07:25
Omg, kako dobra igra, pravo osvježenje u žanru platformera. Predivna i simpatična grafika, blagi hi tech look, dobar movement po nivoima, možete se primat za zidove, stropove, vaše oružje, mač, leti oko vas te ga možete slati u fajt i na daljinu. Fora i simpa zasada, ovo definitivno igram.

24-09-2010, 15:36
Mene malo smeta "tromost" junakinje. Ono, ne stane kad pustim tipku neg ode dalje još par koraka. Vjerojatno se treba naviknuti, al znao sam popit par udarca tako.

Al da, simpatična je jako igra svojim artom.

24-09-2010, 15:43
Da, i mene to malo zeza ponekad, treba se naviknut. Btw. možete kupovat zanimljive outfite za nju te nove mačeve. Plus, dobio sam malog kawai pomagača :)

24-09-2010, 15:48
Ček da počneš jahat chocobbo ripoff.
Ja štedim za onaj ultimativan mač. :( Malo mi fali.
Jel pokupljaš sve il ti se ne da? Ovdje imaš dodatnog loota kolko oćeš. Malo previše za moj ukus.

24-09-2010, 17:26
Pa ono, 80% stvari pokupim, ovisi kak mi se da :) Igram sam malo Alien Breed 2 pa nisam drilao puno po ovom.

24-09-2010, 19:36
Meni je igra totalno kul u suštini. Uz Shank najbolji novi 2D platformer.