Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Valve najavljuje Half-Life 3 na E3-ju?

02-06-2010, 13:43
Valveov direktor marketinga, Doug Lombardi novinarima je sinoć poslao jedan vrlo interesantan mail u kojem navodi kako otkazuje predstavljanje Portala 2, te kako fanovima priprema jedno veliko iznenađenje.
U službenom priopćenju, na engleskom jeziku tako stoji:

"Dear Subject Name Here,

Aperture Science is pleased to inform you that we have partnered with Valve to announce the gala CANCELLATION of the June 14 Portal 2 event at the Regal Theater. The event will be replaced by a surprise. And even though the cancellation of the event certainly counts as a surprise, we are pleased to further announce that the cancellation of the event is not THE surprise. However, per International treaties regarding the definition of the word "surprise", of which both Aperture Science and Valve are signatories, the time, date and content of the actual surprise will only become available as you experience the surprise.

If you'd like to ask fruitless questions about the E3 Portal 2 surprise or, more fruitfully, schedule an appointment to attend a Portal 2 screening at the Valve booth during E3, please contact Valve's Special Envoy to Surprises, Doug Lombardi.

Thank you for <<RECORD SCRATCH!!!>>

PS: The surprising record scratch is also not the surprise."

Što mislite, čime će nas Valve iznenaditi? Hoće li to doista biti Half-Life 3? Ili možda Half-Life Episode 3? Ili nešto sasvim deseto?

02-06-2010, 14:16
Pa, htio bi da je Episode3 da konačno završe HL2 priču al opet, EP3 je kao najavljena još prije tak da ovo mora bit nešto sasvim novo, kao Half Life 3. To bi bio dobar potez a ne bi se trebali više zezat sa EP3 nego bi sve ukomponirali u sasvim novi nastavak...tako neš :) Uglavnom svrš.