Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Warcraft novela

16-04-2010, 10:43
Sta mislite da postupno clanovi foruma koji su naravno voljni pisati ovdje postaju svoje nastavke na neku temu iliti naslov iz Warcraft svijet. Znaci da to ne bude nista sto je vec napisano u Warcraft svijetu nego nesto potpuno novo. Takoder predlazem da ti nastavci budu malo duzi a ne 3 rečenice jer bi se moglo dogadjati da dvojica postaju u isto vrijeme pa se izgubi timeline :D

Ja kao osnivac ove teme i malo poduzeg kopkanja po loreu predlazem da napisemo novelu "The Azeroth Union", znaci ujedinjenje alijanse i horde ne po vec utabanom stilu zbog neke mracne sile, nego zbog sta ja znam globalnog prosvjetljenja. Uglavnom dajte masti na volju!!! Prvi poster koji napise dio određuje veci dio priče reklo bi se, zato ko god da ce biti, lijepo to napisi! :D Mozda nekad i posaljemo Blizzu cijelu novelu :D

16-04-2010, 11:41
Toliko zapeo ipak nisam, al, ako netko hoće, nek slobodno piše.. :D

16-04-2010, 18:11
Odoh sad u grad pa kad dodjem zapocet cu novelu, sa puno epiteta i spesl uvodnim dogadjajem bas kao knaak :D Be well! :*

17-04-2010, 11:33
Izgubih volju za pocetak od 1337 rijeci pa evo nekoliko recenica. Pisat cu na engleskom jer eto sta ja znam, sva Warcraft literatura koju imam na engleskom je...

Sun was entering through his old, battered window and sunrays were pinching his cheek, yet he was not disturbed by that. The birds sang and life was present in every aspect possible. Suddenly, Ivan screamed in fear and nearly instantly jumped of the bed. Seems this was one more of his malevolent nightmares that haunted his dreams from the time he was born. Sweat poured down his nose and blue orbs were shining so fierce that it could be seen from thousand miles. He was wearing some ordinary cloth, many times stitched and with some holes that still needed stitching. Power radiated from his orbs so much that it seemed he is going to explode. Something made him look through the window. He slowly walked and raised his artificial eyes, the sun blackedned and he felt a presence in it. A presence that carefully watched him.

18-04-2010, 20:10
ok ljudi pa malo reakcija, jel ovo totalka pa da ne pisem vise?

19-04-2010, 10:11
samo daj dalje, nije lose

19-04-2010, 22:30
OTPRIJE: Sun was entering through his old, battered window and sunrays were pinching his cheek, yet he was not disturbed by that. The birds sang and life was present in every aspect possible. Suddenly, Ivan screamed in fear and nearly instantly jumped of the bed. Seems this was one more of his malevolent nightmares that haunted his dreams from the time he was born. Sweat poured down his nose and blue orbs were shining so fierce that it could be seen from thousand miles. He was wearing some ordinary cloth, many times stitched and with some holes that still needed stitching. Power radiated from his orbs so much that it seemed he is going to explode. Something made him look through the window. He slowly walked and raised his artificial eyes, the sun blackedned and he felt a presence in it. A presence that carefully watched him.

NOVO: "I see your power old man, I see it and you will get a chance to serve me. Your immortallity is remarkable, but its not even near my gifts that you could be granted." the presence whispered. It was not even the whisper, or just a voice inside. Ivan replied eagerly: "Your malefic words are not seducing me, now I order you to go. Do not disturb me." As Ivan finished his last few vowels his head instantly started to hurt, soon after he felt excruciating pain in his whole body. "We will see how long will you live now, death is inevitable without my gifts, you know where to find me..." the voice angrily roared. His skin started to pale and stretch like it iss attracted by gravity tenfold stronger than normal. This cannot be possible, atleast not now. How did THAT acomplished this? After so much years he felt it, like something sucked life from him, yet he could not believe. Few moments did what the whole eternity could not. He was old now.