Pogledaj cijelu verziju : LanSchool

22-11-2009, 09:54
E,ovako,ukratko. Nova zgrada škole,novi kompovi, svi sa Lan Schoolom. (http://www.lanschool.com/)

Odlučio sam,onako malo da skratim vrijeme, pokušati zaobići taj lan school. Evo,već tražim malo po webu, no zanima me što bi cijenjeni pcpleyovci rekli.
Ima'l neko ideju kak se taj LanSchool može zaobići?

beba nema zvečku
22-11-2009, 11:23
Izvadi kabel ?

22-11-2009, 12:47
Hmm,lol. Mislio sam, pošto nam profa preko LanSchoola spriječi internet, jel postoji način da se zaobiđe?

23-11-2009, 18:24
naletio sam na ovo

The real solution to killing lanschool is to kill the process perminently.

- open notepad - type; @echo off taskkill /f /im student.exe <filename>.bat

save as .bat file and run.

This will open a cmd window that constantly kills the student.exe process disabling lanschool access to your computer.

* <filename> has to be the exact same as whatever you save the .bat file as minus the extension;

example would be; filename: lankill1.bat

@echo off taskkill /f /im student.exe lankill1.bat

This is so that the commands are repeated in a loop until the cmd window is closed.

25-11-2009, 19:41
Wow,fala momak, car si! Isprobat ću prvom prilikom... :evil: