Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Archon

27-08-2009, 14:14
Dakle mislim da kad bi nakon ovog izašao SWINE 2 ja bih mogao umrijeti sretan.
Archon je prvi ikad RTS koji će kao dio gameplaya sadržavati putovanje vremenom, ne ništa sporadično poput zaustavljanja, dakle naprijed, nazad, zaustavi i slične manipulacije vremenskim kontinuumom, sad zamislite mogućnosti, mene je nakon pet minuta zabolila glava od ideja
Link na stranicu:http://www.achrongame.com/index.html

The Jackal
27-08-2009, 14:17
Pre jebeno kul. Šta... kad će neprijatelj freezat vrijeme i nama će bit freezano ili? To mi baš nije jasno.

27-08-2009, 15:05
Nisam siguran kako će to raditi u multiplayeru, ali opet ako su uspjeli rješti problem dva igrača u dva različita vremena tijekom igre sigurno imaju i rješenje za to.Također mi se sviđa korištenje paradoksa u korist ali i protiv igrača te kako se oni razrješuju

The Jackal
27-08-2009, 15:12
Sve u svemu jako zanimljiva igra. Čini se da će se moć igrat i na malo starijim kompovima. Po screensima nema baš neku grafiku.. malo slabiju od Kane's Wratha. Sve u svemu. GG :thumbs2:

27-08-2009, 15:17
MOžda i ne, ipak tu se radi sa više vremena tako da bi moglo biti problema, vjerovatno će tražiti jači procesor ali još ima vremena :D

The Jackal
27-08-2009, 15:25
The Resequence Engine is a flexible game engine that enables multiple players and agents within the game to perform free-form time travel within a time window. It is a stable, high-performance game engine that can be used to create a variety of different game types beyond RTS. The core gameplay mechanisms, in-game scripting, and user interface are all fully customizable.

Serious Gaming, Training, & Multi-Temporal Decision Support Platform

The technology behind Achron's Resequence engine opens up avenues for practical applications beyond time travel in video games. We have received significant interest in using this technology for serious games such as military and corporate applications. The main applications are as follows:

Training: Resequence can be used to teach causality and long-term effects. Because users can play at any point on the timeline, they must constantly evaluate and reevaluate the consequences of each of their decisions. If a user has made a mistake, the user can go back in time, retract commands, and re-issue new commands to the units. Players are thus able to change history, blurring the boundary between hypothetical and committed decisions. In particular, the player can revisit critical decision points, learn what decisions had the most long-term impact, and use statistical information on the timeline to make more informed decisions.

Finding Best-Response Strategies: Resequence's support for multiple users to simultaneously change history can further enhance training. Each user can take advantage of an opponent's strategic weaknesses in the past, and each user can correct mistakes in strategy and determine the best response to their opponent. This helps users to find minmax strategies, that is, strategies that minimize the maximum possible loss. Loss of information asymmetry can be severely detrimental to a given strategy, but Resequence pushes users to account for the possibility that their opponent may learn of their strategy before it is executed. Users can look into the future to see what the outcomes of their current strategies and their opponent's strategies will be.

Qualitative Sensitivity Analysis of Simulations: Given a particular simulation, a user can revisit decision points on the timeline and determine their long-term effects. Seemingly major decisions may turn out to have little impact on long-term effects. Similarly, seemingly minor effects, such as improper etiquette with a local leader, may drastically alter the course of events. Resequence provides a new interface to drive simulations for exploring the effects of decisions.

Collaborative Planning: Multiple users can simultaneously edit a strategic plan, with information on the timeline guiding the users to prevent conflicting plans. Resequence can be viewed in this regard as an automatically merging configuration management system for strategies. The merging of plans is done by time waves, which carry the causality of changes in the past to the future. As events change on the timeline, the statistics depict change and pulse so a user can see how other players are affecting the time line.

Time Waves as a Computation Model

In the abstract sense, threads refer to different computational tasks running at the same time on different parts of some larger task. Time Waves, which are one of the cornerstones of Resequence, turn threads on their side; time waves operate on the same task but at different points in time. Threads and time waves are thus orthogonal and may be combined.

Time waves are a new model to run simulations or even deployed software wherever a user wants to change the history of an application while it is running (e.g., removing a fault that occurred in the past, fast-forwarding the change to the present) or wants to run a simulation which uses its own future output as input for predicting the future (e.g., financial modeling). Time waves may be used instead of or as a complement to reversible computing.


A ovo je zanimljivo

Q: In a multiplayer game, what do other players see when you jump around in time and change history?
A: They continue to see exactly what they saw before. Your changes to the past will be propagated by a time wave. These changes are not reflected on the opponents screens until that time wave passes by.
For example, Greg and Konrad are both playing in the present. Greg attacks Konrad's base with a small army and destroys two of Konrad's buildings, but Greg loses all of his attack force to Konrad's defences. Greg decides that this attack was not worth the loss of his army, so Greg jumps to 30 seconds ago and undoes his attack. Greg is at -30 seconds, and on his screen, he never attacked Konrad, so his army is still there. Konrad is at the present, and on his screen, he has two destroyed buildings and damaged defences. He continues to build more units. Let's assume that for this 'example' level, time waves are configured to move at 3x the speed of time. As the next time wave sweeps past Greg (still at -30 seconds), it propagates the undoing of Greg's attack. While Konrad is playing in the present, after 15 seconds, that time wave sweeps by Konrad's screen, blurring it, bringing back Konrad's destroyed buildings and undoing the damage to his defences. Note that Konrad would have seen the damage undone on the timeline before this time wave passes, and so he probably would have been expecting to get his buildings back.

27-08-2009, 22:09
Jao kad sam ovo sve procitao zabolila me glava
Trebat ce razmisljat kao da igras neku avanturu :|