Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Operation Downfall

06-01-2010, 15:51
By mid-August 1945, the war in the Pacific was just about over. The USSR had bounced Japan's ass out of Manchuria; Hiroshima and Nagasaki were still smoldering; and Emperor Hirohito was finally ready to announce he was going to call it a day and surrender.

Had Hirohito not surrendered, the Allies would have implemented Operation Downfall, an apocalyptic plan that would have resulted in millions of Allied casualties and tens of millions of Japanese casualties. One military planner estimated that SEVEN atomic bombs would have been ready for detonation by X-Day, which was scheduled for November 1, 1945.

But not everyone on Team Japan was cool with surrendering to the Allies. So officers of the War Ministry and the Imperial Guard concocted the plan to prevent Hirohito's announcement of surrender, namely by assassinating all of the peaceniks except for the emperor, who would be placed under "protective custody."

Then the plan would be to broadcast an alternate speech declaring Japan's intention to fight down to the last man, woman and child. Fortunately, four officers went A-Team on the conspirators' asses and the whole shebang fell apart at the last minute.

And as if this scenario wasn't horrific enough, the U.S. had absolutely no idea what the fuck they were doing with nuclear warfare, and were prepared to send troops into ground zero with no radiation gear whatsoever only 48-hours after the atomic bombings.

And don't think that it would have just been American troops dropping into Radiationland. Allied troops from Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand would have also been invited to the poison party.

And then they'd all have gone home and got started on that baby boom we've heard so much about. Would the next generation have been born with grotesque deformities? Or superpowers?

The world will never know.

više infoa na http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Downfall

PS. Fallout ftw!

J... koliko je svijet mogao biti drugačiji da su uspijeli u svome naumu

06-01-2010, 21:05
Baš sam sad maloprije gledao o nekim japanskim podmornicama koje mogu prenositi zrakoplove. Htjeli su napasti Panamski kanal s tim, al bilo je nekih pizdarija, pa nisu... Jebote, šta su sve oni smućkali...

07-01-2010, 01:47
Koliko novci se u to ulažu vjerovatno svaki tjedan proizvedu jedan plan invazije neke nacije trenutačno.
Za svaki slučaj,jel?

07-01-2010, 01:53
Navedeni gubitci bi bili toliki bez atomskih bombi, a taj plan bacanja 7 nuklearki i invazije već nakon dva dana je odbačen u startu.