Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Black adder (crna guja)

21-09-2009, 19:51
Mislim da ova genijalna serija zasluzuje svoju temu (ispricavam se ak vec ima tema ali search nije nis nasao).
Dakle ima ukupno 24 epizode u 4 sezone +3 dodatne epizode i neobjavljenu pilot epizodu.
Meni je najdraza 4. sezona koja je odvija za vrijeme 1. svjetskog rata a najmanje draga srednjevjekovna prva (iako i ta ima svojih trenutaka)
Da cujem vas sta mislite.

21-09-2009, 19:53
Ima tema,samo što je search sjeban.
Nego vrlo dobra serija uz to da "mrzim" 1. sezonu.

21-09-2009, 19:57
meni su najbolja treća i prva sezoa, legendarna fora s predmetima koje je isus napravio kao stolar, koje uključuju i raspelo :pray:

Dreamer Deceiver
21-09-2009, 19:58
zadnja epizoda mi je legendarna :)
baldricova pjesma o njemačkim topovima je prejaka :D

21-09-2009, 19:59
Chiswick fresh horse! :D

21-09-2009, 20:00
zadnja epizoda mi je legendarna :)
baldricova pjesma o njemačkim topovima je prejaka :D
Baldrick:Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boooooom Booom
Blackadder:Boom Boom?
Baldrick:Yeah how did you now sir?
:pray: :pray: :pray:

MILF hunter
22-09-2009, 07:54

Savršenstvo :thumbs2:

22-09-2009, 09:01
predobra serija

22-09-2009, 09:07

22-09-2009, 11:00
Odlična mi je serija, s time da mi je prva sezona najmanje smiješna. Sve ostalo rula k'o Napoleon.

22-09-2009, 11:18
jel to glumi onaj lik mr.bean

22-09-2009, 11:19

22-09-2009, 14:48

Savršenstvo :thumbs2:
Bolji mi je flasheart u cetvrtoj sezoni,iako je i ovdje :pray:

Inace moj poredak sezona bi isao

22-09-2009, 14:53
Čini se da je ovo jedna od rijetkih serija gdje se prva sezona većini ljudi lošija od ostalih. :D

MILF hunter
22-09-2009, 14:58
QNOvmmTa ... re=related (QNOvmmTawsA&feature=related)

:pray: :pray: :pray:

23-09-2009, 09:10
Ja nisam mogao vjerovat da je onaj frajer što se pojavljuje od druge sezone Hugh Laurie iz Dr. Housea - totalno neprepoznatljiv. Ali je car :pray: isto ko i Rowan Atkinson :pray: ova serija mi je puno bolja od Mr. Beana i svega što je snimio.

23-09-2009, 10:22
Potpis. Meni je bean manje više bzvz u globalu. Crna mi je pak guja jedna od rijetkih serija koju bih mogao gledat još 50-ak puta i nikad mi nebi dosadila ili prestala biti smiješna.

The Great Duck
23-09-2009, 10:24
Mr.Bean se ionako svodi na glupiranje i kreveljenje...Crna Guja mi je vjerojatno najbolja britanska humoristična serija ikad.

23-09-2009, 11:14
Guja je vjerojatno jedna od najboljih serija ikada :D

Šteta što nisam gledao prvu sezonu (mada ljudi kažu da je prva i najlošija), nego sam počeo tek od druge..

23-09-2009, 12:08
Naprotiv, prva sezona je izvrsna, pogotovo ak uzmeš u obzir da je snimana i na vanjskim lokacijama. Iz te sezone je i meni najdraža epizoda kad guja okupi nekolicinu lopuža i pokvarenjaka te idu ubit kralja xD

23-09-2009, 14:34
Ja nisam mogao vjerovat da je onaj frajer što se pojavljuje od druge sezone Hugh Laurie iz Dr. Housea - totalno neprepoznatljiv. Ali je car :pray: isto ko i Rowan Atkinson :pray: ova serija mi je puno bolja od Mr. Beana i svega što je snimio.
Pa Hugh Laurie se pojavljuje i u zadnjoj epizodi druge sezone kao onaj tip sta muci black addera.

23-09-2009, 14:44
Prva sezona mi je bila super, nakon toga mi je dosadilo i prestao sam gledati. Oh well.

23-09-2009, 16:25
Meni jedan od najdražih klipova, prvih 30 sekundi.

Blackadder priča sa streljačkim vodom prije nego ga idu streljat. :rotfl:


Mirko L
23-09-2009, 19:28
Gledao sam to, ali davno.

Više se ni ne sjećam kakva je Crna guja.

Morat ću ponovo počet...jeli to ima sada igdje na TV-u ili?

23-09-2009, 19:34
Ne bi rekao da se igdje prikazuje ali uvijek mozes kupit cijeli paket sa svim sezonama i bonus epizodama (moze se vec naci i za 300-tinjak kuna) a ima i drugih nacina da se nabavi...

Nego,cuo sam nes da ce snimati i petu sezonu di ce black adder biti poduzetnik u 60-ima.Jel to istina ili...

Sgt. Bull
23-09-2009, 20:28
Nego,cuo sam nes da ce snimati i petu sezonu di ce black adder biti poduzetnik u 60-ima.Jel to istina ili...


In January 2005, Tony Robinson told ITV's This Morning that Rowan Atkinson was more keen than he has been in the past to do a fifth series, set in the 1960s (centred on a rock band called the "Black Adder Five", with Baldrick – aka 'Bald Rick' – as the drummer).[citation needed]SRobinson in a stage performance 1 June 2007, again mentioned this idea, but in the context of a movie. One idea mentioned by Curtis was that it was Baldrick who had accidentally assassinated John F. Kennedy.[14]SHowever, aside from a brief mention in June 2005,[15]Sthere have been no further announcements from the BBC that a new series is being planned. Furthermore, in November 2005, Rowan Atkinson told BBC Breakfast that although he would very much like to do a new series set in Colditz or another prisoner-of-war camp during World War II, something which both he and Stephen Fry reiterated at the end of Blackadder Rides Again, the chances of it happening are extremely low.[citation needed]

There were a couple of ideas that had previously floated for the fifth series. Batadder was intended to be a parody of Batman with Baldrick as the counterpart of Robin (suggested by John Lloyd). This idea eventually came to surface as part of the Comic Relief sketch "Spider-Plant Man" in 2005, with Atkinson as the title hero, Robinson as Robin, Jim Broadbent as Batman and Rachel Stevens as Mary Jane. Star Adder was to be set in space in the future (suggested by Atkinson),[16]Sthough this too was touched upon in Blackadder's Christmas Carol.

On 10 April 2007, Hello! reported that Atkinson was moving forward with his ideas for a fifth series. He said, "I like the idea of him being a prisoner of war in Colditz. That would have the right level of authority and hierarchy which is apparent in all the Blackadders."[17]

A post on www.BlackAdderHall.com (http://www.BlackAdderHall.com)Sfrom Ben Elton in early 2007 states that Blackadder will return in some form, whether it be a TV series or movie. Elton has since not given any more information on the putative Blackadder 5.

During an interview in August 2007 regarding his latest movie, Mr. Bean's Holiday, Atkinson was asked about the possibility of a further Blackadder series, to which the simple reply "No, no chance" was given:

"There was a plan for a film set in the Russian revolution, a very interesting one called The Red Adder. He would have been a lieutenant in the Secret Police. Then the revolution happened and at the end he is in the same office doing the same job but just the colours on his uniform have changed. It was quite a sweet idea and we got quite a long way with it but in the end it died a death."

Stephen Fry has expressed the view that, since the series went out on such a good "high", a film might not be a good idea.[18]

During his June 2007 stage performance, chronicled on the Tony Robinson's Cunning Night Out DVD, Robinson states that after filming the Back & Forth special, the general idea was to reunite for another special in 2010. Robinson jokingly remarked that Hugh Laurie's success on House may make that difficult.

At the end of Blackadder Rides Again Robinson asked Tim McInnerny if he would do another Series and he responded "no", because he thought people wouldn't want to see them as they are now and would rather remember them for how they were. In the same documentary, Rowan Atkinson voiced his similar view; 'Times past; that's what they were!' However, Miranda Richardson and Tony Robinson expressed enthusiasm towards the idea of a series set in the Wild West, whilst John Lloyd favoured an idea for a series with a Neanderthal Blackadder.