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Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Everquest 2

Arbiter of Change
28-07-2010, 12:41
Masivno popularan MMORPG Everquest 2Ssvaki čas postaje F2P, ali sa nekim žestokim ograničenjima.
Obavezno pročitajte FAQ i usporedbu.

Sony Online Entertainment unveiled a major parallel stride for EverQuest II and the catch-phrase is “Free-to-Play.”

This is not to say that EQII will be entirely free to play. Actually, the announcement is that there will be a parallel service offering that is intended to draw in new players and allow the game to grow.

EverQuest II: Free To Play Service Coming Mid-August (http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/2/feature/4418/page/1)
EQII Extended - FAQ (http://everquest2.com/free_to_play/extended_faq)

http://a.imagehost.org/t/0510/membershipMatrix.jpg (http://a.imagehost.org/view/0510/membershipMatrix)

28-07-2010, 14:53
Omg!!! Napokon! Ajde da se nesta kvalitetno moze derat i besplatno :D

28-07-2010, 17:41

Arbiter of Change
29-07-2010, 16:40
Kad se uzme u obzir da SoE planira držati F2P igrače na odvojenim serverima, tj. na stare pretplatnike ovo neće utjecati što se tiče stereotipnoga ponašanja F2P igrača, i podržava sve moguće načine plaćanja istovremeno ovo bi mogao ispasti naj potez godine. Još samo da se igra može normalno vrtjeti.

31-07-2010, 16:52
Znaci oni "malleri" koji pravim parama kupuju iteme i uzto jos placaju mjesecno ce bit odvojeni od ovih normalnih smrtnika koji nemaju tako bogate starce? Kewl! :D

31-07-2010, 16:56
Ne nego će ljudi koji plaćaju mjesećno bit odvojeni od "mailera" i ostalih F2P igrača.

01-08-2010, 13:34
Opa...pa to jos bolje xD

05-08-2010, 20:52
Ovaj platinum nije ni toliko skup, valjda vrijedi toliko para igra.

Arbiter of Change
20-08-2010, 14:29
Beta je počela.

12-02-2011, 13:55
Jel igra netko i kakva je igra? Čudi me da za ovakvu igru nema nikakve rasprave :?

12-02-2011, 14:06
Ja je trenutno skidam pa, ako mi se netko hoće pridružit...

Arbiter of Change
12-02-2011, 21:34
Pripremi se na streaming client i nadaj se povoljnim brzinama.

12-02-2011, 21:37
Skinio sam samo kad napravim lika neće me spojit na server. Ionako ove F2P restrikcije izgledaju mega gej pola opcija su srezali.

Arbiter of Change
12-02-2011, 21:47
Je, ali možeš solo i group kroz igru kao F2P igrač. Samo se nemoj nadati nekakvom end-game raidanju i PvPu jer će te razvaliti. Stvar je u tome da su gimpali sve, ali su ti opet ostavili i više nego dovoljno sadržaja za igranje jer nije kao LotRO gdje baš MORAŠ nešto kupiti/otključati da bi nastavio s normalnim igranjem (nove zone i questove, npr). Na kraju krajeva, EQ2 je jedini MMO gdje su devovi izbacivali sadržaj jer ga je previše bilo.

Arbiter of Change
09-07-2011, 06:50
Gomila infomacija ako igrate EQ2, prvenstveno o nadolazećim updatesima i nekim povećim dodacima (Dungeon Finder, crafting apprentice, mercenaries, etc).
http://eq2wire.com/2011/07/08/live-blog ... nd-beyond/ (http://eq2wire.com/2011/07/08/live-blog-eq2-panel-1-freeport-and-beyond/)

Arbiter of Change
08-12-2011, 07:12
F2P je sada i na Steamu.

Arbiter of Change
01-06-2012, 21:58
Vidio sam razna sranja, ali ovaj žabac me prestrašio sa rape osmjehom. SOEmote dolazi.
http://xmmorpg.com/news/sony-announce-g ... be-excited (http://xmmorpg.com/news/sony-announce-ground-breaking-mmo-technology-for-everquest-ii-prepare-to-be-excited)

The most exciting aspect to this new SOEmote technology is the ability to have the character behave in exactly the same way as the player. Using webcams and the new technology, players exploring the world of Everquest II can bring role-playing to a whole new level. Look to your right, and your character looks to their right, frown and your character frowns, scream as the boss destroys your raid and your player screams. Supporting the new facial recognition technology is the ability to use Vivox's Voice Font technology to mask a players voice, allowing them to have the voice of a gruff-like trolls or a squeaky, high pitched goblin.


Arbiter of Change
09-08-2012, 14:58
Live je.


Arbiter of Change
14-11-2012, 10:51
Još nema combo breakera. :(

Izašla je nova i već deveta ekspanzija za igru naziva Chains of Eternity.

This is the 9th expansion of the revolutionary EverQuest II franchise. This expansion contains must-have features such as level increases, prestige abilities and new game items only available with this expansion, such as adornments that become more powerful with your character. Also, explore new content in two overlands in the spirit realm, and experience adventure with new dungeons and quests. Put right the imbalance in the Ethernere!

26-12-2012, 19:26
Jel mi netko moze rec kolika je tocno razlika izmedu F2P igraca i ovih koji redovno placaju? :3

26-12-2012, 22:42
Oće nama f2p igračima dati i druge klase kao što je Sony nedavno dao u AoC-u?

Arbiter of Change
07-03-2013, 19:58
Hoće izgleda. Modifikacija EQ2 F2P modela.

So what’s changed? Check out this list of lifted restrictions:

EverQuest II

Class restrictions*
Race restrictions**
Bag slot restrictions
Shared bank restrictions
Active journal quests restrictions

*exception for EQII: Beastlord is still only accessible via the “Age of Discovery” expansion pack.
** exception for EQII: The Freeblood race is still an SC-only marketplace option.

08-03-2013, 10:21
Jel to već vani? Ako je, možda ću opet isprobati

09-03-2013, 13:48
Ja bih isto mogao isprobati.

Arbiter of Change
09-03-2013, 19:14
Trebalo bi biti sredinom idućeg tjedna ili tako nešto. Postajte gdje igrate i tako to. :eyebrows:
https://www.everquest2.com/news/article ... 3&id=51587 (https://www.everquest2.com/news/article?month=032013&id=51587)

As of mid-next week, we're going to be removing the following free-to-play restrictions in EverQuest and EverQuest II. Free and Silver players will now have access to all of the following options:

We are opening up ALL CLASSES.*
We are opening up ALL RACES. **
All bag slots are unlocked.
All players can now use the shared bank slots.
The quest journal restrictions are lifted entirely. Quest away!

Arbiter of Change
13-03-2013, 16:05
Patch je live. Bar neće biti zabune oko servera jer F2P korisnici imaju pristup samo na Splitpaw. :)

13-03-2013, 16:26
inb4 queueovi i padovi servera.

Arbiter of Change
16-03-2013, 11:17
Prošla je početna F2P navala odavno. :)

16-03-2013, 16:42
Ajd, skinut ću. Ionako nemam ništa pametno za radit.

10-11-2013, 20:48
evo taman je skidam za isprovati. Nego gdje je najbolje za započeti? Samo se sjećam da sam je davno prije provao ono kada je bio tjedni trial, ali sam odustao. Od tada sam čuo da je puno napredovala igra na korist f2p, pa de da i to vidim

Arbiter of Change
10-11-2013, 20:56
evo taman je skidam za isprovati. Nego gdje je najbolje za započeti? Samo se sjećam da sam je davno prije provao ono kada je bio tjedni trial, ali sam odustao. Od tada sam čuo da je puno napredovala igra na korist f2p, pa de da i to vidim
Kako misliš gdje je najbolje početi? Frostfang Sea je najnovija dodana početna zona pa tako ima i najveću "protočnost" što se tiče samog dizajna zone, a i početna kuća u New Halasu je daleka veća od onih u drugim gradova koje su više-manje sobičak. Kvaka je naravno u tome što je za good-aligned likove tako da nećeš moći početi sa evil rasama.

Inače, ako imaš stari account jednom su prilikom svima dali 500 Station Casha tako da možeš time kupiti Silver status u ingame store-u i dobiti beneficije.

12-11-2013, 04:05
aaa da sada vidim kada sam zaigrao, da je cijela Europa smještena na jednom serveru. Jeli to tako stvarno. Heh a problem je sa mojim starim accountom to što je on zapeo na US serverima tamo negdi luta izgubljen.

Nego moje pitanje je sada, ima li na EQ2 domaći guild i domaćih ljudi?

Arbiter of Change
04-02-2014, 08:52
Daljni planovi za budućnost igre.

So how are we fixing that? Basically, we’ve decided to release regular improvements every week, then every month we’ll push something cool to you. Beyond that, we’re focusing the rest of our efforts into making great expansions!

Here’s a bit more detail:

What sorts of things will come out weekly?
These will be things like straight-up feature refinements, holiday events, short adventures, or pretty much anything that doesn’t merit being in the expansion or being a big monthly highlight. But something of this sort comes every week.

What sorts of things will you deliver monthly?
Each month, we’re going to do something interesting and fun, like aging a cool existing dungeon up to end-game levels and itemization, or adding a series of quests for players to find and explore. Maybe even a new zone sweeper or random world event, or that sort of thing. Something new and fun to experience with friends and guildies.

How will this impact the quality of the expansion?
We’re putting a huge emphasis on how important the expansion pack is to you. The feedback on that has been almost universal. “Make Our Expansion Matter.” So that’s what we intend to do.

Is SOE locked into this schedule? Do we mean EVERY week and EVERY month?
Answer: Yes, we mean it. We’re going to work hard to make it happen regularly and dependably.