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Pogledaj cijelu verziju : wow pitanje

28-05-2006, 18:48
Imam taurena lvl 19.Zanima me kako mogu narasti(da budem veci) te kako mogu postici da se brze krecem(trcim).

P.S.-kako najbrze razvijati lvl

28-05-2006, 19:07
Malo sam tražio u google-u da ti pomognem pa evo:

One of the fastest ways to level in the game!

This strategy has been tested by many people and myself so it absolutely works great! On the down side this strategy only works with mages and priests. A group of a mage and a priest is the ideal way for this strategy to work.

Once mage gets instant arcane explosion then it is off to the races by killing groups of monsters slightly lower level than the mage/priest and be able to kill 10-20 of the mobs at once using AOE spells from the mage and the priest's flash heal spell but can also do it without the flash heal spell to some degree.

Here are the main spots to grind:
lvl 20-22 humaoids in mine in Windshear Crag, Stonetalon Mtns
lvl 24-30 furlbolg camps in Ashenvale
lvl 28-30 humamoids in Azureload mine
lvl 32-35 humanoid farms in Arathi Highlands (Dabryie's Farmstead is GREAT)
lvl 35-36 murlocks in northeastern dustwallow marsh.
lvl 35-39 trolls in northern Stranglethorn Vale.
lvl 36-40 Syndicate camps north of Tarren Mill and into Alterac Mountains (beware casters in some of the camps!).
lvl 44-45 humanoid pirates on the east coast of Tanaris.
lvl 46-48 Rage Scar Yetis in Feralas.
lvl 53-54 undead at Dalson's Tears in Western Plaguelands (great! but make sure you can ward off fear somehow).
lvl 57-60 Ogres in Deadwind pass.

Remember that there are many more great places that this will work (at some cases better) than the spots listed here. The only reason they are not listed is because they haven't been found yet! Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when finding a place to use this strategy.

Monsters that are ranged are tougher to do this strategy on, but not impossible.
Avoid monsters that silence, mana burn, fear, sleep, etc.
Target monsters a few levels lower than your mage for maximum XP yield.

Tips for the Mage
Use frost nova to root monsters so that you can AOE them without getting damaged as much. Also remember that you can combo frost nova with cone of cold for some massive damage if you are frost specced!
If the priest is getting hit you are both dead since his heals will be interrupted. Make sure you move around to keep aggro on all monsters.
Frost nova will also prevent mobs from running when they get low hp.

Mage Build
Pretty much any build will do, just make sure that you have improved arcane explosion. If you go frost make sure to get improved crit % of cone of cold as well as lower the cooldown on frost nova. If you go fire then combustion is nice for that initial bang.

Priest Build
Improved PW:S is a very wise investment. Also improved flash heal (70% chance to not be interrupted) is a good thing to have if you want your mage to be able to survive while you are getting hit, however it is not necessary if your mage is doing his job.

Finally, a mage can do this himself without a priest but it is much less efficient. Typically a mage can only do this to 3-5 monsters at a time maximum because of their low hp and no healing abilities. If you do the math, 5/1 is less than 20/2 so by duoing with a priest you are actually increasing your own profits!

Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other guides to make powerleveling

28-05-2006, 19:14
Imam taurena(wariora) lvl 19.Zanima me kako mogu narasti(da budem veci) te kako mogu postici da se brze krecem(trcim).

P.S.-kako najbrze razvijati lvl

28-05-2006, 19:16
sorry zaboravio sam reci da sam WARIOR :o :o :kill:

28-05-2006, 20:22
Lolčina dali si ti možda početnik vidim da neznaš dost????
Da što brže razvijaš lvl je tako da se boriš na battlegroundu ili da radiš neke komplicirane questove!!!
POZZDRAV :rotfl:

28-05-2006, 21:23
Imam taurena lvl 19.Zanima me kako mogu narasti(da budem veci) te kako mogu postici da se brze krecem(trcim).

P.S.-kako najbrze razvijati lvl

pod tim da budesh veci mislish na izgled lika... to mozesh dobiti potionima al samo na odredeno vrijeme (ne za stalno) a da brze trcish kupish si na lvl 40 nekog mounta....i to je to... al lvl-ima ti like "ne raste" stalno je iste velicine...


28-05-2006, 21:26
Kada sam pitao kako najbrze razvijati lvl nisam mislio na izgled lika

28-05-2006, 21:41
e pa krivo si se izrazio... reko si kako da postanesh veci... nisi spominjo lvl il nesht slicno... anyway..

Imam Feebasa/Milotca
28-05-2006, 21:48
Čemu žurba ionako ti treba 3 mj. non-stop igre da sve počistiš, a ovo je glupost juriti na lvl60 što prije. Prebrzo će ti dosadit, a i propustit češ dobar dio zabave.

29-05-2006, 07:28
WoW Guides is that way ===>

WoW Fan
29-05-2006, 09:47
Idi na http://www.wow-pro.com.imasSsve tamo

WoW Fan
29-05-2006, 09:48

29-05-2006, 13:45

29-05-2006, 14:09
Da što brže razvijaš lvl je tako da se boriš na battlegroundu ili da radiš neke komplicirane questove!!!

BG je prespor za dobivanje lvla.Dobiješ oko 1000 xp po meču,a mečevi se znaju bit dosta dugački ( mi smo se jednom 3 sata jebali s alijansom ) i još moraš pobjedit.Neisplati se jednostavno.

Moj savjet ti je: nemoj brzo lvlat.Igra će ti dosadit vjeruj mi.Lijepo polako questaj,nađi si neki guild s dobrom ekipom i uzivaj u igri jednostavno.Tu i tamo odi u bg čisto radi zabave :wink:

29-05-2006, 14:44
heh ...ja sam zarazio 5 frendova sa WoW-om prije otprilike mjesec dana...nabrijani su ful na WoW..sad lijepo svi skupa questamo .-uživamo-ownamo...levelujemo...zakon...i tak..najdi si ekipu s kojom češ stalno igrat i deri

29-05-2006, 18:41
I ja imam dobru ekipu, ali su svi 20 lvla manji od mene :( :( :rotfl:

29-05-2006, 21:57
i ja sam navuko par frendova na wow... al sad mi je zao... sam cekam kad ce mi njihovi starci pokucat na vrata i rec:" ti si kriv sto mi je sin pao razred.... vi i vase igrice...." :rotfl:

29-05-2006, 22:22
hehe :rotfl: igrice opet :D

30-05-2006, 10:08
I ja imam dobru ekipu, ali su svi 20 lvla manji od mene :( :( :rotfl:
neka neka ja cu jednog dana doci do lvla 60 a onda :fof:

15-06-2006, 23:34
i ja bih igrao wow. t-com :twisted:

15-06-2006, 23:44
eh da... i ja cekam dsl... od 11. mjeseca... da puknesh... al ide to i modemom... sam sto je problem placanje racuna... :rotfl:

28-06-2006, 18:41
Čemu žurba ionako ti treba 3 mj. non-stop igre da sve počistiš, a ovo je glupost juriti na lvl60 što prije. Prebrzo će ti dosadit, a i propustit češ dobar dio zabave.

Vjeruj mi kad dojdes na 60 igra tek počinje :D

28-06-2006, 23:57
Vjeruj mi kad dojdes na 60 igra tek počinje :D

Yep ideš za opremom a to trajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

30-06-2006, 11:26
neki vele igra saxxa big time kad dođeš do 60....meni je tek počela...VOLIM RAIDATI VOLIM VOLIM GIEF TRANCENDECE :)

01-07-2006, 21:29
yea.... jurnjava za setovima zna potrajat.... al kad skupish neki set... onda si car...

08-12-2006, 20:46
iam problem.danas sam kupio (original) Wow.registrirao sam se ali kad se pokušam loginat,piše mi neš kao downloading update,onda me izbaci na deskop i počne se nešto skidat.aj dobro ja to skinio,rekel možda neki patch.ali i nakon što sam ga skinuo,opet se isto ponvi.znam da sam n00b,ali novi sam u wow stoga molim odgovar!!1

08-12-2006, 21:55
moras patchirat sve do zadnjeg patcha (2.0.1) a ak si inst i nisi patchiro onda moras sve patcheve proc da bi doso do tog zadnjeg... inace nemos igrat...

09-12-2006, 00:35
Vjerojatno moraš skinut 1-1.5 gige, ovisno o tome koji patch je na tim CDima iz dućana.

09-12-2006, 16:33
e ljudi fala,skinio sam potreban patch, i u ovih nekoliko (haha moš mislit) sati WoW mi je postala jedna od naj igrica,.HVALA!

11-12-2006, 16:38
ja imam pare za wow ali cekam da optima dode u Rijeku!!!
For the love of God, when will it come!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

11-12-2006, 20:40
ja imam pare za wow ali cekam da optima dode u Rijeku!!!
For the love of God, when will it come!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Dreamer Deceiver
11-12-2006, 20:41


13-12-2006, 22:46
mene takoder zanima...
vidio sam ga jos davno i skinuo sliku al niko nije znao nista o tome...
http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/2041 ... 9hyob3.jpg (http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/2041/bscap00019hyob3.jpg)

Cyric the BLood God
14-12-2006, 12:49
mene takoder zanima...
vidio sam ga jos davno i skinuo sliku al niko nije znao nista o tome...
http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/2041 ... 9hyob3.jpg (http://img469.imageshack.us/img469/2041/bscap00019hyob3.jpg)

reborn UI ako se ne varam ima ga Veruda imo sam ga i ja ali sam popizdio dok sam ga namjestao