Pogledaj cijelu verziju : web za klan

28-02-2010, 11:43
Pozdrav ekipo. Mucio sam se oko wbspella jako dugo i nisam skuzio ono preko smartFTP-a sta trebam upisat da uploadam fileove na moj web..Domenu ili.. Molio bih nekoga od vas ako ima dobre volje i visak slobodnog vremena da mi napravi web za klan :roll: ili nekako objasni sta s tim ftpom( smartftpom) tream sve upisat da bih mogo uploadat na web.. Hvala unaprijed

28-02-2010, 16:13
Isuse pa objasnio ti je neko več u temi koju si bio prije otvorio. Šta ti nema biti jasno, pod address upiši svoju adresu koju si dobio prilikom registracije na neki web host, najčešće ide ovako: username.imehosta.com, npr. kod freehostie ide username.freehostia.com, tu što sam upisao username ti napiši svoj username, npr. 123456.freehostia.com i to ti je address. Za username i pw valjda znaš šta treba, a ako ne, bolje se nemoj ni upuštati u ovo... Trebao si dobiti sve detalje na mail nakon registracije na webhost, tamo ti sve piše, pročitaj to.

28-02-2010, 20:08
1. registriraj se na neki besplatni hosting
2. Dobit ces na mail ftp podatke
3. Spoji se na ftp i uplodaj webspell
4. Procitaj "read me" webspella samo onaj dio koji moras editirati davno sam to radio ali recimo da se taj fajl zove "config"
i sada otidi na mysql i napravi (ime baze i password) nakon toga otidi na ftp i pronadi taj fajl koji ti trebas editirati i upisi
ime baze i password.

za vise pitanja Ul12-qsv ... feature=iv (Ul12-qsvE4g&annotation_id=annotation_3554&feature=iv)
sa strane imas 1/2/3 dio.Ovo ti je jako jednostavno napraviti.

01-03-2010, 20:28
jel mi mozete dat par nekih free webhostinga?

01-03-2010, 20:51

samo upisi u google "free hosting"

13-03-2010, 16:12
ali kako da se spojim na ftp??? Rego sam se na neki freehosting i preko fileZille mi pise unable to connect..pod user tamo metnem user sam free hosta, pod pw pass od freehosta, a sta da mentem pod host??

EDIT: trebo bi pomoć više za ftp program nego za webspell

13-03-2010, 18:38
1. Registriraj se na neki besplatni hosting koji ima ftp
2.potvrdi account mailom !
3.Skini program filezilla i instaliraj ga(ftp)
4.Pokreni filezillu i vidit ces gore prazna polja.

Host: klan.besplatnihosting.com
besplatni hosting.comS-> hosting na kojem si napravio account
klanS-> ime klana

ako neradi mozes pokusati ovako ftp.klan.besplatnihosting.com

Username: klan (isto kao ime domene koju si registrirao)
Password: (isti password kao kad si pravio account iliti password kad se logiras na njihov site)
Port: 21 (default port je 21)
i na kraju klikni Quickconnect

U nekim hosting stranicama trebas aktivirati (na nekima se treba samo aktivirati a na nekima se PLACA zato nadi besplatni hosting koji ukljucuje FTP)

A u nekima trebas napraviti svoj FTP account (to mozes jednostavno napraviti ako se logiras na hosting stranicu i nades FTP)

ps: sada sam vidio da 110mb.com nema besplatni ftp vise....

na youtube imas puno tutoriala

13-03-2010, 19:13
evo uploado sam sve na web i odem ono instalation webspell..
i sad krenu koraci dođem do onog koraka di treba nes Sa MySQlom i neznam sta treba, napisem nes i izbaci mi error kao could not conect to MySQL server..Sad me zanima sta trebam upisati ovdje(inace sam prek awardspacea radio)
MySQL database configuration:
Host Name :
MySQL User Name:
MySQL Password:
MySQL Database Name:
MySQL Table Prefix
Webspell configuration:
Admin Name:
Admin Password:
Admin E-mail:
Jel bi mi mogli detaljno ovo objasnit sta tocno trebam upisat tu?
Fala unaprijed

13-03-2010, 20:10
evo uploado sam sve na web i odem ono instalation webspell..
i sad krenu koraci dođem do onog koraka di treba nes Sa MySQlom i neznam sta treba, napisem nes i izbaci mi error kao could not conect to MySQL server..Sad me zanima sta trebam upisati ovdje(inace sam prek awardspacea radio)
MySQL database configuration:
Host Name :
MySQL User Name:
MySQL Password:
MySQL Database Name:
MySQL Table Prefix
Webspell configuration:
Admin Name:
Admin Password:
Admin E-mail:
Jel bi mi mogli detaljno ovo objasnit sta tocno trebam upisat tu?
Fala unaprijed

logiraj se na stranicu od awardspacea i nadi mysql i napravi account.kad si ga napravio jednostavno upisi te podatke.
samo prefix bi ti trebao dati sam webspell..... i nakon toga izbrisi /install folder te ces mozda morati chmodati na 644 neku stvar pisat ce ti 100%.I prije svega citaj readme.....

################################################## ######################
# #
# Version 4 / / / #
# -----------__---/__---__------__----__---/---/- #
# | /| / /___) / ) (_ ` / ) /___) / / #
# _|/_|/__(___ _(___/_(__)___/___/_(___ _/___/___ #
# Free Content / Management System #
# / #
# #
# #
# Copyright 2005-2010 by webspell.org #
# #
# visit webSPELL.org, webspell.info to get webSPELL for free #
# - Script runs under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE #
# - It's NOT allowed to remove this copyright-tag #
# -- http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.htmlS #
# #
# Code based on WebSPELL Clanpackage (Michael Gruber - webspell.at), #
# Far Development by Development Team - webspell.org #
# #
# visit webspell.org #
# #
################################################## ######################



Thank you for choosing webSPELL.
webSPELL is a free Content Management System (CMS), which is available for free at www.webspell.org. The following information should should help you getting started and will give you a first impression of the functionality.

1. License
2. Installation
3. Related links

1. License

webSPELL is published under GNU General Public License (GPL). It guarantees the free usage, modification and distribution of the webSPELL script withing the rules of the GPL.
You are able to find additional information about license at http://www.webspell.org/?site=license

2. Installation

1. Requirements
2. Upload WebSpell to your webspace
3. Setting the correct file/folder rights
4. Do the WebSpell install
5. Cleaning up

1. Requirements

* Webspace with PHP and mySQL support (PHP >= 4.3, MySQL >= 4.1)
* WinRAR to extract the downloaded WebSpell release ---> get it here: http://www.win-rar.com
* A FTP program to upload the WebSpell files to your webspace - we recommend SmartFTP

2. Upload webSPELL to your webspace

* Start your above downloaded FTP programm
* Connect with this FTP program to your webspace FTP server (you will get the access data for this from your webhoster)
* Upload ALL the extracted WebSpell files and folders to your webspace

3. Setting the correct file/folder rights

webSPELL needs special access rights on some files and folders. You are able to set this rights with the FTP
program. For doing this make a right click in the FTP program on the desired files or folders, look for
Properties/CHMOD (might be named different according to the used ftp program) and click it. There you have to set the permissions for all following files and folders to 777:

* demos/
* downloads/
* images/articles-pics
* images/avatars
* images/banner
* images/bannerrotation
* images/clanwar-screens
* images/flags
* images/gallery/large
* images/gallery/thumb
* images/games
* images/icons/ranks
* images/links
* images/linkus
* images/news-pics
* images/news-rubrics
* images/partners
* images/smileys
* images/sponsors
* images/squadicons
* images/userpics
* _mysql.php
* _stylesheet.css
* tmp/

4. Do the WebSpell install

* Open your webbrowser
* Enter the path to the webspell install folder http://[hostnameofyouwebspace]/installS(substitute [hostnameofyouwebspace]Swith the correct domain name (and maybe additional path name if you uploaded webSPELL to some sub-folder) where you have uploaded webSPELL.
* Follow the installation steps and enter the correct data

5. Cleaning up

* Reset the access rights of _mysql.php back to 644 with the FTP program
* Delete the complete install/ folder from your webspace with the FTP program

Now your webSPELL Page is ready.

3. Related links

Bulletin boards for support and communication between user (problems, modifications, templates, addons, etc.)
Wiki for webSPELL. Help with using webSPELL system, link lists, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for webSPELL. Answers and solutions for frequently asked questions and problems
Access via browser to webSPELL chat (IRC) for live support. Channel: #webspell @ Quakenet