Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Visak informacija

Kid A
12-09-2010, 18:12
-znam napamet celu Cote D Azur stazu iz Gran Turisma kad god je vidim na TV-u i znam koji zavoj ide pre nego sto ce se skrenuti
-4487...sifra za onaj vatrogasni ormaric na gornjem spratu Dryfielda u Parasite Eve II
- "They threw themselves at me to bare my path...one...after another (i onda onaj hand gesture)...Seymoreov quote iz FFX tamo u onoj snjeznoj pustinji
-2236...sifra za onaj sef u policijskoj stanici u RE2
-desno desno X O, O, X .....combo sa Ling Xiaoyu koji znam izvesti, identican onom iz uvodne animacije
-WMNNWLHTSCUCLH - sifra za sve u Vigilante 8

Dakle, koje su vase profesionalne deformacije.U moru nepotrebnih(diskutabilno) gaming informacija, koje bi izdvojili da se onako, vise isticu od drugih, zacementirane u glavi bez nekog odredjenog razloga?
I da, jel jos nekome Cid iz FFVIII strasno lici na Robin Williamsa?

12-09-2010, 18:15
pas mater, koliko ih imam :pray:
Zapisem ih na papir pa napisem :)

12-09-2010, 18:15
Znam prvih 10 minuta dijaloga Kuma u slovo. :(

Niko Bellic
12-09-2010, 18:37
Imam djelomično fotografsko pamćenje, a neke događaje pohranim i u obliku video snimke u glavi i onda kad ih se prisjetim kao da gledam film. Također, uz hranu i pjesme vežem razne uspomene. Često mi se dogodi da si kad nešto pojedem ili kad čujem neku pjesmu doslovno vrtim film od nekog događaja kada sam jeo tu istu hranu ili je u pozadini svirala ta pjesma. Podsvjesno pamtim riječi od većine pjesama i onda ih dok kenjam na WC-u (a to je za mene stanje kad sam potpuno opušten) spajam u neku novu pjesmu tj. kombiniram baš kao Nick Praskaton. E da, pamtim i face, ali totalno random, tj. od 100 ljudi zapamtit ću facu od bar njh 50 makar ih vidio samo jednom u životu, i ne, to ne ovisi o tome koliko mi je bitno da ih zapamtim nego je (kao što sam već naveo) totalno random...

12-09-2010, 18:43
Greetings, stranger. I'm not surprised to see your kind here. Many adventurers have traveled this way since the recent trouble began.
No doubt you've heard about the the tragedy that befell the town of Tristram. Some say that Diablo, the Lord of Terror, walks the earth again.
I don't know If I believe that, but a Dark Wanderer did travel this route a few weeks ago. He was headed east to the mountain pass, guarded by the Rogue Monastery.
Maybe it's nothing, but evil seems to have traveled in his wake.


I tako dalje. Znam velike količine monologa iz Diablo 2 napamet. >_>

12-09-2010, 18:44
Većinu kodova iz Deus Ex-a :D

Jedan nikako neću zaboraviti, čuveni 0451 za skladište pokraj UNATCO HQ na Liberty Islandu :pray:

The Boz
12-09-2010, 18:46
Uff, šta sve znam... Pola door codeova iz Deus Exa, recimo. Svaki dijalog svakog lika u Deus Exu, V:tM-Bu, Baldur's Gateu 2, ToBu i Icewind Daleu 2. Opis, cijenu i učinak svakog skilla u Guild Warsu. Strukturu koda svakog skilla, spella i oružja u Arcanumu. Svaki detalj svake animacije, dijaloga, briefinga, jedinice i mape StarCrafta.

Znam prvih 10 minuta dijaloga Kuma u slovo. :(
Znam cijeli Matrix napamet, svaku rečenicu. To je bio dobar film, šteta kaj nisu snimili nastavak...

12-09-2010, 18:49
giveusatank. Šifra za tenk na GTA 3, uopće ne znam kako mi je ostala u glavi od brda šifri koje sam koristio na svim GTA igrama.

12-09-2010, 18:53
Voila! In view a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.
Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V.
Znam napamet, ali sam c/p jer mi se nije dalo pisati. :P

Znam još dosta stvari, npr. pamtim oružja iz filmova i igara, znam sve misije CoD-a 4 po redu,
dosta Star Wars zanimljivosti...

12-09-2010, 18:56
hesoyam :D
Iskoristio sam je barem 200 puta dok sam došo u San Fierro .Gun sve znam dijaloge oružija imena likova sve ipak sam ga prešo triput 100%.The Godfather The Game također cjelu igru znam napamet(plus znam točno kako funkcionira Cosa Nostra) ipak sam bio Don NY 4 puta. Ima još dosta toga , ali mi se neda pisat.

12-09-2010, 19:02
Intro Dino Crisisa 2, mnogo sam puta preslušao.

One year has passed since the third energy incident.

Dr. Kirk's research on the third energy has been taken over by the goverment agency, and massive research has begun at the base somewhere in the mid west.

However, in their pursuit of imeddiate results they have failed to take the neccesary precautions, and once again an accident has accured.

This time the entire research base, military institution, and a small town close by have disappeared.

In their place there now lies a jungle... from another time.

U pamćenju mi je ostao i dijalog iz psychonautsa, no neda mi se sad sve pisati;

Dr. Loboto: Now the problem originates here, in the area that we in the medical profession like to refer to as THE BRAIN!
Dr. Loboto: You see son... IT'S JUST NO GOOD!
Dr. Loboto: I hate to be so blunt, but YOU have the insanity... of a manatee!
Dogen: I know, people are always saying that. What do you think's wrong with my brain, doctor?
Dr. Loboto: How should I know? I'm a dentist. But here's what I do know: if the tooth is bad, we pull it!
Dogen: But my teeth are fine.
Dr. Loboto: Yea, mad brain's got to come out, boy!
Dr. Loboto: It's a quickest way to cure what you've got. INSANITY OF THE MIND!
Dr. Loboto: Now hold still, this will only hurt until your brains come flying out!
[Dogen sneezes his brain out]
Dr. Loboto: Oh, good boy! There's that pesky brain. Here's a tissue. Now don't you feel better my dear lad?

12-09-2010, 19:05
Da mi se bas urezalo u pamcenje?
Nemrem se sjetiti takvih stvari.
Ako me pustis da igram to, budem se usput sjetio toga.

Sa druge strane, najlakse se sjecam trivijalnosti i takvih stvari.

Tho, znam lokacije vecine artefact weaponsa iz Freelancera, kao i priblizne pozicije par jumpholesa.

12-09-2010, 19:13
Znam cjele Star Warse, Lotr i Konana napamet. :(
Toliko ima korisnijih stvari koje bih mogao da znam.
Takodje znam milione nepotrebnih stvari...

Niko Bellic
12-09-2010, 19:31
E da, ovo ću pamtiti dok sam živ...

Call of Duty 2

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

12-09-2010, 19:37
Intro Dino Crisisa 2, mnogo sam puta preslušao.

One year has passed since the third energy incident.

Dr. Kirk's research on the third energy has been taken over by the goverment agency, and massive research has begun at the base somewhere in the mid west.

However, in their pursuit of imeddiate results they have failed to take the neccesary precautions, and once again an accident has accured.

This time the entire research base, military institution, and a small town close by have disappeared.

In their place there now lies a jungle... from another time.

U pamćenju mi je ostao i dijalog iz psychonautsa, no neda mi se sad sve pisati;

Dr. Loboto: Now the problem originates here, in the area that we in the medical profession like to refer to as THE BRAIN!
Dr. Loboto: You see son... IT'S JUST NO GOOD!
Dr. Loboto: I hate to be so blunt, but YOU have the insanity... of a manatee!
Dogen: I know, people are always saying that. What do you think's wrong with my brain, doctor?
Dr. Loboto: How should I know? I'm a dentist. But here's what I do know: if the tooth is bad, we pull it!
Dogen: But my teeth are fine.
Dr. Loboto: Yea, mad brain's got to come out, boy!
Dr. Loboto: It's a quickest way to cure what you've got. INSANITY OF THE MIND!
Dr. Loboto: Now hold still, this will only hurt until your brains come flying out!
[Dogen sneezes his brain out]
Dr. Loboto: Oh, good boy! There's that pesky brain. Here's a tissue. Now don't you feel better my dear lad?
ah. dinocrisis 2 <3

12-09-2010, 19:40
Heh,kladim se da je ovo svima urezano u pamćenje:

Stand up. There you go.

You were dreaming.

What&#39;s your name?

not even last nights storm could wake you.

I heard them say we&#39;ve reached morrowind, I&#39;m sure they&#39;ll let us go....

Quiet...Here comes the guard.

This is were you get off. come with me.

Get yourself up on deck and let&#39;s keep this as civil as possible.

You finally arrived, but our records don&#39;t show from where.

Great, I&#39;m sure you;ll fit right in. Follow me up to the office and they&#39;ll finish your release.

12-09-2010, 19:43
Znam prvih 10 minuta dijaloga Kuma u slovo. :(
Znam cijeli Matrix napamet, svaku rečenicu. To je bio dobar film, šteta kaj nisu snimili nastavak...
Jesu snimili nastavak, i to čak dva, samo kaj ih ti tak ne klasificiraš :)

Znam cijeli intro narration od Total Annihilationa, znam radnju svake epizoda Dragon Ball Z-a, prvih par lvla Duke Nukema, cijeli album Nereda i Stoke napamet...ima toga dosta, samo se nemogu svega sjetit.

@Interceptor: A ne :)

Mirko L
12-09-2010, 21:04
Znam mnogo nepotrebnoga napamet...izdvojio bih 130+ (trenutno) decimala broja PI.

12-09-2010, 21:17
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr....

12-09-2010, 21:22
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr....

Ovo :pray:

Stalno to pjevušim :)

Niko Bellic
12-09-2010, 21:23
Ala kak sam umro na to. Sheldon je epic! :pray:

12-09-2010, 21:29
Penny ftw!!


12-09-2010, 21:55

12-09-2010, 22:18
korijen iz dva,jedan točka četiri jedan četiri dva jedan tri pet šest dva.

Niko Bellic
12-09-2010, 22:37
Penny ftw!!

Serija je čisti urnebes.

12-09-2010, 23:04
Heh,kladim se da je ovo svima urezano u pamćenje:

Stand up. There you go.

You were dreaming.

What&#39;s your name?

not even last nights storm could wake you.

I heard them say we&#39;ve reached morrowind, I&#39;m sure they&#39;ll let us go....

Quiet...Here comes the guard.

This is were you get off. come with me.

Get yourself up on deck and let&#39;s keep this as civil as possible.

You finally arrived, but our records don&#39;t show from where.

Great, I&#39;m sure you;ll fit right in. Follow me up to the office and they&#39;ll finish your release.

He, he. Baš sam to htio napisat.
Vjerojatno jedina stvar koju sam u potpunosti zapamtio (ako ne računam vražji gaudeamus igitur koji nikako da izbacim iz glave :? ).

Pi nasreću znam samo do 3.14. To nam je na feru dosta. :)

13-09-2010, 05:18
Znam cijeli Matrix napamet, svaku rečenicu. To je bio dobar film, šteta kaj nisu snimili nastavak...
Jesu snimili nastavak, i to čak dva, samo kaj ih ti tak ne klasificiraš :)

14-09-2010, 03:13
L1, L2, gore, L1, L2, dolje, R1, desno, R2, lijevo

Kid A
14-09-2010, 03:19
TWISTED METAL!!!!!? :pray: :pray: :pray:

14-09-2010, 10:07
Jel se moze kako obrisat cache mozga? jer mi pocinje laggat zbog raznih sifri iz SA, gta4 i slicnih pizdarija ^^

14-09-2010, 10:35
Stay awhile and listen :D

i skoro svi jebeni qvotovi iz Warcrafta ^^

Lord Ragnarok
14-09-2010, 10:37
jup, naravn da se moze.

prislonis si na potiljak (jerbo tamo se nalazi cache) i busis dok ti 3/4 svrdla ne udu unutra. ali ako oces mozes i do 7/8 busiti da budes 100% siguran da ces obrisati sve.
i inace koristi svrdlo od 12 cm, promjera 2mm napravljeno od ljevanog celika