Pogledaj cijelu verziju : [OOC]: Warhammer 40k Roleplay

11-07-2009, 23:17
Budući da u zadnje vrijeme čitam Ultramarines Omnibus došao sam na ideju (više-manje zbog manije i hajpa) skupa sa kolegom Grimom i Herr Schnitzelom, koji nam je davao naputke, otvorim ovu temu. Tema je rađena prema nekim generalnim smjernicama utvrđenima u SW Roleplayu.

Razdoblje-Sravnamo se prema imperijskom kalendaru, tj. upravo je završen 26 Founding, tj. vrijeme u kojem se odvija Dawn of War.

Rase-SPrema statutu dogovorenom između mene i suradnika; sve rase su dozvoljene. Ukoliko se odlučite za Tyranide, ne govorite jednog, već cijeli Hive, isto vrijedi i za Necrone, mada možete govoriti za Necron Lorda. Suzdržite se od stvaranja OP likova, i masivne Hive flote koja ždere sve što vidi.

Lokacije-Sna jednom planetu u ISTO vrijeme smije biti isključivo JEDNA (1) osoba/hive. U dogovoru sa drugim sudionicima može se dogovoriti okršaj ili nešto treće ofc.

PVP-Sje nepostojeći. Pišemo isključivo radi svog gušta, opet u dogovoru sa sudionicima može se dogovoriti okršaj ili nešto treće ofc.

Dakle, slobodno pišite bio ili pozadinu vašeg lika/hive-a imajući na umu Lore, za kontrolu koristite Lexicanum (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page)

Arbiter of Change
11-07-2009, 23:35
Dakle, pretpostavljam da već ima zainteresirana ekipa ili slično?

11-07-2009, 23:37
Of skroz, nebih to na blef pisao, barem Šnicla, Grim i myself. Načuh da si i ti vičan Warhammeru :D

Arbiter of Change
11-07-2009, 23:48
Mogao bi ako se mrdnem malo, ali nadam se da ima dovoljno RP-ready ljudi sad kad je sezona kad purgeraj ide na more i to. :)

The Boz
11-07-2009, 23:49
This may prove relevant to my interests.

11-07-2009, 23:54
Pa, Arby, ako bude ekipa iz SW Roleplaya, onda znaš kaj možeš očekivati. :D

11-07-2009, 23:57
Hm, sounds interesting.
Moram obnoviti gradivo.

12-07-2009, 08:07
Ja cu danas slozit bio od lika. :)

Arbiter of Change
12-07-2009, 15:03
OK onda, ideje za likove.
Ovo će biti zanimljivo (dobar referentni materijal bi bila PnP igra Dark Heresy, ako je tko pročitao knjige).

13-07-2009, 20:39
Ime: Claudius Arcadia
Rasa: Human
Affiliation:SAdeptus Astartes
Chapter: SBlack Templars
Rođen na feral worldu naučio je puno o taktici u mladosti od svog oca te je bio vrlo brutalan i tvrdoglav. Black Templari su na tom planetu tražili potencijalne regrute, te su njega prisilno odveli kao i većinu sadašnjih Adeptus Astartesa. Testiran s mnogo ljudi kojih su odveli, Claudius je bio jedan od malo onih koji su prošli. Proces njegovog pridruživanja u Black Templarse se nastavio pomnim praćenjem i dugotrajnim testiranjima da bi mogao pristupit operacijama u kojima su mu stavljali razne implantante. Nakon što je završio proces ugradnje implantanata i treninga od iskusnih Initiatea Claudius je postao Initiate.

Black Templarsi su imali drukčija pravila nego ostali Chapteri te nisu imali recon tim, nego su Initiatei bili odmah ulazili u takozvane Fighting Companies. Claudius je bio u mnogim bitkama, te je postao punopravni Black Templars Marinac. Odličan je u close combat borbama, te je trenutačno u Fighting Company pod vodstvnom Castellana Garrus Darelliuna.

"No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!"

14-07-2009, 12:27
Ime :SIthillios Arune II
Homeworld:SNepoznati Feral planet
Affiliation: Adeptus Astartes
Čin:SSergeant, V. satnija


Rođen na nepoznatom phi-lambda planetu, poznatiji pod nazivom "Feral" ili divlji svijet, pridružio se redovima Ultramarinesa prisilno, budući da ga je skupina marinaca prisilno odvela na obuku kada su tražili potencijalne regrute na planetu. Obučavan je u Agisleus Barracks, mjestu gdje je i sam Robute Guilliman bivao obučavan. Kao i svi ostali marinci prolazio je brojna testiranja i praćen je dugo vremena kako bi uopće uspio pristupiti prvotnim operacijama. Budući da je bio sa Feral planeta nije prvotno imao ime, bio je poznatiji pod nazivom "Treći". Tako su ga zvali dok nije naslijedio ime heroja palog u bitci, to ime mu je dodijelio Chaplain u Agiseleusu kako bi se njegova tradicija nastavila. Otad je pozant po nazivu Ithillios Arune, mada ga njegov bliski prijatelj Phelan Osrick oduvijek zvao "Treći". Svoj je čin kao i ostali zaradio na bojištu, boreći se protiv Tau-a. Ultima Segmentum, osim što je dom Macragge-u je dom i Tau. Šireći svoj "Greater Good" Tau je zapeo na put Ultramarines-ima kojima je sveta dužnost braniti Imperij. Prvi veći okršaj zbio se u dubokom svemiru gdje je Tau flota napala
Ultramarines flotu nedaleko od planeta Tarsis Ultra. Ultramarine-ska Flota predvođena baržom Caesar porazila je Tau. Tau-ovci su ubili Phelana Osrica i oborili transportni Thunderhawk koji je trebao pristati uz Ta'u brod. "Trećeg" je najviše pogodilo što Phelan nije poginuo u bitci, već u Thuderhawku. Odtad izbjegava Thunderhawk transport, osim kada je apsolutno nužno da se njime poveze. Ithillios sada sa V. satnijom lovi preostale Tau nemilosrdno. Kruže priče o ogromnom orbitalnom topu kojeg je razvio Tau nazvanom World Breaker. Trenutno istražuje mogućnost postojanja takvog oružja.

Courage and Honour!

14-07-2009, 20:12
Ipak nisi Deathwatch nego Ultramarines, ha ? :D

14-07-2009, 21:42
What can I say, slab sam na marince u plavom power armoru. :D
BTW, di ste svi ostali, aktivirajte se :D

14-07-2009, 22:56
Nije T'au nego Tau.
T'au je homeworld.

Takoder nasao sam jedan flaw u ovome planu:
Tip A je Inkvizicija.
Tip B je Thousand Sons soccerer.

Sada, koje su moguce opcije interakcije izmedu njih?

Takoder, jeli ima negdje neka vrsta translationa za tau jezik?
Zapeo sam zasad samo kod imena >_>

14-07-2009, 23:00
Koliko ja znam, nema prevoditelja.
Kakve interakcije između A i B tipa?
A ovo za T'au/Tau, e tu sam se zaje. :)

14-07-2009, 23:10
Tip A je iz Inkvizicije.
Tip B je sorcerer iz Thousand Sonsa, chapter koji je postao renegade nakon sto je njihov primarch koristio warp da uopce upozori Emperora na heresy (sto je vidio u viziji), a posto mu je to Emperor zabranio te ga je zbog toga denouncao, i time su Thousand Sonsi presli na stranu Chaosa, odnosno Tzeentcha.

Sorcerer koji koristi warp i na strani Chaosa je te Inkvizitor, odlicne mogucnosti za interakciju.

14-07-2009, 23:13
Znam to.
Progonjenje heretika? To obavlja Ordo Hereticus.
Nevidim kakav bi drugi oblik interakcije bio između te dvojice.

Arbiter of Change
14-07-2009, 23:45
Ne znam zašto bi uopće i trebalo forsirati interakciju između te dvojice likova.
Editirao T'au u Tau.

15-07-2009, 00:20
Samo upozoravam da ce u nekim slucajevima interakcija biti minimalna, odnosno nepostojeca, te se treba paziti na odabir likova. (Hah, zamislite tek interakciju orka i tyranida :) )

15-07-2009, 00:21
Ja sam već polagano počeo pisati za IC, kada nas se dovoljno skupi ću otvorit IC.
Nadam se da nisam negdje fulao u stvaranju lika. :)

Arbiter of Change
15-07-2009, 00:31
Jedini problem koji ja vidim u tome je sama srž i tema - Space Marinci kao likovi. Problem je u tome što oni 90% vremena, kad nisu u nekoj makljaži, variraju između štovanja Emperora i stalnih treninga, tj. prosječni SM nema neki karakter koji bi ga učinio takvim da ode na neku pustolovinu ili tako nešto. Imaju samo jednu svrhu - klati sve neprijatelje Imperijuma.

15-07-2009, 00:32
Što onda... da pređemo na Inkvizitore i assassine ili Arbitese ( planetarnog upravitelja) ili nešto slično ? Osobe kojima je dan manje jednoličan nego SM.

15-07-2009, 10:50
Pa stavimo SM u neku gadnu akciju, da budu malo vise vani i par dana ne spavaju i treniraju nego samo udaraju po nekome...
Meni je to dovoljno, ostajem pri SM-cima. :D

17-07-2009, 09:24
Neznam za vas, no ja danas navečer postam IC. Gdje ste ppl? :)

17-07-2009, 18:30
Zasto ste svi smovi...moj lik biti ce eldar muzjak, ako je tko zainteresiran za brak...odaberite zenku :D
Pa, SM > sve ostalo, barem meni, faktor kulnosti je beskonacan. Uglavnom ljudi, pokrenite se. :D

17-07-2009, 19:07
Mogli ste uzeti neku drugu granu Imperija.
Imate ih mali milijun: imperial guard, officio assassinorum, adeptus arbites, adeptus telepatica, adeptus mechanicus, ordo maelleus/xenos, itd. itd...

Jos uvijek radim bio svog lika.


Arbiter of Change
21-07-2009, 19:55
Progutao vas Warp Storm? :)

21-07-2009, 21:10
Prije nedostatak inspiracije (i lijenost ofc.) za bio mog avatara.

Common sense killed the idea.

Arbiter of Change
01-08-2009, 01:43
Str1keru, vidim da su se čitale Warhammer 40k knjige... zgodan detalj sa prvom riječi napisanom velikim slovima. :)
Inače, prebacio sam ti post u novu IC temu.

01-08-2009, 01:48
Trebalo mi je vremena da skupim ideje, u međuvremenu sam počeo čitati Ultramarines Omnibus i... ta-da! Čitao jesam, no nisam krao ideje... well... osim one sa velikim slovima :oops:
Nadam da ti se svidjelo. Sad čekam ostale da dobju inspiraciju iz mog posta :)

01-08-2009, 06:54
Str1k3r, gg si napravio, ja cu uskoro, kada nadem malo vremena. :D

01-08-2009, 11:17
isuse meni se ovo neda čitat, kak se tebi dalo pisat? :(

svaka čast na trudu^^

Arbiter of Change
01-08-2009, 11:34
Prebacio sam ti post ovdje.
Budući da ne pratiš pa ne znaš format postanja; u IC temu idu samo IC postovi, ovdje sve komentiramo. :)

01-08-2009, 14:44
Samo smo str1k3r i ja napisali bio, sta vi ostali cekate, vec ste mogli smislit. :D

Arbiter of Change
01-08-2009, 18:58
Čekam tvoj post u IC temi. :)

Ono, imao sam neke sumnje... ali to se sve promijenilo u zadnjem odlomku kad su izjurili noseći vrata kao štit i oružje. Epic i čekam još, naravno. :)

01-08-2009, 21:24
Arbiter, because you like it, thau shalt be rewarded with MOAR!!1 :)
Ovim putem pozivam sve, koji su imali volju, no odustali su u međuvremenu, zbog ljenosti ili nečeg drugog, da napišu koji redak :)

01-08-2009, 21:53
Arbiter, because you like it, thau shalt be rewarded with MOAR!!1 :)
Ovim putem pozivam sve, koji su imali volju, no odustali su u međuvremenu, zbog ljenosti ili nečeg drugog, da napišu koji redak :)
Ti si me zabrijao za crtanje, sada moras cekat da dovrsim svoj crtez da mogu ovo napisat. :D

02-08-2009, 16:03
Ajde ljudi, nemojte da vas moram moliti :)
Grim, možeš i napisati štogod dok crtaš ^^

14-08-2009, 22:56
Ako smognem snage da prebrodim ljenost možda se i ja uključim :D
Pogodite tko bih trebao biti :D

14-08-2009, 22:56
Onak, po lokacji... Chaos :)

15-08-2009, 01:39
Pa da i ne u isto vrijeme, daklem na pameti mi je ideja koju sam negdje pokupio, pošto je par Hive fleetova(manjih) znalo biti izgubljeno u velikim warp olujama, samo da bi neko vrijeme poslije izašle deformirane i iskvarene demonima, došla mi je ideja o demonskom princu koji u warpu nabasa na takav jedan manji Hive, odsječen od Hive Minda i preuzima kontrolu nad njim, dakle postaje zamjenski Hive Mind, sad zamislite mogućnosti 8)

15-08-2009, 01:43
Već vidim, treba mi netko da mogu roleplayat, samostalano pisati jednostavno nije zabavno :)
Mada sam napisao samo početak u IC temi, a za dalje još smišljam.
Možda potakneš ostale da nešto napišu, ja znam da ja to nisam uspio, mada sam probao :(

Arbiter of Change
15-08-2009, 18:09
Grim se izgubio u Warpu... opet. :)

15-08-2009, 18:15
Opet? On nije niti izašao iz Warpa :)

15-08-2009, 18:32
Mene cete se nacekati.
Prednost driftanja po rubu warpa. :)

31-10-2009, 19:40
hmmm moram revajvat ovu temu NAO!!!


Ime:SChaos Lord Victor Typhius
Rasa:SHuman Heretic
Affiliation:SChaos Undivided
Chapter/Legion:SThe Black Legion (Former Sons of Horus ( Luna Wolves Before that))
Biografija:The Legion suffered significantly during the early years of exile when it was leaderless, but on a remote planet whorshippers of Chaos found a child deep inside of a Daemon Pit, it was belived that Khorne himself sent the child to aid the legion. After years of training the child became a fearless, cruel overlord ready to bend life itslef by his will. His new plans were to conquer the newest solar system and to build a series of Shrines to the Blood God and finally complete his ascendance to a Daemon Prince. His plans have somewhat went wrong after a deadly fluctuation in the warp and all but one of his Companys survived. On a remote planet with nothing but a dozen of men he plans to fufill his destiny and ascend to a Daemon.


Impurity shall be our armour
Hate shall be our weapon
Immortality shall be our reward

01-11-2009, 00:53
Ahhhhh revive, konačno. Čekam tvoj prvi post Gibble u OC temi. :)
I vas ostale :)
Ima da zarolplejamo ko nikad ^^
E da, nešto mi je bilo dosadno pa sam počeo pisati, ali ne za svog lika. Pa, ako bi opet počeli promjenio bih lika.
I, kao i Gibbleovo; na engleskom je :)

Order!- Yelled the moderator of transactions banging his steel staff, his symbol of authority, on the white marble floor of the council chamber, his voice echoing in vast arena. The arena was made so that anyone who stood in the center, where the moderator stood this very moment, was to be heard throughout the arena. And they did hear him. The myriad Councilors and the House representatives heeded his word, and sat on the cold stone benches. Each row of benches was placed higher than the last one, creating a stadium-like chamber. The large crowd shut up, and waited for the moderator to speak again, their faces tensed in expetation. After a few seconds, after everyone was seated, the moderator spoke again.
House Vandis has the word – continued the moderator as the figure in red velvet robes arose to it's feet after hearing those words. Passing the large stone pillars, that possesed highly ornate motffs carved in their octagonal structure that spoke of great deeds and victories, and supported heavy rockcrete roof, with a dome in the middle. The hole in the center of the dome allowed the light of the dawn to pass in the chamber, showering the room in the white and blue light of the hydrogen-saturated sun. The figure passed the front row and two more figures arose to follow the red robed figure, their robes also red. The figure continued to the center, two of the peacekeepers moved to deny them entry, but the leading figure raised it's right hand and bright purple light shone from the open palm of his raised hand, the peacekeepers' faces had an expression of surprise and fear, and moved aside at once to allow them passage . They climbed to the plinth where the moderator stood, then they removed their hoods and revelaed their faces.

One man and two women stood in front of the moderator, and he said What is this? Where's governor Vandis? - demanded the moderator, his voice furious, his hazel brown eyes firey. After all, who dared to interfere with the works of the administratum. The man standing in front of him revealed his face. His patrician features possesed immense authority, and his, long, chalk white hair hung from his shoulders, the firery emerald green eyes looked right through the moderator, as if he was transparent, that scared the moderator more then the thought of what would happen next. The man raised his right hand and the purple light once again shinig from his palm. The moderator opened his mouth, but did not speak. He was disturbed visualy, and his trembling hands handed the staff to the man, who grabed it hastily, but firmly. He passed between the two women who's faces' were somewhat pretty, but their dark sormcloud eyes anulled any beauty that was reflected from their faces by the blue-white light of the sun. The tatoo of ornate capital „I“ set on their left cheek, right below their left eye, did not add to their beauty, although that was a point of view. He handed one of them the staff made of pure thick steel, fully five centimeters in diameter, the double headed imperial aquila made of pure gold ornamented with the most rare, and beautiful, of jewles avilable to man was set at the head of staff. The staff glistened with golden light, that was the sign of respect to whomsoever set eyes upon it's glory. The man placed both hands on the railing made from the wood most rare on this planet, and therefore very expensive. The railing was very thick and ornamented with laurels of victory that spoke of His eternal glory.

Then he spoke: Governor Vandis is not able to make it to this meeting. He is indisposed. He was readying to speak again when somenone interrupted him. Who are you? – yelled the voice from the auditorium, and the crowd demanded the answer . I am... – he said as he reached for an object contained in ... – Inquistor ...- a box of pluvian obsidian... – Matthais Vanadeo... – embossed with single motiff, of a grinning skull, ...- of the Holy Order of The Emperors Inquisition. -and a simple motto, Innocentia Nihil Probat – Innocence Proves Nothing. Below the skull was written in capital letters - Ordo Hereticus. His voice was resounding, infused with authourity, echoing thorought the auditorium. The attendans looked each other with fear and surprise. It has come to the attention of the Inquisition that voices of heresy echo throught this planet, voices of haterd- he continued looking at the confused and scared stares of the attendants.- voices that are an insult to His glourious majesty – The Holy Emperor of Mankind- and he pointed to the statues of the Emperor situated in the corners of hexagonal auditorium. The Emperors' left hand held a flaming sword in a reverse grip, and the right was extended to allow his ethereal might to enter the auditorium. Statue was made of solid gold, and resembled the Emperor's form perfectly. Master artisans from all corners of this world were involved in it's creation. So this task falls to me, to carry out the Inquisitions wish. After six months spent on this planet my decision is as follows: Although I know that not everyone is touched by the fell powers of the Immaterium.- his voice was grim and true – In order to start anew without the capital punishment of an Exterminatus, I have decided that this council is to be purged, together with the hab-spires : Golgotha, Vangelis, Machairus and the Sancta Heroica. In His glorious name. - You cannot do this!- echoed from the auditorium- We are not sinners! I am NOT a sinner! –as those words were spoken more red-robed figures arose from the seats, wielding heavy flamers filled with fast burning, highly falamable, white hot, promethium gas. The gas was oozing from the barrels of freshly used flamers. Accept your punishment!- shrieked one of the female with the Inquistor. She no longer wore a robe. She no longer shielded herself from the curious stares. She was clad in her armour blessed by the Holy Emperor, written all over with litanys of hatred, and adorned with purity seals that spoke of great courage she had presented, the terrible benediction she had granted all those who were ignorant of the Emperors power and might. All, in His Name, were clensed with Holy flame. Slightly darkend plates of her cuirass were adorned with the symbols of the Adeptus Sororitas. One of the Order Militant. Order of the Valorous Heart symbol was etched on the front of her armour, which was charcoal black, made of the finest ceramite, contoured perfectly to her form.

01-11-2009, 12:39
Very nice, vrlo lijepo posložen tekst.

01-11-2009, 12:41
samo...poradi na slaganju recenica u engleskom (to sto je krleza piso kilometarske recenice ne znaci da moras i ti) jednostavnije recenice su bolje i lakse je za citat

Arbiter of Change
01-11-2009, 13:12
Pratim teme... make my day. :)

01-11-2009, 13:12
evo u IC imate moje dijelo

01-11-2009, 13:16
Ajde, počeli smo, još nam se samo određene osobe trebaju pridružiti i na konju smo ^^.
Gibble vgg, ak' ti je lakše možeš i na engleskom ^^

01-11-2009, 18:55
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2009/1/14/15829_md-Chaos%20Space%20Marines,%20Humor,%20Motivational%2 0Poster,%20Warhammer%2040,000.jpg

01-11-2009, 18:56
To su neke prijetnje ovo-ono^^

01-11-2009, 18:56
jel vi vidite sliku meni malo sere jebeni Chrome

01-11-2009, 18:57
Ne, ne vidim sliku. Otišao sam na "citiraj" i tako sam je vidio ^^

01-11-2009, 18:58
Succes, a i mozda jesu prijetnje a mozda i nisu sam prosudi

edit:sta se ceka ajde ljudi u IC necemo ja str1ker sami ratovat valda?

01-11-2009, 19:02
Kako je krenulo izgleda da hoćemo =(

01-11-2009, 19:43
ajde ljudi u IC imam vec napisano pol toga sam trebam C/P

01-11-2009, 19:49
Eh, ja bi rado pisao, ali nemam vremena, učenje, obaveze i tako to. :(

03-11-2009, 19:10
Ahhhhh revive, konačno. Čekam tvoj prvi post Gibble u OC temi. :)
I vas ostale :)
Ima da zarolplejamo ko nikad ^^
E da, nešto mi je bilo dosadno pa sam počeo pisati, ali ne za svog lika. Pa, ako bi opet počeli promjenio bih lika.
I, kao i Gibbleovo; na engleskom je :)

Order!- Yelled the moderator of transactions banging his steel staff, his symbol of authority, on the white marble floor of the council chamber, his voice echoing in vast arena. The arena was made so that anyone who stood in the center, where the moderator stood this very moment, was to be heard throughout the arena. And they did hear him. The myriad Councilors and the House representatives heeded his word, and sat on the cold stone benches. Each row of benches was placed higher than the last one, creating a stadium-like chamber. The large crowd shut up, and waited for the moderator to speak again, their faces tensed in expetation. After a few seconds, after everyone was seated, the moderator spoke again.
House Vandis has the word – continued the moderator as the figure in red velvet robes arose to it's feet after hearing those words. Passing the large stone pillars, that possesed highly ornate motffs carved in their octagonal structure that spoke of great deeds and victories, and supported heavy rockcrete roof, with a dome in the middle. The hole in the center of the dome allowed the light of the dawn to pass in the chamber, showering the room in the white and blue light of the hydrogen-saturated sun. The figure passed the front row and two more figures arose to follow the red robed figure, their robes also red. The figure continued to the center, two of the peacekeepers moved to deny them entry, but the leading figure raised it's right hand and bright purple light shone from the open palm of his raised hand, the peacekeepers' faces had an expression of surprise and fear, and moved aside at once to allow them passage . They climbed to the plinth where the moderator stood, then they removed their hoods and revelaed their faces.

One man and two women stood in front of the moderator, and he said What is this? Where's governor Vandis? - demanded the moderator, his voice furious, his hazel brown eyes firey. After all, who dared to interfere with the works of the administratum. The man standing in front of him revealed his face. His patrician features possesed immense authority, and his, long, chalk white hair hung from his shoulders, the firery emerald green eyes looked right through the moderator, as if he was transparent, that scared the moderator more then the thought of what would happen next. The man raised his right hand and the purple light once again shinig from his palm. The moderator opened his mouth, but did not speak. He was disturbed visualy, and his trembling hands handed the staff to the man, who grabed it hastily, but firmly. He passed between the two women who's faces' were somewhat pretty, but their dark sormcloud eyes anulled any beauty that was reflected from their faces by the blue-white light of the sun. The tatoo of ornate capital „I“ set on their left cheek, right below their left eye, did not add to their beauty, although that was a point of view. He handed one of them the staff made of pure thick steel, fully five centimeters in diameter, the double headed imperial aquila made of pure gold ornamented with the most rare, and beautiful, of jewles avilable to man was set at the head of staff. The staff glistened with golden light, that was the sign of respect to whomsoever set eyes upon it's glory. The man placed both hands on the railing made from the wood most rare on this planet, and therefore very expensive. The railing was very thick and ornamented with laurels of victory that spoke of His eternal glory.

Then he spoke: Governor Vandis is not able to make it to this meeting. He is indisposed. He was readying to speak again when somenone interrupted him. Who are you? – yelled the voice from the auditorium, and the crowd demanded the answer . I am... – he said as he reached for an object contained in ... – Inquistor ...- a box of pluvian obsidian... – Matthais Vanadeo... – embossed with single motiff, of a grinning skull, ...- of the Holy Order of The Emperors Inquisition. -and a simple motto, Innocentia Nihil Probat – Innocence Proves Nothing. Below the skull was written in capital letters - Ordo Hereticus. His voice was resounding, infused with authourity, echoing thorought the auditorium. The attendans looked each other with fear and surprise. It has come to the attention of the Inquisition that voices of heresy echo throught this planet, voices of haterd- he continued looking at the confused and scared stares of the attendants.- voices that are an insult to His glourious majesty – The Holy Emperor of Mankind- and he pointed to the statues of the Emperor situated in the corners of hexagonal auditorium. The Emperors' left hand held a flaming sword in a reverse grip, and the right was extended to allow his ethereal might to enter the auditorium. Statue was made of solid gold, and resembled the Emperor's form perfectly. Master artisans from all corners of this world were involved in it's creation. So this task falls to me, to carry out the Inquisitions wish. After six months spent on this planet my decision is as follows: Although I know that not everyone is touched by the fell powers of the Immaterium.- his voice was grim and true – In order to start anew without the capital punishment of an Exterminatus, I have decided that this council is to be purged, together with the hab-spires : Golgotha, Vangelis, Machairus and the Sancta Heroica. In His glorious name. - You cannot do this!- echoed from the auditorium- We are not sinners! I am NOT a sinner! –as those words were spoken more red-robed figures arose from the seats, wielding heavy flamers filled with fast burning, highly falamable, white hot, promethium gas. The gas was oozing from the barrels of freshly used flamers. Accept your punishment!- shrieked one of the female with the Inquistor. She no longer wore a robe. She no longer shielded herself from the curious stares. She was clad in her armour blessed by the Holy Emperor, written all over with litanys of hatred, and adorned with purity seals that spoke of great courage she had presented, the terrible benediction she had granted all those who were ignorant of the Emperors power and might. All, in His Name, were clensed with Holy flame. Slightly darkend plates of her cuirass were adorned with the symbols of the Adeptus Sororitas. One of the Order Militant. Order of the Valorous Heart symbol was etched on the front of her armour, which was charcoal black, made of the finest ceramite, contoured perfectly to her form.

Bolestan sam, doma sam i imam vremena pa cu ti malčice lekturirat djelo (nista vece samo gramaticke promjene i ispravci) ne mislim da ne znas, samo ocu pomoc :)

03-11-2009, 20:20
Sad ce mi ovo bit DP al ajd dakle lekturirana verzija slijedi:
-"Order!"- Yelled the moderator of transactions banging his steel staff, a symbol of authority, on the white marble floor of the council chamber.

His voice echoing in the vast arena, built so that the person who stood in the center , where the moderator was standing in this very moment, was to be heard throughout the arena. And his voice was heard. The myriad Councilors and the House representatives heeded his word, and sat on the cold stone benches. Each row of benches was placed higher than the last one, creating a stadium-like chamber. The large crowd calmed, and waited for the moderator to speak again, their faces tense with expectation. After a few seconds, when everyone was seated, the moderator spoke again.

-"House Vandis has the word" – continued the moderator as a figure in red velvet robes arose onto it's feet. Passing the large stone pillars, which possesed ancient ornate motifs carved into their octagonal structure. They spoke of great deeds and victories, aswell as they supported heavy rockcrete roof, above the dome in the middle. The hole in the center of the dome allowed the light of the dawn to sneak into the chamber, coloring the room with white and blue light of the hydrogen-saturated sun. The figure passed the front row and two more figures in red robes stood up to follow the first one. The figures continued to the center, when two of the peacekeepers moved to deny them entry, the leading figure raised it's right hand and a burst of bright purple light left the open palm of his raised hand. The peacekeepers' faces became an expression of surprise and fear, as they moved aside to allow them passage. They climbed to the plinth where the moderator stood. They removed their hoods and revealed their faces. One man and two women were now standing in front of the moderator.

-"What is this?"-he said-"Where's governor Vandis?" - demanded the moderator, his voice filled with anger, his hazel brown eyes ablaze.

After all, who dared to interfere with the work of the Administratum? The man standing in front of him revealed his face. His patrician features possesed immense authority, and his, long, chalk white hair fell on his shoulders, the fiery emerald green eyes looked right through the moderator, as if he was transparent, which scared the moderator even more than the thought of what would happen next. The man raised his right hand and the purple light once again bursted from his palm. The moderator opened his mouth, but did not speak. He was too astouned, and his trembling hands handed the staff to the man, who grabed it hastily, yet firmly. He passed the two women who's faces could be considered pretty, but their dark stormcloud eyes anulled any beauty that was reflected from their faces by the blue-white light of the sun. The tatoo of the ornate capital „I“ set on their left cheek, right below their left eye, did not add to their beauty, although that was a point of view.

He handed one of them the thick steel staff which was five centimeters in diameter, with the double headed Imperial Aquila made of pure gold ornamented with the most rare, beautiful, jewles available to man was set at the head of the staff. The staff glistened with golden light, that was the sign of authority to whomsoever set eyes upon it's glory. The man placed both hands on the railing made from the wood most rare on that planet, and therefore fairly expensive. The railing was very thick and ornamented with laurels of victory that spoke of His eternal glory.

Then he spoke: -"Governor Vandis is not able to make it to this meeting. He is indisposed."-
He was ready to speak again when somenone interrupted him.

-"Who are you?" – yelled a voice from the auditorium, and the crowd demanded the answer.

-"I am..."– he said as he reached for an object contained into a box of pluvian obsidian embossed with single motif, of a grinning skull.
– "Inquistor Matthais Vanadeo of the Holy Order of The Emperors Inquisition." -and a simple motto, "Innocentia Nihil Probat" or "Innocence Proves Nothing". Below the skull was written in capital letters - Ordo Hereticus.

His voice infused with authourity, was echoing thorought the auditorium. The attendans looked each other with a face full of astonishment.

-"It has come to the attention of the Inquisition that voices of heresy echo through this planet, voices of hatred..."- he continued looking at the confused and scared stares of the attendants.

-"Voices that are an insult to His glourious majesty – The Emperor!- "
And he pointed to the statues of the Emperor situated in the corners of hexagonal auditorium. The Emperors' left hand held a flaming sword in a reverse grip, and the right one was extended to allow his ethereal might to enter the auditorium. Statue was made of solid gold, and resembled the Emperor's form perfectly. Master artisans from all corners of this world were involved in it's creation.

-"So this task falls to me, to carry out the will of the Inquisition! And after six months on this planet my decision is as follows: Although I know that not everyone is touched by the fell powers of the Immaterium."- his voice was grim but firm.

– "In order to start anew without the capital punishment of an Exterminatus, I have decided that this council is to be purged, together with the following hab-spires : Golgotha, Vangelis, Machairus and the Sancta Heroica. In His glorious name...-

-"You cannot do this!"- echoed from the auditorium- "We are not sinners! I am NOT a sinner!–" as qucikly as those words were spoken more red-robed figures arose from the seats, wielding heavy flamers filled with fast burning, highly falamable, white hot, promethium gas. The gas was oozing from the barrels of freshly used flamers.

-"Accept your punishment!"- shrieked one of the females with the Inquistor. She no longer wore a robe. She no longer shielded herself from the curious stares. She was clad in armour blessed by the Emperor, written all over with litanys of hatred, and adorned with purity seals that spoke of great courage she had presented, the terrible benediction she had granted to all those who were ignorant of the Emperors power and might. All which in His Name, were clensed by the Holy flame. Slightly darkend plates of her cuirass were adorned with the symbols of the Adeptus Sororitas. One of the Order Militant. Order of the Valorous Heart symbol was etched on the front of her armour, which was charcoal black, made of the finest ceramite, contoured perfectly to her form.

03-11-2009, 21:33
Hvala Gibble, cijenim svaku pomoć :)
I svakako nastavi priču, ja ću za vikend donijeti nove avanture i najvjerojatnije novog lika. Slobodno na eng piši, i ja se razmišljam da bi tako počeo^^.
@Ostali, DISTE!!?

04-11-2009, 10:49
jedini razlog zasto preferiram eng ispred hrvatskog jer engleskim se moze rec vise stvari, ono sto bi u hr bila stilistička greška odvje je u redu :)

05-11-2009, 15:02
Da, da. Pogotovo ono za "reć više stvari"^^

06-11-2009, 09:25
Evo pisem jedno svoje djelo (nije u vezi s mojim charom) koje svoj zaplet pronalazi u zabačenoj tvrđavi Adeptus Mechanicusa koja će se naći pod navalom snaga Chaosa...

Arbiter of Change
06-11-2009, 09:37
Podsjećam te da imamo i Fan fiction temu pa možeš tamo postati.
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=22618 (http://www.pcplay.hr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=22618)

06-11-2009, 09:48
Uz svo duzno postovanje 90% te teme je zajebancija...ali cemo pregledati preko toga i postati i tamo kad se nakupi materijala...

06-11-2009, 12:52
DAMMIT LJUDI postajte ovdi malo vise tjerate me da DPam

Chapter I

He was panicking, they all were. Every time the alarm sounded, the panic grew. The alarm that has last sounded over a century ago when a small raid of dark eldar pirates tried to assault the fortress. The Fortress was always presumed one of the safest places in the system, never succesfully assaulted. It was truly one of the finest things made by the Mechanicus.

The only conclusion he had was that they were under attack. But who would be so foolish to assault this ancient fortress of the Mechanicus? He passed two younger initiates as he walked to the great hall where High-Priest Ballatar will soon stand up and speak to all of the priests and initiates stationed here.

He entered an almost full great hall which was not an common sight. The elder Tech-priests and Enginseers sat at the front, followed by two rows of lower ranking tech-priests, and the last were the initiates sitting on cold stone benches.

The high-priest entered the room with a scroll under his hand, walked up to the podium, opened the scroll and started reading.

-"Our perimiter socuting machines found a large force of Chaos Space Marines not far from here."- Everyone in the great hall suddenly started talking among themselves. Whispers were coming from every direction

-"Chaos? Here on Vectru III?"- a voice came from the crowd

-"How did they get here?"- another one yelled

-"ORDER!"-yelled the high-priest

when everyone settled down he continued...

-"From now on all Tech-priests and initiates are freed from their daily duties!"-

-"All available priests must report to their supervisors and help with the shoring of our defenses and placing perimeter turrets on the inner wall. The initiates will group into squads and work on the outer walls."

-"I also would like to have a word with all comanders and supervisors in my quarters after the speech."-

-"Go now my brothers, prayer and work are the only luxuries we can afford at this time!"-

This was troubling at least, there was never a succesfull breach of the Vectru fortress. But it has been long since they serviced the outer walls that were not in a very good condition.

Later that day as one of the Supervisors he reported to the High-Priest`s quarters. He was, once again late, and without a place to sit. The high-priest entered the room but now in a more ceremonial fashion.

-"Brothers, it falls on you, as commanders and supervisors to lead your men and prepare our fortress for this attack, i trust you all with this task and i hope our prayers will be heard..."
The old man sighed and then continued. -"I have contacted the Astartes, they will be here soon. I just hope they will come before Chaos claims us..."

High-priest now looked almost sad -"I want you to take these keys. If they breach the outer walls any of these keys will activate the Explosive device under the fortress."-

-"What?"- Elder-Enginseer Solarus almost fell from his chair. -"This is madness, a bomb?"-

High-Priest eyes now stared into the floor. -"We cannot let Chaos to gain control of this fortress or its machines, and i would rather be dead than claimed by Chaos. It is my word and as such un-questionable."- Elder Enginseers face turned into a shade of red still undefined by man.

-"Leave me now and tend to our defenses, i have buisness to finish."-

08-11-2009, 17:24
Ok, promijenjeno je malo, novi lik će doći uskoro. Što kažete ?
Iskreno, if you will :)

08-11-2009, 17:29
Mnogo mi se sviđa... samo bih htio da nas je vise...al o tom po tom
svidja mi se text i definitivno imas dara za fanfic, lijepo docarana "ovisnost" gl.lika o medikamentima

08-11-2009, 17:40
Delirium =*
Ko' bi mene ispravljao da nema tebe ^^

08-11-2009, 18:19
šuti...moj stari misli da bi trebo ovo naplacivat... :D

05-08-2010, 17:33
Hmm sta nakon vremena prestala zainteresiranost i ovo isto umrlo?

05-08-2010, 18:52
Hmm sta nakon vremena prestala zainteresiranost i ovo isto umrlo?
Imaš vremena, dosadno ti je, oživi temu. :)

Moj lik je tu negdje zakopan, ako nađem vremena možda i ja nešto napišem.

06-08-2010, 07:12
Hmm neznam meni Warhammer svijet zvuci bolje za roleplay jer bi ljudi mogli biti na dvije strane i uzeti razlicite rase a u wh40k ima preevise strana :D a i nije zdravo ozivljavati RP dok ne prodje ljeto XD vidis kako ide Tabletop podforum..totalno zapusten

06-08-2010, 09:17
Ako se dobro sjecam, jedina mogucaSinterakcija bi bila na granici Imperijuma i Tau empirea, water caste, jel.

Reci mi npr. kako bi zavrsio susret nekog orka i ultramarinca? Nije da bi razgovarali kako je vrijeme na planetu, oce li biti ikakvi warp stormovi, etc. :)

06-08-2010, 13:02
To je i moja poanta jer se u wh40k sve rase..mrze i zele ubiti jednu druge prije nego suradjivati XD a u warhammeru se nes moze i srediti

13-08-2010, 00:41
Pa, ako ste za, lagano otvorimo Warhammer Roleplay. Treba samo malo dobre volje. :)

Moj lik je tu negdje zakopan, ako nađem vremena možda i ja nešto napišem.

Tvoj lik tu nije nikad zaživio, bilo bi lijepo da nešto učiniš. :D

Čast Deliriumu. <3

13-08-2010, 07:20
Bio je tu, bude zaživio kad tad. Brijem da čak imam nešto nedovršeno od prije na PC-u. :)

13-08-2010, 10:40
Ne bi bilo dobro otvoriti Warhammer just yet jer je dosta ljudi na moru a i ja bih prvo volio nadograditi stivo oko tog svijeta pa ako si zainteresiran poslije 9tog mozemo malo razgovarati kako bi smo organizirali Warhammer (fantasy rp) pa ako si voljan cuj se samnom na pp ili msnu pa bumo razgovarali o tome

13-08-2010, 10:43
Sve u svoje vrijeme, sickpetey, sve u svoje vrijeme. :)

25-08-2010, 18:55
Pa, ako ste za, lagano otvorimo Warhammer Roleplay. Treba samo malo dobre volje. :)

Moj lik je tu negdje zakopan, ako nađem vremena možda i ja nešto napišem.

Tvoj lik tu nije nikad zaživio, bilo bi lijepo da nešto učiniš. :D

Čast Deliriumu. <3

i ja tebe volim, i samo da se zna jos lurkam i cekam da neko ressa nesto ovako

26-08-2010, 13:01
Javi mi se koji put preko MSN-a, sickpetey i ja ćemo probati nešto organizirati i treba nam sva dostupna pomoć. :)

26-08-2010, 13:07
Je al poslije 15.9tog XD dotad moram barem zavrsiti barem dva omnibusa Gotreka i Felixa :D..na pola sam prvog pa mozda i uspijem

26-08-2010, 15:35
Javi mi se koji put preko MSN-a, sickpetey i ja ćemo probati nešto organizirati i treba nam sva dostupna pomoć. :)

Budem, Budem nema problema, makar mi poslije 15.9. ne odgovara bas najbolje, al potrudit cu se dumpat novi txt barem 2-3 put tjedno :D a ako ste imalil u vidu neki malo brži RP onda cu bit onaj "DUM-DUM-DUUUMMM" guy koji uleti svako toliko :D

26-08-2010, 18:22
Ja sad razmisljam da sutra poslije posla odredim vrijeme,rase i pocetnu pricu sa strikerom..a kasnije statistike,sljedecu pricu,mape,slike,pizdarije..trebat ce dugo ako zelimo da bude dobro XD,a kroatia bi angazirali za borbu ako ga bude zanimalo

26-08-2010, 18:39
Zvuci dobro, ako budete trebali ista s moje strane vičite :>

26-08-2010, 19:02
Dovoljno nas dvoje da brinemo o prici i to i kroati da brine i borbi..jer bilo bi glupo da oni koji vode RP da igraju al ak bude trebala pomoc sure budemo pitali =)